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The Worst Week Yet: May 14-20, 2023

22-5-2023 < Counter Currents 37 2540 words

David Schroeder

2,166 words

Jewish Teacher Finds Swastika Drawings in Classroom, Makes Terroristic Threats Against His Entire Seventh-Grade Class

In what may prove to be a watershed legal victory for young, marginalized, and underserved Nazi children from coast to coast, a Jewish teacher in Wisconsin has been arrested and charged with two felonies for threatening his seventh-grade class after catching a pair of students drawing swastikas in a notebook.

According to a criminal complaint filed last Monday in Ozaukee County Circuit Court, 46-year-old middle-school teacher David Schroeder has been charged with “terrorist threats and exposing a child to harmful material, descriptions or narrations” — both of which are felonies — following an event on Friday, May 12 during which he went totally verklempt in the aftermath of spotting the notoriously Jew-triggering hate symbol at John Long Middle School in Grafton, Wisconsin.

Schroeder — who had previously been investigated by school authorities in connection with an event where he allegedly appointed a male student as his “enforcer” and instructed him to punch another student — reportedly admitted to school authorities that he’d threatened the young, impressionable, and easily frightened youths perched on the cusp of adolescence who’d naïvely looked up to him for guidance and wisdom.

But it wasn’t until students began notifying their parents about the barrage of unbridled hate-spittle he’d spewed at them that police were notified.

According to Ethan Poulos, a student in Schroeder’s class, the kids were left befuddled as to why their Jewish instructor decided to verbally indict all of them as co-conspirators rather than simply report the pair of kids who’d drawn the swastikas in a notebook:

He picked up the piece of paper and went on a ramble about how that’s bad and that’s a disgrace to his people. . . . He started mentioning the N-word and how that was worse than writing the N-word on the wall.

According to the criminal complaint filed against Schroeder, “The defendant told the students that he would have his daughter come to their homes with a baseball bat,” that “all Jews have guns and that he had 17 guns in his basement and that he would ‘F’ them up,” that he would “go scorched earth on them,” that he “wished pain upon them and their families,” and that he was “was screaming or yelling while making these statements.”

The teacher cries out in pain as he wishes pain upon you and your family.

NAACP Issues Press Release Declaring Florida to Be the Coolest State in the Union

Until last Saturday, the only good thing about the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was that they still referred to blacks as “colored people.”

But on Saturday, the organization redeemed itself by issuing a travel advisory warning “African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals” to stay the hell out of Florida.

Ron DeSantis, the state’s chubby Zio-slave Dago governor, is apparently planning to announce a run for the presidency later this week, and the NAACP may have singlehandedly handed him the Republican nomination.

Last Monday in Sarasota, DeSantis signed a law that banned colleges from wasting taxpayers’ money on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” curricula — which DeSantis accused of “standing for discrimination, exclusion and indoctrination . . . [and] has no place in our public institutions.”

DeSantis had previously endorsed and signed the “Stop WOKE Act,” which placed limits on the degree to which teachers can club kids over the head with racial guilt-mongering. He’d also blocked a so-called “Advanced Placement African American Studies” course in public schools, claiming hilariously that it “lacked educational value.”

Whatever your feelings are regarding DeSantis, his unacceptable adiposity, his Israel First policies, and whether he’s sincere about putting certain protected classes back in their place, I’m unaware of any other governor who’s at least making such token legal gestures against the rampaging, all-consuming Wokemonster.

It’s been my observation that Florida harbors of the country’s mangiest blacks, especially in places such as Jacksonville and Miami. In the wake of DeSantis’ latest legal volley against gibsversity, equitabibbity, and discloosion, the NAACP’s hired guns started tugging at their crotches, waving their arms frantically, and making loud, chimp-like noises.

The NAACP’s press release reads like a travel brochure unwittingly luring every Person Without Color in the nation to pack up their bags and move to Florida:

Under its current Governor, the State of Florida has engaged in an all-out attack on Black [sic] Americans, accurate Black [sic] history, voting rights, members of the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, women’s reproductive rights, and free speech, while simultaneously embracing a culture of fear, bullying, and intimidation by public officials. . . .

On a seeming quest to silence African-American voices, the Governor and the State of Florida have shown that African Americans are not welcome in the State of Florida. . . .

Due to this sustained, blatant, relentless and systemic attack on democracy and civil rights, the NAACP hereby issues a travel advisory to African Americans, and other people of color regarding the hostility towards African Americans in Florida. Please be advised that Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals. . . .

If you do decide to go to the State of Florida, please advocate for the protection of African-American’s [sic] right to vote. . . .

If you do decide to go to the State of Florida, please be aware of the open hostility towards African Americans and people of color.

I once thought of Florida as a flat, swampy, gator-and-meth-infested shithole, but the Nationwide Colored Peeps’ Association just issued the best tourism ad for Florida that I’ve ever seen. Way to tempt me with a good time, NAACP!

DeSantis referred to the travel advisory as a “joke”:

Yeah, we’ll see, we’ll see how effective that is. . . . This is a stunt to try to do that. It’s a pure stunt and fine, if you want to waste your time on a stunt, that’s fine. But I’m not wasting my time on your stunts.

I hope with every fiber of my pale, freckled being that it’s neither a joke nor a stunt. I pray to the great ice gods of the frozen Nordic hinterlands that every black person in America heeds the NAACP’s solemn warning and realizes that Florida, rather than being the Sunshine State, is in fact the Sundown State and that its citizens see black bodies as fit for nothing better than alligator bait.

Black Felon Who Broke a White Cop’s Back Still Blames the Cop Who Forgives Him

On a sunny day in early March of 2021 in the flat and dismal town of Carroll, Iowa, a white police officer named Patrick McCarty spotted a young black male named Dennis James Guider, Jr. sitting in the passenger’s seat of a car at a restaurant drive-through. Mr. Guider, of Chicago Heights, Illinois, had an outstanding warrant for forgery. McCarty followed the car, which was apparently being driven by a female associate of Guider’s, and stopped them along a harrowingly bleak-looking industrial road.

Showing an excessive and perhaps suicidal level of politeness, McCarty approached the passenger’s side of the stopped car and gently informed Guider that there was a warrant out for his arrest. Because all black males are terrified of being killed by white police officers if they so much as blink the wrong way, Guider quickly complied.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

I’m kidding, of course.

Guider stonewalled for the better part of a minute, then pushed the female driver out of the car, assumed the wheel, and as McCarty walked around to the front of the car to block it, Guider pressed on the gas pedal. McCarty jumped on the car hood and aimed his gun through the windshield at Guider, screaming at him to stop the car. Again, Guider, fearing for his life, quickly complied.

Again, I’m kidding.

Instead, Guider put the pedal to the metal. With the white cop clinging for his life on the car’s hood and then the roof, the black suspect led another police car on a chase through the barren industrial tundra of western Iowa at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. After the police car sped in front of Guider’s car in an attempt to impede him, Guider merely slalomed around it, with McCarty’s life hanging in the lurch, and bolted over a culvert, hurling McCarty to the ground and breaking one of his vertebrae. The police car that was giving chase stalled out at the culvert.

Guider eventually abandoned his own car a mile later, allegedly stole another car, and was finally arrested in Illinois.

It took at least a year for McCarty’s back to heal while Guider was serving time in an Illinois penitentiary.

Police bodycam footage of the startling event was finally released last week as Guider at last pled guilty to felony charges of serious injury by vehicle. His plea will see him serving “up to” five years in an Iowa prison after his Illinois sentence expires.

Why wasn’t he charged with other crimes such as attempted murder, carjacking, reckless endangerment, and felonious shoving of a black woman out of her own car? Clearly, the only logical answer is “white privilege.” Guider’s lawyer, Joel Baxter, told the court that his client was scared for his life because McCarty is white and Guider is black. Baxter also made sure to remind the court that the event had happened less than a year after the tragic and internationally overblown death of George Floyd at the hands of his own fentanyl abuse and arrest-resisting.

In a letter to the court, Guider — who claims to have apologized repeatedly and has “reformed” himself — insisted that McCarty was partially to blame for what happened because he’d climbed onto the hood of a car that was about to run over him.

During a TV interview, McCarty underlined why it’s perfectly justified for black criminals to fear white policemen:

You know, at the end of the day, I did wind up shaking Dennis’ hand and wished him luck. I do hope he receives some level of rehabilitation, because his criminal history is extensive, and we don’t want to see him continue. I mean, I would love to see him contribute to society.

In 2021, a grand total of four unarmed blacks were killed by police in the United States, while 73 police officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty.

Officer McCarty, your kindness may one day turn out to be fatal.

Burly Black Yoof and Goofy Asian Schizo Face Hate-Crime Charges for Separate Anti-White Attacks

In the last few weeks, I’ve been writing about a surprising new trend of non-whites actually being charged with “hate crimes” for committing violent acts against whites, a phenomenon which seemed unthinkable even a month ago.

The very idea of a “hate crime” is, of course, silly. There are already criminal charges for kicking someone in the head and hitting them with a baseball bat, and it’s a rank fiction that the idea they were targeted for their race or sexual proclivities makes the lumps, bumps, and bruises any more painful.

49-year-old Xuan-Kha Tran Pham is an alleged schizophrenic, and judging from his mug shot, I find that easy to believe. In a handwritten complaint filed in May of 2022, he accused the CIA of “wrongfully imprisoning me in a lower perspective” and “brutally torturing me with a degenerating disability consistently since 1988 till the present from the fourth dimension.”

Last Monday morning, Pham allegedly entered the district office of Democratic Representative Gerry Connolly in Fairfax, Virginia and attacked two female staffers with a metal baseball bat. Less than an hour before that attack, he allegedly asked a woman sitting in a car if she was white, then smashed her windshield with the bat and chased her on a lawn as she screamed for help. After his arrest, Pham refused to appear in court and “huddled under a blanket in his cell” as he was being charged with malicious aggravated wounding for the attack on the two staffers and a felony count of destroying property, with a misdemeanor hate-crime enhancement for the attack on the white woman’s car.

I wonder how difficult it is for an Asian male, especially a schizophrenic one, to pronounce “misdemeanor hate-crime enhancement.”

New York City police say that on April 14 in Roosevelt Island, three black teens attacked a 35-year-old white man. The New York Post claims that “[a]t least one of his two accomplices then snarled, ‘You’re not going to catch me, cracker!’” before the dusky trio hopped on a nearby subway train. The unnamed 14-year-old teen who’d allegedly kicked the man in the head was finally arrested Tuesday and charged with hate-crime assault.

Unlike the media and academia, is the law at least starting to acknowledge that intentional anti-white violence is not only theoretically possible, but real? And if so, does it at least signal a tiny shift away from the House of Horrors double-standard madness that has plagued American culture for the past couple of generations, but especially the past decade? Or is it merely another morsel of hope that’s being dangled before us before it’s sadistically snatched away?

Jim Goad

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