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Jonathan Bowden Biography Project

22-8-2023 < Counter Currents 21 277 words

220 words

In June, Counter-Currents committed to publishing a biography of Jonathan Bowden. (Author to be revealed at a later date.) This biography will take some years to research and write.  But it is never too soon to begin collecting materials for such a project, for with each passing year, people die, memories dim, and objects are devoured by time. Please contact me at [email protected] if you have such materials as:

  • Photos of Jonathan. (I would particularly like to have a good scan of the photo above for the cover of the next Jonathan Bowden anthology, The Cultured Thug. We will acknowledge the source if he wishes and give him a free copy of the book.)

  • Reminiscences of Jonathan that you are willing to share in written or audio form.

  • Correspondence with Jonathan. (Even brief emails are useful for establishing chronologies.)

  • Copies of rare publications and unpublished works.

  • Artworks by Jonathan.

  • Recordings of speeches, interviews, and podcast appearances that are not yet available online.

I will pay any scanning, postage, and transcription fees. We will make all documentation available via the Jonathan Bowden Archive. We will acknowledge all donors, unless you wish to remain anonymous. Finally, all contributors will receive a copy of one of the Jonathan Bowden anthologies published by Counter-Currents, or the Bowden biography (when it is finished).

Greg Johnson
