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Celebrate July Fourth with Counter-Currents!

4-7-2023 < Counter Currents 29 954 words

601 words

Happy Independence Day to our American readers!

It is easy for race-conscious Americans to become cynical about July 4th, which is now an occasion for celebrating an egalitarian civil religion fabricated from a misinterpreted line in the Declaration of Independence, “. . . all men are created equal . . . ,”  sometimes paired with a line from Martin Luther King, Jr., the last person on earth who wanted to be judged by the content of his character.

No, Jefferson the slave owner was not envisioning a society in which all races had equal standing. Even if all men have the same rights, that doesn’t imply that they are all good fits for the same polity, and Jefferson had no illusions about blacks and whites being able to be free and equal in the same political system. Instead, Jefferson’s “created equal” line was simply a denial the principle of hereditary monarchy and aristocracy upheld by England. Jefferson denied hereditary rule in favor of republicanism, which is the system of government put in place after the Revolution. The American Constitution says nothing about universal human equality, but it does prohibit hereditary offices and titles, which is the substance of “all men are created equal.”  

I refuse to let a dying demographic of media believers spoil my Independence Day with their empty egalitarian pieties. I just tune them out. In truth, America is ours. As I argue in my essay “American Ethnic Identity,” Americans are a distinct white ethnic group. Thus genuine American nationalism is a form of White Nationalism, as I argue in my essays “What Is American Nationalism?” and Is White Nationalism Un-American?”

America was never a color-blind liberal meritocracy. It was a society founded by and for white people, which maintained a frankly white supremacist immigration system until 1965 and to this day remains so “normatively white” that Leftists and non-whites will never stop seething about “racism.” They should be the ones boycotting the fireworks, not us.

Yes, America was not without flaws and contradictions, which is what led us to the present mess. But as with the whole of white civilization, White Nationalists are the true heirs of America as well, since we are the only ones who can preserve what is best in it and pass it on to future generations. 

Counter-Currents stresses the importance of ideas: Free your mind and your nation will follow. Here are a few articles and reviews that challenge the liberal-egalitarian interpretation of American history and identity.

If you would like to recommend other articles and reviews from Counter-Currents, please do so in the notes.

Have a happy and safe Independence Day!

Greg Johnson

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