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We Can’t Save the Earth Without Reducing African Birth Rates

17-4-2023 < Counter Currents 46 3647 words

Young boy collects rubbish in gayaza to earn a living. kitezi,uganda

3,115 words

The uniqueness of whites can be partly explained by the their homelands’ climate. Europe is the second-cloudiest continent after Antarctica. Western hunter-gatherers colonized Europe as the ice sheets retreated. They evolved blue eyes, which are useful in cloudy weather because they are more sensitive to light and protect people from developing seasonal affective disorder. They passed on these blue eyes to whites, who partially descend from them.

Light skin originated with whites’ Early European Farmer and Yamnaya ancestors. Their skin evolved to be even lighter after they expanded throughout Europe, helping them soak up more Sun and thus giving them an advantage in Vitamin D absorption on the cloudy continent. There are also fewer bugs and parasites, which melanin helps to protect against. Europe’s cloud-covered winters and shorter summers thus prevented them from selecting against white skin.

Light skin is essentially a cosmetic adaptation, however. All human groups like white skin. For instance, black children prefer white baby dolls, and Chinese women during the Sui and Tang dynasties put white powder on their skin — and still do in traditional opera.

The cloudy climate which shaped whites is now under threat, however. Global cloud cover is decreasing. Scientists disagree on whether made-made carbon dioxide emissions play a role (though more of them say it does), but what is certain is that many human activities, including the cutting down of trees, allowing livestock to overgraze pastureland, and expanding agricultural fields cause desertification and reduce global cloud cover. If this continues for long enough, the Earth may become a desert planet. As a result, humans globally may end up having to evolve to become like those groups which currently inhabit deserts, such as the San Bushman of the Kalahari Desert, who have among the lowest IQs among all groups.

Figure 1. Global cloud cover in December. Europe experiences the fewest hours of sunlight during winter. This most excellent canopy has sheltered whites from the harsh Sun and enabled them to develop into the Earth’s most dynamic inhabitants. Source.

There are other problems apart from declining cloud cover as well. Wind speed is up 7% since 2010. Prior to then, it had declined by 2.3% over several decades. Thus, it seems wind speed may vary across decades. It’s not certain whether human-caused desertification plays a role in it, but having more wind and less cloud cover results in a harsher climate.

The toll human activities have taken on plants and animals is astounding. Humanity has killed 60% of the Earth’s species since 1970. Not only that, but humans have wiped out half of the Earth’s biomass, or living matter. No other species in Earth’s history has destroyed half of the rest.

Neoconservatives such as Elon Musk claim that the world needs more people. They say this because they can’t explicitly state that the world needs more whites, because Jews would punish them. And unfortunately, it means that the developed world can turn a blind eye to the implications of non-whites multiplying rapidly.

Non-whites make up only 10% of the greatest minds in math and science, according to Ranker. They have had virtually nothing to do with creating the modern world, which has sustained them and permitted them to multiply via improvements in nutrition and medical science. They do not deserve to continue to take advantage of the white race’s innovations without agreeing to get their birthrates below replacement levels. If they stopped using white inventions for a year, many — perhaps even most — would perish. They are thus ecological deadweight, because while they can adopt technology which potentially harms the planet, they can’t innovate ways to prevent this. Whites, on the other hand, can adapt to become more less ecologically destructive.

Artificial intelligence even less creative than non-whites — at least in its present form. Unless it improves, it won’t help humanity innovate its way out of the mess it’s in. AI may be able to predict the Earth evolving into a desert planet, but it doesn’t know how to stop it, because it can only draw upon what is already known.

Most whites are ignorant of the extreme population growth that non-whites have experienced over the past two centuries. Estimates are that African-Americans have multiplied 40-fold since 1800, outbreeding whites by a factor of nine. For example, if the African-American population had remained at one million instead of multiplying to 40 million, think of how much better life in America would be. We’d have fewer rappers and basketball stars, but we’d have more money per capita, greater societal harmony, less crime, and fewer affirmative action hires. Conversely, those million blacks would have a bigger white population from which to extract resources, so they’d be happier as well.

Figure 3. If the billion Africans alive today continue to triple every 40 years, they will multiply from one to 16 billion by 2120 (see top graph), which according to most estimates would exhaust Earth’s resources. The bottom graph shows a hypothetical scenario wherein there will be 1.6 quadrillion Africans by 2560, if they continue to multiply as they did between 2000 and 2020. Non-Projectional Data Source: Our World in Data.

But African Americans’ fertility has recently sunk slightly below replacement level. Africans, on the other hand, continue to triple every 40 years. If this continues, it will result in the destruction of all life on Earth, except perhaps some microbia. Perhaps this has happened before, and this is just another cycle of life that is about to be terminated by blacks before it can re-evolve all over again. I kid, but the growth of Africans is the scariest thing in the world to any thinking person.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto here

Here’s a fun fact: If sub-Saharan Africans continue to multiply at the same rate they do now, there will be 1.6 quadrillion negroes on Earth by 2560. To put this number in perspective, that’s one per every square foot of the Earth’s surface. Just imagine the room you’re sitting in now; perhaps it’s around 132 square feet. Would you like 132 negroes to join you there? I could see an idiot liberal claiming that we need to prepare affordable housing on Mars for them.

If negroes continue to multiply at the present rate, then they will reach a Malthusian doomsday scenario long before they reach 1.6 quadrillion. It will probably happen before 2120, when, if present trends continue, they will reach 16 billion. This is more people than the Earth can handle, according to most estimates (see figure 2). This projection illustrates the folly of prevaricating about global population growth, as Musk does. The Earth doesn’t need humans in general to stop reproducing; it needs sub-Saharan Africans to stop multiplying. It also needs people like Musk to stop cheering it on or ignoring it.

Other wealthy businessmen with almost as much to lose as Musk have warned about overpopulation in Africa. Bill Gates, for example, has referred to population growth as a “challenge” and promoted increasing access to birth control for African women.

French President Emmanuel Macron has been even more explicit in discussing the problem, talking about how it’s a problem that women have an average of seven or eight children each in nations like Niger. But of course the media claimed that Macron was wrong to blame Africans for this, and that colonialism is to blame.

Talking about race and population restrictions may be uncomfortable for many. For example, white Americans like African immigrants better than African-Americans because they are kinder on average. African immigrants also tend to be less anti-white than African-Americans. But this doesn’t make the multiplication of Africans any less destructive.

Figure 4. A comparison of mortality among children under 5, total fertility rates, and religiosity by nation. In normal circumstances, pathogens and illnesses kill about half of all children before age 5, which causes parents to find God and impart an instinctive, religious mindset to their children that makes them want to have kids. Top map source, middle map source, bottom map source.

An important part of curtailing population growth in Africa is ending childhood mortality, because adults resort to religion in order to cope with the loss of a child. But in an environment where childhood mortality is low enough to permit population growth but high enough to foster religion, people multiply very fast.

Figure 5. The actual white population growth rate and projections versus rates from other eras. Medical advancements initially permitted the white population to grow faster than it otherwise would have, but because whites largely ended childhood mortality and religiosity in turn decreased, they fell into collapse. The projections in the actual category assume a continued total fertility rate of about 1.7 among the global white population, meaning that by 2050 the white population will have shrunk to a point where it would have been if no medical advancements had been made since 1820. Moreover, by 2280 it will have shrunk to a point as if no advancements had been made since about 1400. This graph relies on Our World in Data for the actual data up to 2020, and on Statisa for an estimate of global population growth prior to 1000 AD, though the same information is also available from the Our World in Data Source.

Humans co-evolved with childhood mortality in their respective environments to develop an average of 1.65% population growth for every generation (30 years), or 72% population growth every millennium. But childhood mortality may have been greater among groups living in warm weather-climates, such as Amerindians and Africans. To counteract it, their r-selected customs may have entailed more human sacrifice and less investment in children. For example, Negroes in Negroland, a compilation of Victorian explorers’ accounts of their time in Africa, recounts how some black tribes would kill and eat each other over the minutest of offenses. Moreover, the Huaorani people of the Ecuadorian rain forest were until recently the most murderous ethnic group in the world, which is to say nothing of the Aztecs. These barbaric customs evolved partly because the bountiful tropical environments enabled them. Moreover, such practices may have kept these populations in sync with their environment by preventing them from breeding too fast and exhausting the surrounding resources. But once primitive populations westernize and prohibit such inhumane and murderous customs, they explode in population more rapidly than whites would have in the same environment. For example, during the period from 1880 to 1900, whites expanded by 21% — the most they’ve ever expanded in a 20-year period since 1800. Their childhood mortality rate was 280/1,000 during this period. Meanwhile, from 1980 to 2000 Africans expanded by 72%. Their childhood mortality rate was 170/1,000 during this period. Despite somewhat lower childhood mortality, and thus lower incentives to play demographic catch-up by being religious, Africans still grew at a rate 3.5 times higher than whites. Whites evangelized r-selected Africans with Christianity, a religion from K-selected Eurasia, which boosted the African and Hispanic population in much the same way that temperate America has boosted Africanized honeybees that are more acclimated to a harsh environment. In other words, Christianity helps people survive in harsher climates better than Africa’s ancestral “fetish” religions, but when people in a more pleasant climate adopt the religion of those who live in a harsh one, it bolsters the former’s reproduction. This isn’t to say that Africans and Hispanic descendants of Amerindians should return to the anti-social ways of their ancestors, but that whites should help them curtail their fertility via humanitarian measures, such as by eliminating childhood mortality, which motivates them to over-reproduce.

Figure 6. Comparing childhood mortality of (mostly white) Americans and (mostly black) Africans. Whites have done a good job of helping Africans stop childhood mortality, but they’ve got a long way to go. Statista Sources: US, Africa.

If childhood mortality is neither at the ancestral norm of ~50%, nor at the developed world’s rate of near zero, but is instead at something like 25%, it causes the population to grow at its highest potential rate. Thus, if childhood mortality is reduced somewhat, but not enough, then the population will increase. But if it is reduced to near zero, population growth tends to reach a standstill or even go into reverse, which is what we are seeing now in developed nations — even among their black populations, such as African-Americans and Afro-Caribbeans. The goal is to get Africans to follow suit by giving them more birth control and further reducing their childhood mortality rate.

Figure 7. Notice that since the dawn of agriculture, whites’ ancestors are speculated to have outbred Africans (including North Africans in this graph), but experienced a decline during the Dark Ages which kept them at an African level. Until around the year 2005, Africans had never outbred whites. Source: excel download from Our World in Data.

Another way to reduce fertility is to pay the fathers of girls much more than their sons, since women prefer men who earn around the same rate as their fathers. If they can’t pair with one, they often remain single.

Even if the incomes of older African men are boosted relative to the younger ones, it would still be important to stop polygamy, which is the highest in West Africa globally. This is because it permits older men who are financially successful to breed with all the women. Most practitioners of polygamy are Muslims; Mid-East Muslims therefore need to get African Muslims to stop polygamy, just as they have.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.

Jews need to stop censoring honest discussion of racial differences, including discussion of Africans contributing disproportionately to population growth. It is leading to the destruction of the Earth.

Africans, for their part, need to unite to stop overpopulation evenly among all African ethnic groups, because otherwise, if one group restricts fertility and another doesn’t, then the discrepancy will result in the latter replacing the former, or drawing it into an internecine population war. Africans also need to stop their petty family and tribal squabbles and endeavor to protect Africa for their descendants by not having so many kids that they destroy not only their own peoples, but all life on Earth.

Likewise, efforts to reduce population growth among low IQ peoples should not be limited to Africans. Inbred Pashtuns and other ethnic groups in Afghanistan rapidly multiplying pose just as much of a threat to the world’s lifeforms, for example.

While whites should work to stop overpopulation in the Third World, they must also attempt to increase their own fertility, especially among their best and brightest.

The Earth is special. When we listen to the waves from its magnetic field after being converted into sound, we hear what sounds like airplanes flying in the sky, trains chugging, crickets chirping in late summer, radio static, R2-D2 expressing worry, and sentimental songs from 1950s movies. The Earth’s sounds remind one of distinction, articulation, dynamism, emotion, warmth, and protection, whereas rocky planets such as Pluto and Venus basically sound like the clang of a metal shield, while gas planets such as Neptune sound ominous and scary. Earth sounds better because it is better, and we whites are its most dynamic inhabitants. Our fate and that of our watery, cloudy home are one, and we shouldn’t forget it.

The practical steps readers can take to help include:

  1. Writing to your Congressman about the need to make birth control available to sub-Saharan Africans, specifically the birth control pill, the patch, birth control implants, and condoms.

  2. Writing to your Congressman about the need to provide First World-level medical care to sub-Saharan children to end childhood mortality.

  3. If you’re white, having babies — and if you’re intelligent, creative, and white, have lots of babies.

  4. Promoting working from home to help your car last longer and thus reduce air pollution. Elon Musk is a hypocrite when he demands that Twitter employees drive to work every day, yet casts himself as the savior of the Earth by promoting electric vehicles. I have little sympathy for Twitter employees, who are mostly liberal airheads, but I lament the planet which Musk is helping to ruin.

  5. Drinking from reusable glass bottles.

  6. Filtering tap water and using plastic-bottled water only for emergencies.

  7. Using biodegradable, compostable packaging such as wax paper when picking up food, or use containers that you bring with you.

  8. Opting for biodegradable and compostable products over plastics, because the former decay and return to nature much faster. For example, use wooden disposable cutlery rather than plastic disposable cutlery.

  9. Buying old things instead of new things. Antiques and thrifted items are cooler than new ones, anyway. They have more of a story to tell, and they’re unique, because they’re not mass-produced.

  10. Boasting about how long you’ve had certain items, taking good care of them, and repairing instead of replacing them when they’re cost-effective.

  11. Using dimmer lights in your home and turning off those not in use.

  12. Not eating a diet that is heavy in meat and dairy.

  13. Purchasing items from small shops and individuals rather than from companies that store them in large warehouses, which require destroying huge tracts of land and exploiting their workers.

  14. Replacing beef to some extent with chicken, which has less of an impact on the environment, and not eating seafood. The oceans are already half-dead, and eating seafood is a good way to make them entirely dead.

  15. Optimally insulating your home to conserve heat.

  16. Eating food you’ve grown in a garden.

  17. Not building any new golf courses or ski resorts, because they entail destroying natural habitats.

  18. Investing in an ozone laundry system. It doesn’t require chemical detergents and requires less water. Consider also purchasing an ozone spray bottle that converts regular water to aqueous ozone, which is cheaper and more environmentally friendly than chemical cleaners, and is also great for deodorizing surfaces.

  19. Not buying an overly large house or car. This allows you to save money on heating costs and gasoline, and spares the world the pollution.

  20. Opposing immigration into developed nations, especially from the Third World, since such migrants will have a deeper carbon footprint in the developed world. Moreover, they will tend to be more inclined to destroy the Earth’s wild resources.

  21. Framing Jews and Africans as world-destroyers, because the former will not allow us to speak honestly about African population growth and the latter are indulging in practices that will destroy all life on Earth, including theirs.

  22. Counter-Currents gets about half a million views each month. Running a site that is honest about black overpopulation costs a lot money. If you agree with its mission statement of advocating for the interests of whites, then please consider donating money if you have some to spare. If your goal is helping the planet, it’s a great investment. If you’re making a single donation, then have it end in 60 cents — to reference the year 2560.

  23. We should be doing everything we can to save the world, but we must also understand that fate has twists and turns. Without perfect knowledge of the future, the only certain measure is to hope for the best.

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