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Viva Pedro Gonzalez

28-6-2023 < Counter Currents 25 1780 words

Pedro L. Gonzalez

1,683 words

On Tuesday, Breitbart ran an antifa style dox hit piece against Pedro Gonzalez. The article contained messages from Gonzalez candidly discussing race and Jewish power. But the unfiltered messages we’re supposed to clutch our pearls over are all quite level headed, such as “Yeah like not every Jew is problematic, but the sad fact is that most are” and “Minorities like me see America for what it is—a country built by whites, that can only survive if whites survive, And it is my job to make whites wake up. Because if they don’t we are all f—ed. Especially people like me.” There’s nothing that is actually vulgar or hateful, just objective facts and reasonable beliefs that are “problematic” in “our democracy.”

Other heresies of Gonzalez include admiring BAP and Nick Fuentes before he went off the deep end, and reading the “Nazi” philosopher Oswald Spengler who actually ended up having major disagreements with the NSDAP. How absolutely dare he read such forbidden books of eldritch knowledge!

Pedro Gonzalez’s dox might be the part of a wider pattern. A few days earlier, the sorry remnants of the Proud Boys instigated an altercation with the Rose City Nationalists, and then attempted to dox some of their members. In the process they appear to have erroneously doxed a random Jewish man as belonging to Patriot Front — which is not even the correct nationalist group. Conservatives lack the weaponized autism of 4chan as much as they lack conviction and class.

Their logic, as explained by Benny Johnson of TPUSA on Twitter was “This is a win, win. Let’s say these really ARE just dumb racist punks. Not welcome. They have no place in our movement. Now they’re exposed. Good. If they ARE Feds, this is a taxpayer funded psy-op meant to defame and entrap innocent Americans. Now they’re exposed. Good. W.”[1]

Perhaps this emerging pattern of conservatives attacking nationalists is a coincidence or from unusually high levels of summer pollen putting people in a bad mood. But in politics things tend to happen because someone willed it, so I suspect it is more likely that somebody from Conservatism Inc. or the Trump campaign issued a directive for total war.

This feels reminiscent of the Spanish Civil War, in which the Republicans allied with the church burning Communists against the Nationalists. This is despite how we on the dissident right have generally engaged with conservatives honorably. Take for example how we heckled Charlie Kirk during the “groyper wars.”[2] We did not dox anybody, and doing so was unthinkable. Instead, we exercised our First Amendment rights to honorably engage Kirk and other intellectual rivals in “the free market place of ideas” which they are always going on about.

I do not want a total war with the conservatives. But if they punch right using antifa tactics and maliciously defame nationalists as feds, then a total war they shall have.

Nathan Damigo has suggested that a solution to conservatives defaming nationalists as feds is to have people infiltrate the establishment and obtain evidence that conservatives are committing defamation with malicious intent.[3] In addition to paving the way to a possible legal victory, this would also be a win in the court of public opinion. This tactic could easily be applied not just towards countering defamation by conservatives, but in countering doxing by them too.

We need to start keeping receipts, as dirty as it may sound. It may offend our sense of honor, but it has become apparent that our enemies, such as Milo Yiannopoulos who has openly bragged about collecting black mail on people, have no honor.

Imagine if anytime one of /our guys/ is doxed, he has a cache of “problematic” messages or recordings by the conservatives who doxed him and/or who are supposed to cancel him. This will result in mutually assured self-destruction.

The source for the naughty messages quoted in the dox seem to be from former close associates of Gonzalez who are now Trump fanatics. If race realism and Jew noticing are truly that awful, doesn’t this make the Trump camp look just as bad, if not worse? It takes little effort to infer that the article’s intent is to retaliate against Gonzalez for his support of DeSantis and criticism of Trump. Apparently, some of Trump’s most fervent supporters had no qualms about being close friends with a “problematic” heretic. Conversations require multiple parties by definition.

This tactic should mostly be reserved for select individuals due to how doxing is equivalent to a war crime in the culture war as it targets not just opponents, but also the families they provide for. But there may be entire organizations which deserve a blanket fatwa against all of their members, such as Breitbart. Anyone who continues working at Breitbart implicitly endorses doxing other right wingers through their conduct, and therefore like antifa, are fair targets for doxing.

To those who doubt this tactic’s efficacy, consider how Pedro Gonzalez, alongside Tucker Carlson’s canceled top writer Blake Neff, show that our ideas are spreading. I would estimate that at least half of young white males notice Jewish power and race realism, or at the very least play in the kiddie pool with our ideas through memes and irony instead of running in the opposite direction towards “decency.” We have plenty of potential sleeper agents to recruit.

Along with plenty of agents, we also have plenty of targets. We can be certain that many establishment conservatives make anti-Semitic remarks. We know this because everyone complains about their boss.

In his dox, Gonzalez is quoted as saying “Kirk thinks and acts like the worst kind of Jew,” “And he is in fact beholden to Jews.” It is inconceivable that Kirk does not know about the Jewish Question. And while Kirk is not publicly a race realist in our sense, his Tweets about black violence and criminality since the vehicular terrorist attack in Waukesha are fairly adjacent to what one would find from American Renaissance or The Justice Report. Its not inconceivable that he has said some feisty things about blacks in private.

But I am not suggesting that Charlie Kirk or his staff be doxed. He has not engaged in doxing as far as I know, and he is currently doing more good than harm despite not being our guy. I sincerely hope that he is not doxed, but if he is, that hypothetical presents a whole other angle of attack: doxes that catastrophically backfire.

If he was doxed as making non-kosher comments, would Charlie Kirk go cry in his safe space? At some point, people are simply too big to dox. Kirk’s bosses might have the money, but Kirk has the respect of legions of young people. Kirk could spearhead a schism between the based and cucked factions within TPUSA, and he would most likely come out on top. The end result might transform TPUSA into the white nationalist organization the Left claims it is. When doxing starts to backfire, it will deprive the Left of one of weapons they have relied on the most.

Pedro Gonzalez, along with Blake Neff and the numerous doxes of quality people that came about from Identity Evropa, shows that we nationalists provide critical talent. While it is true that every radical must eventually make his peace with the establishment, the inverse is also true: the establishment will have to make its peace with the radicals.

One of the iconic quotes from Fight Club is “Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not f— with us.” For addressing the conservatives, I would modify it to “Look, the white nationalists you despise are the people you depend on, we intern for your politicians, we volunteer for your phone banks, we go door to door during election season, we run your local college republican and TPUSA chapters. Do not mess with us.” We nationalists can be your best friend or your worse enemy, and our numbers are steadily growing. If we are not given a seat at the table, we might just flip the table over completely. Choose wisely.

Pedro Gonzalez’s dox has a good chance of being one of the first to catastrophically backfire. It lends more credibility to our ideas than it hurts him. He is already thanking people on Twitter for their support. And from one of his quotes, it seems like he felt the day he was purged was inevitable one way or another.

If the DeSantis campaign and Chronicles Magazine defenestrate Pedro Gonzalez, he will fall into our welcoming arms. I’m sure he would be welcomed as a speaker at a Counter-Currents or American Renaissance conference — and without any of the demeaning pandering that Conservatism Inc. displays towards non-whites.

This illustrates another point, which is that the supposedly race blind conservatism of the establishment is nothing but Jewish supremacy. This is shown by how the establishment is perfectly fine with identity politics, such as Blexit, for everyone except whites. Meanwhile, they treat white identity politics as the worse possible evil. Qui bono? Not the other races. As Gonzalez observed, they’re better off in a white majority country.

White Nationalism isn’t just spreading among the white youth. It’s also spreading, or at least being accepted as a valid position, by non-whites. While being cool and sincere has gone a long way in bringing this about, the main reason is that White Nationalism is about promoting the well-being of our race, unlike the Jews who aim to manipulate and exploit all other races.

Whatever happens to Pedro Gonzalez, I don’t see him putting on a small hat and going on an apology tour to Israel — not that the Judeo-conservatives would even allow him to. But he is welcome to join our phalanx where he will find outstanding friends and allies. If conservatives want to cancel talented people, let that be their loss and our gain.




