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The War Against White Children, Part 1

2-5-2023 < Counter Currents 77 3394 words

Cannon Hinnant, one of the many victims of non-white violence against white children that the media and the establishment would rather you forget.

2,779 words

Part 1 of 4

If I wanted to destroy a functional society — the sort that white Europeans have built and maintained for millennia– upending the family and harming children would be a high priority. Attacking a society’s children is far easier than other groups and offers significant benefits to those wishing harm. If you can get children to turn on their families ideologically, you can likely get them to do anything you want as they mature and age. Thus, if I wanted to sever the roots of a people and mold them into obedient serfs, I would start by attacking the children.

Ensuring that a people’s youth is riddled with guilt and feels a deep sense of disdain for their own identity, family, and race is a crucial measure in the continued destruction of our society. The effects of such learned shame are profound, producing an entire generation — or generations — with no true sense of identity or history.

White children in contemporary society face a hostile onslaught from nearly every direction. Although we inhabit the same world as they do, they face considerably more antagonism and their experiences are far more unpleasant. The world they must navigate has changed drastically since I became an adult, less than 20 years ago. White children today must deal with the same crime, hostile media, and racial tensions that we do, but from a more vulnerable place, and face additional stressors such as anti-white teachers and racial bullying at school. All of this coalesces as forms of harm, trauma, and terror for white children that is difficult to understand fully. This essay therefore seeks to understand the history and experience of white children in our society today.

Crimes against white children

As with many issues, a complex intersection of various factors leading to various effects are at work in the attacks against white children. Tremendous numbers of horrid crimes are committed against white children at a disproportionate level. These are largely ignored, and in many cases are covered up by the media, while the minor grievances of non-white children are being amplified. When white children are at school, they are often told that they are oppressors of the benign non-whites.

Every day in the United States and Europe, white children are subjected to violent crimes, rape, and even murder. Often these events are treated as “random” crimes rather than explicitly targeted racial acts. Every week there is another crime involving a white child being victimized by a non-white that is worse than what happened to Emmitt Till, and unlike Till, no movies are being made about them.

“Grooming gangs” throughout Europe are an open secret and have been for decades, and nothing is being done about them. In the US, serial predators are often not even deported; when they are, they often find their way back into the country.[1] There are nationwide, coordinated sex-trafficking organizations throughout Europe and the United States operated entirely by non-white ethnic immigrant groups such as the Pakistanis, and they operate nearly without opposition. Officials are unwilling to bring attention to the problem out of fear of appearing racist, and are unwilling to view these crimes as a pattern of group behavior. These anti-white attitudes likewise prohibit them from seeing whites as victims, no matter the crime.

Every city in England with a large immigrant population has an organized sex trafficking ring: Rochdale, Peterborough, Telford, Oxford, Derby, Newcastle, Halifax, and Rotherham all had and continue to have them. Arabs in England argue that the prostituted girls themselves are partially to blame for this.[2] Even those city officials who have gone public with these crimes were then sent to “diversity training” courses.[3] Conversely, those who participated in cover-ups were given awards, such as “Social Worker of the Year.”[4] Police who have been charged with investigating these crimes have in some cases been caught raping the abused girls themselves.[5]

Sue Berelowitz, the Jewish woman in charge of investigating the widespread trafficking organizations in England, often complains that she needs police protection because she has been the victim of “vile” anti-Semitism.[6] Again, someone complicit in these crimes is complaining that she is in fact the “victim” as she hides behind the police. And the city council of Rotherham, the epicenter of England’s organized sex trafficking, has recently declared that they will become the United Kingdom’s first-ever “Children’s Capital of Culture.”[7]

There are endless examples of black violence against white children in the United States as well. Levi Cole Ellerbe was kidnapped by a black woman and two black men in Natchitoches, Louisiana, then tied to railroad tracks and set on fire. Levi died that same day in the hospital from his burns.[8] In Dallas, a black man kidnapped four-year-old Cash Gernon from his bedroom, stabbed him to death, and left the body in a gutter.[9] And these are just two examples that stick out in my mind.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country here

Looking at Europe, in Germany two 10-year-old Afghan boys as well as a Syrian boy were never charged with raping a German classmate during a field trip in Berlin.[10]

An 8-year-old German boy was pushed under an oncoming train and killed in Frankfurt by a 40-year-old African migrant.[11]

In Vienna, Austria, three Afghan teenagers raped and killed a 13-year-old girl.[12]

Lola Daviet, a Parisian girl, was abducted after school on a Friday afternoon and was later found dead in either a suitcase or a box (there have been conflicting reports). She was tortured, raped, disfigured, and then strangled to death by an Algerian couple.[13]

And these are just a few examples. I find it difficult to understand the types of creatures we are now dealing with in our towns and schools. But I think it is significant that it is common to find bizarre forms of animal abuse in much of the non-white world. Over a dozen teenagers in North Africa were reported to have contracted rabies after taking turns raping a donkey.[14] But now that we have open borders, such incidents are no longer limited to the darker continents. Thus, in a rural area of Normandy, France, a pony that had been gifted to a disabled boy as a therapeutic companion was kidnapped by migrants who then raped it and left it for dead on the road. Fortunately, the pony was found and taken to a local animal hospital to be saved.[15]

The most disturbing and depraved crimes happening in Western societies today are those committed by non-whites against white children, while there are almost no examples of whites committing violence against non-white children whatsoever, let alone on a large scale.

Where can white kids go safely anymore? Take Italy: Last summer some 2,000 African men caused havoc in by rioting, sexually harassing, and assaulting young Italian women and girls.[16] Back in the States, five-year-old Cannon Hinnant was shot in the head by his black neighbor while riding his bicycle in the neighborhood for no discernable reason. Landen Hoffman, another five-year-old white boy, was with his mother at the mall when a black man threw him off an upper-level balcony; the boy fell about 40 feet and broke many bones when he hit the floor, yet miraculously survived

The mall isn’t safe. Our neighborhood isn’t safe. Small towns aren’t safe. White kids have nowhere to go where they can feel secure, and this is entirely due to “diversity.” It is my sincere belief, supported by decades of crime statistics, that these things would not be occurring if whites were not being forced to live among masses of non-whites. Would crime still occur in a whiter Europe and US? Of course. But would there be as many crimes being committed? Of course not.[17]

In Japan, it is customary for young children to be sent on small errands as a sort of rite of passage. This astonishes today’s Westerners. City Lab published an article on this tradition, describing how children are commonly made to ride the public transit system on their own.[18] In the US and much of Western Europe, parents are rightfully afraid to send their children anywhere alone. Perhaps the difference in Japan’s case has something to do with the fact that the Japanese are not being forced to live among millions of third-world migrants.

I often lament my disgust with those conservatives and libertarians in America who are always blabbering about what they think freedom means. Yet, they never point to anything of consequence in our daily lives. The simple fact is that when you have a society consisting of people of high intelligence on average, a considerable deal of social capital, and no “outsiders,” you have a much freer society. If you see a five-year-old alone on the metro who is surrounded by people who look like him and who are willing to help if needed, you are likely in a free society.

The media and educational curriculums

The mainstream media and school curriculums are broadcasting the same messages that demonize white people and harm white children in various ways. Our children are being taught bizarre ideologies about sexual orientation, gender, and race; transgenderism in particular is being pushed to their detriment.[19] White children are learning that there is only one race: the human race, yet whites are nevertheless uniquely guilty of being oppressors of non-whites. Entertainment targeting children is being increasingly filled with overtly sexual and hostile racial propaganda. Selma, Loving, The Help, The Hate U Give, Hidden Figures, Remember the Titans, Ruby Bridges, Akeelah and the Bee, Watch Us Rise, Frozen II, Trolls World Tour, and more all feature egalitarian racial themes.

There has already been some backlash against the rise of critical race theory in the schools, yet it makes one consider the broader social implications. Although I laud efforts to restrict racial Marxism in schools, I find the colorblind approach frustrating. A considerable number of teachers have been steeped in this ideology throughout their own education and careers, and as a result have a deeply ingrained worldview that is hostile to whites.

The National Education Association, which represents public school teachers and is the largest labor union in the US, routinely publishes news and other materials advocating the alleged need to examine and teach about “systemic racism.”

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.

For its part, the American Education Research Association puts on annual conferences where they host over 14,000 academics and teachers, offering them symposiums such as “The Interrogation of Whiteness in Progressive Public Schools” and “Trust, Community, and Dismantling White Dominance.”[20]

Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) wrote in USA Today that “[t]he fight against rising hatred and bigotry must begin with teachers and students.” Greenblatt went on to discuss the need for children to begin learning about hate and bigotry as soon as they enter kindergarten and for it to continue throughout their schooling. The ADL already offers school lesson plans to help achieve this goal.[21] The ADL has defined racism as “[t]he marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.”

The Anti-Defamation League is an organization which was founded to defend a pedophile murderer, Leo Frank, a Jew who was found guilty of murdering a 13-year-old girl, Mary Phagan. When Frank attempted to blame a black janitor, Jim Conley, for Phagan’s rape and murder, the people of Georgia in 1915 laughed at the ridiculousness of his claims. When his death sentence was commuted by the court, he was lynched while Conley was set free. Since that auspicious beginning, the ADL has viciously attacked anybody who criticizes anything Jews do, no matter how egregious, while pathologizing any activism on the part of other ethnic groups, particularly whites, who dare to advocate for their own security and interests. The ADL and other pro-Jewish organizations are constantly on the lookout for any infractions against the Jewish community, Jewish individuals, or Jewish interests — real or imaginary.

The mainstream media does its part by pushing a particular narrative whenever dealing with whites who are victimized by non-whites; specifically, by using the word “random” to describe what in many cases are racially-motivated crimes. Two examples illustrate how this operates.

A young white woman named Brianna Kupfer was working alone in an upscale Los Angeles furniture store in January 2022 when a black man entered and stabbed her 26 times for no reason. Kupfer died of her injuries. The headline in People magazine called it a “random daytime attack.” Randomness implies that the crime was not part of any plan, purpose, or pattern. But of course we do have a likely purpose, and we certainly have a pattern. Kupfer’s murder fits into an obvious pattern of violent black-on-white crime. If the media were honest, they would not claim that such attacks are random but are rather part of a vast crime epidemic. A black is about 27 times more likely to attack a white person than the reverse, while Hispanics attack whites at a rate of eight times more often.[22]

The other approach is when gushing human-interest stories about non-whites are constructed that depict them as the victims.[23] One example of this is a sappy story about a deported Guatemalan with the title “Here There is Nothing: Guatemalans deserve better than Jimmy Morales’s lawlessness and Donald Trump’s posturing.” The man is then described as a timid family man who only wants what is best for his family.[24] The article’s author, Roger Cohen, then argues that the then presidents of the US and Guatemala, Donald Trump and Evo Morales, were jointly responsible for the meager lives of those living in Guatemala, insisting they “deserve better.” Further, “centuries of white Criollo racism” is identified as a source of strife in the country. But of course the possibility that there are inherent biological characteristics in Guatemalans that led to their country’s situation is not even mentioned.

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[1] Frank Miles. “Illegal immigrant arrested, accused of more than 100 child sex crimes,” FOX News, April 4, 2019.

[2] James Dunn. “It takes two to tango: Muslim councilor admits some in the community think she was partly to blame,” Daily Mail. February 8, 2016.

[3]Rotherham Whistleblower Sent on Diversity Training for Saying Most Abusers Were Asian,” The Huffington Post, February 9, 2014.

[4] Liam Deacon. “Rotherham Council Tipped for Social Worker of the Year Award After Rape Gang Scandal,” Breitbart, October 5, 2017.

[5] Liam Deacon. “Rotherham Police Had Sex With Abused Girls and Covered for Relative Sex Groomers,” Breitbart, February 25, 2016.

[6]Police protecting me from antisemites, says abuse inquiry head Sue Berelowitz,” The Jewish Chronicle, June 1, 2015.

[7]Naming Rotherham the Children’s Capital of Culture is a sick joke,” Spiked Online, August 23, 2022.

[8] Hannah Moore. “Woman, 25, is charged with murder after kidnapping baby boy with two men, setting him on fire and leaving him to die on Louisiana railroad tracks,” Daily Mail, July 24, 2018.

[9] Maria Guerrero. “Boy, 4, Abducted From Crib and Brutally Murdered Identified,” NBC DFW, May 17, 2021.

[10]Too young to prosecute: German police drop case of 10yo Afghan boy who raped classmate,” RT,  September 4, 2018.

[11] Lucy Middleton, “Man who pushed boy, 8, under train was used in campaign to promote integration,” The Metro UK, July 31, 2019.

[12]Rape, the killing of 13-year-old shocks Austria, 3 Afghans held,” The Associated Press. July 1, 2021.

[13] Yaron Steinbuch, “Woman charged in murder of Paris girl boasted about selling body parts,” New York Post. October 18, 2022; Hugh Schofield. “Paris shocked by the murder of Lola, 12, found in a box,” BBC, October 18, 2022.

[14]Fifteen teenagers get rabies after raping donkey,” Deccan Chronicle, August 16, 2017.

[15] Tom Towers, “Disabled boy’s pony raped and left for dead in sickening assault,” Daily Star, July 14, 2019.

[16] Fatima Gunning. ”Investigation Launched After 2,000 Migrants Descent on a Popular Italian Getaway Area,” Gript, June 20, 2022.

[17] A high-profile murder in Italy drew considerable attention from outraged Italians. Pamela Mastropietro, 18, was murdered by a Nigerian migrant. Nevertheless, in response to rising anti-migrant sentiment in Italy the country’s pro-immigration ruling party sought to strengthen Italy’s “anti-fascist” legislation by adding anti-immigrant sentiments to the hate speech laws, effectively making it illegal to oppose predatory migration or to promote ideas and policies aimed at protecting Italians. See Crispian Balmer. “Italian parliament votes to toughen laws against fascist propaganda,” Reuters, September 12, 2017.

[18] Selena Hoy. “Why Are Little Kids in Japan So Independent?“, City Lab for Bloomberg, September 28, 2015.

[19] Richard Houck, “Gender Bender,“ The Occidental Oberver, August 30, 2017.

[20] Max Eden, “Racial Resentment as Pedagogy,” City Journal, April 5, 2019.

[21] Jonathan Greenblatt, “The fight against rising hatred and bigotry must begin with teachers and students,” USA Today, August 28, 2018; Lily Richman, “ADL brings anti-bias workshop to Brentwood School,” L.A. Times, September 14, 2018.

[22] Jared Taylor, “New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime,” American Renaissance, July 2, 2015.

[23] Abigail Adams, “Woman, 24, Stabbed to Death While Working at Luxury L.A. Furniture Store in Random Daytime Attack,” People, January 15, 2022.

[24] Roger Cohen, “Here There is Nothing,” The New York Times, May 10, 2019.
