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The Counter-Currents 2023 Fundraiser: Morphing Into a Movement

14-7-2023 < Counter Currents 22 1070 words

954 words

Like all journals of dissident ideas, Counter-Currents depends on the support of our readers. So far this year, we’ve raised $55,936.00 of our $300,000 goal. I want to thank everyone who has donated so far. (Please donate here!) And now for a few words from one of our most frequent contributors, Spencer J. Quinn, on why your help is so crucial for us.

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Sharing talking points and topics of interest helps keep a community strong. There need not be perfect agreement; rather, a general consensus is enough to distinguish ingroup from outgroup, which in turn simplifies the task of converting the uninitiated. This is how communities grow. For today’s dissident Right, this means first and foremost white advocacy and race realism, about which everyone is in general agreement. Beyond this, we have a host of topics — including the Jewish Question, Islam, Christianity, homosexuality, libertarianism, the Ukraine War, and others — about which there is much more controversy within our ranks.

How do we know this? Because we all share a vital means of communication. Aside from the many books that are published within the movement, we have the Internet: social media, video streaming, and blogging in the form of essays. While all three have their strengths, the essay carries the most staying power as a source of knowledge and argument. It lacks the immediacy of social media and requires a greater commitment of one’s time and attention than audio or video. But it is very easily indexed and discovered through search engines, at its best it is subject to editorial review, and it is the most useful for developing new ideas out of old ones.

Raw data obtained via research, scientific and academic papers, and works of philosophy, history, and theory make up our most important resources. From these spring the ruminations of our thought leaders — and these are best expressed in the form of the essay. In this way, our thought leaders can debate with one another via dialectic in order to discover, refine, or put aside certain ideas, as they did in Ancient Greece. They can ask questions of one another, they can probe for weaknesses, and they can figure out ways to strengthen their positions in the face of counterarguments.

A great example of this was the recent debate between Greg Johnson and Gregory Hood on the future of White Nationalism. Do you prefer ethnic nationalism or racial imperium? Can the former be achieved? Is the latter inevitable? Which side of the issue has a better grasp of history? Which faction is more attuned to human nature? These are difficult questions, and it is highly rewarding to read and listen to men who have dedicated hundreds of hours of thought and study in order to answer them. Unlike Jared Taylor’s 2021 debate with E. Michael Jones, this was not a debate with an outgroup member. Both Dr. Johnson and Mr. Hood are dissidents in the same camp. Because they argued in such a civil, disciplined manner, both in person and in essay form — and most importantly, leaving the audience to decide the matter for themselves — the dissident Right community became more confident in itself as a result. We know that our community can sustain controversy, because it has responsible, good-faith leadership that can withstand — and even profit from — criticism. This can only mean that our community has truth on its side.

When a sufficient amount of this happening, a community can morph into a movement. A shared purpose becomes apparent. Merely existing and biding time is no longer enough for leaders and followers alike. And suddenly, there is a sense of urgency. There are things to do.

None of this would be possible without dynamic institutions such as Counter-Currents, which lay the cornerstone for debate in the dissident Right today. Counter-Currents has a strong social media presence and is constantly publishing essays, as well as audio and video materials. All of this amounts to a vast, online dissident library that has been under development since 2010 — and is still growing. That’s a lot of content. Want to know the facts behind White Extinction or how to Restore White Homelands? Go to Counter-Currents. Want to know the lessons learned from the Proud Boys or the relevance of the 1790 Naturalization Act? Go to Counter-Currents. Want to learn about the war on whites in advertising? Go to Counter-Currents. If you want to learn more about any topic of concern to a dissident these days, from the Bible and Ancient Greece all the way to a washed-up celebrity’s recent contretemps over the “LOLocaust” and the latest liberal shenanigans in England, you’ll go to Counter-Currents — and odds are you are going to find something relevant.

This is because Counter-Currents is worth more than what its supporters put into it. More than a decade of continual output has not only built and maintained a dissident community, but has converted it into a genuine movement. But that alone isn’t the key to Counter-Currents’ success. The fact is that Counter-Currents would be much less than what it is without its loyal supporters. More importantly, the dissident Right community as a whole would be much less than what it is today without Counter-Currents.

So please, continue to give — and continue to be part of something great.

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There are many ways to help, but the easiest is with an e-check donation. All you need is your checkbook.

You can explore all your donation options on our newly-redesigned Donate page.

Also, check out our new Paywall page!

For a preview of events in the coming year, check out our birthday page.

Remember: Those who fight for a better world live in it today.

Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.

Greg Johnson
