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Destroy the Fake Right: Nationalism vs. Conservatism

25-5-2023 < Counter Currents 38 3312 words

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As decades of ideological subversion are reaching their inevitable dystopian climax, lines are being drawn across the political spectrum. The idea that a compromise can somehow be reached between the two sides has become nonsensical. The gap has grown too large, and not even the most basic answers to questions of justice or morality can be agreed upon at this point. Only one side is going to win.

I truly believe it will be our side, as we have God with us and our worldview is in accordance with natural law. Our cause is just and our men are brave. The more they try to persecute our people, the stronger our conviction will become. Hard times create hard men, as the saying goes, and the times are destined to get harder — as are we. It is the only thing we can count on at this point.

But there is a common sentiment amongst men on the dissident Right that is gaining momentum by the day: that the first obstacle that must be overcome before our opponents can be decisively defeated is the fake Right of the mainstream conservative establishment. Theirs is a false position, a tepid and lukewarm attempt to reason and compromise with demented freaks who want to sexualize children. It is a colorblind liberalism of yesteryear that wants to strip white European men of their collective identities and ancestral homelands. It is a pathetic and weak ideology that makes concessions to our enemies at every turn. From England to France, Germany to America, and Canada to Australia, it has stretched its tentacles throughout the Right to render it futile and soulless.

In order to effectively oppose the evil and degeneracy that is rising up from the swamps, the first step is to delegitimize and dismantle our fake representatives who make up the entirety of the Western political establishment, as well as much of the Judaized alternative media. The conservatism I am attacking is their worldview as a whole, as well as the various well-funded groups and political parties advocating for it in every white country. It is a worldview that denies the collective identity of distinct peoples and nations, and through controlled opposition seeks to atomize white men and subvert their national and tribal instincts. It lures them to the center, where every permissible view is safe and polite and where there lies no danger of any meaningful change. All that matters is the “rights of the individual” — the right to be a rootless consumer. At such a crucial time in history, the only chance we have of turning back the tide and securing a future for our children is to band together and speak bravely for our people, our country, and our nation.

There are two major sociopolitical issues at present where I see a significant contrast between the nationalist and conservative approaches and convictions. The first is racial politics and the ever-escalating anti-white agenda being implemented in everything from employment opportunity and childhood education to the criminal justice system, entertainment, media, and government. The second are the numerous offshoots of the “Alphabet-People” and their equally escalating agenda aimed at normalized and legalized pedophilia in a globohomo world order. On these battlegrounds, conservatism is more and more becoming a blanket on the fire of the nationalist and populist spirit that alone holds a coherent perspective and provides a starting point from which to launch an effective resistance — not just reaction, but heading towards a destination.

Race and immigration

The foundational cornerstone of any nation in our times and all times is its people. The people are what define it. The people are, in fact, the nation itself. Since the post-war era this truth has been obscured, slowly and gradually. Starting in the 1960s, historically white European countries began to allow immigration and grant citizenship to growing numbers of non-whites. The initial relatively slow progression of this process allowed for a certain degree of assimilation of these foreigners, with the understanding of what an Englishman, American, Canadian or Australian is never being questioned. The general consciousness was still in line with the principle of the in-group versus the out-group. Looking back on my own childhood in western Canada, it seemed a manageable thing at the time. The majority of the country remained of white European heritage, with some exception made for outsiders. But this process’ intentions were always nefarious, and always intended to replace us in our own countries.

The influx of mass numbers of non-white immigrants into historically white countries serves many purposes, none of them good. It creates a post-national state that is devoid of its people’s collective racial character. It creates a cheaper labor force by importing large amounts of people who are conditioned to have a much lower standard of living. It creates a more controllable and divided populace that is far less likely to unite or rebel for the sake of its own interests — due to the fact that it has no shared interest. Over a long enough timeline, all that can result from this type of post-national conglomerate is a mixed, muddled, and culturally void consumer/slave class. It has reached the point that without collective white identity political advocacy, by the time the youth of this generation have their own children there will be no homeland left for them to call their own. The fact that this is the reality in every white country demonstrates without a doubt that this is not accidental. This has only been successful because we have allowed it, and well-intentioned compassion is allowing us to be conquered by foreign collectives that, by and large, are not nearly as individualistic as our own people.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.

Conservatism is never capable of addressing the subject of race in any way that advocates for or successfully defends the interests of white people in their own countries. Doing so is far too uncomfortable amidst the multicultural Babylon we currently reside in. It is much safer to base the entire “opposition” to the anti-white and anti-national agenda on slogans such as “The Left are the real racists” and so on. When it comes to individual well-intentioned conservatives, I ascribe this genuine aversion to racial identity to an unwillingness to judge individuals based on their group’s characteristics. Generally speaking, I share this sentiment, and my actions and interactions in daily life reflect it. But politics is about groups working together towards common interests, and if our ancestors had thought and acted in such individualistic terms, no nations would ever have been formed. A man can both act and advocate in the interests of his group while also conducting himself honorably with those outside it. It is not an either/or. But it is a stumbling block for many due to the level of forced diversity we live with. Being a Nationalist does not mean hating every individual different from you. First and foremost, it is about love for our own and securing, defending, and maintaining the territory needed for our people to thrive and flourish.

When it comes to the “conservative establishment,” “Conservatism Inc.,” “Big Con,” or whatever one prefers to call it, there are no good intentions to be found at all. Conservatism and its subversive public agents serve the primary purpose of keeping white men from identifying with their people. It is a centrist “de-radicalizing” agenda to strip morality from the realm of the Divine and to strip race, ethnicity, and folk from the nation. They frame the promotion of Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, and other such Jewish-funded rhetorical enterprises as an affront to the sacred cow of liberal individualism. In the conservative view, people shouldn’t be categorized by race, and society should be structured as a meritocracy in which each individual rises in the hierarchy to the extent of his own ability. Jordan Peterson has gained a massive international following amongst primarily young white men precisely by promoting this very concept: forget about your tribe, forget about in-group identity, and just focus on yourself — and clean your room. Hardly an inspiring philosophy when your country is being overrun by hordes of foreign occupiers every year who are fiercely tribal and territorial, and who are simultaneously being programmed to hate you by your own nation’s government and institutions.

An ordered hierarchy based on merit is all well and good, but the nationalist knows that the precondition for any order or society to exist is that the nation itself exists. The nation is not defined by a passport or a vague set of abstract values, and is not a landmass inhabited by a mishmash of individuals of various racial identities and ethnic tribal loyalties. The nation is a people, and the country is the land it inhabits. Conservatism lacks the very foundation required to defend the nation’s interests because it cannot acknowledge nationhood for what it truly is. Conservatism can be referred to as liberalism lite — and liberalism lacks a framework to account for an exclusive collective, given that it is universalist and hyper-individualist at its root. It has no room for the concept of in-group and out-group. It seeks to meld all the distinct peoples of the world together into one bastardized and amalgamated mass of cultureless consumers. All that conservatism is capable of doing is conserving the liberalism of yesterday, with degeneracy accumulating over the years and decades. This is why, when conservatives are not avoiding the discussion of race and anti-white policies altogether, the best they can muster is to attempt to impose some sort of racially blind, new age morality. The irony is that the conservative denial of race as a genuine biological category is akin to the Leftist claim that sex is merely a social construct.

When it comes to immigration, conservatism is equally ineffective at producing any meaningful argument against it. Again, I as well as many others believe this is clearly intentional. Most voters who look for a candidate or party to support based on opposition to immigration do so out of a desire to see the ethnic or racial composition of their country remain intact. But conservative pundits and political figures never address this concern. Their “opposition” to immigration always remains shallow, based entirely on economics. They decry illegal immigration on the grounds that it is unfair to the non-white immigrants who come legally. If they criticize Islamic immigration, it is out of concern for Islam’s anti-liberal positions on feminism or sodomy, not due to the fact that it has no roots or history in our primarily Christian nations. The most important factor, race or ethnicity, which is at its core an extension of kin, never enters the equation. The fact that incentives are never offered in any Western country for their white populations to have more children and larger families should be a red flag to any thinking person. Conservatives want immigrants, no matter their racial type, because in their view immigrants contribute to an increase of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Joel Davis, the Australian nationalist commentator, summed up the stupidity of this position quite well on a recent episode of The Joel and Blair Show that he hosts weekly on YouTube with fellow nationalist Blair Cottrell. In brief, he suggested to think about the country as a house, with the family living in it as the nation. The father is making $70,000 a year, which represents the GDP of the household. In order to increase the household’s GDP, he decides to allow a Pakistani family to move into the house as well, the father of which makes the same salary, thus adding another $70,000 a year. The GDP has indeed doubled, but this is obviously of no benefit to the original family as this has no positive impact on their quality of life, overall happiness, or family cohesion.


Starting with the normalization and legalization of gay marriage not long ago, we are now already at the point where the LGBT agenda is being taught to children. If any lifestyle choice is equal to any other, then there is no reason why it shouldn’t be applied to society as a whole. And if these are not just acceptable lifestyles, but celebrated and “brave” ones, then there is no reason to oppose children being exposed to them. The biggest difference in terms of convictions between the dissident Right/nationalists and the mainstream conservatives is visible in their respective opposition to transsexuality, Drag Queen Storytime, and alphabet politics in general. The nationalist view on a particular subject or issue is always informed by what is best for the nation; i.e., the people. When you hear nationalist groups or individuals explain why they oppose such things, the answer is always because “transgenderism” itself is sick and wrong. It is a mental, spiritual, and social cancer. It flies in the face of what is good and wholesome, and antagonizes the structure of the family, which is the precursor to the nation.

Conservatism has a much weaker position, one that is really indefensible. Its “opposition” uses talking points such as “We’re not anti-trans, we’re anti-Drag Queen Storytime for kids!” They accept everything and pretend to only oppose some of its effects. Again, conservatism is merely liberalism of a slightly more restrained variety and with a slower progression.

If your entire worldview is founded on the supremacy of the individual and his or her individual rights above all else, it only follows that all forms of degeneracy will be accepted in the end provided that they are in accordance with individual desires. Our enemies are now openly attempting to normalize pedophilia. Just recently in Australia, a conservative group advised its supporters not to protest a particular Drag Queen Storytime event out of fear that they would end up standing side-by-side with Thomas Sewell and his nationalist organization, claiming that they didn’t want to disrupt a “children’s event.” Imagine supporting an organization that claims to oppose child grooming that also tells you not to interrupt the groomers while they groom.

There will be two main camps in the coming years: nationalist or globohomo. Conservatism’s weak, centrist floundering is going to fall by the wayside because it has no will to fight and will not acknowledge the truth. The truth isn’t comfortable. The truth isn’t polite. Above all else, the truth is not inclusive of falsehood. It is only by outright rejecting the entirety of the perverted modern sickness that we have any justification to claim we are nationalists.

Destroying the fake Right

The fake Right of modern conservatism not only can be destroyed; it must be destroyed. It is nothing more than a pressure release valve designed to stop white men from associating, organizing, and mobilizing to take back their countries. The momentum is on our side; we just have to keep pushing. Meaningful impact can be achieved on a day-to-day basis through our use of language, for starters. We should never qualify any statement we make on behalf of our country and its people by prefacing it with “I’m not racist, but . . .” The term “racist” has been weaponized to an extent that is truly remarkable. It has for some time now been a very effective tool of the Left and their Jewish handlers to smother all collective white resistance in its infancy. But the more a word is thrown around haphazardly, the more it loses its meaning, and as a pejorative it has lost all weight. Do not be concerned about being called a racist and do not attempt to explain to others that you are not one. Speaking from the heart and advocating for your own people is something our enemies attempt to tell us is hateful, but we know it is based on love. We only hate that which threatens what we love. If putting my family, nation, country, and people first is racist, then I am a racist.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Confessions of a Reluctant Hater here

Another means of effectively combatting the fake Right and its attempted monopoly on all narrative on this side of the center is in terms of how we approach our counter-arguments. We should not be opposing Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, and other anti-white attacks and agendas by claiming that these positions are “racist” or “dividing people by race.” This is irrelevant and, quite frankly, inevitable. Our opposition should be rooted in the fact that these attacks are directed at our own people. When we are attacked, slandered, and demonized as a group, we must defend ourselves as a group, not attempt to pathetically defend the same liberal individualism that got us into this mess in the first place. When we are attacked as white men, we will fight back together as white men. No apologies, no shame. And there are millions of us out there who think and feel the same way; we just have to have the courage to say it publicly, consequences be damned.

Last but not least, we need to bring the obvious fact that our countries were once white homelands and no longer are to the fore of Right-wing discourse. The same goes for LGBT propaganda. Do not allow conservatives or civic nationalists to shame you into believing that we all must walk hand-in-hand into the new multicultural dawn — as long as we have the same “values.”

In closing

Time has not run out. There is always hope. The media across the whole political spectrum preaches doom and gloom, flavored to each specific taste based on its target audience’s political leanings — but this is just grift. While it is true that there is a vast global conspiracy being leveled against us, we in control of our destiny, and the heroes of our past live within us. Their blood is our blood, and it flows in our veins. We are the decedents of the greatest peoples to ever walk this Earth, who once built the greatest cultural wonders the world has ever seen. This is why the attacks against us are so vicious and coordinated.

We have lost our way as a people. It is only by coming together that we can find the path once again. Nationalism is not about arrogantly taking pride in the accomplishments of others. It is about honoring the past and those who came before us, striving to live up to their example and then pass the torch on to the next generation. It is about making your own contribution and offering your service in accordance with your talents. Draw wisdom from your ancestors, and draw strength from your brothers in arms. Tell the truth in the face of lies. Hold your up head high, and strive towards virtue. We carry the fire.

God walks with us. The Sun will rise.

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