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Daniel Friberg Threatens Counter-Currents

27-7-2023 < Counter Currents 21 423 words

Arktos CEO Daniel Friberg (left) with Swedish antifa leader Mathias Wåg (center)

377 words

Daniel Friberg, the owner of Arktos, is threatening Counter-Currents with legal action over two articles about him from 2017:

If you want to understand the background, please read the articles themselves.

Given how chronically underfunded our movement is, and given how unjustly race-conscious whites are treated by system courts, threatening other movement figures with litigation seems like a form of treason akin to doxing.

Of course maybe Friberg doesn’t feel that he is in the same movement with me. But then why should he care about these two articles?

I am frankly baffled by such threats. These articles are more than six years old. They are now mere historical footnotes. Moreover, by some indications, more than half of our readers today have come to us since 2018. Why dig up ancient history and expose it to a vastly larger audience? Besides, due to archiving sites, the Internet is forever.

There is nothing false in these articles. I am confident that I would win any fair hearing. But a legal battle would still cost time, energy, and money. However, since I am one of the few full-time movement people, these are not really my resources. They are the movement’s resources, and I have to use them sparingly. I can think of many better ways to spend them. Friberg, however, seems to have other priorities. Or maybe he has money to burn.

Although it pains me, I am going to spend some of your money to consult with lawyers about my rights and remedies. But, for now, I am going to take these articles down in 48 hours. So enjoy these bits of movement history while you still can.

As always, thank you for your loyal readership and support.

Greg Johnson

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