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The Worst Week Yet: June 4-10, 2023

12-6-2023 < Counter Currents 36 3215 words

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Ted Kaczynski: 1942-2023

Theodore John Kaczynski, the Bedraggled Genius Prophet of Techno-Doom, was found dead in his North Carolina prison cell in the early morning hours this past Saturday. He was 81 years old. The cause of death is currently unknown, and I wouldn’t trust the federal prison officials to be honest about it, anyway. The New York Times is already spreading rumors that he committed suicide.

According to a handwritten letter Kaczynski had sent to a correspondent in 2022:

I’m not going to “get well soon” — or ever — because I have terminal cancer. I can’t expect to live more than two years at the outside, and I may well be dead in less than a year. . . .

The Washington Post — which in 1995 agreed to print Kaczynski’s 35,000-word Industrial Society and Its Future in its entirety in exchange for a promise from Kaczynski, who at the time was only known as the “Unabomber” and was the target of one of the longest federal manhunts in history — wasted no time in slandering his memory. In an article/hit piece titled “Ted Kaczynski, who planted fear and death as the Unabomber, dies at 81,” the Post wrote:

Living in isolation, he acted on his hatred of technology and science, killing three people and injuring two dozen others. . . . For 17 years, he picked his victims with cold deliberation, leaving a grisly trail of nail- and razor blade-packed pipe bombs across the nation that killed three people and injured 23 others, several maimed for life.

For most, if not all, modern mainstream journalists, “hatred” apparently explains everything.

To its credit, the Post did note that while at Harvard in the late 1950s, Kaczynski was a mind-control guinea pig and MKULTRA victim. The psychological experiments left Kaczynski permanently embittered and may have played a role in forming the central thesis of both his writing and his bombing careers — namely, that technology’s expansion is inversely proportional to human freedom and personal agency.

Industrial Society and Its Future not only predicted the mind-swallowing rapaciousness of technology, it was also groundbreaking in how it psychoanalyzed Leftism and warned about modern psychiatry’s excesses.

Industrial Society and its Future on how technology robs human beings of personal agency:

Scientists work mainly for the fulfillment they get out of the work itself. . . . Thus science marches on blindly, without regard to the real welfare of the human race or to any other standard, obedient only to the psychological needs of the scientists and of the government officials and corporation executives who provide the funds for research. . . . Electricity, indoor plumbing, rapid long-distance communications . . .  how could one argue against any of these things? . . . [Yet] all these technical advances taken together have created a world in which the average man’s fate is no longer in his own hands . . . but in those of politicians, corporate executives and remote, anonymous technicians and bureaucrats whom he as an individual has no power to influence.

On Leftist psychology:

Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

On antidepressants:

Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy, then gives them drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own society. It is well known that the rate of clinical depression has been greatly increasing in recent decades. We believe that this is due to disruption of the power process, as explained in paragraphs 59-76. But even if we are wrong, the increasing rate of depression is certainly the result of SOME conditions that exist in today’s society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed, modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect, antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual’s internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.

Kaczynski’s 1999 short story “Ship of Fools,” written while he was imprisoned, predicted how the empty intersectional squabbles that plague us in 2023 were perhaps a purposeful distraction from far more ominous, and irreversibly apocalyptic, trends. Its last lines read:

And all of the passengers and crew chimed in one after another, calling the cabin boy a fascist and a counterrevolutionary. They pushed him away and went back to grumbling about wages, and about blankets for women, and about the right to suck cocks, and about how the dog was treated. The ship kept sailing north, and after a while it was crushed between two icebergs and everyone drowned.

Kaczynski leaves behind a society of overmedicated smart-phone addicts who are just as obsessed with cultural trivialities as the crew of “Ship of Fools” and who seem blind to the titanic dangers that threaten us all, regardless of political persuasion.

And a frightening new poll from the Cato Institute finds that younger people — you know, the “digitally raised” types who never lived in a world without the Internet — are far more likely to approve of the government placing surveillance cameras in their homes so long as it makes them feel a tiny bit more secure.

Uncle Ted will be missed. Sadly, he will probably not be replaced.

“Portland’s Premier Anne Frank Impersonator” Arrested for Stabbing His Father to Death

Police have arrested 34-year-old drag queen Michael Horwitz on suspicion of stabbing his 68-year-old father to death inside daddy’s “multimillion-dollar Virginia Beach mansion” during a dispute last weekend.

The nature of the father/drag-queen-son argument is unclear, but this much is known: The victim, Dr. Abbey Horwitz — I don’t name ’em, I just report their names — was a male dentist on the cusp of retirement. His son Michael was one of three children. At some point Michael had relocated to Portland, Oregon. He used the nom de plume “Menorah Horwitz” in a series of articles for freebie alt-rag The Portland Mercury. In a 2017 story for the Mercury, Horwitz referred to his mother as his “first favorite superhero” who “taught me how to disappear”:

I’m learning to turn invisible to live as a woman. It’s a talent I have for being transparent. I let you see right through me, and act like I don’t see you at all. I’m half here and half hidden, a trick I learned from the smartest woman I know.

In one of his stories on the site from 2017, Horwitz, who in 2015 was named “A Queer to Watch” by The Advocate, says his mom is his “first favorite superhero” and “taught me how to disappear.”

He also wrote a softcover book called The Diary of Menorah Horwitz. The book’s description contains what is perhaps an ominous portent of what may have become an act of patricide:

Michael Horwitz, a shy 29-year-old gay illustrator, combines Judaism and a love of drag in all the wrong ways when he becomes Menorah, Portland’s premiere Anne Frank impersonator. Dressed in a puke colored school-girl’s uniform, stripper heels, and nails made from burning candles taped to his fingers, Michael explores Portland’s queer and punk party scene, one bad lip synch at a time. He falls in with drug happy club kids, hot tempered local divas, and some of the world’s most famous drag queens (sometimes disastrously) — all while waking up at 6 am the next morning to bag groceries. But not everyone is happy with Michael’s new alter ego, specifically his very supportive family.

According to the Post-Millennial:

The book’s artwork shows Horwitz with candles taped to his fingers, surrounded by a number of objects including female hormones, a baby having its umbilical cord cut but the cord has been replaced with a hot dog, and a bottle labeled “Jew Wine.”

Holy Moly Surgical Cannoli, with all of those factors, what could possibly have gone wrong, besides possibly stabbing his dad to death?

Horwitz was booked on charges of second-degree murder and is being held on suicide watch at the Virginia Beach Jail. Apparently there’s not a lot of money to be made, even in Portland, as an Anne Frank-impersonating drag queen, so even though the mentally discombobulated child of wealth, who allegedly stabbed his father to death in a mansion valued at over $2 million, has pled indigence and requested a public defender.

Poop Swastika Found in Vermont High School’s Gender-Neutral Bathroom

Apropos of themes raised in Spencer J. Quinn’s recent feature about how the Third Reich burned books encouraging transgenderism, as well as keeping in line with the Nazis-vs.-trannies narrative about Menorah Horwitz, CNN reports that “[a] high school in Vermont is working with police to investigate after a swastika was painted with feces in a gender-neutral bathroom.”

As of this writing, it is unclear whether the fecal hate symbol, which was found at Vermont’s Montpelier High School, was painted by a tranny-hating Nazi or a Nazi-hating tranny. In a statement issued last week to students and families, school principal Jason Gingold wrote:

It is a purposeful act that targets specific people in our community to instill fear and send the message that they don’t belong. . . . This is not an isolated incident. Drawing a swastika in feces in a gender-neutral bathroom is a very deliberate act that has been mirrored in schools, college campuses, and elsewhere across the country. . . . In recent years, it has been directly used on school campuses to threaten queer and Jewish people.

Apparently the Vermont high school is packed with queer, disabled, and non-white pupils. The Montpelier Bridge quoted one student, who apparently has a Third Eye that allows him to distinguish between hate hoaxes and “genuine” hate crimes:

It said someone made a swastika with feces in the gender-neutral bathroom. . . . At first everyone thought it was a dumb kid just being stupid. But this is a genuine act of hate. One of my teachers said it being in a gender-neutral bathroom wasn’t a coincidence.

The fecal swastika was allegedly smeared on Friday, June 2. By Monday, it had caused such a collective schoolwide conniption that a general assembly was hastily summoned to deal with the trauma. According to another student:

I am a queer person with disabilities and I am affected. . . . I said to my community [at Monday’s assembly] that we can be better than this and that we are better than this and we need to be there for one another. I spoke to my classmates, shaking with anger and anxiety. I was met with a multitude of reactions; agreement, fear, hurt, tears, but also people laughing and snickering at me. . . . With the image being drawn in feces, it adds another layer of hate and negativity. . . . That message is meant to make people feel as if they don’t belong and spread fascist ideas into our most vulnerable and beautiful communities.

I hope you’ll pardon me for snickering.

These Shaniquas Are Outta Control!

You can buy Spencer J. Quinn’s young adult novel The No College Club here.

During a recent discussion about the Karen Question on White Rabbit Radio, host Tim Murdock suggested that the generic name for black women who cause a ruckus should be “Shaniqua,” and I have no problem with that.

I should clarify that these terms are not directly analogous, because a “Shaniqua” as I define it doesn’t merely call the cops on people for crimes, whether real or imagined. Quite the opposite, in fact: A “Shaniqua” is more likely to be committing crimes. I also believe that the following cases should establish beyond a reasonable doubt that Shaniquas are far more of a public menace than Karens could ever hope to be.

Our first Shaniqua this week — or should that be spelled “this wiq”? — reminds me of a drunken black woman with whom I had the misfortune of sharing a plane from Las Vegas back to Atlanta a few years ago. Visibly tipsy upon boarding, she proceeded to shout so loudly and intemperately, especially after takeoff, that flight attendants were forced to bind her hands and feet with plastic zip ties, at which point they locked her in a rear bathroom, whereupon she continued to shout and bang her head against the bathroom door.

Cynthia McKnight’s mug shot shows her with two metal nose piercings, which may be an unconscious homage to her African forebears’ famed practice of shoving bones through their noses. The incident that landed her in trouble with the po-po happened last April on an American Airlines flight that was scheduled to fly from Buffalo to Chicago. According to court documents, Ms. McKnight became “irate” when a flight attendant told her to put away her phone before takeoff. McKnight then “engaged in a verbal altercation with one passenger, then spat on another” before opening the emergency door and jumping down the inflatable slide. According to a tweet by Buffalo Bills offensive tackle Spencer Brown, who was aboard the plane and witnessed the woman in all her primate rage:

Sitting on a plane. A lady is pissed. Lady pulls the emergency inflatable slide to escape the plane. Lady is running wild through the tarmac currently. Cops have arrived. Flight ruined. Memories made. Noice.

Due to McKnight’s freakout, the plane never took off, and American Airlines estimated that the cost of replacing the emergency slide and rebooking passengers was around $50,000. McKnight, who pleaded guilty to two counts of simple assault, recently agreed to pay $42,128 in restitution.

Our second Shaniqua caused a giant to-do in Manhattan’s Tompkins Square Park last Sunday by yanking one woman by the hair, terrorizing the woman’s baby, grabbing a newspaper from a man’s hands and tearing it to pieces, overturning outside tables at a nearby bistro, smashing people’s drinks, and making a general massive pain in the ass of herself during a “violent rampage” estimated to have lasted about a half-hour before police finally arrived. The woman, whose nappy hair was swaddled in a sassy red “Rosie the Riveter”-style scarf, has been identified so far only as “Pop Star.” Police loaded her into an ambulance and shuffled her off to Bellevue Hospital, because she is clearly mentally ill rather than a criminal, right? Witnesses say she was spotted freely walking in the same area the very next day.

The day after that, yet another unhinged Shaniqua was spotted in Tompkins Square Park harassing the mostly white-looking and clearly intimidated locals. One of her male targets told the New York Post:

She was saying creepy-ass shit. She said, “You guys are lizards.” She was calling me a faggot. It was super intrusive. She’s obviously unwell.

Rrrrrright — just like the last one, she’s “unwell” rather than a criminal. But you’re obviously a faggot for trying to excuse her behavior.

Our final pair of alleged Shaniquas — or should that be Shaniquim? — is by far the grisliest case. According to the New York Post — which I was told in journalism school was a trash newspaper compared to The New York Times, although these days I find the Post hews to journalism’s rules far more faithfully than the Times does:

A twisted Maryland mom and daughter are charged with dismembering the family’s matriarch with a chainsaw — then grilling the body parts to get rid of them — following a fight about a credit card, cops said.

According to the Prince George’s County Police Department, when they made a welfare check at the home of 71-year-old Margaret Craig, her 44-year-old daughter Candace showed no reservations about inviting them in to snoop around. They say that when they went down to the basement, “they immediately smelled the odor of decomposition” and “observed blood and tissue,” as well as “what appeared to be brain matter.”

Investigators later concluded that the elder Ms. Craig had been dead for more than a week and that the day after she was allegedly murdered, Candace Craig enlisted her 19-year-old daughter, Salia Hardy, in helping to sloppily hide the corpse. Both mom and daughter are being held without bond in connection with the slaying.

If anyone reading this still maintains that white Karens are worse than black Shaniquas, you’ll need to speak with me after class.

Jim Goad

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