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The Worst Week Yet: July 9-15, 2023

17-7-2023 < Counter Currents 24 2972 words

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

2,571 words

RFK, Jr. Floats Theory that COVID-19 Was Engineered to Spare Chinks and Jews

In a 2024 presidential campaign that threatens to become a flabbier and more senile rerun of the 2020 contest, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is far and away the most intriguing candidate to have tossed his damaged larynx into the ring. Not only is he the most musclebound sexagenarian ever to run for Chief Executive, he seems so unafraid to question the Deep State narrative on so many untouchable topics that one feels compelled to wonder whether he’s a cyborg genetically engineered from scratch by the Powers That Be just to fuck with our heads.

Last week, in what the New York Post described as the “question-and-answer portion of [a] raucous booze and fart-filled dinner” at “Tony’s Di Napoli on East 63d Street” in Manhattan, the nephew of the Last President to Be Successfully Assassinated made everyone around him visibly uncomfortable when he suggested that most of the world’s major powers were tossing gobs of cash at developing “ethnically targeted” bioweapons. In a reference to COVID-19, he also violated the First Law of American Politics by insinuating that Jews may have suffered less than other groups in any way imaginable. He also violated the First Rule of American Media and Academia by implying that race is something that can be genetically quantified.

The gravel-throated RFK 2.0 not only suffers from spasmodic dysphonia, he stutters and repeats himself so much that to have faithfully rendered an exact transcript of what he said would have been as painful to read as it is to listen to him speaking, so I’ve cleaned up his comments in the interest of comprehensibility. Because I am your dutiful journalistic servant, I’ve transcribed his comments from a short video of his most controversial comments to the best of my ability and within the limits of my patience:

We’ve put hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes. The Chinese have done the same thing. In fact, COVID-19, there’s an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately. The races that are most immune to COVID-19 because of the genetic structure, the genetic differentials, among different races of the receptors…COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese. . . . We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial and ethnic differential and impact of that. We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we are developing ethnic bioweapons, that’s what all of those labs in the Ukraine are out there collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA in the hope that we can target people by race.

Once these videotaped comments were made public, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) heroically leapt into action as is its wont:

The claim that COVID-19 was a bioweapon created by the Chinese or Jews to attack Caucasians and black people is deeply offensive and feeds into sinophobic and anti-semitic conspiracy theories about COVID-19 that we have seen evolve over the last three years.

If you’ll notice, RFK 2.0 was very careful to say that he was only citing “an argument” that’s floating out there for which he bore no personal responsibility. He also emphatically stated that “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted.” He did state as fact that America, Ukraine, and China were developing ethnic bioweapons, but he didn’t accuse Jews of anything, so it’s a touch suspicious that the ADL would flat-out say he claimed that “COVID-19 was a bioweapon created by the Chinese or Jews to attack Caucasians and black people.” If one were conspiratorially minded, they might be tempted to think that what the ADL wrote was an admission of guilt.

Despite RFK’s explicit disclaimers, Haaretz ran a story titled “Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Says Jews Intentionally Spared From ‘Ethnically Targeted’ COVID-19.”

Perhaps realizing that he may have unwittingly stepped into a big pile of kosher poop, RFK II hastily tweeted:

I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews. I accurately pointed out — during an off-the-record conversation — that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks [sic] and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons. I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered. That study is here:

The link that RFK II provided fails to mention Caucasians, Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews, but it does note that

[i]n this study, we investigated genetic susceptibility to COVID-19. . . . Specifically, ACE2 polymorphisms were found to be associated with cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions by altering the angiotensinogen-ACE2 interactions, such as p.Arg514Gly in the African/African-American population.

I will not pretend to know what any of that means, but if we have any African-American readers, I welcome you to elucidate.

In a follow-up tweet, Kennedy made sure to portray Jews as the eternally threatened group that they would like us all to believe that they are:

As I describe in my new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up,” ethnically targeted bioweapons are real, and history makes clear there is no population who should be more concerned about a thing like that than people of Jewish and African descent. #Kennedy24

But in his endless forays into COVID skepticism, RFK, Jr. has trod upon Jewish toes more than once. In 2022, he was roundly condemned for daring to suggest that the American lockdowns were more totalitarian than the Third Reich:

Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did. . . . Today the mechanisms are being put in place that will make it so none of us can run, none of us can hide.

He speedily repented for that little faux pas:

I apologize for my reference to Anne Frank, especially to families that suffered the Holocaust horrors. My intention was to use examples of past barbarism to show the perils from new technologies of control. To the extent my remarks caused hurt, I am truly and deeply sorry.

Even his wife, Cheryl Hines, who’s best known for playing the TV wife of Larry David in the super-Jewy show Curb Your Enthusiasm, felt the need to distance herself from her husband for his Anne Frank comment:

The atrocities that millions endured during the Holocaust should never be compared to anyone or anything. His opinions are not a reflection of my own.

Way to stand by your man, lady.

In January 2022, the Forward, bless its ever vigilant heart, compiled “A complete list of every time RFK Jr. has compared vaccine mandates to the Holocaust.”

In May of this year, the Free Beacon wrote of “How Surging Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Introduced Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan to the Anti-Vaxx Movement.” Although it cites no direct confirmation from Kennedy, it alleges that

[t]he Kennedy-Farrakhan courtship began in 2015, when Kennedy visited the Nation of Islam leader at his home in Chicago to discuss the measles vaccine administered routinely to young kids. Farrakhan said in a social media post after the meeting that the vaccine was “designed” to harm black males.

During a 2020 speech commemorating the tweny-fifth anniversary of Farrakhan’s Million Man March, a certain “Tony Muhammad” also claimed that RFK, Jr. told him that nefarious forces were developing racist vaccines:

Bobby Kennedy, the son of Robert Kennedy, met with me in Los Angeles to give me some shocking and revealing, and, I mean, terrible information on what’s goin’ on at the Center [sic] for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. It has brought to our attention that the senior lead scientist for the Center [sic] of [sic] Disease Control has admitted that the MMR of vaccine [sic] and many of the vaccine shots have been genetically modified to attack black and Latino boys.

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here.

Hmm . . . but why Latino boys?

It seems as if ethnic bioweapons are emerging as a point of contention in what may ultimately spill over into World War III.

In May, Newsweek ran an article titled “Pentagon Making Race-Specific Bioweapons to Target Citizens, China Says.” Noting that United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken had accused China of “collecting human genomic data against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang and Tibet as an additional form of control and surveillance,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin parried back:

According to The Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon has formulated [research and development] plans for hitting opponents with genetically engineered weapons. . . . Those involved disclosed that the genomic data of Asian Chinese, European Aryans and Middle Eastern Arabs are all being collected by the U.S. military.

In March, the Associated Press ran a headline titled “China amplifies unsupported Russian claim of Ukraine biolabs”:

The head of the Russian military’s radiation, chemical and biological protection troops, Igor Kirillov . . . [said] that U.S.-sponsored labs in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa were working on dangerous pathogens custom-designed to target Russians and other Slavs.

“We can say with a high probability that one of the goals of the United States and its allies is the creation of bioagents capable to selectively infect various ethnic groups,” Kirillov said.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made a similar claim Thursday, alleging that U.S.-directed labs in Ukraine were working to “develop ethnically targeted biological weapons.”

So what’s the deal with these so-called “ethnic bioweapons”? Is it just another one of those discredited and debunked conspiracy theories designed to spread hatred against Jews, the ultimate targets of all conspiracy theories?

An interesting little nugget in Wikipedia’s page on ethnic bioweapons mentions 1998’s “Israeli ethnobomb controversy.” An article titled “Israel planning ‘ethnic’ bomb as Saddam caves in” that originally appeared on November 15, 1998 in The Sunday Times has been scrubbed from its original source, but has been archived by the University of Cincinnati:

ISRAEL is working on a biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources. The weapon, targeting victims by ethnic origin, is seen as Israel’s response to Iraq’s threat of chemical and biological attacks. . . .

In developing their “ethno-bomb”, Israeli scientists are trying to exploit medical advances by identifying distinctive genes carried by some Arabs, then create a genetically modified bacterium or virus.

The intention is to use the ability of viruses and certain bacteria to alter the DNA inside their host’s living cells. The scientists are trying to engineer deadly micro-organisms that attack only those bearing the distinctive genes.

The programme is based at the biological institute in Nes Tziyona, the main research facility for Israel’s clandestine arsenal of chemical and biological weapons.

A scientist there said the task was hugely complicated because both Arabs and Jews are of semitic [sic] origin. But he added: “They have, however, succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic profile of certain Arab communities, particularly the Iraqi people.” The disease could be spread by spraying the organisms into the air or putting them in water supplies.

It’s getting increasingly difficult not to think that all “conspiracy theories” are true — except for the one that says white people are actively conspiring to rule the world.

Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman Goes from N-Bombing to Fag-Bashing

“Reality TV” stars were the immediate precursors to “social media influencers,” and in the improbable event where I was suddenly granted the power to start sending groups to death camps, these two groups would be the first to go.

In 2004, a dimwitted convicted murderer named Duane Chapman gained fame as TV’s Dog the Bounty Hunter. Along with several members of his clearly dysgenic brood, Chapman — who in his mid-teens had joined a motorcycle gang that was so dumb, it misspelled its own name — hunted down a series of bail-jumpers, even though Chapman was only in the United States because the previous year, he jumped bail after facing charges in Mexico.

In 2007, Chapman’s son Tucker recorded him expressing his fear that if the National Enquirer found out that he used the word “nigger” in expressing his distaste for the fact that Tucker was dating a black woman, his newfound media empire would crumble. Like any good son would, Tucker Chapman sold the recording to the National Enquirer, resulting in his father embarking upon a groveling apology tour in which he apologized to every black person in America, said that he’d kill himself if it would make things better, and expressed a desire to be buried alongside black slaves.

With most of his fame in the rear-view mirror, Chapman — who is now apparently a born-again Christian — made some minor headlines last week by transitioning from N-bombing to fag-bashing. Sitting alongside his new wife — his sixth, who looks remarkably like his fifth wife, who died of throat cancer in 2019 — he appeared on the Facebook Live show of some ditzy bleached-blonde evangelical woman who could easily pass for a daughter who Chapman had sired with either one of his past two wives. Chapman told the two blonde rocket scientists in attendance, who nodded along and cackled in agreement, that Christians had to toughen up and get serious about the Fag Problem. In the course of doing so, Chapman called the infamous tranny Bud Light representative Dylan Mulvaney a “punk” and also insinuated that his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ once called a fig tree a “punk”:

The people playin’ church all led to Bud Light. Right? I’d hit that punk down, rebuke Satan out of him , and just give him a couple black eyes. ‘Cause that’s exactly — and I mean that. If I ever see him, I’m droppin’ him. . . . For many, many years, these holy rollers have done just that: rolled around. And you see where they’ve got us now? And they’ve got kids changin’ their sexuality . . . they’re so wacko that where they’ve brought us all is to the gates of hell. So we have to stop all that. Rebuke them — two ways to rebuke — in Jesus’ name, and then physically. . . . Jesus was not a sissy. . . . And then that poor fig tree, he went over there, he was a little hungry, the fig tree didn’t have any figs on it, and he said, “Listen, you punk, you’ll never grow another fig — I’m hungry.” So he was not a sissy man. . . . Pride Month, was it? . . . Pride cometh before a fall. . . . That means they’re falling to the right and to the left. Target [stores], Volinski [I think he meant Zelensky], uh, all these guys that are backin’ those jokers up are taking billion-dollar beatings. They’re falling. So I have compassion for people that are lost like that. . . . I have a family member that is that way. . . . But that’s not the way God made us. He didn’t make Adam and Steve, he made Adam and Eve.

If anyone out there actually believes in the existence of an infallible God who never makes mistakes, I challenge them to explain the existence of Duane “Dog” Chapman.

Jim Goad

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