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Football’s Race War

31-5-2023 < Counter Currents 38 6795 words

Vinicius Junior

6,359 words

You might not have heard, but Spain is currently undergoing its own version of a George Floyd moment. Scaled down, of course — nothing can really match American production value — but nonetheless, there is a storm brewing, one resembling what much of American sociopolitics has been reduced to: racism and victimhood grifting.

A storm — although in actual fact, it’s more like a tempest in a teacup, as is often the case with these sort of black grievances. It all started last weekend when the Real Madrid Football Club went to Valencia to play that city’s main football (or soccer, if you prefer) team. At some point during the match, one of Real Madrid’s players, a black Brazilian who goes by the name Vinicius Junior, had a bit of a meltdown. According to him, the Valencia fans were “racially abusing” him with chants and taunts. One such taunt was the repetition of the word mono, Spanish for “monkey.”

The match descended into chaos. Vinicius and his Real Madrid teammates engaged in a fracas with both the fans and the Valencia players, with Vinicius striking the head of a Valencia player who was trying to calm him down. This action resulted in the referee, who had enacted the standard protocols required in situations like this such as pausing the game, issuing a red card to Vinicius. This incensed both Vinicius and much of Spain’s Twitterati, who saw it as punishing the victim. After the match, the furor continued and even increased in temperature. What has happened over the past few days has been fascinating, frustrating, and predictable.

Around this time last year, I wrote an essay about the importance of sport in today’s society and the intense efforts to turn all major sports into propaganda machines. There are countless examples of how this LGBT and Black Lives Matter activism has captured the sporting arena, and, as I wrote in my essay, American “woke” culture has infested European football for quite some time now. What happened in Spain with Vinicius is yet another addition to the list of examples, and is certain to send blacktivism in Europe into top gear. Indeed, it already has. The veneration of the black “victim” has gone international, and blacks in Europe and in football are taking full advantage, just as blacks in America have done for decades.

In the aftermath of the Valencia incident, what has transpired is nothing more than another racism con. In this case, a pampered multimillionaire who gets paid lavishly to kick a ball is the new George Floyd —  just as happened in this very month of May three years ago when Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose while surrounded by police offers, the System Of Systems comprised of corporate, media, political, and entertainment organizations has once again sprung into immediate action on Vinicius’ behalf.

Up go the social media screeds denouncing the rampant racism in Europe. Up go the hashtags. Up go the messages of support from fellow footballers. Up go the calls to “do more” and, whatever “more” is, do it “better.” Ex-England and Manchester United player Rio Ferdinand, who is black, wrote lengthy posts on both his Twitter and Instagram accounts full of exclamatory demands that “racism” be stamped out once and for all. Further confirming the fact that these black athletes like Ferdinand have become nothing more than racial activists, Ferdinand engaged in the typical BLM activist tactic of attempting to coerce institutional power into doing his bidding or else face the disastrous fate of being labeled racist.

The goblin-faced grifter Vinicius himself took to all his social media platforms to brand the entire nation of Spain and the entire Spanish football league as “racist.”

Why do I call him a goblin-faced grifter? Well, for starters, look at him. As for his grifting, I shall explain. You see, Vinicius alleges that he was racially abused, but video evidence shows that, at least at one moment of the match and in one section of the crowd, they were not chanting mono. They were in fact chanting tonto, which is Spanish for “fool.” As this storm continued rumbling in the wake of the match and the possibility that Vinicius had completely overreacted to being called a fool began to circulate, the Brazilian doubled down by posting a video compilation of all the “abuse” he has been subjected to. One example of this supposed racist abuse is a group of fans singing “muere Vinicius, muere!” (in English that’s “Die, Vinicius, die!”). There is no mention of — or attack on — Vinicius’ race in that obviously unserious “death threat.” And what do we make of the fact, then, that virtually every top player of every race and ethnicity has had to endure similar, if not exactly the same, chants and songs and desires directed at him? It’s also worth pointing out precisely why Vinicius is loathed by fans all over Spain and thus is subjected to so many insults as to be able to put together a compilation of them.

It’s nothing to do with his race. The Real Madrid team is chock full of other black players. If the Spanish are really as racist as Vinicius would have us believe, why are they not given the same treatment at stadia across the Iberian peninsula? Vinicius is singled out not because he is of Sub-Saharan descent, but because he is, frankly, a twat. He is a provocateur. He typically celebrates goals by doing an obnoxious dance, often in front of opposing fans. When he scored a goal against a team almost certain to be relegated at the end of this season to Spain’s second tier league, Vinicius celebrated by holding aloft two fingers, a cheeky reference to the division his goal will likely condemn that club to playing in. Let me put it this way: an extravagantly wealthy player who stars for what is arguably the biggest football club in the world celebrated his goal by rubbing relegation in his humble, farmer club opponents’ noses. It is the very antithesis of sportsmanship, and but one example of why he is despised.

But, thanks to the West’s newfound religion of Ecumenical Negrolatry, Vinicius has been able to convince the world that he is a victim of racism. It’s the same old story that we’ve seen play out innumerable times, with a young black man in Britain who calls himself Mizzy being another recent example. Mizzy has been making himself Internet famous by carrying out horrid “pranks” on white people in London and uploading the videos of his deeds to TikTok. Some of his pranks include: stealing an elderly woman’s dog, gathering a handful of his black mates and barging into a young couple’s house, and stroking a young woman’s hair while towering over her and asking “Do you want to die?”

Mizzy’s reign of terror was only halted momentarily when he chose a target for his pranks with even more victimhood clout and protection than himself: Jewish people. That finally compelled the law to put a stop to Mizzy’s miscreancy, but he was back at it soon after receiving a slap on the wrist. And what has been Mizzy’s response to the “haters” voicing their shock and objections to his pranks? “It’s because I’m black!” As ever, a black behaves in a ghastly way, and when confronted by people with a superior code of conduct, or when met with a tidal wave of disapproval, or when people decide they’re going to give him a taste of his own medicine, the black person plays the race and victim cards. For a long time, our culture has allowed these cards to trump all others, and it will continue to allow it for the foreseeable future. There is simply too much power to be gained.

Vinicius’ J’accuse! is not just a one off. It is part of an ever-growing and insatiable campaign to turn football into yet another propaganda weapon wielded against white people and their traditions and customs.

Italy already has experience with a bad boy black who cried “racism.” The story of Mario Balotelli is a teachable moment, as liberals love to say. Balotelli is an African. His real name is Mario Barwuah. He was born in Sicily to Ghanian parents who gave him up for adoption when he was a toddler. Taken in by Francesco and Silvia Balotelli, the latter of whom is Jewish, Mario thrived in their care, got involved in local football teams, and eventually changed his surname to reflect his attachment to his foster parents. When he turned 18 years old and became a legal adult, he was presented with the option of choosing Ghanian citizenship or Italian. It’s no surprise which he elected.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Confessions of a Reluctant Hater here

Having obtained Italian citizenship by signing a few documents, he was eligible to play for the Italian national soccer team. More importantly, he became a poster child for what I call “passport nationalism.”

Mario Balotelli is not Italian. He never will be. If he were to take a DNA test, not 1% of Southern or Transalpine European DNA would show up. Yet we are told, even by Mario himself, that we must see him as just as Italian as any native simply because he has an Italian identity card.

Italy’s default citizenship law is that of ius sanguinis. Like the majority of countries in the world, being a member of the nation is a matter of blood and birthright, of biological inheritance. The United States, which automatically grants citizenship to anyone born on its soil, is the most conspicuous exception. However, mass immigration from non-European peoples and passport nationalism has put European countries’ ius sanguinis standard under pressure. Because there are, of course, other ways of acquiring citizenship, such as naturalization. Having lived in Italy for a specific number of years, anyone can apply for cittadinanza. Once obtained and thus legally recognized as an Italian citizen, that citizenship will be passed on to whatever children the naturalized foreigner has post hoc.

Mario Balotelli became the most high-profile example of the strain and the change Italian identity is undergoing. Like Vinicius, Balotelli acted like a proper stronzo both on and off the pitch. He garnered an infamous reputation for his bad behavior, frequently disobeying and disrespecting his own coaches as well as opposing teams and fans. Predictably, fans insulted him back, and Balotelli played his race and victim cards. One example of the alleged “racism” Mario Burwuah suffered: “haters” pointed out that he is Ghanian by blood and his adoptive mother is Jewish. Maybe he should play for Israel?

It’s a valid question. If we are expected to believe that Balotelli is Italian because he was adopted by Italians and now has the correct paperwork, why isn’t he also Jewish? Does he have Right of Return to Israel? Why not? The accusation that European peoples like the Spanish or the Italians are “racists” ultimately stems from one primary intention: attacking Europeans’ identity, ethnic unity, and self-defense mechanisms. As French philosopher Alain de Benoist put it:

In traditional societies, the question of identity does not even arise. It begins to arise in modern times because the landmarks are fading, and more and more people are questioning who they are and what they belong to. ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Who are we?’ are questions that only arise when identity is threatened, uncertain, or has already disappeared.

Only the European is expected to believe that a Sub-Saharan African can sign his name on a passport and become just as European as the European himself. Only the European is met with gasps of horror if he dares to question such a notion. Only the European is accused of being the worst thing possible in today’s world — a racist — if he objects to this notion.

Mario Balotelli quickly took advantage of this threat to, and burgeoning uncertainty regarding, Italian identity. He became an anti-racist activist, one of Italian football’s first. The protocol of stopping a match and walking off the field in the event of “racist chants” from the stands could be traced, in part, to Balotelli. He also became a vocal supporter of the Italian Left’s campaign to abolish Italy’s ius sanguinis citizenship and instate an American style ius solis policy. This would grant automatic Italian citizenship — and thereby European Union citizenship — to any and all of the babies born to migrants on Italian soil. Take a moment to appreciate the full implication of that. Think of the heaving so-called asylum centers on the island of Lampedusa, packed to the rafters with Third World migrants, with record-breaking numbers still arriving to this day. Any children born to those migrants waiting for their dubious asylum claims to be sorted would automatically be “Italian.” The American malediction “anchor baby” is coming to Europe.

So Mario Burwuah chides Italians for being racists and demands they accept him as Italian. The Italian Left and his Jewish adoptive parents proudly hold him up as the literal changing face of Italy. But, as so often happens, Mario’s mask slips. In the end, whether mixed-race or adopted by whites, a black will always end up identifying most with his or her non-white side. Think Barrack Obama or Colin Kaepernick. Balotelli is no different.

Mario Barwuah

In 2022, with his flop of a footballing career fading into obscolescence, Balotelli tattooed “Black Power” over one eyebrow. Balotelli is literally two-faced. While tattooing “Black Power” — a war cry taken directly from African-Americans in the United States — on one side of his face, from the other side he, along with his activist allies, requires that Italians accept that he is just as Italian as a pizza Margherita. Yet, as displayed by Balotelli himself, his real identity and allegiance are clear. For him, being Italian is nothing more than a convenience, a ticket to la dolce vita. The only consideration he gives to the Italian people and their culture and customs is how best to subvert them. But be careful! Any criticism of his antics and tactics and you’ll be labeled a racist. The grift is unassailable.

Staying in Italy, another black footballer has followed Balotelli’s footsteps and become a self-styled BLM activist. Romelu Lukaku, a Congolese man who we are supposed to believe is Belgian, has been whining nonstop about “racism” in Italy; tellingly, ever since 2020 and the Summer of George, that fateful summer which gave carte blanche — or rather carte noir — to black people everywhere to lord themselves over the rest of society and demand that we literally wash their feet and kneel before them.

Picture Perfect: A man of African origin playing for a European nation’s football team gets on one knee and raises his right fist in a “black power” homage to a criminal delinquent who died of a drug overdose in Minnesota. Meanwhile, an LGBT-themed advertisement hoarding looms in the background. The conquest of Globohomo is complete.

Before Italy played Belgium in the Euro 2020 quarterfinal, Lukaku, whose surname is often modified to Lu-caca by opposing fans (is that racist abuse?), essentially forced the Italian players into taking the knee before the match. While this incredibly stupid yet immensely symbolic gesture had been adopted by the English Premier League and the England national team, among a few others such as Lu-caca’s Belgium, the based and chad Italians had refrained from participating in the humiliation ritual. That is, until they had to play against Lu-caca. The Congolese huffed and puffed and spluttered, hectoring the Italians like a schoolmarm until they finally relented and agreed to fall on their knees before kickoff — although they insisted that they were only doing it as a show of anti-racism solidarity and not as a sign of concordance with the Black Lives Matter movement. As if there is much difference.

At this point, it is essential that every white/European person realize: “racism,” as a concept, is a farce. It only goes one way — from the wicked white devils towards everyone else. We are told that it is a sin, an original sin, of which only white people are guilty and for which they must be held accountable and atone. To give any credence or acknowledgement to “racism” in today’s world is to surrender, utterly, to an enemy who hates you and will show you no mercy.

Ever since 2020, Lu-caca has been relentless in “fighting racism.”

The “racist abuse” in question was no more than three fans who for no more than three seconds made ape-like noises after Lukaku scored a goal. Any white person who has played basketball in an inner city has probably been subjected to more “racist” trash talk than this.

What is ironic is that despite all this anti-racist campaigning, apparently “racism” has only got worse. Isn’t that odd? Hardly. If an anti-racist activist’s livelihood depends on finding “racism,” he will find it . . . even if he has to invent it. Then he will amplify it, exaggerate it, in order to justify his activism in the first place. We can observe this pattern in the modus operandi of Jewish organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL’s mission is to combat anti-Semitism, yet according to the ADL’s spokesmen themselves, anti-Semitism has only increased and, if you were to take their claims at face value, it is indeed always “on the rise.” So what’s the solution the ADL proposes? More funding for Jewish organizations such as the ADL, of course! Curtail freedom of speech, obviously! Broaden the scope of what constitutes anti-Semitism and pass more laws to punish it, naturally! It’s an amazingly successful formula: complain about a problem, make the problem even worse, reap the benefits.

Returning to Euro 2020, there is perhaps no starker example of how this racism swindle operates than to recall what transpired in that tournament’s final match. Once again, the almost entirely ethnically Italian team (there were a handful of Italo-Brazilians on the squad) faced off against a multiracial opponent. The England national football team has long been a politicized tool for the British government and champions of mass immigration. Because the English-speaking world is much farther along the path of cultural and demographic subversion than some other European countries, it’s hardly surprising that every time Team England partakes in a major tournament, the storm clouds of sociopolitical controversies loom over its head. The England captain wears a rainbow-colored armband so that the English Football Association can virtue-signal its support for the “LGBT community.” The make-up of the England team is less and less English with each passing year. Just as the English are being replaced in their own country, they are being replaced in the roster of their own national football team. The England team nowadays is comprised mostly of mixed-race players, or players of Sub-Saharan origins, with typical English names like Bukayo Saka.

In the case of the Euro 2020 Final, England and Italy battled to a draw and the victor had to be decided in a penalty kick shootout. In a shootout, each team is given five chances to score from 12 yards in front of the goal. England’s coach, Gareth Southgate, specifically chose three black players to take England’s last three penalty kicks. That is to say, he wanted English victory to be undeniably and inescapably thanks to England’s “diversity.”

You can buy Greg Johnson’s You Asked for It here

There is a famous video of blacks gathered in a pub in England watching the match on a big-screen television chanting “Give it to a black guy, he’ll score! Give it to a black guy, he’ll score!” The England team had set the stage. Black men wearing the Three Lions of England would convert their penalty kicks and bring long-awaited glory to that sceptred isle. All the racists would have to eat their hearts out. Immigration would have to be increased to even higher levels. Bring in more Africans! They’re so good at kicking footballs!

What ended up happening was, from the perspective of the blacktivists and diversity merchants, a disaster. All three black players either had their penalty kick saved by Italy’s goalkeeper or missed the goal entirely. It was a failure the likes of which England hadn’t seen since Singapore 1942. The black players who had been propped up to be paragons of diversity, black excellence, immigration, open borders, and every other sacred tenet of Globohomo instead became the spitting image of the defeat of all those things. The Italian team, without a single African player in the entire squad, secured victory by playing stylish football and swatting aside the “diverse” teams of “progressive” countries like Belgium and England.

Those three black players, specifically chosen because of their race to be the heroes, were then alleged to be victimized by insults and abuse because of their race. Little Englanders were admonished as racists by public figures and Leftists on social media. Murals depicting the three black failures as triumphant, crown-wearing kings were painted. An outpouring of support flowed from the System of Systems as corporations and celebrities tripped over each other in their race to be the first and the loudest defenders of those black losers. Team England had expected to rub racists’ noses in “diversity.” Had they scored their penalties and won England the cup, we would have been treated to months — indeed a lifetime — of constant reminders that Black Men won England their first trophy since 1966. Their adoration would have been eternal. Hollywood films would have been made about them. They would have been knighted.

In their abject failure, however, the narrative shifted gears quickly. Now we were told not to focus on their race. The refrain of “Give it to a black guy, he’ll score!” was replaced with, “So what if the black guys didn’t score? What’s race got to do with it?” The racial component changed from showcasing black men as heroes to showcasing the horrid racism black people have to suffer in evil countries like England. It was a win-win for the black penalty missers: score and you’re the hero; miss and you’re protected from the criticism that would have justifiably rained down on any native Englishman who had missed, and in fact you’re still lionized and coddled as heroes for your bravery to take the kicks in the first place.

It was a lose-lose for English “racists.” The black men either score and confirm for all time the “enrichment” and “strength” that we are so often told come with immigration and diversity, or they miss and any criticism of their performance is seen as proof of how racist the English people are. When it eventually emerged that nearly all of the so-called “racial abuse” — which amounted to monkey and poo emojis posted under the players’ Instagram photos and angry comments scrawled across Twitter from “fake” accounts — came from India, the United Arab Emirates, and Iran, there was no mea culpa from the British media and celebrity establishment. The opportunity to flog white Europeans, in this case the native English, for their sins was too good to let go. And thus, another racism grift was complete.

Never in my life has the (non)issue of racism been given such prominence in European football. Skintellectuals and racism-grifters will say that “racism” has always been aprowl in football, it’s just that now we are being forced to confront our transgressions thanks to the Racism Inquisition. I have my doubts. Football is celebrated as the world’s most popular sport. Unfortunately, that’s what makes it the perfect — arguably the original — vector for Globohomo. Being the “global game,” it’s virtually impossible to find European teams in the modern era, a period we could classify as beginning around the 1970s, which have not had players from all over the world and of all races. When I was growing up, I never once heard about “racist” abuse of any black player in Italy. So either Italians became brazenly racist at some point in the last 10-15 years, or this anti-racist cultural revolution has created villains where there were none in order to justify itself.

And the revolution is permanent. It is not meant to “succeed.” Ever. You can “do more” and “do better,” but it will never be enough. White people are already the least racist — if we take racist to mean disliking other races and favoring one’s own — and most open people on the face of the Earth. Not enough. Let us never forget that the very term “racism” itself was invented by Leon Trotsky as a way to delegitimize and ultimately criminalize dissenters in Bolshevik Russia. Now it is used to demonize and demoralize white gentiles all over Europe, North America, and Australia.

There is a little bit of truth to what Morgan Freeman said in that famous interview with Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes. If the objective really is to “kick out racism,” then stop talking about it. Rather than kicking out racism, it seems the opposite has been achieved. Racism has been thunderously thumped in. Several years ago, when a fan threw a banana at Daniel Alvez, a Brazilian who also used to play for a Spanish club (and who is a lighter-skinned mestiço but, it must be said, really does have a face like a monkey), the player reacted by picking up the banana and taking a bite of it, then carrying on with the match — and that was the end of the story. Another infamous, indeed iconic, incident occurred again in Spain. I refer, of course, to the night when a Barcelona supporter threw a severed pig’s head from the stands to the feet of Luis Figo, who had “betrayed” Barcelona by signing for arch-rivals Real Madrid. Luis Figo is Portuguese and white, so this act of “abuse” would never have been considered “racist.” But if he were black? And if it occurred today? One can easily imagine the sheer insanity that would erupt.

Fans trying to put off or insult Zlatan Ibrahimovic will sometimes chant that he is a zingaro, or gypsy. The activist crowd considers this to be “racist,” too, but the charismatic Zlatan has always simply brushed aside these chants and focused on playing soccer.

So there seems to be another element at play here: Generation Snowflake.

In the past, men went to the opposing fans’ ground, took some abuse, and got on with it. Now, we have a generation of victimhood clout-chasers who break down in crocodile tears for the cameras and style themselves as righteous activist crusaders. As is often the case, today’s generation of killjoy activists found something that other people were enjoying but which displeased them, so they stuck their (often hooked) noses in and set about making it no fun. It happened with video games. Now it’s happening with sport.

I will always remember the moment I realized Anglosphere-style political correctness was coming for Italy. It was 2016. Calciatore Claudio Marchisio was injured and forced to watch his Juventus teammates on his home television. At one point during the match, he tweeted that the match commentator “must be blind.” He was forced to apologize for offending the “disabled community.” Marchisio certainly learned a lesson that day, as he has gone on to become one of Italy’s most insufferable buonisti. But that was a harbinger. Italy, and the rest of non-English speaking Europe, had nothing like the culture of political correctness found in America. Yet slowly, terms such as “man-spreading” and “micro-aggressions” were imported. Public figures were forced to apologize for offending “marginalized communities.” Ah, the pleasures of living in a multicultural and multiracial society.

Fast forward to today, and the revolution has only grown in ferocity and scope. It is global. Wherever you are in the world, the enemy of the revolution has been clearly defined: the white heterosexual man, and increasingly the white heterosexual woman, known by the racial slur “Karen.” The global culture is anti-white. The global lexicon is anti-white. The same talking points, phrases, buzzwords, and slogans can be found from America to Britain to Germany to Italy to Spain.

Take, for example, the newspaper MARCA. The Tuesday following Vinicius Junior’s supposed racist abuse, MARCA did not do the usual publishing of reports and articles about football results, Formula 1 racing, basketball games, and so on. Instead, MARCA dedicated its entire May 23 edition to anti-racist content. On the front page it ran the phrase now tiresomely familiar in the godforsaken Anglosphere: It’s not enough not to be racist. You have to be anti-racist.

The bacterial infection that is American wokery is consuming Spain’s flesh.

MARCA’s writers have either fallen for the estafa or they are propagating it. I truly wonder. That a Spanish newspaper has as its front-page headline a neologism that comes directly from the American “woke” universities leaves room for reasonable doubt as to just how sincere MARCA’s call to anti-racist arms really is. Furthermore, the newspaper’s demands and solutions dovetail perfectly with what blacktivist campaigners like Lu-caca and Co. have been agitating for: lifetime stadium bans for “racist” fans.

Little comes close to encapsulating the pedestal on which modern Western society has placed the aggrieved African: local folks, who have already seen their hometown clubs turn into corporate commodities more interested in getting a good environmental, social,  and governance (ESG) score than playing football, being banned from their local ground because a millionaire black man can’t handle trash talk.

Another proposal which is gaining steam thanks to Vinicius is to forfeit any match where “racist abuse” has been leveled at a player, and award a victory to the offended player’s team. What could possibly go wrong with such a protocol? Ngubu got his feelings hurt because someone flipped him the bird and called him a cheeky name? Automatic three points for his team! The rule of thumb will change from “Don’t make the black kids angry” to “Don’t make the black footballers sad.”

Incredibly, the Brazilian government stated that in response to the evil, racist Spaniards’ treatment of Vinicius, it would explore the possibility of applying “the principle of extra-territoriality,” which is described as

an extreme remedy in case of crime against Brazilians, which can be useful in case of inaction of the initially competent authorities. It can function as a response to an unjust aggression against a compatriot.

In other words, Spain did a heckin’ racism, and Brazil’s dubiously elected Communist regime wants to prosecute it as a crime. Truly, the utility of the racism grift is limitless and its power as a weapon against whites, unmatchable.

I believe I have done more than enough to demonstrate that what we are witnessing in European football and society at large is a racism grift, a con, a power play. However, that is not to say that fans don’t insult players with racial tropes. A fan did throw a banana at Daniel Alvez. Fans do call players from the Balkans gypsies. Fans who you could count on one hand did literally ape Lukaku. The point is . . . I don’t care.

Die-hard football fans aren’t renowned for their intelligence or couth. What they call passion, many others would call crass and vulgar. Football fans will wish death upon a player on one day, and then rush out to buy that player’s shirt the day he signs for their club. The mob is fickle. The insults, songs wishing death on a player, and “racist” jibes, while intended to offend and annoy their target, are not serious. Grown men who earn millions for playing a game should be able to get over it.

But even if they were genuinely distressed and hurt by these chants, I still would have a heart of stone, especially when it comes to the black players. This is because of the repulsive hypocrisies surrounding how we think of and respond to “racism.” As I wrote earlier, it is only ever a one-way street. Racism comes only from white people and is only suffered by non-white people, according to the scriptures of wokeism. This has had the inevitable and predictable result of making white people the only people towards whom one can be genuinely hateful without reproach. Furthermore, given the overwhelming amount of examples of black violence and destruction unleashed on white people no matter where you find the two races put in proximity, I no longer have it in me to care if fans chant mean words to a black player. This apathy is only solidified when I take into consideration just how coddled blacks are despite — or perhaps because of — their rampant delinquency and criminality. George Floyd dies of a drug overdose and the whole world goes mad; people literally bow down to blacks and wash their feet. Tony Timpa really is killed by police officers, and you probably never even heard of him.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.

Due to the spread of American gangsta rap culture and the cold, hard reality of African genetics and their influence on African behavior, blacks behave exactly the same, whether it’s in the United States, Britain, Ireland, Italy, France, and so on. Yet, the coddling of them and the white flagellation is also the same everywhere you look. I recommend you watch my video describing how this phenomenon of black adoration and White self-castigation has manifested in Italy. Having seen the of wanton vandalism of my culture, and the violence and genuine hatred directed at my people, I’m unmoved by the crocodile tears of millionaire footballers who might or might not have been called a monkey.

The sporting world is a mirror of the real world. Indeed, the sporting world is inextricably a part of the real world. Football is not detached from this real and present danger of racially-motivated hatred and violence against white people, and the hypocrisy inherent in the way Western society deals with it.

One last example to hammer home my point. On May 28 of last year, the Stade de France in Paris hosted the crown jewel of European club football: the Champions League Final. The two teams which disputed the final were Real Madrid and Liverpool. Tens of thousands of Spanish and English families travelled to Paris to see the match live in the ground. Given the decades of mass immigration from North and Sub-Saharan Africa, the neighborhood in which stands the Stade de France, called Saint Denis, is majority Maghrebi and black. Given the behaviour of Maghrebis and blacks, the Saint Denis area is basically a crime-ridden shithole. Even Thierry Henry, a black footballer who played for France, said it was a bad idea to host the final there.

He was correct to have misgivings. The local population of Saint Denis and the Afro-Arab population from other parts of Paris turned the glittering final into a violent inferno. In a video which you can watch here, I document all the chaos which they unleashed. In short, hordes of Afro-Arab Parisians specifically targeted white European families for muggings and beatings, and sexually assaulted white women and girls. The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) did not denounce this act of real racist violence. Rio Ferdinand did not post multiple tirades demanding something be done to ensure the safety of European families at football matches. Nike and Adidas did not have any message of solidarity for those victims of racial abuse. The two clubs, Real Madrid and Liverpool, did not share a hashtag signaling their hardline stance against racism. The French government reacted by actually trying to cover up the violence, and where it was impossible to cover it up, blame it on the travelling fans for causing a ruckus.

Taking things like this into account, my response to claims that a black player was “racially abused” by fans is to say “So what?” Until UEFA and society in general show the same concern about the racism and hate and violence directed, with approval, at native Europeans, I refuse to care about whatever grievances non-Europeans complain about.

I have the sense that I am not alone in this. While it’s true that the woke bacteria is slowly eating away at continental Europe, there are signs that countries such as Spain and Italy still have an immune system. The fact that Spaniards and Italians think we live in a time when one can take the piss out of black footballers indicates an almost innocent naïveté carried over from bygone times — times when Europeans were much more confident in themselves and much less worried about being politically correct. Across social media, I saw several examples of Spaniards who were not having any of Vinicius’ sob story. Perhaps black fatigue has already set in the bones of people here, too. Ironically, the globalization of the George Floyd madness might play a role in this.

However, because Spain and Italy, which are home to two of Europe’s most important football leagues respectively, seem so far behind the woke pace set by Britain, Sweden, Germany, and America, we can expect that Globohomo will only intensify its shelling of Spanish and Italian society and institutions. The football won’t be spared; indeed, given the importance the sport has there, it will be the focal point.

As ever, the native population stands alone against a global alliance of the political, the corporate, and the academic worlds. There are no brakes on this train. The anti-racist activists will continue digging up evidence of racism, however meager and dubious, with which they can bludgeon the ordinary European who just wants to watch a bit of soccer. Black players will continue crying wolf. I’m certain that as we enter the footballing off-season, UEFA and the national football associations will hold a summit or two about the problem of “racist fans.” It will be up to the people, the fans, to have the courage and confidence to take their own side and stand up for themselves in the face of all this gaslighting and guilt-tripping.

To reiterate, Europeans are already by far the most non-racist people on Earth and tolerant to a fault of other peoples. The anti-racism push in football is little to do with protecting players from hurty words. It is part of the overall agenda to deracinate, demoralize, and quite literally silence European men and women and render them defenceless.

It’s much more than a game.

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