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Come for the Giveaway, Stay for the Riot

8-8-2023 < Counter Currents 24 1419 words

Kai Cenat

1,061 words

A self-proclaimed “lit content creator” named Kai Cenat caused a riot this past Friday. The obnoxious black hood rat, who has millions of followers on Twitch, YouTube, and Twitter, hosted a giveaway in Union Square in New York City. Did he follow the proper procedures to get a permit for such a large gathering? Of course he did not. Kai Cenat and another black Twitch streamer named Fanum were on hand to preside over this modern-day potlatch.

These magnanimous tribal chieftains planned to give out gaming consoles, gift cards, and other assorted electronic-related goodies to their feral fans, most of whom are black. Cenat is one of the most popular streamers on Twitch according to TwitchTracker, a website that ranks personalities based on their number of paid subscribers and other statistics. The giveaway was set for 4 PM, and yet a huge crowd was already on hand by 3. A video posted to Cenat’s Twitch page shows him bragging about the PlayStation 5 game systems he was about to gift to his adoring fans, along with a massive stack of $100-dollar gift cards. It shows the moments just before he emerged from his vehicle, and when he exits, the scene degenerates into abject chaos as they are beset on all sides by the rabid crowd. That video has since been removed.

The event degenerated into a veritable riot as the angry mob of blacks destroyed cars, fought amongst themselves, hurled obscenities, and vandalized anything they could get their hands on. They ignored police admonishments to disperse, jumped on smashed vehicles, and taunted police while hurling projectiles at them. It has been described as a “full-on riot.” The New York Police Department (NYPD) escalated their mobilization status as the situation in Union Square deteriorated. In another now-removed video, Cenat videoed the illegal gathering’s roiling, screaming chaos.

Police warned of public transit disruptions and traffic delays as the situation became chaotic; they estimated that 2,000 people had gathered. Based on some overhead aerial footage, photographs, and street-level videos, however, that appears to be a very conservative estimate of the crowd. It looked as if an entire horde of plague zombies had descended on Union Square. The New York City official alert system warned people to stay away from the area, and the message was repeated on the NYPD’s official Twitter account as well.

Kai Cenat and 65 others were arrested during the mayhem. Cenat was charged with inciting a riot, among others.

The unspoken assumption is that this was the result of large numbers of blacks congregating in a small area. So many of these black social-media influencers default to their original racial programming: They promote nihilistic gangsta culture and conspicuous consumption that is articulated in their very own version of illiterate Ebonics, the black Esperanto.

Reporters from the New York Post have added weight to the charge that Cenat did indeed incite his fan base to riot based on their partial transcription of one of his Shakespearean livestreams that aired prior to Friday’s chaos. In it, he overtly encourages his feral acolytes to run amok:

We’re making sure to have good like protection and shit. You already know, we’re trying to chill and shit. All my New York niggers, I fucking love you niggers to death. But y’all niggers are wild. Y’all niggers are animals, bro. Let’s be real, bro. When you niggers get too lit, when there’s too much going on, like, niggers start violating shit. That shit might end really quick depending on how rowdy you get and shit like that. Make sure you pull up with somebody. Just make sure you pull up with a friend to make sure y’all are good and shit like that. Now, look: It is a public area. So anything can happen, bro. Anything can happen. New York is fucking insane, nigger. But I need all my New York niggers out there. We’re gonna go crazy, bro.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.

This incoherent language, rife with expletives, is only fit to articulate the nihilistic gangsta culture produced by blacks.

On Saturday, August 5, New York City Mayor Eric Adams held a press event in Brooklyn that addressed issues of public safety. While the event was ostensibly geared towards a recent so-called hate crime incident involving a Muslim aggressor and a gay male victim, Adams spoke to the events of the previous day’s riot when prompted by questions from reporters. Interestingly, and almost predictably, his response emphasized personal concerns and downplayed mayoral responsibility for the maintenance of public safety. He emphasized the fact that he had contacted his own son during the mayhem:

We saw it yesterday down at Union Square. This is not a policing issue, this is a parenting issue, and we need to be clear on that. Police is the response after an incident happened, but there should be a proactive approach. When I looked at what happened in Union Square, the first thing I did was text my son and say, “Where are you? Are you in Union Square?” And I wonder, with the thousands of children who were there hurling dangerous objects at police officers, disrespecting the residents in the area, attacking each other, how many parents text their children?

Of course, a black mayor is not going to even broach the subject of real, unsolvable problems in the black community such as sky-high illegitimacy rates, rampant criminality, low IQ, and their propensity for rioting when gathered in large groups, because that would be anathema to black group interests. It is also noteworthy that Mayor Adams described the rioters as “children.” That’s because the infantilization of blacks despite their appallingly feral behavior is ubiquitous at this point. When they reenact a scene from Planet of the Apes, they have no agency, they are merely children; but when they put a ball in a basket, they are heroes.

Subsequent to the riotous proceedings, the NYPD is now seeking some noteworthy individuals. If you take a look at some of the images provided to FOX News, many of the miscreants revelling in Friday’s destruction are smiling with glee. The entire cast and crew of this production are the usual suspects.

While many isolated pockets of white American culture remain quite healthy, this guttural expression of black nihilism is completely unhealthy and alien. Whites have no obligation to live side-by-side with such people; physical and cultural separation is the only solution.

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