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The Worst Week Yet: August 6-12, 2023

14-8-2023 < Counter Currents 19 2809 words

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Say “Hi” to Gen Alpha, America’s First Majority Non-White Generation

In his 1920 book The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, Lothrop Stoddard warned that unless an immediate moratorium was placed on non-white immigration into white-majority countries, white dominance over geopolitical affairs would be lost amid a “tide” of non-white fecundity. Wikipedia’s page on the book categorizes it under “White genocide conspiracy theory.”

In 1920, the United States was approximately 90% white. It’s to be assumed that when Stoddard used the word “tide,” it was in the sense of a demographic tsunami, a sort of mass biological drowning.

Last week in an article titled “America’s white majority is aging out,” writer Daniel De Visé used a metaphor similar to Stoddard’s “tide,” but in this case the word “wash” seems to imply a righteous cleansing rather than a tragic drowning:

America’s white majority, and its numbered days, is a lightning-rod topic, given the nation’s history of slavery and enduring patterns of discrimination against minorities and immigrants. . . . In the decades to come, that wave of diversity will wash across the generations, yielding an America with no single racial group that can claim a numerical majority. [emphasis added]

De Visé seems to be implying that the one-two punch of non-white slavery — the existence of which I don’t think anyone is denying — as well as the entirely imaginary “enduring patterns of discrimination against minorities and immigrants” make the dwindling white majority a “lightning-rod topic” because once the minorities and immigrants outnumber them, they’re going to have every right to seek legal and perhaps even extra-judicial vengeance against the vanquished white majority who kept abusing them for more than 150 years ever after slavery ended, for crissakes.

De Visé also writes:

Generation Z will be the last generation of Americans with a white majority, according to census data. The nation’s so-called majority minority arrived with Generation Alpha, those born since about 2010. . . . Barely two decades from now, around 2045, non-Hispanic white people will fall below half as a share of the overall U.S. population.

And not only is the US more demographically mixed, it is far more desegregated than before. The article states that the “average white American now lives in a neighborhood where roughly 1 in 3 residents identifies as a race other than white.”

In 1965, the US was approximately 84% white. That year, when arguing in favor of the Hart-Celler Act, Senator Ted Kennedy promised everyone that the bill would not significantly alter the nation’s demographics. He also used the same “tide/wash” symbolism as Stoddard and De Visé, but in this case he promised that there wouldn’t be a “flood”:

First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same . . . Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset . . . Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia . . . In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think. . . . The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.

Either Ted Kennedy was woefully ignorant or blatantly lying, because as of July 1, 2022, the US Census estimates that the country’s percentage of non-Hispanic whites is 58.9%.

These days, the trend is getting so hard to ignore that even bland-as-cardboard mainstream conservatives such as Matt Walsh are not only noticing, they’re talking about the fact that you’re not supposed to talk about it. Last Thursday on The Matt Walsh Show, he made the startling allegation that in the current scheme of things, rare breeds of hummingbirds are deemed worthier of conservation than “the white race” is:

The first is the story itself, which is the demographic trend where whites are trending towards extinction in the United States. Like, that’s the way it’s headed. And then the other part of the story is the veil of silence around this issue, the wall that is erected around it. . . . You aren’t allowed to talk much about it. You certainly — you certainly can’t be concerned about it. You’re not allowed to express any concern. That’s unthinkable. To hear that whites are on their way to minority status and the white population is declining, the worst that you could possibly do is — to talk about it at all is already a problem, but to suggest that there’s any reason at all to be concerned about that, or to be anything less than thrilled by that development is incredibly racist, we’re told. . . . I mean — think if there’s a particular type of, I don’t know, hummingbird that’s going extinct. Even for that, we’re supposed to panic. And if I were to say, hey, whatever. I mean, what does it matter? . . . The preservation of the hummingbird community is more important than the preservation of the white race. . . . In fact, you can’t even talk about the preservation of the white race — even saying that word, that phrase is tantamount to being in the Klan.

In an August 1 report for the Brookings Institution titled “New 2020 census data shows an aging America and wide racial gaps between generations,” William H. Frey makes the following points, which I’m summarizing rather than quoting:

  • There’s a tremendous “racial generation gap” in America. Whites comprise roughly three-quarters of those over 65, but only about 47% of those under 18. The tail end of Gen Z has combined with Gen Alpha so that the majority of American children are now non-white. This shift had previously been verified by the 2020 US Census.

  • In 2020, the median age for white Americans was 44.5; for blacks, it was 34.8, and for Hispanics it was 30.

  • In 2000, nearly 61% of whites were under 18; in 2020, the quotient had dipped below half.

Last Thursday was the 77th birthday of French essayist Renaud Camus, author of the 2011 book Le Grand Remplacement and the man who’s credited as the primary disseminator of the “Great Replacement” meme. Wikipedia says that the Great Replacement is the idea that

with the complicity or cooperation of “replacist” elites. the ethnic French and white European populations at large are being demographically and culturally replaced with non-white peoples — especially from Muslim-majority countries — through mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the birth rate of white Europeans.

Wikipedia also describes this idea as a “far-right white nationalist conspiracy theory,” and as we all know, conspiracy theories are only for cranks. So ignore the numbers: There was no tide, nor was there a flood, of non-whites washing over the evil white majority. It was just another kooky “conspiracy theory,” so it’s dead in the water.

Autistic Girl Says British Cop Looks Like Her Lesbian Grandma, Gets Arrested

This tight-lipped and immensely unhappy-looking individual is an officer with the West Yorkshire Police in northern England. I was going to ask, “Does this look like a lesbian to you?”, but it would probably be just as fair to ask, “Does this thing even look like a woman to you?” Even better: “Does it even look human to you?”

The West Yorkshire police are not exactly known for being — how shall I say this? — tough on crime. In 2013, two years after Leeds-born British celebrity and posthumously infamous pedophile Jimmy Savile had died, they released a report claiming that there were “currently 76 crimes involving 68 victims committed in the West Yorkshire area relating to Savile,” but although they said none of the offenses had been reported prior to his death, they admitted that there’d been an “overreliance on personal friendships” between Savile and members of the force.

From 1975 to 1980, Peter Sutcliffe, AKA the “Yorkshire Ripper,” murdered 13 women, all but two of them in West Yorkshire. After Sutcliffe’s abduction and conviction, the West Yorkshire police faced public scorn after it was revealed that they’d interviewed — and released — him nine times over the course of their investigation.

In 2005, after the July 7 bombings in London that killed 56 (including the four bombers), the West Yorkshire Police allegedly faced criticism for failing to follow up on rumors that the bombers had practiced for the mass slaughter by setting off explosives in a public park in Leeds.

The West Yorkshire Police were also subjected to widespread scorn for being very slow on the draw to stop the Huddersfield grooming gang from preying upon indigenous English girls.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

To recap: The West Yorkshire Police go easy on pedophiles, serial killers, grooming gangs, and terrorist bombers in training.

But don’t you dare suggest that one of their cops looks like your lesbian grandmother.

Shortly after midnight on Monday, August 7, an 18-year-old girl who, according to her mother, was “was out supporting gay pride with her friends” in Leeds City Centre called West Yorkshire Police to report that her 16-year-old sister Amanda, who is diagnosed with autism, had somehow gotten all liquored-up and was putting herself at risk. The older sister allegedly called police because she was unable to reach her mother at home.

The mother, who claims to be a breast-cancer survivor, goes by the pseudonym “Nikita Snow” online and posts weird high-filter TikTok videos of herself putting on makeup and leering at the camera, told the website REDUXX:

They said they were just bringing her home safely. . . . [But] one of the officers had hold of Amanda and was squeezing her arm very tightly. She asked me to get [the officer] off her arm as it was hurting so I guided my daughter inside.

[Amanda] said “I think she’s a lesbian like nanna Julie.” . . . I just felt a jolt on my back . . . the officer had launched herself in my home at me and Amanda. She was grabbing her.

She was crying and saying sorry to the police woman. That’s when I grabbed my phone and started recording.

For comparison, here is a picture of Nanna Julie, whom the autistic girl’s mother says is a certified lesbian who is married to a woman, and here is a photo of the decidedly unfeminine West Yorkshire cop in the midst of raging at the autistic girl’s mother and informing her that additional police are en route to arrest her for making a “homophobic” comment. I think both women look like lesbians, but whereas Nanna Julie resembles Shemp Howard, the unnamed cop looks more like Conan O’Brien.

And for your viewing pleasure/self-torture, here is the video of the mayhem at this working-class household as a total of seven police fill its cramped quarters while the mother screams that her child is autistic, the lesbian-looking cop screams that she doesn’t care and that she’s getting arrested anyway, and the autistic girl begins screaming and punching herself at all the overstimulation. The video also depicts the girl being dragged out of the house, and when she falls to the ground, the police attempt to yank her upright by her arms despite her mother’s protestations that the girl suffers from scoliosis and shouldn’t be jerked around like a ragdoll.

The girl’s mother posted on Facebook:

At no point was my daughter violent towards the police. She did at one point punch the wall as she was mirroring the police woman’s anger, something she tends to do a lot, she absorbs emotions and copies them. One of the reasons I was trying to get the police woman removed from my home because I didn’t want it to escalate further where she did reach total meltdown as her meltdowns can be violent. . . . I’m not a bad parent I’m an advocate for my children ain’t nobody can tell me otherwise.

Ps. She didn’t get the alcohol from my house, nor do I let her drink, like some people have suggested. I do not drink and do not know where she got the alcohol from as she hasn’t disclosed that bit to me yet but she will eventually tell me. I won’t be sharing though cos it’s none of y’all business thats [sic] for me to deal with as her parent. At the end of the day the police were called to help the situation but they made it worse. Like they always do.

The girl was reportedly held in jail for 20 hours before being released. On Friday, the West Yorkshire Police issued a statement saying that the girl had initially been “arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offence” but that it had been decided not to take further action. It quoted an officer with the decidedly British name of Oz Khan that his department appreciates “the understandable sensitivities around incidents involving young people and neurodiversity.”

The cop who looks like a lesbian was unavailable for comment.

Six-Year-Old School Shooter: “I Shot That Bitch Dead”

On January 6 of this year, an unnamed six-year-old black boy used a Taurus 9mm semi-automatic handgun to shoot his 25-year-old white teacher Abby Zwerner in her classroom at the Richneck Elementary School in Newport News, Virginia. Zwerner survived the shooting, but with injuries to her hand and chest.

The boy is named as “John Doe” in official documents, but with respect to the fact that he’s black, I’ll call him “LeJean D’Eau.”

After the story made national headlines, it emerged that the boy had been previously accused of:

  • Smashing and breaking Zwerner’s cellphone, which led to a suspension that embittered little LeJean and possibly culminated in the alleged attempted murder two days later.

  • Attempting to strangle his kindergarten teacher.

  • Grabbing a female student and poking at her naughty parts.

  • Chasing other students around the schoolyard with a belt and threatening to whip them in what was clearly an act of vengeance for his deeply embedded genetic memories of slavery.

  • Barricading the doors to a classroom shut, preventing a teacher and her students from leaving.

  • Handing a teacher a note saying he hated her and wanted to set her on fire and kill her.

As if all of that wasn’t gangsta enough for you, now comes word from Abby Kovac, a reading teacher who reportedly held the boy captive after the shooting until police arrived, that he told her:

I did it. I got my mom’s gun last night. I shot that bitch dead.

It bears noting that at age six, little LeJean D’Eau is a member of Generation Alpha: America’s first majority-non-white generation.

Jim Goad

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