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TODAY: The Great Debate Greg Johnson & Gregory Hood on Ethnonationalism vs. Imperialism  

10-6-2023 < Counter Currents 51 306 words

Plato and Aristotle from Raphael’s The School of Athen

261 words

JOIN US TODAY! Counter-Currents is celebrating its 13th birthday and launch our annual fundraiser this weekend. This weekend, a select group of Counter-Currents writers, donors, and friends will be gathering for a celebration.

Anyone in the world can join us this evening to participate in one of the highlights of the weekend: a debate between Greg Johnson and American Renaissance’s Gregory Hood on the topic: Imperialism or Ethnonationalism? Which way to victory?

So none of you miss this historic occasion, we are streaming the debate live TODAY Saturday, June 10th, on Odysee (here) and DLive (here) at 10AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern, 7PM Central European time. 

Greg Johnson introduces the topic here:

One of the fundamental divisions in the White Nationalist movement is between ethnonationalists and imperialists. Ethnonationalists want a world in which every distinct people has the right to a sovereign homeland. Imperialists want a single white racial state. Wilmot Robertson makes the case for ethnonationalism in his book The Ethnostate, whereas Francis Parker Yockey presents the case for imperialism in Imperium. Other advocates of imperialism include Sir Oswald Mosley, Jean Thiriart, and Guillaume Faye.

Read Greg Johnson’s defense of the Ethnonationalist position here: “Against Imperialism.”

Read Gregory Hood’s fresh statement on the Imperialist position here: “The Challenge Ahead” “What I want is a united Western Civilization-State that will ensure the physical survival of our race.”

Everyone can participate in the live chat. Send a superchat to ask a question to our participants! This is going to be a lively,  interactive event, and we want to hear from all of you!
