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A Summer of Black Criminality

3-8-2023 < Counter Currents 102 1674 words

Detroit-area reporter Lauren Podell allegedly said that she was tired of reporting on blacks killing each other. Given recent events, it’s hard to disagree.

1,288 words

A Detroit reporter resigned when she allegedly used a racial epithet while in conversation with a colleague in 2016. The allegations against her were dodgy at best, but it nonetheless prompted her to hang up her microphone in favor of less violent pastures. It was alleged by a notorious black agitator named Sam Riddle that the reporter, Lauren Podell, an attractive blonde journalist for an NBC local affiliate, WDIV-TV in Detroit, said, “I’m tired of reporting on these niggers killing one another in Detroit.” Even in 2016, that was a taboo statement to make — albeit the allegations against her were never substantiated.

The accusation of racial improprieties, whether true or false, is enough to ruin white careers. The other more compelling and more pertinent question is: Where is the lie? She spoke the truth. If we fast-forward to the present, the summer of 2023 in the United States has seen a litany of gun violence and other brutal acts of criminality committed by blacks.

In the early morning of this past Sunday, July 31, 2023, gunmen opened fire on a crowd that had gathered for a block party in a predominantly black neighborhood in Muncie, Indiana. Witnesses say one of the gunmen opened fire with an automatic weapon, spraying revelers with bullets. One man was killed and 23 others were wounded. “Stranger comes up and decides to take it personal on somebody he knows in the crowd . . . And you can’t fight against an AR. He let loose in the crowd. Everywhere in the crowd,” an eyewitness said.

A New York Post story dated July 27, 2023 reports that parents Deonta Jermaine Johnson, 27, and Shatia Tiara Welch, 24, were charged with neglect and drug-related offenses after a five-year-old toddler shot and killed his baby brother. The unnamed toddler was found to be high on cocaine when he shot and killed his younger brother, Isiah Johnson, who had marijuana in his system when he died. While the parents were arrested in late July, the incident occurred on March 28, 2023. According to the Lafayette Journal & Courier, the parents were charged with neglect resulting in death, neglect resulting in bodily injury, and neglect of a dependent, in addition to drug dealing and possession charges.

Meanwhile, in San Francisco, shocking video of a naked black woman walking barefoot along the freeway while firing at passing cars was captured on video. The news story dated July 26, 2023 reports that a black woman abandoned her car on San Francisco’s Bay Bridge and began firing a gun at police, all while completely naked. Video footage shows her walking across the lanes of Interstate 80 while shooting at passing cars until all her ammunition was expended. The crazed woman was subsequently arrested, but the incident caused hours of delays.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.

According to a story dated July 24, 2023, a black female in Georgia was caught on camera dragging her daughter by the hair and striking her repeatedly. Concerned neighbors recorded the incident and called the police on this mother-of-the-year. The black woman, 27-year-old Samarria White, has been charged with cruelty in the first degree.

I’m not purposefully picking on the state of Georgia, but there was another incident involving a black football player at the University of Georgia in the news recently. A former linebacker for the university, Adam Anderson, was sentenced after a plea deal was reached with prosecutors. He was initially charged with felony rape of two young women, although those charges were downgraded. He pleaded guilty to two charges of misdemeanor battery. For this, he received a paltry one year in prison.

Another incident in Georgia saw a 68-year-old female employee of Lowe’s hardware store beaten by three black home renovation specialists. Like so many retail outlets, Lowe’s’ policy is for employees to refrain from pursuing thieves even if they are visibly stealing items, to ensure employee safety. This lady, Donna Hansbrough, decided to pursue the three black future rocket scientists into the parking lot, however. She grabbed their cart, which was full of stolen goods, and was beaten for her trouble. Lowe’s responded in the very best way possible: They fired their loyal employee of 13 years. Hansbrough said afterwards:

Didn’t expect to get terminated, maybe a reprimand or a suspension. I just got tired of seeing things get out the door. I just, I lost it. I basically lost all the training. Everything they tell you to do, I just. . . I just lost it.

In another example of brazen retail theft, a pack of aspiring entrepreneurs in California took the initiative to don hoodies and brandish weapons in order to commit a daylight smash-and-grab robbery on an upscale clothing store in Los Angeles on July 31. In a shocking but increasingly common type of video, nine men are seen running out of a Gucci store located in the Westfield Century City mall. They absconded with bags, suitcases, jewelry, and other items in a pell-mell run for the exit as employees, shoppers, and security guards looked on. One lackadaisical security guard appears to simply let the events unfold without intervening; he was widely mocked on social media.

On the very same day in Irvine, California, thieves robbed a Jewels By Alan shop. It is estimated that the thieves stole in upwards of $900,000 in luxury goods. In a near-identical incident, thieves wearing facemasks used hammers to shatter display cases. Two women who were in the store at the time can be seen hitting the deck in the video. According to the National Retail Federation, three California cities are ranked in the top ten for retail theft, while Los Angeles takes first prize in that prestigious contest.

On July 19, a 60-year-old white cab driver was assaulted by a group of blacks in Manhattan. Two black men and three black women assaulted the white cab driver with fists and even shoes after an argument escalated. The attack occurred near Sixth Avenue and West 34th Street and was captured on camera. The battered cabbie was then taken by ambulance to New York University Hospital.

An elderly white moviegoer suffered a broken nose and other injuries after being viciously assaulted by a black man on July 10 in Pompano Beach, Florida. The proceedings seem to point to angry blacks purposefully looking to pick a fight with whoever happened to be in the VIP section. The victim, a 63-year-old white man who was with his wife, had purchased VIP seats for a screening at the AMC Pompano Theater in Florida. After politely asking the black couple to move from the seats that were actually theirs, the confrontation turned physical. The beating was captured on camera.

Earlier this summer, the lead up to the Fourth of July national holiday in the United States was fraught with violence in black communities. Black behavior on the holiday proper was fully on display as celebrations deteriorated into violence. In his comprehensive essay for American Renaissance, Gregory Hood documents the deadly nature of Juneteenth celebratory killings. Moreover, Jim Goad documents the deadly behavior of Kimbrady Carriker, an insane black transgender Black Lives Matter supporter who suited up in body armor and a ski mask and armed himself with an assault rifle in order to attack a birthday gathering.

A combination of inherent black pathology, warped gangsta culture, and a politically-correct climate of permissiveness has led to a state of near-constant violence. Even though the stories summarized here are but a few examples of such incidents, it shows that sharing our countries with blacks and other non-whites goes against white collective interests.

I will leave you with a quote from my esteemed colleague Spencer J. Quinn: “Whites need to realize that racial integration was anti-white from the very beginning.”

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