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Promote Your Heritage

12-4-2023 < Counter Currents 41 667 words

500 words

At Counter-Currents, we don’t just celebrate our heritage, we also promote it for future generations. How can we thank all those who came before us — not just our great artists and statesmen, but our humble and nameless ancestors stretching back to prehistory? We don’t just owe them our language and culture. We owe them our very existence.

How do we “pay back” so immense a debt to people who are long dead? We can’t. The only thing we can do is “pay it forward” by passing on our heritage to future generations. But there have to be future generations. We must never break the chain.

White people, however, are under attack. We are being demographically and culturally erased in all our homelands. The only solution to the Great Replacement is white identity politics. White people are being attacked as whites. Thus we have to fight back as whites. We promote white identity politics because it is inevitable, necessary, and moral to take our own side in a fight, and this fight is inescapably about identity.

That’s why at Counter-Currents we give special honor to the pioneers of white identity politics: because all the achievements of our people — and all the efforts of those who work to preserve and carry on our heritage — will come to naught if our people disappear from this earth.

This month alone, we are commemorating the lives and work of such greats as:

Counter-Currents is proud to publish such writers as:

We are able to publish thanks to you, our generous donors who recognize the importance of saving, celebrating, and paying forward our rich culture.

In 2019, we lost four payment processors. Those in control of payment processing want to isolate you from your cultural inheritance. But just last year, we regained the ability to process monthly gifts via echeck. This is vital to our continued work because recurring gifts give us the confidence to make long term plans for continued growth.

Please help us raise $1,000 in new monthly gifts between today (Jonathan Bowden’s birthday) and April 29th (Sam Francis’ Birthday). This is only 10 people contributing $100 a month, or 25 people donating $40 a month, or 50 people donating $25 a month.

Now through Sam Francis’ birthday, April 29th, if you sign up for a new recurring monthly gift of $10 or more, you will receive both Paywall access and a Jonathan Bowden ebook of your choice.

Thank you for your loyal readership and support!

Greg Johnson
