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The Worst Week Yet: June 18-24, 2023

26-6-2023 < Counter Currents 75 2551 words

Stockton Rush

2,110 words

Titanically Stupid: 61-Year-Old White Guy Who Refused to Hire “50-Year-Old White Guys” Perishes in Hubristic Deep-Sea Quest to Ogle the Titanic’s Ruins

One of last week’s biggest stories involved the deep irony that during a mission to venture two miles underwater merely so that its five inhabitants could gander at the Titanic, a clunky little submersible known as the Titan endured a “catastrophic implosion,” scattering bits of the vessel and morselized body parts of its occupants on the ocean floor about 1,600 feet from the Titanic.

It was also ironic that the CEO of OceanGate, the company that produced the ill-fated Titan, was Stockton Rush, who through his father was descended from Richard Stockton and Benjamin Rush, both of whom signed the Declaration of Independence.

Compounding the irony is the fact that at the time of his untimely implosion, Rush was married to a Jewess who was born Wendy Weil, the great-great-granddaughter of Isidor and Ida Strauss, both of whom died when the Titanic sank after striking an iceberg in 1912. Isidor and Ida’s real-life demise were fictionalized in James Cameron’s massively successful 1997 film Titanic, which featured a scene where the couple held onto each other as water rose in their cabin.

Even more ironic than all that is the fact that Stockton Rush, who was by all appearances a 61-year-old white guy, had — before his death, of course — given an interview claiming that he didn’t want to hire “50-year-old white guys” because he didn’t find them to be “inspirational”:

When I started business, one of the things you’ll find for other sub operators out there, they typically have people who are ex-military submariners and you’ll see a whole bunch of 50-year-old white guys. I wanted our team to be younger, to be inspirational. . . . And I’m not gonna inspire a 16-year-old to go pursue marine technology, but a 25-year-old who’s a sub pilot or a platform operator or one of our techs can be inspirational. So we’ve really tried to get very intelligent, motivated younger individuals to get involved.

Rush had also criticized a US law known as the Passenger Vessel Safety Act of 1993, which regulated the construction of tourist vessels intended to dive deeper than 150 feet, claiming the law “needlessly prioritized passenger safety over commercial innovation.”

Rush’s company had required would-be deep-sea voyagers to sign a waiver releasing OceanGate of liability should, oh, their vessel be crushed under overwhelming water pressure and their bodies blasted into tiny bits of fish food. Sample passages from the waiver:

  1. A portion of the operation will be conducted inside an experimental submersible vessel. The experimental submersible vessel has not been approved or certified by any regulatory body and may be constructed of materials that have not been widely used in human occupied submersibles.

  2. When diving below the ocean surface this vessel will be subject to extreme pressure, and any failure of the vessel while I am aboard could cause severe injury or death. I understand that I may decline to participate in any dive below the ocean surface or any activity of the operation at any time.

And now five people are dead — all of them male, two of them Pakistani and three of them white, including the white guy who virtue-signaled to the world that he didn’t want to hire white guys.

The biggest irony of the bunch is that the white guy who didn’t find white guys to be “inspirational” is no longer aspirating.

Juneteenth 2023: Slavery’s Progeny Celebrate Their Emancipation By Slaughtering One Another Nationwide

Juneteenth is a federal holiday based on the Junetarded delusion that on June 19, 1865, the black slaves in Galveston, Texas — who got the memo a few months too late that the South had surrendered and the slaves were suddenly free to start raping and killing Americans of all races — were actually the last black slaves in America to be emancipated.

The holiday’s official title is Juneteenth National Independence Day, and the fact that it includes the phrase “Independence Day” — as well as the fact that it occurs about two weeks before the other Independence Day — suggests it’s an attempt to overshadow and perhaps even usurp the celebration and significance of July 4.

This year, the three-day weekend included both Juneteenth and Father’s Day, which severely complicates matters for black communities nationwide. I mean, that’s freedom from slavery and freedom from baby mamas all in one weekend!

And according to the Gun Violence Archive, 19 mass shootings occurred over the three-day holiday weekend.

Two years ago, Juneteenth festivities left at least eight people dead, which is peanuts compared to the 13 who were left dead in Chicago alone during the joyous holiday weekend this year. In the Chi-Town area, an impressive 75 were shot — meaning that it’s impressive that so many were shot, not that any of them were impressive as people — in 51 separate incidents. During one late-night incident in a strip-mall parking lot in Willowbrook, Illinois, 23 people were shot, but since the gunman or gunpersons were black, only one died. Chicago’s black mayor and black interim police superintendent vowed to do better.

So did Milwaukee’s black mayor and black police chief. Milwaukee police chief Jeffrey Norman asked:

Milwaukee, what’s going on with our children? Parents, guardians, elders, we need to engage and ensure that this violence that our children are bringing to these streets cease. No handgun, no weapon of destruction should be in the hands of our young ones. It’s important that all of us do something.

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson said:

Today was a glorious day. We celebrated Juneteenth. And I think it’s important to point out the fact that this incident did not happen during Juneteenth. . . . This happened after Juneteenth had concluded. But still, it is totally, it is totally, totally unacceptable for the incident that happened right in this neighborhood, right in this community.

Okay, now that Juneteenth violence has been declared “totally unacceptable,” victory is within our grasp.

In New York City, which also has a black mayor and a black police chief, Juneteenth marked the “deadliest day for shootings in 2023 so far.”

“Multiple Stampedes” prematurely ended a Juneteenth festival in a Los Angeles park.

There were holiday-weekend shootings in Cleveland, Akron, Asheville, Washington, DC, and San Diego, as well as other places that I’ve sorely neglected to mention. In nearly every case, what were peaceful gatherings suddenly erupted into violence, bloodshed, and death. For your viewing pleasure, I’ve compiled a “Best Of” video highlighting some of the mayhem.

Musk vs. Zuck in MMA Cage Match?

Who would win in a mixed martial arts-rules cage match between tech giants Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg? The world may soon find out the answer to that question.

“This would be the biggest fight in the history of the world,” opines Ultimate Fighting Championship President Dana White, who says he’s spoken to both Musk and Zuckerberg and claims they’re “dead serious.”

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

First, the tale of the wallet:

As of the latest available tally, Musk’s net worth is $234.3 billion, while Zuckerberg’s barely eclipses $100 billion. Still, neither fortune is anything to sneeze at, although I’d probably sneeze aggressively and with extreme prejudice at both of their fortunes.

As far as their tech companies go, Zuckerberg’s Meta, which embraces Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has a market cap of nearly $750 billion, which dwarfs the estimated value of Musk’s Twitter, which is currently valued at around $41 billion.

Now, the tale of the tape:

Musk, 59, stands 6’1”, weighs an estimated 190 pounds, and has a 76-inch reach. Zuckerberg, 39, is a shrimpy 5’7” and weighs 157 pounds with a reach of 67 inches. Zuckerberg, though, is a white belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, which is the lowest possible ranking out of the five available belts. Due to his ethnicity, I would have expected Zuckerberg to have trained in Krav Maga, AKA “Jew Jitsu.”

Musk, who as far as I know has no formal combat training, is notoriously prone to flabbiness and is the frequent subject of merciless online fat-shaming. Last week, he joked on Twitter about his apparent martial-arts inadequacies:

I have this great move that I call “The Walrus”, where I just lie on top of my opponent & do nothing . . . almost never work out, except for picking up my kids & throwing them in the air.

Accused rapist and sex-trafficker Andrew Tate, who was once a kickboxing champion, has offered to train Musk.

There has been bad blood brewing between the tech billionaires for years. After the 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal, which revealed that a private firm had been misusing data from Facebook users, Musk deleted the Facebook pages for SpaceX and Tesla. There are also rumors afoot that Zuckerberg’s Meta is planning to release a Twitter competitor tentatively called “Threads.” Some speculate that Zuckerberg, despite his fame and wealth, is hobbled not only by his innate charmlessness but also by the fact that his triangular-shaped nose resembles that of Ray “The Scarecrow Bolger” from The Wizard of Oz as well as a random piece of candy corn. It is thought that by besting Musk in the Octagon, Zuckerberg hopes that some of Elon’s “cool guy” mystique may rub off on him.

Although none of the details have been worked out and the fight remains little more than gleams in both Musk and Zuckerberg’s eyes, I hope it happens. I also hope that Musk flattens him.

Six-on-One “Teen” Attack Occurs Less Than Five Miles from Where I Grew Up, Where There Were No “Teens” Even When I Was a Teen

I spent the first 19 years of my life in the humble brick-and-cement borough of Clifton, Heights, Pennsylvania. Since I was a map-and-census nerd in my formative years, it’s etched into my memory that the town’s population back then was 8,005. None of the residents were black; it would have caused a scandal. It was our general impression that blacks were not allowed to venture outside of Philadelphia’s city limits, which were about nine miles away. As of the 2020 Census, Clifton Heights’s population has dropped to 6,863, nearly a quarter of whom are black.

For a while during the 1970s and ‘80s, my sister lived with her kids and first husband in Havertown, Pennsylvania, an unincorporated area of Haverford Township that is a mere 4.5 miles from Clifton Heights. While attending college, I remember watching the Super Bowl in the basement of my sister’s Havertown house on a brutally cold Sunday in 1981 as the Oakland Raiders thrashed the Philadelphia Eagles, 27-10. Even in 1981, spotting a black person in Havertown would have been as rare as seeing a Sasquatch. As of the 2020 Census, Haverford Township is still only 2.7% black.

But apparently it’s an ornery 2.7%.

I saw the news on Twitter, along with a video and the following description:

A 15-year-old white kid was beaten up by 6 black dudes between the ages of 14 and 17 while playing basketball on Monday night in Havertown, Pennsylvania.

A bystander filmed the attack while doing nothing to stop it and posted it on social media.

Police say they attacked him in order to steal his Yeezy slides.

In case you were unaware (I was), “Yeezy slides” are some kind of futuristic-looking shoes marketed by the mentally unstable Jew-naming Christian nationalist Kanye West.

The video posted on Twitter was taken from a news segment by a local ABC affiliate. The reporter was a black woman named TaRhonda Thomas. According to the text on the local ABC website, which did not mention race:

Investigators say bystanders recorded video of the attack. It’s led to one arrest and a search for five other suspects who police say may have been after the victim’s shoes.

“They are punching, kicking and beating on this kid when he’s laying on the ground,” said Deputy Chief Joseph Hagan of the Haverford Township Police Department.

The video is disturbing as it shows six teen boys attacking a 15-year-old boy. Police say it happened at 9:15 p.m. Monday in the 100 block of Glen Arbor Road in Havertown. The victim had gone there to play basketball not expecting to get jumped. . . .

“One of the kids put it up on social media and we were able to get that video off social media,” said Hagan. . . .

One neighbor, who didn’t want to go on camera, says juveniles have been causing problems in the area for a while.

You have to watch out for those juveniles.

Since the surname “Hagan” is Irish, I’ll assume that Deputy Chief Joseph Hagan is of Irish descent. I grew up around extremely thick Tidewater accents such as his. I didn’t grow up around smartphones or black people, and I certainly didn’t grow up around white teens who passively recorded black teens beating the shit out of a white teen on their smartphones.

Then again, I grew up before the Age of Progress.

Jim Goad

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