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Do It for Western Civilization!

14-5-2023 < Counter Currents 45 1213 words

817 words

First things first: Go call your mom. Okay! Now that you’re back, let’s talk about how wonderful she is for raising you, a person who ended up here at this publication. Motherhood is not easy, and more women today are opting for a child-free lifestyle due to financial pressure or climate concerns (check out “Why Environmentalists Should Have Large Families“). But what does that mean for our future as a people?

Nations depend on a replacement population, not only to sustain economic stability but also to carry forward their unique civilizational contributions to the world. White nations are in trouble, facing below replacement-level birth rates in both the United States and Europe. Already a global minority, whites are becoming a minority in their own countries. It’s not an exaggeration to say that we may soon become extinct.

To sustain its population, a nation’s fertility rate, or the number of children born to each woman, should be 2.1 or more. According to the last available data in 2021 collected by The World Bank here, white countries such as the US, Denmark, Hungary, the United Kingdom, and France are 1.7–1.8 births per woman, while sub-Saharan Africa, Niger, the Congo, Ethiopia, and others are between 4.2–6.8.

This is a catastrophe, and not just from an economic standpoint. Why is this happening? In The White Nationalist Manifesto, our Editor-in-Chief, Greg Johnson, applies the four causes of extinction to whites:

1. Loss of habitat, meaning the environment necessary for sustaining and reproducing the species. Loss of habitat can take place through sudden or slow geological or climate change, the loss of food sources, etc.
2. Invasive species, meaning competition for resources by another species in the same ecological niche.
3. Hybridization, meaning reproduction, but not reproduction of one’s distinct biological type. Hybridization is only possible if a sufficiently similar species invades one’s ecological niche.
4. Excessive predation, meaning that a species is killed by predators faster than it can reproduce itself. Predation includes epidemics. Excessive predation is, in effect, genocide: the killing off of an entire group. Genocide can, however, be divided into hot and cold varieties. Hot genocide is the quick and violent extermination of a group. Cold genocide is the slow destruction of a group simply by establishing conditions that make its long-term survival impossible. Cold genocide could therefore also include the other causes of extinction: habitat loss, invasive species, and hybridization.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto here

Whites are facing these pressures in their own countries. So what are we doing about it?

Today, I joined our pal James at the White Papers Policy Institute to discuss fertility policies in white countries with the hope of understanding why white women are postponing having children, and what national policies might convince them to take the plunge.

“Do it for Denmark” was one of our favorites. The Danes subsidized successful baby-making vacations for couples. Their subsequent “Do it for Mom” campaign was equally well-intentioned, though significantly less sexy.

The Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, and Russia offer bonuses for each child born. For its part, Sweden offers a staggering 480 days of parental leave when a child is born or adopted (60 of those are mandatory!).

Hungary’s program, as enacted by Viktor Orbán, is exceptional offering a Family Housing Allowance Program which gives married couples a maximum estimated benefit of the equivalent of $60,000 toward a new home, including tax deductions and a capped interest loan. If adjusted in order to have an equal impact in America, this would be equivalent to up to $250,000 in incentives, according to the Institute for Family Studies, here. This gave Hungary a huge increase in marriages: up to 6.88 marriages per 1,000 inhabitants. Before Orbán took office, Hungary saw only four marriages per 1,000 inhabitants.

We cover more current and historical examples, such as Italy’s “battle for births,” Charles de Gaulle’s demand for more French babies, and Hitler’s pro-natalist programs in the full podcast, which is available here.

Check out our essays here at Counter-Currents about motherhood and moms of the Right:

• Brian Thorn’s “Social Credit Women of the Right” Series
• “The Beckys of Yore” by Morris van de Camp
• Our 3-Part Series: “Women of the Far Right” by Amanda Bradley
• “Of Costner, Corpses, & Conception: Mother’s Day Meditations on The Untouchables & The Big Chill,” by James O’Meara
• “Let’s Scare Karen to Death,” by Jim Goad
• “Sylvia Plath: Stasis in Darkness” by Vic Olvir
• “A Mother Fit to be a Queen” by Fullmoon Ancestry
• “The Extraordinary Woman from the Midwest” by Morris van de Camp
• “The War Against White Women: My Account as a White Woman” by Laura Towler
• “The War Against White Women” by Richard Houck
• “Trump & the End of Feminism” by Greg Johnson
• “The Woman Question in White Nationalism” by Greg Johnson
• “Why Environmentalists Should Have Large Families” by Greg Johnson
• “Woman Being” by Juleigh Howard-Hobson
• “In Defense of Karens” by Robert Hampton

Oh, and by the way, “Do it for Denmark!” Or Ireland! Or Europe! For “The Planet!” And yes, for white civilization!

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