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The Worst Week Yet: April 23-29, 2023

1-5-2023 < Counter Currents 49 2578 words

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Ron DeSantis Flies to Israel to Sign Another Law Protecting All Those Vulnerable Jews Who Live in That Nazi Hellhole Called Florida

As everyone knows, “It’s no secret that Florida has a large antisemitism problem,” that Jews are “one of the country’s most vulnerable minorities,” and that “[a]ntisemitism is spreading like cancer nationwide and needs to be stopped.” If you don’t agree with all of these statements, there’s a word for people such as you.

How can we, as Jew-loving non-Jews, help America’s most endangered Heebs in a place such as the Sunshine State, where retired Jews who fled the Garment District after a long career selling schmattas and settled in Clearwater with high hopes of spending their waning days in peace, only to wind up being eye-raped with the horrifying sight of HITLER WAS RIGHT projected in 30-foot letters on the side of their synagogue by Florida’s burgeoning community of six or seven Nazi pranksters?

Enter Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Enemy of Woke & Friend of Jews, to the rescue.

Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Legislation in Israel Further Combatting Antisemitism,” reads a press release issued Friday from the governor’s office:

JERUSALEM, Israel — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis visited Israel as part of his international trade mission where he signed House Bill 269 to provide law enforcement agencies with new enforcement mechanisms to punish perpetrators of antisemitic [sic] incidents and those who target religious communities. By signing HB 269, Governor DeSantis has once again made Florida a leader on protecting religious liberty and the State of Israel both in the United States and around the world. To read a summary of the bill, click here.

Interestingly, the bill’s text doesn’t mention Jews or anti-Semitism at all.

While in Israel basking in the glory of six million living Jews, DeSantis signed a proclamation where he mentioned a previous trip to Israel to sign yet another pro-Jew law affecting only Florida: 

In 2019, I had the opportunity here in Israel to sign into law groundbreaking legislation to root out antisemitism from our public education system, establishing Florida as a leader in protecting religious liberty. Four years later, the threats faced by religious Americans of all faiths have evolved. Through this legislation, we are ensuring that perpetrators who commit acts of antisemitism and target religious groups or individuals will be punished.

I can’t imagine why DeSantis flies to Israel to sign laws that only affect Florida, but the only reasonable explanation is that he stays in Florida to sign laws that only affect Israel.

The previous bill was 2019’s HB741, which yet another press release from the governor’s desk described thusly:

The bill also adds a definition of anti-Semitism similar to the definition adopted by the U.S. Department of State’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, providing that “anti-Semitism” is a certain perception of Jewish people, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jewish people, rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism directed toward a person, his or her property, or toward Jewish community institutions or religious facilities.

“I’m proud to sign this bill to make clear through a bipartisan effort that anti-Semitism has no place in our state and our educational institutions will not tolerate discrimination against the Jewish people,” said Governor DeSantis. “I was especially proud to hold a ceremonial bill signing in Jerusalem. Florida is the most Israel-friendly state in the country and as long as I’m Governor, we will continue to stand with the Jewish community.”

Last month, DeSantis signed a controversial bill widely known as “Don’t Say Gay,” which banned discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in grades one through eight throughout the state.

But what about the untold millions of nine-year-old Jewish children in Florida schools who hope and dream of having gender-reassignment surgery? The next time Ron DeSantis visits the Wailing Wall wearing his personalized Ron DeSantis yarmulke, will he say a prayer for them?

Is Meatball Ron aware that according to the Museum of Jewish Heritage, “Hitler’s Nazi government . . . brutally targeted the trans community, deporting many trans people to concentration camps and wiping out vibrant community structures”?

Next thing we know, he’ll be taking Jewish transgender children’s discarded genitals and transforming them into lampshades.

Governor DeSantis, you are no better than Adolf Hitler. In fact, you are far worse, because Hitler, despite all the Jews he killed, always maintained a trim physique.

After Four Yoofs Attack White Man, Connecticut Town Holds a March — Against “White Supremacy”

On April 10 in the small Connecticut town of Rocky Hill (90% white and 3% black), a Ring camera captured footage of a young black male approaching a red Infiniti Q50 sedan parked outside an unnamed white man’s house and attempting to steal it. If the young black male had been aware that he was being filmed by a Ring camera, odds are that he would have attempted to steal that, too.

The video shows the white homeowner ambling outside and confronting the black yoof. Within moments they get into a tussle, and the white man, bless his soul, begins getting the better of the black yoof until, one by one, three more yoofs enter the fray and overpower the noble warrior white man.

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

According to police Sergeant Jeffrey Foss-Rugan, the assailants were “three younger in age black males and one younger in age white/Hispanic male.” As of this writing, neither the victim nor the perpetrators have been named.

Three days after the attack, residents of the neighborhood espied small, fortune-cookie-message-sized pieces of paper sprinkled throughout local lawns and sidewalks. One of the messages read, “BLACK CRIMES MATTER.” Another read, “WHITE MEN, JOIN NSC-131 & DEFEND WHITE COMMUNITIES.”

According to Wikipedia, NSC-131, AKA National Socialist Club 131, is a “neo-Nazi organization.” The letters “131” denote the first and third letters of the alphabet and signify “Anti-Communist Action.”

What is a “neo-Nazi,” anyway? Are there any “Traditionalist Nazi organizations” left, or all they all “neo”?

Apparently, members of NSC-131 were involved in that horrifying attempt to overthrow the United States government on January 6, 2021. They also disrupted a Drag Queen Story Hour event in 2022. Mostly, though, their activities seem to involve leaving fliers in public places.

After the white man was attacked by four (or 3.5, depending on how you define a “white Hispanic”) non-whites, the nearly all-white citizens of Rocky Hill sprang into action — not to join NSC-131 and defend their communities against violent non-white intruders, but to condemn “hate” and “white supremacy.”

Last Wednesday, local organizations such as the Rocky Hill Commission on Inclusion and Innovation and the Rocky Hill Congregational Church met at the Town Hall to discuss how they can include everyone — even violent black thugs — in their community and exclude “Nazis” and “white supremacists.”

In a very official-looking announcement on its website, the Commission on Inclusion stated:

The Rocky Hill Commission on Inclusion and Innovation provides this statement in response to recent events in our community in which unknown persons littered residents’ yards with slips of paper reflecting messages designed to pit us against each other.

The Commission condemns the actions of those who spew the rhetoric of hate. We share all of our residents’ concerns about this incident, and understand that actions such as these affect members of our community in many ways.

Sadly, the darkness of hate reared its ugly head in Rocky Hill last week, and we call on all of our residents to respond with kindness and unity. Take the time to reach out to your neighbors and let them know you care about them. Speak words of support and compassion for all members of our community.

Fascinatingly, the violent attack by four non-white yoofs on a white man was not mentioned.

By the way, is it possible to verbally express “hate” in any other way than “spewing” it? Can you simply “enunciate” it or “whisper” it? Why is it always “spewed”?

And while we’re on the subject, does “hate” ever rear a beautiful head? Or even a “presentable” head? And instead of “rearing” it, does “hate” occasionally just tilt its head and raise an eyebrow? And does “hate” have a fully functional body, or is it simply a disembodied head? Does “hate” have arms? Shins? Toenails? Why does it always seem to rear its ugly head and spew things?

Valerie Triblets, a member of the Racial Justice Steering Committee at the Rocky Hill Congregational Church, posted on Facebook:

We call out the evil behavior of those who chose to scatter hate through our neighborhoods in an attempt to create moral panic and convince good people that there is a connection between race and criminal behavior.

Mysteriously, she did not “call out the evil behavior” of the four dark-complected yoofs who attacked a white man in Rocky Hill.

On Sunday, local residents who were concerned about white bigots but not black crime gathered together and marched through Rocky Hill behind a banner boldly stating UNITE AGAINST WHITE SUPREMACY IN CONNECTICUT.

Stacey Sobel, the Anti-Defamation League’s Connecticut Regional Director and a woman who looks like she never met a bagel she didn’t eat, issued a statement:

Incidents of white supremacist propaganda distribution in Connecticut are at a historic high. . . . Everyone must come together to reject hate and extremism and work towards creating a better community that does not exclude, marginalize, or target any person.

What about excluding, marginalizing, and targeting alleged “Nazis”? Or don’t they count as persons?

Motown Singer Freaks Out at Hospital, Says He Was “Racially Profiled”

If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I actually like some classic Motown music. I think the Four Tops made some great records, and their lead singer, Levi Stubbs, not only had the best name in musical history along with Ferlin Husky, but Mr. Stubbs could belt out a tune with a nonpareil sense of desperation.

Stubbs suffered a stroke in 2000, however, and never toured again with the Four Tops. He died in 2008.

In 2019, back when Ron DeSantis flew to Israel to sign his first pro-Jew law, the Four Tops hired some graying Negro named Alexander Morris as their new singer. An article in Detroit News chronicles Morris’ recent visit to an area hospital, where he claims he was racially profiled because they were unaware he was the replacement singer for a legendary Motown quartet and treated him instead like some average, everyday, two-bit pickaninny crackhead:

The lead singer of legendary Motown group the Four Tops says he was racially profiled, mistreated and even put in a type of a straight jacket [sic] by staff at a suburban Detroit hospital earlier this month and now plans to file a lawsuit.

Alexander Morris claims staff at Ascension Macomb in Warren put him in a straight jacket-type [sic] device because they thought he was “crazy” and at one point, a security guard told him to “sit his Black [sic] a– down.” He plans to file a federal lawsuit against Ascension, the healthcare system that owns and manages the hospital where he said he was mistreated. . . .

“In February, I was performing at (the Grammys at an event) honoring Barry [sic] Gordy and Smokey Robinson,” said Morris at a press conference. . . . “Two months later, I’m in a straight jacket [sic] in the city I grew up in, my identity being denied and I’m being told that I’m insane or schizophrenic.”

Does anyone know what an “a–” is and why a security guard would tell anyone to sit it down? Was it a black awl? A can of black ale? Perhaps the dreaded black asp?

And who’s to say that Mr. Morris wasn’t acting like a completely insane schizophrenic black ass before they constrained him in a straitjacket? These blacks and their lawsuits — they’re outta control!

The Great Italian Replacement

Even though the Great Replacement is happening, if you dare to mention this crazy Right-wing conspiracy that has led to, oh, a few dozen deaths by mass shooters in Christchurch and Buffalo who mentioned that it’s happening in their manifestos, you’ll be censured by the people who forbid you from mentioning that it’s happening by the very same people who openly gloat that it’s happening.

Last September, Italian voters, sick of things such as the fact that Nigerian gangs are now competing with La Cosa Nostra in Sicily, ushered in Giorgia Meloni as their new Prime Minister. In 2016, Meloni, noting that “over 153,000 immigrants, primarily African men, arrived in Italy,” described it as “ethnic replacement.” She accused the Italian government in 2019 of seeking to “destroy our European and Christian identity with uncontrolled mass migration.”

Recently, Meloni’s brother-in-law, Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida, said:

Italians are having fewer children, so we’re replacing them with someone else. . . . That’s not the way forward. . . . We have to incentivize births. We have to build welfare to allow everyone to work and have a family.

Elly Schlein, a member of the opposing Democratic Party, doesn’t seem to have a very Italian-sounding surname, possibly because her dad was an Ashkenazi Jew. She called Lollobrigida’s comments “disgusting” and said:

The minister’s words take us back to the 1930s. They are words that have a flavor of white supremacism.

Mussolini, Schmussolini. I want to know what “white supremacism” tastes like. Is it anything like Alfredo sauce?

Jim Goad

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