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George Floyd and the “Color” of Revolution

26-5-2023 < Counter Currents 47 2331 words

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The age of any revolution is five years. After that, either its participants have wandered off, dismayed by failure, or else have succeeded and become an establishment, generally more tyrannous than the one they displaced. — Hakim Felix Ellellou from John Updike’s The Coup

Pol Pot borrowed “Year Zero” from the French Jacobins to endow his revolution with the symbolism that says: the past is hereby erased; a new culture and a new people are born — Great Replacement, Southeast Asian style.

Obvious to Robespierre, and then to Pol Pot, was that a new culture and a new people must have a brand-new calendar. What many Americans haven’t yet grasped is that a new calendar began on May 25, 2020, the day when a fentanyl-enhanced certified loser who was resisting arrest cashed in his chips. A revolution of sorts was underway. The mobs took to the streets; the Orange Man was deposed and eventually arrested.

That date marks the sweeping away of the old order; it begins our “Year Zero.” It’s the first year of — let’s call it “the Georgian calendar.” You cannot top the bountiful symbolism with this: the Julian calendar, which replaced the Roman lunar calendar, was replaced by the Gregorian calendar, which was in use until felon George became Saint George on that fateful day in May. Julius and Gregory, the names of two powerful white men — an emperor and a pope forming a link between Imperial Rome and Western Christianity — have given way to a black thug from streets of Minneapolis.

With the saints in cult-Marxist heaven, an exultant Herbert Marcuse must have looked down to proclaim: “Finally, ‘the expropriators have been expropriated’ — the end of white supremacy is at hand.”

Yes, I know — no such calendar is “officially” in place. But it is probably only a matter of time. In Year Zero, Joe Biden, in a spectacular illustration of the Peter Principle — “In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence” — was “promoted” by the bosses in charge of “our democracy.” Incapable of walking, talking, or remembering at a level to qualify for employment as a Walmart greeter, Joe Robinette is led by his minders through his short workday, his job assignment being to make America less white. The first black woman Vice President has been followed by a succession of “first black” presidential appointments, duly slobbered over by the usual suspects who scribble for outlets like the New York Times: Defense Secretary, Council of Economic Advisers Chair, five deputy secretaries, a woman Supreme Court Justice nominee, three women appellate judge nominees, the White House Press Secretary.

According to the Pew Research Center:

Biden has . . . appointed the highest number and share of non-White [sic] federal judges of any president at this stage in his administration (49 of 75, or 65%). His confirmed judges so far include a record number who are Hispanic (13) and Asian (10), but he has appointed slightly fewer Black [sic] federal judges than Bill Clinton had at the same point in his tenure (18 vs. 20). Most of the Black [sic] judges Biden has appointed to date (14 of 18) are women. . . . So far, only four of Biden’s 75 judicial appointees (5%) have been White [sic] men, by far the lowest share among all presidents analyzed.

“No country for white men” appears to a key element of the five-year plan.

Another one of Biden’s cabinet-level, non-white “first” appointments is Deb Haaland:

Secretary [of the Interior] Deb Haaland made history when she became the first Native American to serve as a cabinet secretary. She is a member of the Pueblo of Laguna and a 35th generation New Mexican.

Aside from the experience of being another non-white female to make “history” in the annals of Affirmative Action, what kind of administrative experience, you might ask, would suffice to elevate Ms. Haaland to such a high position of oversight and responsibility?

Secretary Haaland ran her own small business producing and canning Pueblo Salsa, served as a tribal administrator at San Felipe Pueblo, and became the first woman elected to the Laguna Development Corporation Board of Directors, overseeing business operations of the second largest tribal gaming enterprise in New Mexico. She successfully advocated for the Laguna Development Corporation to create policies and commitments to environmentally friendly business practices.

Before Year Zero, such a resume for a cabinet post would have been an object of derision. Compare her preparation with that of William P. Clark, Jr., Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of the Interior. Now consider who serves as the White House Press Secretary: Karine Jean-Pierre, appointed to be the black lesbian face of the administration. No one even pretends that these weren’t her only qualifications, and her performance is confirmation.

Likewise, Haaland. She was plucked from the back room of a gambling house where she had managed the business side of slot machines, bingo, and video poker in the second-largest casino operation in New Mexico and inserted atop a federal agency of 67,000 employees. The Department’s mission:

The U.S. Department of the Interior protects and manages the Nation’s natural resources and cultural heritage; provides scientific and other information about those resources; and honors its trust responsibilities or special commitments to American Indians, Alaska Natives, and affiliated Island Communities.

Upon her ascent, Secretary Haaland’s highest priority was not to attend to managing the “Nation’s natural resources,” but to perform predictably as a woke toady attending to woke symbolism. Upon installation, nearly 650 geographical features of America were “deemed racist and derogatory.”

You can buy Stephen Paul Foster’s new novel When Harry Met Sally here.

Before Year Zero, no one had “deemed” the names of canyons, creeks, and peaks to be so contaminated, much less thought about it. But the new nomenklatura, as is glaringly evident, is single-minded and has been on a roll.

“I feel a deep obligation to use my platform to ensure that our public lands and waters are accessible and welcoming,” said Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland. “That starts with removing racist and derogatory names that have graced federal locations for far too long.”

To make “accessible and welcoming” a reality for the subset of zero Americans who agonize about derogatory names for a summit or butte, Chief Haaland created employment for the otherwise unemployable in the form of the “Derogatory Geographic Names Task Force.” “Task Force” is government-speak for a posse of me-tooers assigned to solve fake problems. How would you staff something as ludicrous as a Derogatory Geographic Names Task Force? It’s not as if renaming something is complicated, cognitively demanding work such as that done by, say, the Army Corps of Engineers. You do it with the cognitively limited, the otherwise unemployables squatting on the payroll who need something to do. And, you call them “experts.”

The Derogatory Geographic Names Task Force includes “diversity, equity, and inclusion experts from within the department.” There you have it: the Holy Trinity of useless abstractions, emitted ad nauseum and used to unleash the zealots to make life miserable for normal people and break things that used to work.

Experts” in our new caste system possess a kind of priestly authority bestowed from above, an authority based on imagined moral superiority linked to hostile non-whiteness, making it beyond question for the lower castes. Experts, as we see from above, possess expansive ceremonial powers to bestow the “right” names on things such as parks and buildings. They also choose our vocabularies and punish lower caste members for using words they disapprove of. They practice “diversity” voodoo, exorcizing bad juju “racist” words and placing curses and spells on suspected evildoers such as “conspiracy theorists,” “white supremacists,” and people who voted for Trump.

The “Derogatory Geographic Names Task Force” captures this regime’s hard turn toward the creation of government bodies that do nothing but propagandize the ruling ideology and manipulate public opinion. The sinister-sounding Malign Foreign Influence Center erected in 2022 is another Biden Administration effort to control what and how Americans think. As Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines put it: “It encompasses our election threat work, essentially looking at foreign influence and interference in elections, but it also deals with disinformation more generally.”

“Encompasses” and “more generally,” although seemingly innocuous words, ominously signal that the scope of oversight and control is going to be unlimited.

Our government is doing what revolutionary governments — Jacobin, Bolshevik, Khmer Rouge — always do whenever and wherever they take power: They create and impose a morally-charged vocabulary, the departure from which is conspicuous and marks those who depart from it as immoral unbelievers. Try saying “people from different races are not equally good at mathematics” at a university, and see what happens to you. They also impose rigorous censorship justified as protection from “threats to our democracy.” A government not confident that its citizens can cope with “malign influences” is one, such as ours, aggressively dismantling freedom of speech and of the press. The “democracy” it claims to protect is a democracy so fragile, it must be managed by “experts” who stage fake elections, run the propaganda outlets, and control the public education system that teaches and enforces the moralized vocabulary.

So if Hakim Felix Ellellou, Updike’s fictional ex-dictator of Kush, a failed Islamic state in Africa, is a reliable prognosticator of revolutions — “The age of any revolution is five years” — Year Zero 2020 puts us currently in Year Four of a “color revolution.”

For anyone without blinders, this revolution is a top-down color revolution, not the kind of “color revolution” the ruling class calls what happens when it spreads “democracy” by toppling regimes it doesn’t like in faraway places on the planet.

This color revolution is being waged by the ruling class against its own people, the object being to change the color of America. The ramping up of the brown-black invasion from the south, the de-policing of blacks and the indifference to their lawlessness, the black extortion of tribute from whites in the form of reparations, the elimination of whites in the widespread commercial marketing of products and services, the systematic vilification of whites as unreformable racists — all of these are the concerted actions of a revolution that is already far along. In a recent commencement address at historically black Howard University, President Biden said: “The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.”

The highest “elected” official in the United States has declared white people to be kulaks. As Philip Giraldi put in in a recent Unz Review article:

It was clearly a pre-electoral call to arms against white people in America, placing government sanctioned targets on the backs of whites who are generally peacefully struggling to retain their communities, identities, religion, heritage and culture, all of which are being engulfed by the White House’s tidal wave of self-serving and politically motivated “woke” promotions.

The presidential election of 2024 will take place near the end of Year Five of the Revolution. As for its prospects of success, the bad news is noted above. The election, given what we’ve seen in 2020 and 2022, promises little hope. Trump is an unreliable, unstable enemy of our enemy; DeSantis belongs to Israel. The Democrats are owned by the people of color, and they stuff the ballot boxes.

The good news is that “the worse is better,” as Lenin put it. The monumental incompetence of the woke revolutionaries and their invincible aversion to reality points to the high probability that their system is a Titanic in search of an iceberg. A disastrous turn in the war in Ukraine; a debt-induced, massive depression; a civil war sparked by increasing black lawlessness — any of these would destroy whatever legitimacy is still possessed by the ruling class and create an opening for a successful counterrevolution. However bad any of these might be, a successful color revolution would be far worse: a future that would look like Zimbabwe or South Africa.

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