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The Dutch Dauber Dabs on Dimwitted Do-Gooders

20-7-2023 < Counter Currents 31 3236 words

Vlissingen, the Netherlands

2,876 words

A daring Dutchman recently spray-painted a few red pills and jeers onto a slavery monument installed in the whitest part of the Netherlands against the explicit wishes of the locals. As we delve deeper into the immense contribution that the saboteur’s heroism brought to our people, I’d first like to pump everyone up with the infuriating details of the event and why I feel it is important to share this man’s story in his own words.

It all starts in the southern city of Vlissingen in Zeeland, a state of the Netherlands (which they call provinces). Home prices are cheap in this part of the Netherlands, and for good reason, as it is one of the many regions of the country where the population is contracting, yet it lacks incessant immigration to prop it up. As industry centralized in the Randstad and the navy abandoned its bases there, it became a tourist city mostly sustained by Germans flocking there every summer by boat for beach fun. The city recently narrowly avoided receiving a cruise ship full of undocumented criminals to further disenfranchise the rural white community.

Of course, blacks and associated traitorous Leftists waste no time in spitting on a European when he is down, sensing weakness and faltering resolve like predatory animals smell blood. Thus, on June 29 they illegally plopped down a slavery monument right there on the promenade.

Gaze upon these malnourished vegetarian cretins as they work their dark trade.

Earlier this year, the city of Vlissingen had to apologize for its role in the slave trade. This public broadcast came from the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS), which serves as the state news agency for children. Knowing that the spineless municipal representatives were already cowed, the Lefties in their delusion thought themselves untouchable, and so planted this monument, knowing full well that the first to speak out would be the last, if it were up to them.

They would have been right, if it weren’t for the anonymous activist who proudly proclaimed: “Not in my town!”

The very night after the monument went up, THE DAUBER struck, having sworn on the reformed Bible to die on his own terms if need be and to not let these Lefties get away with this vain display. Drawing his can of discount spray paint across the abomination like a saint slaying a demon, he cast protective words upon the unholy menace such as “2070 white minority,” “The media is the enemy,” ”Democratic-state? Media-state!”, “Say no to population replacement,” “Fight against the destruction of our race” — and for good measure, ramming purity seals onto it to seal it away in hell, from whence it came.


Having done his duty to his God, his people, and his community, he returned home, satisfied in knowing that greater rewards await him in the afterlife. But for the moment, a cold one had to suffice to slake his thirst for retribution. As the day progressed, however, larger delights awaited. The Lefties cried themselves into a depressive stupor, as is usual for them at the first sign of a challenge. But worse yet, having been alerted to the antics of these garbage-dumping yahoos, the municipality remembered that they hadn’t yet issued any permits for the monument. Emboldened by the daring dashing of this Lefty tripe by the Dauber, and armed with the brazenness of bureaucracy, the municipality ordered them to remove the monument!

If the assorted “artists,” rent-seekers, and other vagrants didn’t remove it within a week, then the municipality said it would fine them into oblivion. Feeling as though they were being dragged away in chains like their ancestors (despite most likely not even knowing who their fathers are), the activists cried out in pain as they demanded handouts from the working people of Vlissingen. Thanks to the Dauber’s master orchestration of this drama, the activists now find solace only in a handful of journalists from the corporate media who are willing to peddle their fantasies.

The interview

Now enters the Dauber, who was willing to give an exclusive interview to Counter-Currents to offer further hilarious details and insights.

Sam: I’m so glad you reached out to us to talk about this small victory, particularly in light of the usual doom and gloom that surrounds the movement. Tell us what motivated you to do this, and what made you decide not to just sit this one out, as so many do?

Dauber: Well, on Friday morning I caught the news that the monument had been put up. The reason I acted is the result of a combination of multiple factors.

First, the fact that the monument was placed there in violation of the municipality’s regulations ensured broad local support of the by local Right-wing populist parties and the disgruntled populace, were the monument to be defaced.

Second, it happened right before the national “Keti Koti” (Papiamento for the Abolition of Slavery) event, our astroturfed spectacle of national humiliation. I knew that it would make the news, and wanted to send a clear message to our international masters that there are large sections of the Dutch people who have not yet been reduced to media-directed zombies.

Third, the monument was placed relatively close to where I live, making me feel personally responsible to act.

Sam: Why did the slavery monument in particular set you off?

Dauber: It wasn’t so much the slavery monument itself, but more the media reaction to its placing.

In the early morning, when our enemies were just putting the finishing touches on their monument, the national press had already been invited and gave the perpetrators every opportunity to justify their actions. The journalists covering themselves by asking some half-hearted questions regarding the legality of their actions, but ultimately presented the situation as a “done deal” to their army of brainless acolytes.

This crystal-clear confirmation of Spengler’s remark regarding the press was so infuriating that I knew something had to be done. Hence the slogans “The Media is the enemy” and “Democratic-state? Media-state!”

Sam: Was this your first time doing something like this, and were there any challenges or circumstances you did not foresee while undertaking this action?

Dauber: Yes, this was my first time. I’d say dress lightly and be aware of where the local CCTVs are located. It is also necessary to bring along some sort of facial covering, because you’d be surprised how many people are still walking around in the early morning darkness.

It also takes quite a while to put up around 25 stickers in the middle of the night, so I’d recommend just using a spray-can.

Sam: Compared to groups such as the Dutch laser-men who are being arrested right now, I feel your action has the right words, the right sentiments, and something worth presenting beyond merely some superficial slogans. They seem more on target. Could you explain how you see yourself in relation to those contemporary activists who make use of the same messages you put on the monument, and your selection process?

Dauber: I haven’t followed any other activists that closely, and I wouldn’t be able to tell you in what way my messages differ from theirs.

In general, you want to push the envelope, but at the same time you don’t want to alienate your own people. I considered putting up “Kill your local journo,” but thought the better of it, since that will cause you to lose support among broad swathes of the very people you’re supposed to be representing.

Sam: You told me earlier that you were personally offended by some hack who calls himself a historian, and that you loaded up your finest VPN to troll him on his own column. Could you tell us how that went?

Dauber: Ah, yes, my old friend Han van der Horst. This is a historian and a columnist who writes for a far-Left blog called, and who I’ve been reading for years. On the one hand he’s fully on board with the current regime, but at the same time you can tell from his writings that he’s often alarmed by where non-white identity politics is headed. He often calls upon his base to cool it with the anti-white remarks, afraid of the future inevitable backlash.

When he wrote a puff piece full of moral outrage about the fact that somebody had dared to raise a finger against our coddled parasites, I decided to give him a piece of my mind. The exchange can still be found here (archived to avoid giving clicks to the enemy). (Note: A Google-translated exchange between van der Horst and the Dauber is included following this interview.)

Sam: Is there anything you’d like to share with Counter-Currents readers and others on the Right?

Dauber: When I arrived at the monument, I was more or less expecting it to be have already been properly defiled by the locals. So don’t assume others will do your work for you, whether it is direct action, organizing, or most especially donating to the cause.

Sam: Thank you so much for taking the time to give this interview, but even more for this act of provocation against the insane guilt culture that is currently wracking our people.

The Dauber versus The Derelict Dope

The Dauber first thing after getting out of bed.

Han van der Horst rotated to the most appealing angle. He physically resembles his opinion.

The Dauber

July 1, 2023, 15:20

Dear Mr. van der Horst,

Have you ever written on a wall in pitch-dark Latin, constantly peering over the edge to see if the police are already coming? That’s not as easy as it sounds. Incidentally, I also detect a number of spelling errors in your article, which is still written in simple Dutch.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.

As for the Berber question, it is true that Madison Grant, in his The Passing of the Great Race, points out that, and I quote, “The Berbers of North Africa today are racially identical with the Spaniards and south Italians.”

However, Revilo Oliver explains contemporary genetic differences in his article “The Descent of Islam” as follows: “Islam, on the other hand, ordained polygyny and encouraged Moslems to fill their harems, and engender children by women of all different races; that is why the Arabic stock was diluted and liquidated so much more quickly than our own.”

It should be clear, of course, that in Caesar’s time the Roman Empire was already in a state of dissolution and was soon taken over by foreigners who brought with them their own religion and morality. This is a process that repeats itself in our time, given the contemporary events in France and the recent humiliation ritual of “our” monarch. You will also find an extensive description of this kind of historical transformation in Rosenberg’s tome, The Myth of the Twentieth Century.


Han van der Horst

July 1, 2023, 18:34

You quote two racist will-o’-the-wisps and you are clearly ignorant of the history of the Roman Empire. Finally, you refer me to a work by Hitler’s resident philosopher Alfred Rosenberg, which is notable for its muddledness and dark formulations. Rosenberg was sentenced to death at Nuremberg, not because of that book, but because of mass murders committed under his responsibility. A real, unadulterated Nazi responds. My word!

The Dauber

July 2, 2023, 6:47

Dear Mr. van der Horst,

You can call these “will-o’-the-wisps” racist, but you certainly cannot say that they did not unerringly predict the course of history. For example, open The Rising Tide of Color by Lothrop Stoddard, in which he lists all the challenges of our time one by one, already 100 years ago.

If you ever really want to delve into the history of the Roman Empire, I can definitely recommend the book The Ancient City by Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges, which is an unsurpassed historiography of the decline of the Indo-European ancestral cult recently republished by Imperium Press, and available on Amazon.

Rosenberg’s book is indeed somewhat difficult for beginners, but if you familiarize yourself with religion and learn some general history, I know you will be able to follow this work. A beautiful new edition has just been published by Clemens and Blair. If you do go shopping there, it wouldn’t hurt to buy the book Streicher, Rosenberg, and the Jews, so that you put yourself a little less on the war record.

As for the “legitimacy” of the Nuremberg trials, the situation surrounding the recently-erected monument in Flushing once again confirms Aristotle in his statement: “He who upholds the law is not bound by it.”


Han van der Horst

July 2, 2023, 8:51

Dauber, my dear house Nazi, Fustel de Coulanges writes well. He is a typical nineteenth-century man, and his vision is outdated. If you’re looking for Völkische historiography that reads like a train, take Treitschke. Reads like a train. Rosenberg stands next to Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, both in handy sturdy editions that were therefore intended to survive a stay at the front. For lovers of ideology. They are both bizarre and unclear works not only because of their style, but also because of the muddled thinking that underlies them. You are a typical example of a young person of our time, who depends on American translations. Streicher, Rosenberg and the Jews is a book by Thomas Dalton, who maintains that not six million but 600,000 Jews died in World War II. It’s clear from that which way your wind blows. You know what, I’ll cheer you up on Sunday with a song to your taste. It is about a platoon of Wehrmacht soldiers who always love to visit Blonde Rie in her brick house, “In Holland steht aus Klinkerstein”:

And Lothrop Stoddard, ah, look what Dubois had to say about him . . .

The Dauber

July 2, 2023, 13:00

Dear Mr. van der Horst,

Of course I was already familiar with Treitschke’s famous quote, but if your enthusiasm for Treitschke’s work is such that you spontaneously repeat yourself, I will certainly purchase it soon!

As for my lack of knowledge of the German language, you can certainly not blame me for my Geworfenheit as a child of the Allied victory, can you? After all, English is the lingua franca, and I only speak fragmentary German. (For which, of course, I am grateful every day!) Because of this, your undoubtedly beautiful song has unfortunately been a bit wasted on me.

I prefer not to burn my fingers on the total number of victims of the Holocaust, as I do not share any ancestry with this noble people, and because of this I am not very interested. Some say 40 million, others say 300,000. The true answer probably lies somewhere in the middle.

You will understand that my sympathies are more with black leaders such as Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey. As for Du Bois’ statement about Stoddard, as Zhou Enlai is credited with saying, “Too early to say.”

Falangist Anthem - Cara al sol  [+ English translation]Falangist Anthem – Cara al sol [+ English translation]


PS: If you ever want to get rid of your “bizarre and obscure works” (read your own reaction carefully again), then I will certainly be recommended. Maybe we can meet up at the memorial in Vlissingen?

Hanvander Horst

July 2, 2023, 18:02

Dear house Nazi, it reassures me that today’s Nazis are apparently too screwed up to learn proper German, the language of their idols, anyway. With so much slackness of mind, we need not fear a new Machtübernahme (seizing of power). Which quote from Treitschke you mean is a mystery to me. As for my book treasure, things are added to that, but not much is left. I am especially frugal when it comes to curiosities.

The Dauber

July 3, 2023, 4:48

Dear Mr. van der Horst,

The Treitschke quote in question was at one point much more popular in Germany than Du Bois’ statement about Stoddard has ever been. I’d rather not repeat it here verbatim, because I don’t want to offend our international rulers.

As for the future Machtergreifung, in 1933 the hero of the twentieth century spoke only German with a provincial dialect.


Hanvander Horst

July 3, 2023, 9:57

Dear house Nazi, you obviously have no idea what Treitschke said about anything. As far as the quality of the German of your hero of the twentieth century is concerned, you can at most say something like that because you haven’t mastered the language.

The Dauber

July 3, 2023, 20:19

Dear Mr. van der Horst,

Come on now! Is it no longer allowed to learn about historical figures through secondary sources or translations? Should a biography such as John Toland’s or a book like R. H. S. Stolfi’s be left aside, simply because it is not possible to fathom a historical figure if one does not master his colloquial language?

You shouldn’t hold such an elitist attitude towards a young history enthusiast. Even from the commentary under the videos of the Mannerheim recordings, there is as much to learn as from, for example, the recently published Stalin’s War by Sean McMeekin.


Sam: Needing to recover from this trying interaction, Mr. van der Horst needed to lock himself up in his home, where no amount of weed could help him in imagining himself a contributor to society.

Do you have your own personal story like this one to tell the Counter Currents community? Do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

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