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The Worst Week Yet: April 30-May 6, 2023

8-5-2023 < Counter Currents 44 3577 words

Carlton Gilford

3,103 words

Black Homeless Man in Tulsa Charged with Hate Crime for Shooting Two White Men in the Back of the Head

Stop the presses, batten down the hatches, and hold the fort: Police in Tulsa, Oklahoma — which is one of the bleakest, grimiest, and nastiest towns I’ve ever whisked through — are charging a homeless black man with Oklahoma’s equivalent of a “hate crime” in connection with a pair of shootings on April 18 in which he walked up behind two separate white men and shot them dead with bullets to the head.

According to police, the suspect, 61-year-old Carlton Gilford, admitted that he’d shot the two victims, so I can declare with legal impunity that he did it. I suppose, though, that a nagging sense of journalistic responsibility forces me to clarify that since he is now incarcerated, Mr. Gilford is no longer technically homeless.

Police say that around 9:40 AM on April 18, Gilford — who really needs to work on his abs — entered Tulsa’s Rudisill Library, walked up behind a 35-year-old white man named Lundin Hathcock, and shot him point-blank in the head while Hathcock was sitting at a desk. Minutes later, Gilford ambled to a nearby QuikTrip convenience store, shot 55-year-old James McDaniel in the back of the head, and then shot him once more as he was on the ground. Police say that when they arrived at the QuikTrip, Gilford was outside with an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound.

For black shooters, two out of three dead victims isn’t a bad kill ratio, but it figures that the one he didn’t wind up successfully killing was himself.

Gilford was arrested, denied bail, and has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of shooting with intent to kill, and one count of “malicious intimidation or harassment.” Although Oklahoma has no specific statute prohibiting a “hate crime” in those exact words, the state’s 2022 law regarding “malicious intimidation or harassment” makes it a crime to

[a]ssault or batter another person . . . maliciously and with the specific intent to intimidate or harass another person because of that person’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin or disability.

The crime is only a misdemeanor and carries a maximum sentence of a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler, who looks incredibly German, told local reporters:

The information suggests that race played a role in it. . . . I feel like that is something we can prove, and it is something that a judge or jury obviously needs to listen to. So, we will present that information along with everything else.

Kunzweiler later told Newsweek:

The allegation in this charge is that race or color played a role in these shootings. . . . Based upon the investigation, we have reason to believe that race played a role in the homicides. That evidence will be presented in front of a judge or jury.

On Facebook last Tuesday, the Tulsa Police Department posted:


Tulsa County District Attorney’s Office charge Murder suspect, Carlton Gilford, with Hate Crime.

Two weeks ago we arrested Gilford after he shot 2 people in the back of the head, one at Rudisil Library and the other at QuikTrip. At this time, there does not appear to have been any connection between the victims and the suspect.

After examining the evidence from the case, District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler, charged the suspect with the additional Hate Crime.

What a bunch of teases! They provided specifics about the two shootings, but not even a hint of why they thought the killings were racially motivated. Perhaps the DA and the Tulsa cops, aware of how rare such charges are and how most of the country has been browbeaten into thinking it’s impossible for a black person to kill a white person (much less two of them) based on racial animus, are holding their cards close to their chests.

But the suspense is killing me. Why is it only one charge rather than two? And why do they think they can prove it? Was it a statement that a shirtless, grubby Gilford made to police that they were savvy enough to record? Was it something that surveillance cameras in the library or at the QuikTrip recorded? Please tell me it’s on tape somewhere. It would be the optical victory of the decade to have a black man on tape admitting that he shot a white man in the back of the head because he was white.

Nation Erupts in Anti-White Supremacist Fury after Homeless Michael Jackson Impersonator (and Serial Criminal) Dies from Chokehold on NYC Subway

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

In my long and checkered life, I’ve seen Elvis impersonators and a Frank Sinatra impersonator. In every case, not only did these performers attempt to capture the look and mannerisms of the musical artist, but they also sang. It seems crucial to sing if you’re “impersonating” a singer, n’est-ce pas?

At some point after his mother was strangled to death by her boyfriend in 2007, a black male from New York City named Jordan Neely became a “Michael Jackson Impersonator.” From the few clips I’ve seen, he has the King of Pop’s greasy jheri curl hair down pat. He also wore an array of those fruity Sgt. Pepper’s-style marching-band jackets that Jackson was fond of wearing during the height of his fame in the early 1980s. He also emulated Jackson’s dancing moves quite convincingly. But from the videos I’ve seen, he only danced to the song “Billie Jean,” and he never sang a note. Perhaps Neely’s specialty was impersonating Michael Jackson for the deaf.

Neely was a familiar sight on Manhattan’s streets and subways for years, but sometime around 2012-2013, he also gained a reputation as a loose cannon who threatened passersby — I was going to call them “innocent” passersby, but if you’ve ever been to New York City, you’d know that no one is innocent there.

“Try to stay away from the Michael Jackson impersonator if you see him . . .,” read the subject header to a 2013 post on Reddit. It continued:

Used to be all cool, dancing to MJ in the subway train, but as of late he’s become a maniac.

Sometime in late Spring/early Summer I saw him in the train, his radio fucked up and he was angry as fuck, cursing and bad mouthing commuters screaming “What the fuck are you looking at? Dont fucking look at me!” Totally didn’t expect him to act as such.

Ever since that day he’s just been a scary dude to me. He doesn’t dress up anymore. No more dancing…just asks for money. Occasionally shouting obscenities.

Today, however was odd. Sometime in the morning, on my way to school I’m sitting on the bench and out of nowhere hear someone just going off, cussing up a storm. It was the MJ dude. Everyone besides this guy was quite [sic]. A MTA crew was there but did nothing and just let him continue [to] blow his gasket. . . .

Just avoid the guy at all costs, try not to look at him at all. Stay safe.

A commenter under the initial post said:

You guys! I was there too! I remember thinking he always is sort of bad but lost all sympathy for the guy when he freaked out that day. Since then, he also has been getting grungier and now also smells. He probably needs some sort of help, but I agree, he seems ready to snap at any time.

A 2014 video of Neely filmed on New York City’s streets shows Neely, in full Michael Jackson regalia, threatening the cameraman, repeatedly dropping N-bombs, and calling someone a “faggot.”

It’s unclear when Neely became homeless. New York police say that from 2013 to 2021 they arrested Neely 42 times, mostly for minor infractions such as fare-jumping. But his charges also included:

  • A 2015 arrest for “dragging” a seven-year-old girl down a street in Upper Manhattan. Neely was charged with attempted kidnapping, but was only sentenced to four months in jail.

  • A 2019 arrest for punching a 64-year-old man in the face at a subway station in Greenwich Village.

  • A 2021 arrest for punching a 67-year-old woman in the face as she left a subway station in Lower Manhattan. Neely’s punch knocked the woman to the sidewalk, where she suffered a broken nose and a fractured orbital bone. Neely pled guilty to felony assault, but despite his long rap sheet, he was spared jail time and instead sentenced to 15 months in an “alternative-to-incarceration” program that would have allowed him to escape with a misdemeanor if he had completed the program.

As you might have suspected, he didn’t complete the program, and in February of this year, a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Last Tuesday at about 2:30 PM EST, Neely — who apparently grew a beard and dropped the Michael Jackson shtick — boarded an uptown-bound F train in the Bowery. Multiple witnesses say he started acting erratically and throwing garbage at people. According to Juan Alberto Vazquez, who filmed the incident that led to Neely’s death, Neely said:

I don’t have food, I don’t have a drink, I’m fed up. I don’t mind if I go to jail and [get] life in prison . . . I’m ready to die.

After Neely threw his jacket on the floor of the subway car, a 24-year-old white ex-Marine named Daniel Penny walked up behind Neely, tackled him, and held him in a chokehold. As can be seen in a nearly four-minute video featured in the New York Daily News, Neely was assisted by a man who at least phenotypically appears to be non-white but, as far as I can discern, has yet to be identified. While Penny held Neely in a chokehold, the other man held down Neely’s arms and at one point knelt on them. If I had to guess the man’s ethnicity, I’d say he was a partially black Puerto Rican — but again, I could find no details as of this writing about the mystery man’s identity.

Reports vary, but I’ve read that the subway car was stopped, with its doors open, at a station for about ten minutes before police arrived. About two minutes into the video showing the chokehold, Neely stopped moving. When he was taken to a nearby hospital, he was declared dead.

As one might imagine these days, simply because Penny is white and Neely was black, this is being framed as a murder rooted in white supremacy and capitalist disdain for the poor and “unhoused.” The cops are being blamed. The “system” is being blamed. Very little mention is being made of the other man who held Neely down, and almost no mention is being made of Neely’s criminal history.

Shortly after Neely’s death, police interviewed Daniel Penny and released him. But now — of course — they are mulling criminal charges against him.

According to a GoFundMe page by Neely’s aunt Carolyn:

My nephew is Jordan Neely. Jordan was murdered on the subway by a man. The man was arrested, then released not charged. I love my nephew Jordan Neely, he was a very talented black man who loves to dance. Performance was his thing. His mother is Christie Neely and she was murdered in April 2007. It’s been rough for him and all of us. We just want justice for him, please give what you can with your heart.

Ms. Neely is attempting to raise $75,000 for what will undoubtedly be a very lavish funeral. As of Sunday night, she’d already raised $55,000. She did not offer any explanation for why she didn’t offer housing and support to the “very talented black man” whom she claimed was murdered.

The Reverend Al Sharpton claims that Neely’s death reminded him of 1984’s Bernhard Goetz subway shootings. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez flat-out claimed that Neely was “murdered.” To his credit, New York Mayor Eric Adams — a black former cop who once referred to white New York City cops as “crackers” — scolded AOC for rushing to judgment.

Violent protests have already begun in NYC, with screeching black activists threatening to murder whites and burn the city down.

I hope I’m wrong — you have no idea how often I hope I’m wrong — but something tells me that it’s going to be a long, hot summer. Daniel Penny will become the New Derek Chauvin, and Jordan Neely will become the New George Floyd.

White Girl Falls to Her Death in Times Square after Black Boyfriend Beats Her and Tosses Their Baby Down a Flight of Stairs

The day after Jordan Neely’s death — in a case I’ll bet the farm, the outhouse, and the chicken coop that you haven’t heard about — a 20-year-old white woman fell ten stories to her death from the rooftop of a Times Square motel in midtown Manhattan. Witnesses say she’d been loudly fighting with her black boyfriend, who allegedly battered her repeatedly both in the hotel room and after the brawl spilled out into the hallway.

The white woman, Dezirae Andersen — it pained me just to type out that Negrified spelling of “Desiree” — was described as an “aspiring model,” which I suppose is the white wigger woman’s version of an “aspiring rapper.” She gave birth to a mulatto child last August. The father, 24-year-old Tyler Griffin, is such a class act that he has the name “Dezirae” tattooed on his neck. Although the pair claim on Facebook that they’re married, most accounts say that they were still boyfriend and girlfriend.

The pair of dizzy lovebirds, with their eight-month-old daughter in tow, allegedly came from Colorado to New York so that Griffin’s side of the family could meet the baby. But it was not to be.

Around 10:30 PM on Wednesday evening, police — who had initially responded to reports of an assault — found Ms. Andersen dead on second-floor scaffolding outside the Oyo Hotel. They encountered Mr. Griffin actin’ a fool in the hotel lobby, where it took six officers and a stun gun to subdue him.

Although accounts are unclear and contradictory at the moment, some witnesses say that as the couple were arguing out in the hallway, Griffin “yanked” on the baby’s arm, which caused her to tumble down a flight of stairs, at which point a witness caught her. The child was allegedly unharmed — at least physically. Police say that at some point, Griffin pushed Andersen through a door leading to the hotel’s rooftop and locked her outside. They reported there is no evidence that she was pushed to her death, and that she either jumped or fell off the rooftop.

The police further claimed that Griffin has admitted to repeatedly punching the mother of his child, and that hotel surveillance footage captured him slamming her against a wall. According to a New York Police Department spokesman, Griffin has been arrested and charged on suspicion of assault, reckless endangerment, and acting in a manner injurious to a child under 17. It is unclear whether or not Griffin is still in custody, but his next court date is set for June 15.

There will be no riots, no allegations of a racially-motivated assault, or demands to charge Griffin with involuntary manslaughter — and you will probably never hear their names again.

Editorial Board in San Luis Obispo, CA (2.3% Black) Scolds Protestors Who Displayed “Embrace White Pride” Banner on Freeway Overpass

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

As of this writing, the breezy and temperate coastal town of San Luis Obispo, California is 82.6% white and a mere 2.3% black. Demographically speaking, this makes it one of the most sweet and unspoiled burgs in all of the Golden State — at least if you’re white and don’t want homeless black men sneaking up behind you and shooting you in the head.

On Saturday, April 29, on a freeway overpass in the “census-designated place” of Templeton, California in San Luis Obispo County, a pair of white males wearing stylish bucket hats held up a banner reading EMBRACE WHITE PRIDE so that southbound freeway drivers could see it.

This brazen act of hateful defiance so inflamed the hemorrhoidal souls of the San Luis Obispo Tribune’s editors that last Tuesday they wrote a scolding editorial taunting the pair of white males, and Yahoo! News found the article so relevant and profound that they reprinted it so that their millions of readers could share in the orgasmic euphoria of anti-white humiliation.

Here are choice passages from their bold, daring, and risky opinionating:

Did you think your “white pride” statement was the equivalent of “Black [sic] pride” or “gay pride” or “trans pride”?

It was not. White pride is a euphemism for white supremacy.

It is a dog whistle for hate and intolerance, a rallying cry for white people who feel put upon; who harp about being discriminated against every time they or their loved ones fail to get a job or a promotion or a college acceptance letter; who insist that the slogan “Black [sic] lives matter” is racist because all lives matter.

As American philosopher and author David Ingram so elegantly explains it, Black [sic] pride is a defensive strategy.

So we know you’re racist. But you’re destructive as well, willing to divide your community in public for all to see.

From the looks of it, you cut up a sheet and spray-painted the letters on with stencils, poorly, we might add. Nice way to spend an afternoon. . . .

Because we’re still wondering, why?

So please, send us a letter or reach out on Facebook, if you have the guts.

But, honestly, we won’t hold our breath on that.

Because out in the fresh air that day in Templeton, whoever you are, you hid your faces behind masks.

So in addition to being bigots, you’re cowards as well.

The “Tribune Editorial Board” also announced that this Wednesday, from 2 to 6 PM on the Vineyard Drive overpass in Templeton where those two mask-wearing cowardly racists held up their poorly-stenciled banner, a “rally” will be held for people who want to spread messages of “love, inclusion and support.”

Sounds like a fun time! Wish I could make it, but I have prior engagements.

How dare those anonymous racists attempt to “divide” a “community” that has 43 white people for every solitary Negro?

If one actually paid attention to the blinding levels of anti-white rhetoric in media, government, and education all across the country — better still, if one paid attention to actual statistics regarding interracial violence rather than the anomalous stories that the media constantly trumpets; and if one was actually surrounded by hostile non-whites like I am, rather than the pampered and antiseptic editors who enjoy the true white privilege of living in cloistered whitopias such as San Luis Obispo — they’d actually be awake — not “woke,” but awake — enough to realize that being pro-white in any regard is a defensive strategy.

Jim Goad

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