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The Fall of the House of Biden

6-6-2023 < Counter Currents 35 1630 words

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Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. — Proverbs 16:18 (King James)

The video of Joe Biden’s “I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!” moment has gone viral. That swath of the populace whose recurring nightmare is a rerun of the Orangeman’s jackbooted feet resting on the Oval Office coffee table must be close to fecal incontinence. For anyone who hasn’t noticed, Biden falls down a lot, and 80-year-olds who fall down tend to break stuff — such as hips — from which they often fail to recover. Even with the Democrat expertise in ballot harvesting, the reelection of a blanket-draped, slack-jawed Joe Biden in a body cast or wheelchair might not be a sure thing.

I am speaking, of course, of Biden’s ungainly swan dive — the worst of many so far — following his June 1 commencement speech at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado.  The speech itself was typical Biden babble, apparently drawn from an alternative reality and laden with lame humor and meandering bluster remarkable only for its occasional moments of unintended irony, which set up the capstone piece of visual irony: his collapse at the end like the demolition of an old brick building.

Some of the gems:

The Ukrainian people’s iron resolve to live in freedom will never be broken. They are incredible: average women and men fighting, giving their lives for their country and their families.

The only certainty to draw from this is that with the “iron resolve” and continuing American generosity in money and arms, at some point in Ukraine the “average [age of the] women and men fighting and giving their lives” will be heading toward 60.

I’ve met with Xi Jinping more than any per- — more than any leader in the world, starting back when I was Vice President.

A show of Biden’s typical lack of self-awareness, raising in the audience a suspicion that Joe’s frequent meetings with Xi might have something to do with the Biden family’s financial history, which is currently a subject of interest to Republicans in the House of Representatives Oversight Subcommittee.

Perhaps the best one was his reminding the graduates about the Academy’s honor code: “Your honor code says, ‘We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.’” Check out Biden’s career of plagiarism going back law school and continuing throughout his long political career.

Thanks to YouTube, one can track the course of our Commander-in-Chief regularly falling down, shaking hands with imaginary donors, not knowing who he is, and not knowing where he is. The befuddled Biden in his dotage, the corpse-like and senile Diane Feinstein, the brain-damaged Jon Fetterman, the incoherent Nancy Pelosi — in contemplating this unsightly  protuberance of American “leadership,” one might say that the Democrat Party’s “brand” is increasingly marked by decrepitude, ineptitude, hebetude, and cognitive decline.

I must confess to experiencing schadenfreude while watching that video of the President pitching himself on to the platform floor. It reminded me of Fidel Castro’s spectacular face plant 15 years ago in Havana just after giving a speech.

Back in 2020, our ruling class, with the avid assistance of the state propaganda outlets, connived to install this physically and cognitively spent political hack in the White House. He has repaid the fixers and handlers by putting them in a fix. Almost every day, Biden seems to say or do something that proves he should be stashed out of the way in a memory care unit somewhere, and pushes the panic index of the Trump-haters up another notch.

From CNN:

Just a third of Americans say that Biden winning in 2024 would be a step forward or a triumph for the country (33%). At the same time, the survey finds a decline in favorable views of Biden over the past six months, from 42% in December to 35% now. And results from the same poll released earlier this week showed Biden’s approval rating for handling the presidency at 40%, among the lowest for any first-term president since Dwight Eisenhower at this point in their term.

How much longer, they must be wondering, before he’s completely out of it, falls down and breaks something, and/or has a heart attack or stroke? Compounding the fix is the widespread perception that the Vice President is a moron. The A-Team looks like Abbott and Costello. No B-Team yet appears to be in place, but rumor has it that the current Governor of the state that produced Willie Brown’s protégé, VP Harris, wants to be President someday soon. To get a sense of what a Gavin Newsom Presidency would mean for decent Americans, one only has to look at what is going on in California, where slavery reparations are in the works. In 2020, Governor Newsom created a taskforce composed of eight smiley blacks and one elderly Asian in need of a haircut to work on a reparations proposal for a state that has no money to pay for it.

Gavin then set to bragging about it:

CA just became the first state in the nation to mandate the study and development of proposals for reparations. Our past is one of slavery, racism, and injustice. Our systems were built to oppress people of color. It’s past time we acknowledge that.

You can buy Stephen Paul Foster’s new novel When Harry Met Sally here.

I thought that the “acknowledgment” of all these horrors was a major pastime of the government, academia, corporations, and the entertainment world for the last four decades.

This shows that you, too, can be hopelessly deranged and become Governor of a large state. Worse still is the realization that Newsom is a mainstream Democrat who takes pride in deranged ravings. Worst of all, no Republican at the national level — how about fellow Californian Kevin McCarthy? — will come out and condemn the reparations movement for being nothing more than a racially-motivated shake down.

To be realistically brutal about this: This is standard, boring fare from the Democrats. Yes, Biden is a senile dufus, but a younger, compos mentis Democrat will continue the same “We’re so sorry, give the blacks free stuff” Kabuki dance without falling on his face or forgetting what century he lives in. The Republicans as a political party will continue to play the “Will you respect me in the morning?” dating game with the Democrats, offering no philosophical or moral alternative to the cult of “diversity” and unwilling to resist the depredations of social justice zealots. What that means for election year 2024 and beyond is that the Republicans will not save us from the Democrats. Kevin McCarthy’s recent debt ceiling deal with Biden shows whose interests are being looked after. It is a signature piece of Republican betrayal. It’s their role. It’s what they do.

Which brings me back to Biden’s recent performance and what it might portend. Proverbs (above) notes a causal connection between pride and destruction, and a haughty spirit going before a fall. The President’s fall in Colorado was quite a spectacle, rife with hopeful symbolism. The image of a crumpled-up Biden, on his knees, rear end thrust out for the audience to see says it all: “He’s done, an embarrassment, a joke. Get him out of here!”

Joe Biden represents a ruling class — the Uni-Party — that is proud of its “progressive” assault on traditional American liberties as well as its haughty contempt for law-abiding white citizens. At the pinnacle of arrogance and corruption, this regime has devoted itself to governing by pretending. It pretends that the kleptocrat oligarchs running the show are Democrats. It pretends that it cares about the people of Ukraine, that the mounting national debt won’t bring financial collapse, that black underperformance and rampant social pathologies are the result of racism, and that Israel deserves unlimited resources and support and must be exempt from all criticism. It pretends that human sexuality is a matter of choice and that guys who say they are women are civil rights pioneers.

At some point, as happened in the Soviet Union, the departure from the constraints of reality and the pretending will no longer work. Many, if not most, of us on the dissident Right are convinced that the United States as a well-governed society of loyal, law-abiding citizens no longer exists. We are on our own. When the pretender’s façade of competent governing finally falls down and things come apart, everyone will be on their own. The realists among us will be able to say, “I told you so,” and have a better chance to make a good life in the post-liberal world.

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