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The Counter-Currents 2023 Fundraiser: Help Us to Break Down the Citadel of Falsehood

11-8-2023 < Counter Currents 27 843 words

773 words

Like all journals of dissident ideas, Counter-Currents depends on the support of our readers. So far this year, we’ve raised $68,423.84 of our $300,000 goal. I want to thank everyone who has donated so far. (Please donate here!) This week, our long-time writer Morris van de Camp offers a few words on why your support for Counter-Currents is crucial to defeat the citadel of lies that we are facing.

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Unlike Black Lives Matter advocates, or activists purporting to speak for any other non-white group, no white advocate is getting rich fighting for his people. In fact, white advocates everywhere are under threat of job loss, social scorn, and physical attack.

Furthermore, white advocates are facing a social narrative that is well-established. Those who think that we are merely expressing the median American opinion of 50 years ago are not entirely correct. Even then, the “civil rights” revolution was already dominant. Three decades before that, President Harry Truman, who considered himself an unreconstructed Southerner, found it politically advantageous to integrate the military — and American wars now go unwon. His administration likewise quietly worked to advance sub-Saharan and Jewish aims in other areas. And before that, “civil rights” was winning in the courts in the early 1930s.

Negro Worship, America’s most malign theological contagion, has been around since at least the 1820s. In the early nineteenth century, American Yankees in Upstate New York swooned over Sojourner Truth, although the race she represented eventually went on to wreck every city across the North in which they settled.

We are facing a daunting citadel that is protecting the fashionable moral falsehood of “civil rights.” This Negro Worship, among other “civil rights” oppressions, turns right into wrong. It coddles criminals and oppresses those who fight them. It has created a situation where every person of influence in the United States — ministers, military officers, politicians, and others — puts perception and appearances over truth. This poison has expanded outwards. Non-whites run wild across the white world, and obvious solutions to the problem are deliberately kept from being implemented.

For the time being, turning things around through direct action or the usual means that Leftists use to get what they want is implausible. But moral movements such as ours ultimately triumph regardless. Moral movements require two things, the first being a body of literature that sheds light upon the truth. We at Counter-Currents are developing that body of work. This is a website that offers content from across the spectrum of history, philosophy, religion, and current events. It is an online university by our people and for our people. It doesn’t engage in gossip or the trivial. It will go on to inspire future generations.

The other thing a moral movement needs is moral adherents. The older I get, the more the sayings and attitudes of those boring squares who I had thought were so irritating as a teenager have proven to be correct. One needs to dress professionally, act and speak professionally, work hard, and avoid substance abuse and sexually reckless behavior. In their personal and professional lives, all white advocates should seek to act like an upstanding deacon in a church. If you don’t know how to do that, go find such a deacon and follow his lead.

Moral people also need to donate to moral causes. Donations are the bedrock of all moral causes. Counter-Currents has a staff, and they need to be paid for their hard work. Keeping this site online also costs money, both for the equipment involved and for those experts who protect it against denial-of-service attacks and other cyber-shenanigans.

This website easily gets hundreds of thousands of readers every month, and they are undoubtedly influenced by it and go on to apply what they read in the real world. So today, I’m asking these readers to donate a small amount of their hard-earned cash. If everyone who reads this site were to chip in even single dollar, this year’s funding drive would be over in a week. With even a small amount, you can help to break down the walls of the citadel of falsehood that has been keeping us under its sway and destroying our civilization for decades.

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There are many ways to help, but the easiest is with an e-check donation. All you need is your checkbook.

You can explore all your donation options on our newly-redesigned Donate page.

Also, check out our new Paywall page!

For a preview of events in the coming year, check out our birthday page.

Remember: Those who fight for a better world live in it today.

Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.

Greg Johnson
