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Barking Up the Wrong Eritrea

23-8-2023 < Counter Currents 20 2176 words

Satyel Larson, an Assistant Professor at Princeton University, is offering a course that depicts blacks as disabled. Could she be on to something?

1,805 words

Everywhere there are large numbers of blacks and other non-whites, chaos ensues. That is not news to Counter-Currents readers, of course, but I think it is important to reiterate this fact ad nauseam until some of the pea-brained automatons that do our globalist-liberal overlords’ bidding have a come-to-Wotan moment. Although it may seem like beating a dead horse, I like to think of it instead as a means to wake up some of our sleepy brethren who still believe in utopian, multicultural claptrap.

I would hope that even some of the most oblivious white people, such as those who live right next door to us, may have done a bit too much noticing this summer. Maybe they had their car stolen, or connected some obvious dots about tent cities and the precipitous rise of crime. Better yet, maybe they even decided that out-of-control mass migration that imports more of these plague zombies into our otherwise peaceful homelands is simply a really bad idea.

The migrant crisis, along with non-white crime, is reaching into areas where the elites like to hang their expensive hats and sip their martinis. This is a new revelation to some members of the upper classes who normally do not feel the immediate sting of being swamped by migrants. When they are sheltered in their gilded cocoons, they are amazingly liberal, but when they’re directly impacted and it’s right in their frozen botoxed faces, they turn into ardent immigration restrictionists — well, almost. Although this is ironic and darkly hilarious, it may in the long run be helpful, if only to amplify the calls for immigration moratoriums.

In one particular case, a hotel with the distinction of typically courting the more affluent has surrendered its rooms to house non-white migrants. In an effort to swamp the United States demographically, even high-end hotels are being enlisted to facilitate this ongoing scourge. In New York, the Collective Paper Factory, a trendy four-star hotel in Long Island City, has converted all of its 125 “loft-style” rooms into residences for asylum-seekers. By mid-August, 16 families had already moved in. The erstwhile hotel-turned-asylum-center has a gym, communal spaces, meeting rooms, a bar, and a restaurant. New York City Mayor Eric Adams did not comment on how many migrants would eventually be housed there. To add insult to injury, many American citizens who are struggling to make ends meet would love to live there, but the globalist-liberal regime values foreigners’ lives over their own.

Something really must be done, however, when Lady Gaga’s dad is complaining about his neighborhood being overrun by migrants. Joe Germanotta, 66, the singer’s father and a restaurateur, is concerned about the deterioration of his own neighborhood after the Stratford Arms Hotel, which normally serves as a residence for the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA), was quietly converted into a flophouse for migrants. Germanotta told The New York Post:

It was a stealth operation. They were bused in the middle of the night, like when they flew them into Westchester, they didn’t want anybody to know what was going on. . . . It was all pretty rapid. . . . There’s now 500 migrants living in that dormitory. That’s when all the mayhem began.

Since their invasion, the migrants have held block parties outside the hotel that go on throughout the night, prostitution is now rampant, adolescent girls and children are being catcalled, and reckless motor-scooter drivers are careening through the streets.

Speaking of newcomers causing difficulties in their newly-adopted countries, the trend has continued in Canada as Eritrean cultural festivities turned violent. I had no idea that it was important to have such a large contingent of the Eritrean diaspora in Canada, but they are undoubtedly an invaluable part of Canadian multi-culture. In early August the Festival Eritrea Toronto, billed as a sports and cultural event celebrating the vibrant African state located on the Horn of Africa, turned violent.

The festival was scheduled to hold events at different venues around Toronto from August 5 through 7, and one of them took place in Earlscourt Park. On Saturday, August 5, police were called to the park after learning of multiple fights, as well as a man wielding a knife. According to reports, approximately 200 protesters who oppose the ruling government in Eritrea accused the festival’s organizers and attendees of supporting a brutal regime. Suffice it to say that all the combatants were very black and very Eritrean. When the dust settled following a significant police response, nine people had been transported to the hospital, with one in serious condition after suffering multiple stab wounds. Others were treated for minor injuries.

The City of Toronto issued a press release that very night indicating that the festival had been cancelled in the interest of public safety. The very next day, however, there was another Eritrean rumble outside a downtown hotel that spilled into the lobby. There were multiple injuries again, and another significant police response was needed to quell the violence.

At a near-identical gathering of the Eritrean community in Sweden, thousands of attendees and protesters clashed in a giant melee. The gathering took place on August 3 in the Järvafältet, a large, forested area that connects several of Stockholm’s northern suburbs. Protestors crashed through barricades, torched tents, and battered organizers and attendees in an explosion of prototypical black behavior. Dozens of people were detained, one person was charged with arson, and 50 people were injured, with eight being hospitalized.

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The festivities continued in Edmonton in Alberta, Canada, where yet more Eritreans battled each other in a field in the city’s west end. It was an astounding example of cultural enrichment: “It was a chaotic scene with few if any parallels in Edmonton’s history: hundreds of men clashing on a field — some in blue, others in orange — carrying sticks and poles flying brightly coloured flags.” This prompted a reading of the Riot Act by a contingent of approximately 80 well-armed and armored Edmonton police.

Denizens of African heritage are restless this summer. The trend continued in Canada’s federal capital of Ottawa. According to the Ottawa Police website, 15 protestors stormed the Embassy of Senegal on August 1, 2023: “Shortly before noon, a group of demonstrators forced their way into the Embassy of Senegal in Ottawa and committed a number of offences including Assault, Mischief over $5000, Forcible entry, and Conspiracy to commit an indictable offence.” The press release includes photographs of all the perpetrators, as the investigation into the incident is ongoing. This was linked to ongoing unrest in Senegal. One of the country’s opposition leaders, Ousmane Sonko, was arrested by the government and was slapped with restrictions on his Internet usage.

Meanwhile, in the state of California there was yet another smash-and-grab robbery at a high-end retail outlet in the Los Angeles area. This one occurred over the weekend. Video footage shows upwards of 50 black youths descending on the store like a horde of locusts. They targeted some higher-end displays of Louis Vuitton products and got away with over $100,000 in merchandise. The mob also attacked security personnel with bear spray. This all-too-typical attack happened in the Topanga neighborhood of Los Angeles.

In an open letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom, the CEO of one of the state’s oldest luxury retailers has declared the state to now be unlivable. John Chachas, CEO of Gump’s, likewise took both the city and state leadership to task. Chachas’ open letter to government officials was published as a full-page ad in the San Francisco Chronicle. The scathing letter, addressed to Governor Newsom, Mayor Breed, and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, cites “the profound erosion of this city’s current conditions.” The letter states that the city is suffering from a tyranny of the minority, with the actions of a few jeopardizing the lives and livelihoods of the many:

The ramifications of COVID policies advising people to abandon their offices are only beginning to be understood. Equally devastating have been a litany of destructive San Francisco strategies, including allowing the homeless to occupy our sidewalks to openly distribute and use illegal drugs, to harass the public and to defile the city’s streets. Such abject disregard for civilized conduct makes San Francisco unlivable for its residents, unsafe for our employees, and unwelcoming to visitors from around the world.

San Francisco has approximately 7,754 homeless people; of that number, an estimated 4,400 sleep on the streets, in tents, or in vehicles. John Chachas has been vocal in the recent past about the city’s rampant crime and the challenges associated with running a business in a hostile urban environment.

Satyel Larson, an Assistant Professor at Princeton University, is offering a course that depicts blacks as disabled. The argument is that they are so inhibited and suppressed in white-dominated countries that they should receive all sorts of special treatment. Isn’t that already happening? Maybe an alternative interpretation is that blacks are so dysfunctional that they deserve to have their own place, their own space — preferably on another continent, such as Africa, or better yet, another planet.

In a news story that further illustrates the Princeton Professor’s claim, James Woods posted a video of black youths swarming cars on a Philadelphia street, jumping on the hoods of some vehicles while yelling, gesticulating, and filming. But we must be lenient, as they will all be football heroes in the near future.

Speaking of American gridiron football, a National Football League (NFL) player was recently arrested for a number of bizarrely violent infractions. Robert Quinn, a former defensive lineman, decided to crash into everything in sight of his now-wrecked pickup truck. According to a spokesman for the Summerville, South Carolina police, Quinn suddenly drove off the road he was on and struck several vehicles. Moreover, according to arrest affidavits, he even assaulted a woman who was

sitting in her car in her driveway when Quinn drove into her vehicle. When she approached him to ask what he was doing, Quinn allegedly offered to buy her beer and then ‘subsequently grabbed her by the shoulders, stated ‘listen to me and struck her with an open hand across the face.’

After turning himself in, Quinn is now awaiting his fate as a resident of the Dorchester County Detention Center.

Even though the foregoing was an eclectic mix of news stories from North America and Europe, it illustrates the fundamental axiom that race is culture and culture is race. There is moral good in inequality and recognizing the fact that there is no equality in human nature. Blacks and other non-whites are not compatible with Western Civilization; they are being used to destroy the last vestiges of what we recognize as our homelands. Our people — white people of European heritage — are inexorably caught up in this maelstrom. Let us hope that more of our people wake up to this reality.

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