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Richard Bilkszto and the Race of Spades

25-7-2023 < Counter Currents 17 1559 words

Richard Bilkszto

1,206 words

Fighting back using only the weapons your enemy allows you to use will always fail. This is why we should beware of any so-called allies who insist that we should stick with such dull, worn-out weapons. Either they want us to lose, or they are too clueless to realize how useless these weapons really are.

This occurred to me while reading a Quillette article by Jonathan Kay about the late Canadian school principal Richard Bilkszto. A black Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) trainer from the KOJO Institute named Kike Ojo-Thompson gave a lecture in April 2021 to top Toronto school administrators, intending to shame them and Canada for their supposed racism and white supremacy. Instead of rolling over and accepting the abuse as he and his colleagues were expected to, veteran educator Bilkszto spoke up.

Bilkszto had had experience teaching in the American inner cities and felt he understood where this DEI shill was going wrong. He directly contradicted her, stating that while racism does exist and work still needs to be done to fight it, Canada and its monarchist tradition is not as bad as she had claimed. The historical record is on his side, of course. Slavery was outlawed in Canada many years before the United States Civil War, and Canada was well-known as a destination for the Underground Railroad. Just the fact that the Canadian government is allowing someone like Ojo-Thompson to lecture its educators about racism speaks volumes for its good intentions.

This was not good enough for Ojo-Thompson and her colleagues at KOJO. In response to Bilkszto’s impertinence, they drew out the long knives — and note their overt anti-white racism:

Ojo-Thompson is described to have reacted with vitriol: ‘We are here to talk about anti-Black racism, but you in your whiteness think that you can tell me what’s really going on for Black people?’ Bilkszto replied that racism is very real, and that there’s plenty of room for improvement — but that the facts still show Canada is a fairer place. Another KOJO training facilitator jumped in, telling Bilkszto that “if you want to be an apologist for the U.S. or Canada, this is really not the forum for that.” Ojo-Thompson concluded the exchange by telling the class that “your job in this work as white people is to believe” — not to question — claims of racism.

So whites must simply accept all accusations of racism, huh? Does that mean that blacks need to cooperate when whites accuse them of racism, too? Or is this a one-way street?

After this, Ojo-Thompson and her colleagues smeared Bilkszto as a “white supremacist” and did everything they could to destroy his reputation. Predictably, not one of his colleagues or bosses stood by him. Some even piled on, pillorying him for his “white male privilege.” To his credit, Bilkszto fought back:

For his part, Bilkszto responded by suing the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) for harassment. He also sought a TDSB investigation of Ojo-Thompson’s actions, which the school board refused to conduct. But Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) took the incident more seriously, determining that Bilkszto was owed seven weeks of lost pay due to the mental stress he’d endured.

The WSIB judgment, later obtained by the National Post, concluded that Ojo-Thompson’s behaviour “was abusive, egregious and vexatious, and rises to the level of workplace harassment and bullying,” and that she’d intended to “cause reputational damage and to ‘make an example’” of Bilkszto.

TDSB’s Executive Superintendent Sheryl Robinson Petrazzini even tweeted thanks to KOJO for “modelling the discomfort school administrators may need to experience in order to disrupt ABR [anti-Black [sic] racism].” Bilkszto’s attorney put an immediate stop to that, however, by forcing her to take down the tweet after it had been up for months.

You can buy Spencer J. Quinn’s young adult novel The No College Club here.

Despite this victory, the stress and turmoil of his battle against woke city hall led the 60-year-old Bilkszto to commit suicide this past June. His family claims that the false accusations of racism are what ultimately did him in.

Quillette’s takeaway from this story — beyond its undeniable tragedy – is, of course, the injustice of it all. Kay depicts Bilkszto as a “political progressive who’d devoted more than two decades of his life to the TDSB.” He leads us to believe — most likely accurately — that Bilkszto himself was a brave and honest non-racist who naïvely thought he could demonstrate to Ojo-Thompson where her interpretation of history had gone wrong. This mistake cost him his life, despite his so-called “white male privilege.” Meanwhile, the highly-paid Ojo-Thompson, Petrazzini, and other Canadian social justice educators continue to move from triumph to triumph, peddling their destructive Left-wing ideology like Johnny Appleseed planting poisoned apples all throughout the Great not-so-White North. And as for Jonathan Kay, aside from being a writer and editor for Quillette he’s also an “advisor to The Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism,” according to his own byline. So this rather anodyne takeaway shouldn’t surprise anyone.

The problem, however, is that it’s dead wrong. Kike Ojo-Thompson, Sheryl Robinson Petrazzini, and the rest of them were perfectly justified in what they did. Where Kay paints the Bilkszto affair as a moral struggle between bad-guy racists and good-guy non-racists, in reality we have the evolutionarily fit rooting out and destroying the evolutionarily unfit– and quaint notions of Truth, Justice, and the Canadian Way have absolutely nothing to do with it. In effect, the racists in this drama understood what was really happening far better than the non-racists: namely, that the name of the game is covert demographic warfare. Whenever disparate races inhabit the same geographic space and enjoy the same political rights, racial tensions will inevitably result. This is perfectly natural. Different races and tribes will compete with one another for power, and the point is to win by any means, not tell the truth and come in second.

Of course Ojo-Thompson and the rest of them behaved like scoundrels. They don’t have truth on their side, and they represent a racial group with a low average IQ, poor impulse control, and a history that’s low on accomplishment and overflowing with atrocity. How else are they going to win aside from playing the Race of Spades every chance they get? Does it even matter that they keep a number of those trump cards up their sleeves? If they played fairly and told the truth about race, then blacks as a discrete demographic force would have less political influence, they would certainly receive fewer freebies and privileges, and their racial identity would be shaken. This is not a recipe for winning. We therefore cannot expect them to go that route, and no amount of clever writing by Jonathan Kay is going to change that.

The Race of Spades is the weapon our enemy chooses to use. It is also the weapon our enemy prohibits us — that is, white people — from using. Of course they do, because it is the only weapon that could allow whites to ultimately win. When white people act in their own racial interests and overcome the taboo of speaking frankly about other races (as other races do of us), then we will win.

Quillette’s editors either don’t understand this or don’t want to — and sadly, neither did Richard Bilkszto.

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