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The Worst Week Yet: May 7-13, 2023

15-5-2023 < Counter Currents 38 2905 words

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Biden Commencement Speech to Black University: “The Most Dangerous Terrorist Threat to Our Homeland Is White Supremacy”

Howard University is one of the most prestigious black institutions of higher learning in the world. I believe it was named after radio shock jock Howard Stern, and I remember hearing that it sits catty-cornered across the street from Opie and Anthony Junior College.

On Saturday, our sclerotic, arthritic, and demented President Joey R. Biden gave a commencement speech to the aspiring particle physicists at Howard Stern University and “rebuked white supremacy” in the process. It was a bold and daring move, seeing as how our entire nation was founded on white supremacy, has deep roots in white supremacy, continues to thrive, wallow, and bask in white supremacy, and is still so utterly white supremacist that one risks being hanged from a lamppost with their belly slit wide open and their intestines spilling out into the streets if one dares to say anything negative about white people.

The full text of Biden’s speechifyin’ is available here, and he wastes no time making clear that he was the vice president to the first black president, nor does he hesitate for a moment to remind everyone that when he became president, he dragged along with him the first black woman vice president in our nation’s history. After establishing his pro-black bona fides, he launched straight into the typical tired ole rigmarole about “crazed neo-Nazis with angry faces” — whom, as we all know, like to descend upon urban areas from their natural abodes somewhere in “dark rooms and remote fields”:

After being — no longer being Vice President, I became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania for four years. But in 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia, crazed neo-Nazis with angry faces came out of the fields with — literally with torches, carrying Nazi banners from the woods and the fields chanting the same antisemitic bile heard across Europe in the ’30s. Something that I never thought I would ever see in America. . . . Accompanied by Klansmen and white supremacists, emerging from dark rooms and remote fields and the anonymity of the Internet, confronting decent Americans of all backgrounds standing in their way, into the bright light of day. And a young woman objecting to their presence was killed. . . .

Because those crazed neo-Nazis who emerge from dark rooms and remote fields couldn’t possibly be human beings with their own dreams, their own concerns, and their own political interests, Biden distilled all their anger down to pure “hate” and implied that they are some sort of amphibian or insectoid life form that live under rocks:

I thought, when I graduated, we could defeat hate. But it never goes away. It just — only hides under the rocks. And when it’s given oxygen, it comes out from under that rock. . . . The soul of America is what makes us unique among all nations. We’re the only country founded on an idea — not geography, not religion, not ethnicity, but an idea. . . .

No, you fucking idiot, it was a country founded by white men.

Although he’s genetically a white man who presides over a country founded by white men, Biden informed the cheering throngs descended from former slaves that the biggest threat to this white man’s country is, of course — wait for it — WHITE SUPREMACY:

To stand up against the poison of white supremacy, as I did in my Inaugural Address — to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy. [applause] . . . And I’m not saying this because I’m at a black HBCU [historically black college or university, which means he just called the place a “black historically black college or university]. I say it wherever I go. . . . To stand up for truth over lies — lies told for power and profit. . . . To stand against books being banned and black history being erased. [applause] I’m serious. Think about it. . . .

Actually, Joe-Bob, I think about this sort of thing for a living. I probably think about it more deeply than you or the entire graduating class of Howard Stern University combined has ever thought about it. And I think you should have specified what you mean by “truth” and “lies.” It’s a demonstrable economic fact that if you say anything that can be twisted into a “white supremacist” sentiment, you are immediately stripped of all power in this country and effectively banned from making any profits. And as far as banned books go, the last time I was stupid enough to walk into a bookstore, it seemed like nine out of ten titles was about black people and black history.

Biden continued pandering to the highly melanated crowd by reminding them of how many black women he’s placed in high office, as if we didn’t already have far too many black women at the post office and the Department of Motor Vehicles:

With your voices and votes, I was able to fill my commitment to put the first black woman on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. [applause] And, by the way, she’s brighter than the rest. [laughter] She is one bright woman.  . . . Because of you, more black women have been appointed to the federal appellate courts under — than under every other president in American history combined. [applause] . . . You’re part of the most gifted, tolerant, talented, best-educated generation in American history. That’s a fact.

No, that’s a provable lie — you know, the kind of lie told for power and profit.

Biden said his mission was to provide a “future for all Americans.”

Sure, all Americans except the “white supremacists,” which is a roundabout way of saying “white people.”

15-Year-Old White Girl Found Dead in Dumpster; Her 29-Year-Old Black Boyfriend, a Convicted Pedophile, Is Charged with Her Murder

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

As a living example that white supremacy is the greatest threat to our nation, a 15-year-old girl who was born with white privilege was found by Illinois police in a dumpster on May 7 only three days after she was reported missing.

Gracie Sasso-Cleveland is one of those Americans who will no longer have a future. According to police in DeKalb, Illinois, the dumpster which became her temporary resting place was located right next to the residence of her alleged boyfriend, a charming young black fella named Timothy Doll. The 29-year-old Mr. Doll, who looks dumb, fat, and has vacant eyes that seem to be set two inches apart from one another, reportedly has prior convictions for “one count each of aggravated criminal sexual abuse on a 14-year-old victim and possessing child pornography depicting a victim under the age of 13.”

DeKalb Police Chief David Byrd — who, just as apparently all police chiefs in the United States these days, is black — told reporters:

He’s a predator, and he sought out this 15-year-old and snuffed her life out. . . . He held the victim down and suffocated her with a pillow until she lost consciousness, to which she did not recover. . . . He later put her body in the dumpster, removed her personal items from his apartment and threw her phone away in the garbage at another location.

Doll has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder, concealment of a homicide, two counts of obstruction of justice, aggravated domestic battery, aggravated criminal sexual abuse, unlawful restraint, and unlawful communication by a child sex offender. But hey — at least this alleged victim was 15 rather than 14 or 13, right?

Gracie’s mother said that her child’s murder was “my worst nightmare come true.”

According to a GoFundMe page designed to raise money for Gracie’s funeral and memorial service:

This beautiful soul was taken entirely too early in life at 15 in a violent manner that no person should ever endure. . . . Gracie never meet an animal she didnt [sic] love immediately and want to keep.

Sadly, this tendency may have led to her premature demise. It can be very dangerous to immediately love animals.

Black Murder Suspect Tells Louisiana Police that He and His Friend “Just Wanted to Kill a White Guy”

Last week I covered the story of a homeless black man in Tulsa who’s been charged with a hate crime for allegedly blasting two white guys in the skull from behind. Now comes news from the swampy New Orleans suburb of Kenner where police are at least acknowledging that two black males, according to the alleged testimony of one of them, may have staked out a white man and murdered him merely because he was white.

Tahj Matthews, 23, and Maurice Holmes, 25, are both as black as the ace of spades. They have been charged with the first-degree murder of a 66-year-old white man named Lawrence “Peanut” Herr on April 11. Herr was outside installing a mailbox when the two black yooves allegedly drove up behind him and shot him in the back, killing him.

According to Kenner Police Chief Keith Conley:

We have not found any relation between the victim and the suspects. In fact, the victim’s back was to the suspects when the shots were fired.

The pair of suspects both were employed at a local International House of Pancakes (IHOP) restaurant, which apparently pays so well that they were able to cruise around in a silver Mercedes looking to kill white people. On the morning of the murder, Mr. Matthews presented a doctor’s note at IHOP and was excused from work. According to police, both Matthews and Holmes discussed how it would be really cool if they killed someone that day, but according to a detective who interviewed Matthews, they ruled out Hispanics and decided that they “just wanted to kill a white guy.” Police say Matthews has confessed to hiding a 9mm pistol in his attic, and both alleged killers were so dumb that they left a box of self-incriminating 9mm bullets in the car used in the drive-by murder. Holmes, who previously served six years in a Texas prison for domestic violence, has yet to confess.

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

Sadly, neither Holmes nor Matthews has been charged with a hate crime as of this writing, but it seems promising that the police are making an issue of the “just wanted to kill a white guy” angle. Surprisingly, mysteriously, and bafflingly, the national press isn’t making an issue out of the case at all.

Could we possibly be perched on the cusp of a thrilling new trend where officials start charging black murderers with hate crimes for sneaking up behind white people and shooting them dead, provided the perp says something along the lines of, “I did it because they were white”? To clarify, blacks killing whites is a time-honored American tradition, as is them saying, “I did it because they were white.” But until very recently, it seemed nigh impossible for Johnny Law to press hate-crime charges against them for doing so, seeing as how academia and the media have infiltrated the judicial system to the point where hating white people is always justifiable.

Am I being too childishly hopeful by wishing this might be the start of a trend? I mean, the whole idea of “hate crimes” is silly and unnecessary, but if there was ever a facet of modern American culture that was screaming out for “equity,” it’s the idea that people can commit violence against whites merely because they’re white.

Screamingly Gay Black “Influencer” Says “Every White Media Outlet in America” Will Boycott Him after Viral Video Shows Him Shoving White “Karens” Out of His Way on Airplane

It is statistically impossible that a man who uses social-media pseudonyms such as “Courvosier Cox” and “Vosièy Fvogèswièr” isn’t black. It also goes against the laws of quantum physics to posit that any male who describes himself as a “Young Man on a Journey” isn’t so gay that he couldn’t summon Judy Garland from the grave merely by snapping his fingers and clicking his heels.

Further illustrating my much-disputed point that the term “Karen” is an explicitly anti-white slur enabling non-whites to get away with bullying white women, Courvosier Cox (real name currently unknown to me) was recently filmed blithely shoving two white women out of his way as he sought to deplane an American Airlines flight from Charlotte to Ft. Lauderdale.

A nearly five-minute video posted in the Daily Mail shows the verbal tirade that Señor Courvosier launched into when some of the white women objected to his thoughtlessly assaultive behavior:

I understand that we all are waiting, but that’s not how I work — I make the rules as I go. And guess what, I’m breaking ’em right now. . . . Don’t be rude to me, because one thing I can do is be rude back to you, is what I can be. I didn’t push no-damn-body! I moved you out of my way, that’s what I did. . . . Have a great day! I love you [blows a kiss]. And I kiss it more and more and more — and I’ll kiss your tits too, babe! Just don’t tell me to kiss your ass — it’s not worth it. . . . Because guess what: You think I look pretty, but the ghetto can come out of me, darling. . . . I’m an African-American darling, I’m always worth it.

He also refers to the startled white women as “Karens” and adds, “Karen is an asshole.”

After touching ground in Florida and switching into a pink patterned shirt — and clearly smelling an opportunity to milk the situation for all the social-media clout he could — the young, gay, black male filmed himself expressing zero remorse and then posted the video on Instagram:

I’m here to not apologize to the motherfucker at all. I am not sorry for any of my actions. My actions were intentional. Not only were they fucking intentional, my actions were based on their actions and the way they treated me. . . . So I do want to make a very fucking clear point to a lot of people that’s in the comments. . . . But I want to make it clear that I do not go around just shoving women — that is not my intention.

So when he shoved those two women aside, his “actions were intentional,” but he wants “to make it clear that I do not go around just shoving women — that is not my intention.” Glad he could clear that up.

He posted yet another selfie-vid where he prognosticated that

I am about to be boycotted by every white media outlet in America. They will be coming for me and let me tell ya, I’m all gas and I’m ready. But not only that, I just want to let you all know that I did what I did and I said what I did and I stand on what I stand.

Ah, yes, those scads of American “white media outlets” owned by men with surnames such as Smith and Jones. And he did what he did and he stands on what he stands. Not only that, it is what it is, it was what it was, and it will be what it will be. Is there no limit to black American profundity?

Jim Goad

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