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No, Really, Everything’s Fine!

25-5-2023 < Counter Currents 37 1713 words

1,349 words

Even though there may be some small challenges associated with importing a few million foreigners into our countries, things are going really, really well these days. Everything’s perfectly fine. There may have been a few news stories that raised proverbial eyebrows recently, but those minor hiccups can be assuaged with a bit of good ol’ PR, and a few more community centers or swanky hotel bookings for illegal migrants.

The best part about living in Western countries is the fact that everything’s clean and works efficiently; food is organic, plentiful, and full of nutrients; public transit runs like a dream; everyone in the public sector coordinates dances on TikTok; trannies walk around and read children’s books at local libraries with impunity; and everyone is very, very happy. It’s universally known that just by breathing the air in our liberal democracies, everyone realizes that all races of people are essentially the same, and that we should all live together and eat deep-fried chicken tendies in peace, harmony, and mutual respect on the communal, multicultural tarp.

Nothing says harmony and mutual respect quite like car thefts, violence, brutal beatings, rapes, murders, and swarmings.

In France, a young couple out for an evening stroll was set upon by a pair of vibrant asylum-seekers. The young Frenchman fortunately fought them off. Even though most open-borders advocates would have us believe that all migrants automatically adhere to gentlemanly conduct when it comes to fisticuffs, these fellows didn’t. After their ignominious defeat, the pair of migrants rounded up a whole gang of thuggish friends, hunted down the French couple again, and beat the hell out of them. According to the victims’ lawyer, the migrants hurled insults at them: “Shitty French filth, white filth.”

Meanwhile in Germany, the head of the Federal Police Union, Heiko Teggatz, was in the news last month for saying that the open-borders migrant crisis is having a horrific effect on social cohesion. To be specific, the migrant influx has resulted in a free-for-all in terms of organized crime. He quite rightly made the point that the current regime’s open-borders policies have direct public safety implications. Government officials who oppose border protections and the fight against illegal migration ignore “the associated dangers to public security.” He added, “No border protection, no upper limit, no money for the municipalities — this is a dangerous cocktail that is changing the mood in the country and offers international crime an El Dorado in Germany.” According to Bild, Germany received 55,000 asylum applications in the first two months of 2023, which is an 85% increase compared to 2022.

It was likewise recently revealed that Germany’s intelligence service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), was having difficulty recruiting new employees, as the pandemic has accustomed people to working from home. Espionage and intelligence-gathering, such as keeping tabs on hundreds of thousands if not millions of wayward non-white migrants, is not exactly an occupation that is suitable for the work-from-home lifestyle. The head of the BND, Bruno Kahl, said that “we cannot offer certain conditions that are taken for granted today,” and that “remote work is barely possible at the BND for security reasons, and not being able to take your mobile phone to work is asking much from young people looking for a job.”

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country here

Two viral videos of black foreigners causing fear and loathing in the Netherlands and Germany were also circulating the Internet this month. The first video shows black males attacking an elderly Dutch man and his dog. In the second, a terrified child cries out to her grandmother as an aggressive black migrant aggressively bangs on the family’s vehicle.

Also in Germany, two Syrian brothers were arrested after it was discovered that they were plotting to detonate an explosive device in a Swedish church. Officials from the German federal police, Hamburg state police, and the Hamburg Public Prosecutor’s office stated in a press release that two Syrians identified only as Anas K., aged 28, and Ahmad K., 24, had devised a plan to carry out the attack. “According to present knowledge, the accused had envisaged an unspecified church in Sweden as the target of the attack, in which people should have been at the time in question,” German officials said. The pair remain in custody.

In erstwhile sleepy Canada, Victoria Day celebrations are usually capped by firework displays across the country. The police mobilized in a show of force in Toronto in order to prevent a repeat of last year’s violence. Two men were shot at Ashbridges Bay Park and the surrounding area in 2022, another was stabbed, and seven police officers were injured. This year at the same location, mounted officers, police on foot, bike patrols, patrol cars, and even riot police on standby kept the crowd from getting unruly.

Speaking of TikTok and its indispensable position in our civilization, it turns out that it’s not just for Chinese espionage anymore. I’m sure that many Counter-Currents readers are aware of the Kia Challenge trend on TikTok and YouTube, as well as the Kia Boys themselves thanks to Richard Houck’s excellent piece on the phenomenon. The Kia Boys are overwhelmingly young blacks in the United States who easily steal Kias and Hyundais with as little as some psychopathological gumption and a USB key or USB charger. The so-called “Kia Challenge” videos provide instructions on how to abscond with the vehicle of your choice. Houck describes the process:

All one needs to do once one gets inside the car is to rip out a piece or two of the plastic panels, which are only secured by plastic clips; break off the ignition lock cylinder; insert the end of a USB cable over the ignition switch; turn; and you’re off with a new (stolen) car.

Countless videos also depict joyriding, criminality, horrific crashes, and related mayhem. As Houck points out, this is not necessarily gang-related activity; it’s just normal young black behavior.

In other TikTok-related news, in England an 18-year-old black “prankster” named Bacari Ogarro, using the alias Mizzy, recorded his criminal escapades on TikTok for views. Ogarro has been illegally invading homes with his entourage, committing assaults, accosting elderly people in parks and stealing their pets, ripping up library books, and jumping into strangers’ cars. London’s Metropolitan Police confirmed in a statement that they had indeed arrested Ogarro, and as of this writing he remains in police custody. He also posted a video in which he asked random women at the Stoke Newington overground station if they wanted to die. In another incident, he was arrested and held for 36 hours after he allegedly assaulted Orthodox Jews in the Stamford Hill area.

Whether it’s in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, or any number of countries, racial behavior patterns are the same. Mass migration and its resultant criminality is about replacing white people and inducing fear in the remaining white populace. Furthermore, our hostile elites want a malleable non-white underclass they can mold and shape as they see fit. The non-whites being imported into our increasingly violent countries are there to replace us and send us to early graves. They run amok while ordinary white citizens withdraw from civic life.

More and more white people will join the ranks of White Nationalism when they read and hear about the phenomena they are witnessing with their own eyes on a daily basis. It is not just a coincidence that most perpetrators of violent crime are non-white, and it is not just a coincidence that the elites that pass laws and enact policies are either a part of or aligned with ethnic mafias. The metapolitical war of position that we are waging will cause more white people to realize that they have been lied to about the realities of race and group competition.

Even though the foregoing was an eclectic hodgepodge of stories indicative of precipitous civilizational decline, I hope that it serves as a warning to readers that we are, at the very least, in a spot of bother right now. Being aware of our predicament is necessary so that we may insulate ourselves against it as we ride the tiger of modernity towards self-determination.

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