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The Worst Week Yet: April 16-22, 2023

24-4-2023 < Counter Currents 43 2803 words

Robert Louis Singletary

2,414 words

Post-Teenaged Man Charged With Shooting at White Family Whose Basketball Rolled Into His Yard

Since it is now standard journalistic practice to refer to rampaging black criminals as “teens,” a recent story from North Carolina requires me to refer to a 24-year-old black male accused of attempted murder as a “post-teenaged man.”

Last week’s news cycle was dominated by the saga of a black teen who was shot by an 84-year-old white man after ringing the wrong doorbell. The victim, Ralph Yarl, was described in countless news stories as a “gifted chemistry student” because he once posed for a picture of himself wearing goggles and posing in front of a beaker filled with water.

But in what seems to be a far more egregious case that isn’t getting nearly the same amount of media attention, 24-year-old post-teenaged man Robert Louis Singletary has been arrested and charged with four counts of attempted first-degree murder after an incident that occurred around 8 PM last Tuesday evening. According to USA Today:

Robert Louis Singletary is accused of shooting a 6-year-old girl and her parents after their basketball rolled into his yard and the family went to retrieve it. . . . Jamie White, who had run to aid his daughter, was shot in the back and remained hospitalized as of late Thursday with serious wounds, according [to] Gaston police. The child, Kinsley White, was grazed by a bullet in the left cheek and was treated and released, her family said. The girl’s mother, Ashley Hilderbrand, who was grazed by a bullet in the elbow, also was treated and released. . . . Authorities also said Singletary shot at another man but missed.

Singletary had yelled at the children on several occasions since moving into the neighborhood, neighbor Jonathan Robertson told The Associated Press.

Despite the fact that Singletary is a convicted felon, he was released on bond after an incident last December in which he allegedly attacked his girlfriend in the head with a “mini-sledgehammer” — don’t ask me what a mini-sledgehammer is, but I wouldn’t want to be bonked in the head with one — leaving her “dizzy, disoriented and . . . bleeding from the back of her head.” Singletary also allegedly forced his girlfriend to clean up all evidence from the crime scene before he allowed her to leave the apartment.

Sounds like a nice guy. I wonder if he was a gifted chemistry student.

What if You Replaced Hitler Quotes about Jews with “Whites” & Robin DiAngelo Quotes about Whites with “Jews”?

In an interesting spin on the time-tested “imagine if the races were reversed” shell game, psychology professors Michael Bernstein (Brown University) and April Bleske-Rechek (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire) took quotes from Adolf Hitler about Jews, Robin “White Fragility” DiAngelo about whites, and Stephen Douglas about blacks. They then concealed the source of the quotes, mixed around the targeted races, and presented the quotes to a group of mostly white college students to gauge their reactions.

They presented the results of their thought experiment at the February Conference of the Society for Open Inquiry in the Behavioral Sciences, and discussed them in a recent Substack post titled “Who Agrees With Hitler?” Although they said they found the results “surprising,” no one who reads this website is likely to be surprised:

We took 3 real anti-Jew quotes from Adolf Hitler, 3 real anti-White [sic] quotes from Robin DiAngelo, and 3 real anti-Black [sic] quotes from Stephen Douglas. . . . Then, we created anti-Jew, anti-White [sic], and anti-Black [sic] variations of each quote, and showed it to 428 college graduates or college students (72% White [sic]). This means that 1/3 of participants saw the real quote verbatim, whereas the other 2/3 saw a version of the quote that was manipulated by changing the original (e.g., replace “Jew” with “White” [sic] or “Black” [sic], or any other combination thereof). For each quote, participants were asked to imagine that an intellectual or political leader uttered the statement. . . . They then indicated whether they agreed with the statement by selecting: “definitely no,” “probably no,” “probably yes,” or “definitely yes.” Participants answered this question for all nine quotes, and all were in the same frame (anti-Jew, anti-White [sic], or anti-Black [sic]). . . . The results were surprising. For 7 of the 9 quotes, agreement differed according to target group. On each of these, agreement was highest in the anti-White [sic] condition versus the anti-Jew and anti-Black condition. . . .

 Anti-White [sic] sentiment was highest across the board — for liberals, moderates, and conservatives alike. Anti-White [sic] sentiment was the highest for liberals compared to other political groups; anti-Jew and anti-Black [sic] sentiment was highest for conservatives compared to other political groups.

Although Bernstein and Blesche-Rechek are to be commended for even daring to conduct such an experiment amid the current climate of rabid anti-whiteness in academia, they naturally felt the need to offer a disclaimer asserting that, yes, of course Adolf Hitler was far more “evil” than Robin DiAngelo:

Nothing in our essay is meant as an argument that DiAngelo is as evil a person as Hitler, or for that matter, evil at all. Hitler is responsible for the murder of 11 million people and the death toll from just the European theater of World War II was at least 40 million.

It’s a sorry state of affairs when, even amid a study that effectively proves modern students can’t discern a Hate Differential between Adolf Hitler and Robin DiAngelo quotes, the authors feel compelled to reiterate what we’ve all heard at least six trillion times — i.e., that Hitler is undoubtedly the Most Evilest Man Ever to Be Evil.

Fat Pansexual Minnesota Mulatto Says White Kids “Should Feel Bad” about History

Rep. Athena Hollins, a member of the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party from St. Paul, is a disgustingly fat and greasy mixed-race member of the Minnesota state legislature, which stands as further proof of my long-held suspicion that our elites have targeted formerly snow-white enclaves such as Oregon and Minnesota for aggressive racial defilement. Hollins also identifies as “pansexual,” and I could have lived ten lifetimes without knowing that she pleasures herself with kitchen appliances. In a recent interview, the bloated, smelly pig said that white children’s psyches should be molested by the idea that their ancestors did bad things:

What I’ve been told when I talk to people is that white kids feel bad about what happened in the past. And I said they should. They should feel bad. It was terrible what happened. . . . The reality is that it happened. This is recent history. . . . I am deeply concerned with the trend in our country with the erasure of our history.

First off, slavery wasn’t recent. Neither was the Emmett Till incident. Even those racist Alabama police dogs were biting black people long before Miz Hollins was but a gleam in her horny daddy’s eye.

Secondly, I’m not sure why Hollins thinks any part of that “history” is being “erased,” because schoolchildren are clubbed over the head with it from the moment they slip-’n’-slide out of their mamas’ wombs.

Thirdly, if she’s talking about black “history,” that’s an oxymoron, because by definition history needs to be recorded, and sub-Saharan Africans didn’t even have written languages with which to record things.

Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were far better representatives of the black race than half-breed sloppy bitches such as Athena Hollins could ever hope to be.

Ohio Senate Candidate Says White People Deserve Reparations for Dying in the Civil War

At the sweet tender age of only five — which is possibly even too young for Ali Alexander to have asked him for dick pics — Bernie Moreno moved to the United States from Colombia. Fifty-one years later, he is a successful businessman who plans to run next year as the GOP candidate against Ohio incumbent Sherrod Brown for the US Senate.

During a recent speech, Moreno suggested that the descendants of Union soldiers during the Civil War should receive financial compensation for the fact that they risked — and often lost — their lives in a war that all the TV programs and children’s coloring books tell us was fought to free the blacks from slavery:

We stand at the shoulders of giants, don’t we? We stand on shoulders of people like John Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, George Washington. That this group of people took on the largest empire in history. They said no, we will not stand for this. And won. . . . That same group of people later, white people, died to free black people. It’s never happened in human history before, but it happened here in America. That’s not taught a lot in schools much, is it? . . . They make it sound like America is a racist, broken country. You name a country that did that: that freed slaves, died to do that. You know, they talk about reparations. Where are the reparations for the people in the North who died to save the lives of black people?

An estimated 360,000 Union soldiers died during the War of Northern Aggression — about 110,000 from battle and an additional quarter-million from disease. About a quarter-million Confederate soldiers also perished in the conflict, but their lives don’t count, because they were racists.

According to estimates, white people have already been paying reparations for decades due to the fact that they are net taxpayers — meaning they don’t receive an equivalent amount in government benefits compared to how much they fork over to feed the system — whereas blacks have been net parasites on the public since at least when Louis Armstrong was in diapers.

Call the FBI!!!: N-Word Found Written in Popsicle Sticks Outside Florida Apartment Building

As if Florida doesn’t already have enough problems with man-eating gators and gator-eating men, now comes word from way down yonder in Tallahassee that a pair of mischievous gents were filmed last Thursday night by an apartment tenant’s Ring doorbell camera arranging a group of popsicle sticks to spell the word “NIGGER” on the sidewalk outside. I’m inferring this because the TV news report shows the letter “N” and a slightly blurred out letter “I,” and to my knowledge, the word “NITWIT” is not considered a racial slur.

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Reporting on the horrifying incident, WCTV in Tallahassee quoted a black man named Duane Francis, who lives “just a building away” from where the popsicle-related hate crime occurred. “Gut reaction was that it was some kids, like bad kids,” Francis speculated. “Friday I had a difficult time going to sleep though because I didn’t know who did it. I didn’t know if this is the start of something that will get worse.”

Francis, who according to WCTV found the incident “disturbing,” reported the unforgivable act of Pure Hate to the local police, who are busily investigating what kind of persons would do such a thing. Francis also contacted the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, urging them to spend your hard-earned tax dollars to further investigate what is clearly a violation of every black American’s civil rights and purported dignity.

The nigger-stick hate crime occurred outside the door of a man named Jorge Nieves, who reviewed the footage and identified the perpetrators as two men whom he was foolish enough to have invited into his home as guests last Thursday night prior to their vicious act of intolerance. “I told them they’re never welcome back, how could you do something so stupid and hateful?” Nieves explained. “Ever since then, I have been trying to knock on people’s doors and apologize to them.”

How does one “try” to knock on people’s doors? Is it really that complicated?

Superstar Singer: Africa Would Be “the Strongest Nation in the World” if American Blacks All Moved Back There

The singer known around the world as Akon was born in St. Louis 50 years ago as Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam, and no, I’m not kidding. He is as black as coal, black as the ace of spades, blacker than dirty motor oil smeared across asphalt under a new moon. He has an estimated net worth of $66 million dollars, which according to my estimation is enough to buy about 100,000 black Americans one-way plane tickets to Ghana.

Hey, it’s not all 41 million of ’em, but it’s a start.

Because I’m a dick, for the better part of a quarter century I’ve been asking people to point to one majority-black nation on Earth where blacks live longer and enjoy a higher economic standard of living than they do in this racist hellhole known as the United States, and so far no one has given me an answer. I’ve come to suspect that there is no answer.

Then again, money and longevity aren’t everything. If you’re a black living in America, you are forced to endure the white-hot shame of observing how every other race around you outperforms you in nearly every task known to civilized man.

Although Akon is of Senegalese descent and has been to Africa several times, he still seems to think that Africa is a country rather than a continent. In reality, Africa is composed of 54 countries, the majority of which criminalize homosexuality. Inspired by the super-stupid movie Black Panther, Akon plans to build an “Akon City,” which he refers to as a “real-life Wakanda,” in Senegal.

Akon recently did an interview where he shared a sentiment harbored by many Klansmen — he says he wants all black Americans to return to Africa:

I want to get as many African Americans back home to Africa as I possibly can, because I know the day they move back, everything they fighting for in America, they will not have to fight for over there. All the struggle that they’re struggling over there [America], they gon [sic] come there [Africa] with this mindset, with this mentality, with the finances that they built, the equity and life and bring it back and invest that in Africa? Then Africa’d be the strongest nation in the world.”

That’s quite rich, considering how many African countries are so pauperized they couldn’t even afford the ink to print the name “Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam” on a business card.

Although I’ve never been to Africa, I’ve heard through the grapevine that many native Africans consider American blacks to be spoiled, uppity, foul-mouthed ingrates whom they wouldn’t ever invite to despoil their Motherland.

I’ve also heard that many American blacks would staunchly resist any attempts to schlep them on a big banana boat back to Africa, seeing as the Dark Continent suffers a paucity of Walmarts to loot and white women to rape.

Jim Goad

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