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Forward with a Vengeance

30-5-2023 < Counter Currents 22 441 words

Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes (c. 1612)

153 words

The tally of crimes is no neural vice
Cursing enemies no wasted locution
Stowing grudges far beyond their price
If some day it yields retribution
Count all transgressions — ten fingers ten toes
Enough fists and boots to keep score
Should amnesty to amnesia transpose
True injustice is laid bare to abhor
Should the piety of indifference be
What lets Christians rest on their laurels
I’d sooner say it’s clearer to see
When you’re perched atop former quarrels
Ocular barter forged the active Jew
— Too egalitarian for my type of creed
Karma outsourced by the languid Hindu
While Good Samaritans are a dying breed
The instinct that’s there for kin and kith
When events come to push and shove
Discard forgiveness — a blank-slate myth
Make vengeance your labor of love
When wrongs cannot be righted, glean
The lesson of true dedication
What warms the cockles of your spleen
Is finding your fate in vindication

*  *  *

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