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29-5-2023 < Counter Currents 37 2646 words

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Biden and His Disproportionately Jewish Helpers Craft a Bold and Completely Necessary “National Strategy to Combat Antisemitism”

American Jews are deeply endangered. Just ask them — they’ll tell you.

For every million times that you hear about white supremacy and white privilege and how whites control the media and the culture and the economy, you won’t hear once that Jewish median household income is much higher than that of whites — hell, it’s probably even higher than “much higher.”

Joe Biden is not Jewish, but c’mon, man — he might as well be. Apparently his Jewish Chief of Staff, Jewish Secretary of the Treasury, Jewish Secretary of State, Jewish Secretary of Homeland Security, and Jewish Attorney General have been feeling unsafe lately.

On Thursday, for the second time in two weeks, our cadaverous Chief Executive raised the overhyped and shamelessly misrepresented specter of what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia six summers ago. Grandpappy Joe wanted to remind you that the very thought that Jews are looking to replace white males is heretical, despite the fact that Jews outnumber white males in his cabinet, and you’re a dad-blamed anti-Semite if you dare to notice.

Slurring and slogging his way through a two-and-a-half-minute recorded video that the illiterate equity hires at The White House titled “President Biden Unveils Historic U.S. Government-Lead [sic] Plan to Combat Antisemitism,” he mentioned all those “nayo-Nazis” at Charlottesville and how, just like the Holocaust, he’s never going to let it happen on his watch, nosirree:

Hate will not prevail. The venom and violence of antisemitism will not be the story of our time.

Call me crazy, but I suspect that there’s a much lower likelihood of it becoming “the story of our time” if you were able to shut the fuck up about it for more than five minutes.

Biden’s halting and bewildering speech was part of a livestreamed event also attended by the United States’ first-ever “Second Gentleman,” Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice President Kamala Harris. According to an article on Bloomberg — which is owned by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who just happens to be Jewish — “Emhoff has been the public face of White House efforts on antisemitism.” As luck would have it, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff also happens to be Jewish, which I have no doubt is entirely a coincidence.

According to The New York Times — whose publisher, according to Wikipedia, is “of German ancestry” — Thursday’s livestreamed event was part of Biden’s “National Plan to Fight an Ancient Hatred.” The Times cited statistics from something called the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which is run by some guy named Jonathan Greenblatt, claiming that last year saw a record number of anti-Semitic incidents, including “111 assaults.”

According to the latest FBI Uniform Crime Reports Expanded Homicide Data Table I could find, in 2019 blacks killed — not assaulted, but KILLED — 566 whites, but the Times made no mention of that, probably because it definitely doesn’t stack up to last year’s 111 assaults on the perennial victims of the World’s Most Ancient Hatred.

Concurrent with Biden’s livestreamed event, the White House released a 60-page PDF titled “The U.S. National Strategy to Combat Antisemitism.” It starts off with a personal letter from President Biden, which I’m sure he wrote, seeing as how it’s personally signed from him at the bottom. Like his “live” speech — and I use the term “live” in the spirit of generosity — it starts right off with Charlottesville. Here are some sample nuggets from Biden’s letter to us all:

Six years ago, Neo-Nazis marched from the shadows through Charlottesville, Virginia, chanting, “Jews will not replace us.” With torches in hand, they spewed the same antisemitic bile and hate that were heard across Europe in the 1930s. . . . The very soul of our Nation [sic] was hanging in the balance. It still is today.

Repeated episodes of hate — including numerous attacks on Jewish Americans — have since followed Charlottesville, shaking our moral conscience as Americans and challenging the values for which we stand as a Nation [sic]. . . . We must stand united — regardless of our backgrounds and beliefs — to affirm that an attack on any one group of us is an attack on us all and that hate can have no safe harbor in America.

Together, we must acknowledge and confront the reality that antisemitism is rising, both at home and abroad. Loud voices are normalizing this venom, but we must never allow it to become normal. Antisemitism threatens not only the Jewish community, but all Americans. People who peddle these antisemitic conspiracy theories and fuel racial, ethnic, and religious hatred against Jews also target other communities — including Black [sic] and brown Americans; Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders; LGBTQI+ individuals; Muslim Americans; women and girls; and so many others. Our intelligence agencies have determined that domestic terrorism rooted in white supremacy — including antisemitism — is the greatest terrorist threat to our Homeland today. . . .

Okay, so I think I understand. Semites, blacks, browns, yellows, reds, pineapple-heads, queers, sand mites, and cunts are our friends. And since you mentioned that “women and girls” are under attack, that only leaves white males as our biggest threat. But aren’t you a white male, Joe-Bob?

I had neither the time nor the stomach to read through the entire 60-page “National Strategy,” but according to the aforementioned article in Bloomberg, the action plan’s definition of Jew-hatred hews quite closely to that of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, which includes “certain forms of anti-Zionism.” The plan directs the FBI and National Counterterrorism Center to issue an annual report about “antisemitic drivers of transnational extremism” and to share that report with tech companies. It will make it easier for people to report “hate incidents” to the feds. It will encourage online platforms to issue Terms of Service that “explicitly cover antisemitism and adopt zero-tolerance policies for hate speech.” It also directs the Department of Education to “establish an antisemitic awareness campaign directed at K-12 and college students.”

When someone tells me a thousand times not to hate them, I start to wonder. When they club me over the head a million times threatening me not to hate them, I continue to wonder.

Class-Conscious Writers: It’s Bad that Women Have Won the War Between the Sexes and White Working-Class Men Have Been Betrayed

Ethnic and cultural identity will always be a huge part of politics. Some will say it’s the entire sum, and that the term “identity politics” is a redundancy.

But as someone who only became acutely aware of class disparities after I moved out into the big bad world from the brick cocoon of my all-white working-class neighborhood, I’ve noticed that over the past generation, class-based politics has been forcibly moved to the back of the bus, overwhelmed and suffocated and drowned out amid an across-the-board obsessive focus on race, gender, and sexuality.

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

Unsurprisingly, this seems to have coincided with a painfully shrinking menu of upwardly mobile opportunities for vast swaths of the economic underclass regardless of your continental ancestry, your genitals, or what you decide to do with the genitals that nature or your surgeon gave to you.

The culture wars were inevitable — that’s what happens when you mix cultures, especially when it occurs rapidly and maliciously against the host culture’s will — but I’ve often suspected that the culture wars were amplified, exacerbated, egged on, and myopically focused on as a cover for the economic war that global elites have waged on everyone beneath them. I also find it hard to think that our economic betters really care as much about culture as they pretend to care.

For the longest time, class-conscious self-identified Leftists seemed to have been brainwashed into the idea that the only way to level the economic playing field was, paradoxically, not through economics but through shameless public displays of racial, gender-based, and sexuality-obsessed tokenism disguised as “equity.” As far as I could tell, the rich didn’t get any less rich — far from it — but they got a little more colorful and estrogen-laden. Beans were still being counted, but according to their color and hormone levels rather than their per-capita income.

As someone who is congenitally inclined to go against the grain not to be a dick but because I sincerely feel that the “grain” — or rather, the left-side grain and the right-side grain — are hopelessly reductive and custom-designed for us as a distraction tactic, I find it refreshing to see that there are a few class-conscious writers who are starting to realize that the culture wars have only served to induce cultural disharmony and widespread anomie rather the droolingly happy rainbow-tinted financially equitable utopia that its salesmen promised us.

Author Joel Kotkin is a Jew, and for the time being at least, I hope you won’t hold that against him. According to his Wikipedia bio, his 2014 book, The New Class Conflict, argued that class

can no longer be understood in terms of traditional political divisions between left and right or conservative and liberal. For Kotkin, the new class order of the twenty-first century is marked by the rise of a high-techoligarchy, a culturally dominant academic and media (both journalism and entertainment) elite, an expansive government bureaucracy, and a declining middle class.

In an essay published last Sunday in the National Post with the unnecessarily self-referential title “Joel Kotkin: Women have won the ‘war between the sexes,’ but at what cost?”, he writes:

The war between the sexes has ended, and rather than a co-operative future that could benefit all, it has turned out to be more like a lopsided win for the female side. . . . The crux of the problem lies in the fact that as women rise, men seem to be falling. This limits opportunities to establish stable families or even find decent partners. . . . In the United States, women now collect nearly 60 per cent of bachelor’s degrees. . . . The biggest divide may be found among the working class. Many workers, especially those with jobs tied to physical labour, have faced extreme pressures from both foreign competition and regulatory restraints. Today, according to demographer Nicholas Eberstadt, employment rates among men are at “Depression-era” levels. . . .

Over time, these shifts also will likely accelerate an already dramatic decline in birthrates. . . .

Ultimately, this suggests a very dystopian future, in which only the elderly population grows, while children and families become rarer and more stressed. This portends not a feminist paradise, but a dysfunctional society, where men and women are increasingly indifferent towards, or at odds with, each other. The very magic that has driven society, albeit often in flawed ways, essentials such as romantic love, companionship and family, are being lost, which is not good for society, or both sexes.

Kotkin, whose bailiwick is class, seems to have realized that all this focus on gender equity has been disastrous for the culture. He pays scant attention to class in his analysis, only to note that while women have ascended in economic power while men have declined, it’s been bad for everyone involved.

Irvine Welsh is a Scottish author perhaps best known for his 1993 novel Trainspotting, which zeroed in on heroin addiction and its relation to anomie among the lower orders in the public-housing ghettos of Edinburgh.

In an essay titled “The betrayal of white working-class men,” Welsh comes right out of the gate disclaiming that merely by defending white men, he doesn’t want you to get any weird ideas about his political motivations:

I’m a rampant opponent of white, bourgeois, male privilege. Events such as the Coronation, or another Biden-Trump stand-off, pull this lunacy into sharp focus. Yes, these ludicrous and deranged media-driven circuses may have little to do with women, black, Asian, gay or trans people. But let’s get this straight: they have absolutely fuck all to do with white working-class men either.

White working-class males are now recast as the establishment’s salivating attack dogs; the overseers of imperialism, enforcing the bidding of their wealthier masters. Their role in securing most of our human rights — through workplace struggle in the trade unions, strikes, demonstrations, wars and riots — is to be erased from our collective consciousness. . . .

So, what excludes white working-class men from this LGBT intersectional paradigm? It can’t be race, as white women are permitted. It can’t be class, as working-class women and black men are allowed in. It can’t even be sex/gender, as gay or bisexual white working-class men and women are included. But perversely, white proletarian men are lumped in with their bourgeois “brethren”; outsiders in this rainbow-coloured festival of the oppressed.

There’s something about the bourgeois psyche that produces a visceral reaction to that deadly combination of working-class, white and straight — irrespective of the actual views and life experiences of someone in that grouping. . . .

The decline of class politics and its replacement by the schisms of identity is an integral part of the neoliberal order.

I’ve never interacted with Joel Kotkin, but I once spoke on the phone with Irvine Welsh about a decade ago when he was touring America, and he seemed sympathetic to some of the points I’d made in my book The Redneck Manifesto.

But even though I’m a dour and generally pessimistic soul, and even if I’m mentally retarded and brain-damaged beyond repair, I’d like to think that if guys such as Joel Kotkin and Irvine Welsh might be open to the idea that there’s something more to politics than class, some of “our guys” might benefit from spending, say, five minutes a week reacquainting themselves with the idea that economics might have played a part in how we all found ourselves mired in this current shambolic excuse for a world.

Jim Goad

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