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The Latest Emmett Till Narrative

25-4-2023 < Counter Currents 40 1919 words

Ralph Yarl, 2023’s Emmett Till.

1,557 words

Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (D- AZ) has condemned the “gun violence and injustice” surrounding the shooting of a 16-year-old sub-Saharan boy in Kansas City on April 13, 2023. Giffords was shot in the head by a mentally ill man in early 2011 and is now a gun control advocate. FOX News blamed American Renaissance for the shooting — a deliberate act of misinformation used against white advocates by mainstream conservatives.

The sub-Saharan in this “gun violence and injustice” morality play, Ralph Yarl, was shot for “ringing the wrong doorbell” by an 84-four-year-old white man named Andrew Lester. The mainstream media, liberal politicians such as Giffords, and sub-Saharan racial activist groups have turned the situation into an Emmett Till narrative, which is a type of media-fueled story that is filled with omissions of facts and half-truths dealing with a young sub-Saharan who is killed or injured by “mean” white(s).

We first saw this type of morality play in 1955. That is when Emmett Till, a young sub-Saharan, was killed in Mississippi by “mean” whites. Photos of Till invariably depict a cherubic child, rather than the more dangerous young man that he was. Till’s death led to an uproar in the media and influenced the 1956 presidential election, pushing “civil rights” to the forefront of the national conversation. Hyping Till’s death proved an effective way for the Leftist establishment to advance the policies that they favored in the mid-1950s, and such Emmett Till-style morality plays continue to be utilized today.

An Emmett Till narrative has three basic aims: furthering some agenda of the Leftist establishment, scaring sub-Saharans into voting for the Democratic Party in the next election, and/or distracting the public from an ongoing disaster that they don’t want widely noticed. It involves only telling part of the truth about an altercation between a white(s) and a sub-Saharan(s). Emmett Till, for example, was said to have “wolf whistled” at a white woman in Mississippi back in 1955. What he really did was seize a white woman and try to rape her.[1]

In addition to omitting the sub-Saharan’s criminality in these narratives, the media usually selects older photos rather than more recent ones of the alleged victim — those which give more of an impression of innocence. During the Trayvon Martin affair in 2012, the media used photos of Martin from when he was 12, despite the fact that he was 17 at the time of his death. Martin’s social media profile, by contrast, showed a young man who was affecting a convincing gangsta persona. Martin was shot while hitting a neighborhood watchman. One media outlet then altered the watchman’s 9/11 calls to make him appear to have been stalking Martin, giving the impression that he was a racist vigilante.

When it came to Michael Brown in 2014, the media published photos of Brown wearing a graduation cap and gown, implying he was an “honor student.” Brown, however, was not a scholar. He was a wannabe rapper who wrote lyrics containing violent, anti-police lyrics. Further, despite the fact that Brown was killed by a police officer while attempting to grab his gun. Brown had been stopped after he was walking in the middle of the street while high on marijuana after having just robbed a store. The media nonetheless claimed that he had been shot while on his knees with his hands up, as though begging for his life.

Then, in the 2020 Ahmaud Arbery case, the shooters were convicted despite the fact that the slain Arbery had had a long history of crime, and that he was likely casing a worksite in order to steal tools. All of this was ignored in the media and in court, however.

In the case of Ralph Yarl, the media’s story is that the sub-Saharan merely “rang the wrong doorbell” before being shot. The important facts are again being omitted, however. Some reports suggest that Yarl was in fact trying to open the door; this happened at 10 PM, when it is dark. Moreover, it is entirely possible that the shooting was not a criminal act under Missouri’s “castle doctrine” and “stand your ground” laws. There are also some other odd facts about the incident. Why were Yarl’s siblings out at 10 PM on a school night? This isn’t criminal activity, but it is unusual. And why didn’t Yarl use his cell phone to find the correct address with? The media and politicians who are presently hyping up the Ralph Yarl shooting are very aware that evidence of criminal activity by Yarl could very well emerge, given that he was in the demographic that commits the most crime.

In today’s environment, it is best to call 911 to report a suspected break-in before shooting. If violence becomes necessary, one should stay on the phone so that everything can be recorded. The shooter will be faced with legal problems regardless of the circumstances, so this is essential. If you are a gun owner, you should read Massad Ayoob’s considerable body of work about the legal ins and outs of using firearms in self-defense.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s In Defense of Prejudice here

The Emmett Till-style narrative being spun around Ralph Yarl is unusual because of its timing, however. The next election is too far off for that to be the rationale. So why push the story now?

Those elements of the United States government that supports the “civil rights” agenda is the same group that supports aggressive American intervention in far-off conflicts. This has been true since the Kennedy administration threw US military advisors into Vietnam. The Biden regime is likewise a “civil rights”-promoting administration with an aggressive anti-Russian policy as well, although without the necessary ability to deter Russia.

The war is going poorly for Ukraine. There are reports of Ukrainian ammunition shortages, and military casualties are certainly higher than are being reported. Likewise, Ukraine’s continuing hold on Bakhmut is far from certain. The cheery headlines about Ukraine’s plucky resistance there are beguiling. The Russians are making steady advances, which is clear by comparing photos of the frontlines around Bakhmut in late July with those from today. The ongoing Battle of Bakhmut is becoming a Verdun or Stalingrad in political significance. Should the Russians capture Bakhmut in its entirety, the political ramifications for Ukraine will indeed be terrible.

The anticipated Ukrainian spring offensive has the same likelihood of succeeding as the German attack on the Kursk Salient in 1943. The Russians have employed an army of Central Asian workers to build defense-in-depth fortifications, which will result in high Ukrainian casualties in any counterattack. It therefore might be time for the Ukrainians to consider negotiations, including offering a guarantee not to join NATO. This would be a severe blow for the Biden administration, however, being the second military disaster of his term. Thus, they may see this as an opportune time to spin an Emmett Till narrative to hide the scale of the debacle.

There may also be a push on the part of the Leftist establishment to disarm white Americans out of fear. They may be growing wary of the increasing hostility that American Majority whites have for their policies, and this could be why “stand your ground” laws are under a coordinated media attack, since they offer legal protection to whites who defend themselves.


White advocates may be able to use the Yarl shooting to develop successful countermeasures against future Emmett Till narratives. Our internet sleuths should figure out who lives at the house where Yarl’s siblings were said to be at the time of the shooting. Do the residents there even know the Yarls? Will cell phone records show that Yarl’s siblings were actually there at the time? Moreover, Yarl’s background needs to be thoroughly investigated. Did he have a criminal record of any sort? Was he really an “honor student?” Was he involved in bad behavior at school? Has Yarl ever been seen in other neighborhoods where he claimed to be at the “wrong house” while looking for his siblings?

Conversely, why aren’t flattering photos of the white shooter, Andrew Lester, being shown in the press? White advocates can acquire photos of Lester as a young man holding his small children and disseminate them online. If Lester was in the military, he should be shown in uniform.

White advocates should watch this case carefully. Lester will go through several legal processes before finally going to trial. Understanding this process can show where white advocates who are civically involved in their local communities can position themselves in order to help their people. They should seek to become judges, not stand before them in court.

The Emmett Till narrative is a tried-and-true method for the Left, but the tactic is nearly 70 years old. It is only a matter of time before it will become obsolete due to changing circumstances. White advocacy is a movement with enough maturity and talent to defeat this latest such narrative — as well as the next.

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[1] Till’s father, Louis Till, was offered the choice of either joining the US Army or going to prison during the Second World War after he was arrested for beating his wife. Opting for the former, he continued his criminal ways and was ultimately executed by the Army after he was convicted of rape and murder. Young Emmett was merely following in his father’s footsteps. In fact, he was only in Mississippi in order to stay with relatives because he had been causing trouble in Chicago, where he was from.
