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The Worst Week Yet: April 2-8, 2023

10-4-2023 < Counter Currents 31 2952 words

Vladimir Putin enjoying a topless Ukrainian Femen activist’s attempt to disrupt his visit to Germany in April 2014.

2,540 words

Russia Proposes Law Declaring All Feminists to Be Extremists

Everyone in their right mind knows that most women are extremely annoying, extremely entitled, and extremely irrational, which automatically qualifies them as extremists.

Feminism, which long ago postured as the idea that men and women are equal but at some point morphed into the doctrine that women are innocent and men are evil, is merely a vehicle used to egg on and exacerbate women’s natural extremist tendencies.

Whatever one’s feelings are about Vladimir Putin, it cannot be said that he is feminine, although he’s known to enjoy gawking at feminists’ naked breasts.

Oleg Matveychev is a member of Vladimir Putin’s United Russia Party. Capitalizing on the recent arrest of Daria Trepova, a plain-as-bread Russian radical feminist and alleged vegetarian bisexual who was arrested in late March for allegedly carrying the bomb that killed a pro-war blogger named Vladlen Tatarsky, Matveychev cobbled together a draft of a proposed law that he has presented to the Commission for the Investigation of Foreign Interference in Russia’s Internal Affairs. If the commission approves the draft, it will be forwarded to the State Duma to be ratified.

In an interview last week, Matveychev opined:

Feminists in the West are all against Putin, against Russia, and for the war. Feminists in Ukraine have actually said that real feminism is for women to serve alongside men against the Russians. Our feminists are simply agents of the West. They are engaged in the destruction of traditional values, their activities are contrary to the president’s decree on the support of traditional values. They are for divorce, childlessness, and abortion. They are acting against the demographic policy of the Russian Federation.

Wherever one stands on the Russian/Ukrainian conflict — I stand here in America, and from the start I’ve said that the war will be bad for Americans in every conceivable way — I applaud the Russkis’ efforts to put women back in their place.

Canada is Pushing a Plan to Allow Minors Access to Assisted Suicide Without Parental Consent

Canada is a nation that seems to exist for no other reason than to seethe with jealousy at its more famous and massively more powerful big brother directly to its south. For the last ten years it has been ruled by a boy-man who seems to be going out of his way to atone for having the sense of daring and mischief that led him to appear in blackface not once, but at least twice. Although I can’t stand cold weather — or Canadians generally — if Justin Trudeau had seen fit to appear in blackface a third time, I would have moved up to Canada and voted for him.

That charmless patch of frozen tundra north of the United States provides its understandably depressed citizens with a way out of the misery of being Canadian through its Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) program. The program was originally designed to allow terminally ill patients to depart this vale of tears swiftly and effortlessly, although it was recently expanded to where it provided state-sponsored suicide for those who had relatively minor illnesses such as hearing loss, and even those who were merely impoverished or homeless.

Possibly sensing an opportunity to divert public revenue toward politicians’ salaries by reducing welfare costs, the Canucks recently issued a report suggesting that “mature” minors be allowed to avail themselves of maple-flavored euthanasia even without parental consent. The report advised that within the next five years, the government should begin researching and consulting “with minors on the topic of MAID, including minors with terminal illnesses, minors with disabilities, minors in the child welfare system and Indigenous minors.”

I understand the “terminal illnesses” clause, but also disabilities, welfare recipients, and underage Canadian Injuns? These Canucks aren’t fuckin’ around! And the terminology seems purposely vague about what constitutes a “disability.” What if the poor child merely has hives? Would a mild stutter count? Most importantly, would being “indigenous” qualify as a disability?

This passage in the report sounds especially ominous:

That the Government of Canada establish a requirement that, where appropriate, the parents or guardians of a mature minor be consulted in the course of the assessment process for MAID, but that the will of a minor who is found to have the requisite decision-making capacity ultimately takes priority.

As far as I can discern, it would allow any “mature” Canadian minor to say, “Fuck you, mom and dad, for restricting my daily playing time on Xbox. As a result, I find it hard to concentrate on schoolwork and am therefore mentally disabled, so I’m gonna shuffle off to one of those Soylent Green-style public suicide centers just to spite you.”

Even though on paper I’m not opposed to the rapid depopulation of Canada, this seems a little extreme even to me.

Female Caregivers Named Jada and Shy’Tiona Arrested for Livestreaming Themselves Abusing Elderly Patient

I’ve been writing for years about the abuse of elderly patients in nursing homes at the hands of feral and vengeful black employees. It’s a grisly trend that has even been applauded by some of the more meme-addled young white “dissident” whippersnappers who’ve been lured, bamboozled, hornswoggled, and hoodwinked into simultaneously embracing “traditionalism” while being oblivious to the irony of blaming their elders for everything that’s wrong in the Current Year. Aren’t you flea-brained tools supposed to be honoring thy mother, father, gramps, and grandma?

The most recent example of a nursing-home chimpout comes from the sunny and rootless state of Florida, where a pair of aspiring atom-splitters named Jada Harris (18) and Shy’Tiona Bishop (20) have been arrested in connection with the fact that they seemed to think it was a wise idea to livestream themselves “taunting and abusing” an unidentified elderly woman to the delight of their friends in the viewing audience. They mock the woman for urinating on herself, and at one point one of the young Negresses — I can’t tell which, because they all look alike to me — smirks into the camera and says, “Isn’t she embarrassing?”

Harris has been charged with video voyeurism, abuse and neglect of an elderly or disabled adult, and interception or disclosure of wired communications. Bishop was arrested for video voyeurism and interception or disclosure of wired communications. I’m a little bit incensed that Bishop’s parents weren’t booked on child-abuse charges for the crime of naming her “Shy’Tiona.”

During a press conference where he aired a portion of the livestream footage, Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey groused:

I’m disgusted. The perpetrators in this case are not only disgusting but they are vile individuals who livestreamed themselves abusing one of our elderly citizens who suffers from dementia.

They actually put it up on a livestream platform so that their friends could watch it, laugh about it, as they mocked this elderly person.

It’s hard to imagine that there are people in this world that would do such a thing.

As you watch this video, think about the abuse this poor lady went through at the hands of these of these two disgusting individuals. My only hope is that these two live long enough in life; I doubt it as stupid as they are.

Wayne Ivey for president!

US Air Force Will Allow Male & Female Recruits to Be Slightly Obese

When was the last time that the US armed forces actually won a conflict? In 2021 we ran from Afghanistan with our tails between our legs like a pack of frightened Chihuahuas. On paper, I suppose we won the Gulf War and the Iraq War, but the fact that Iran now basically controls Iraq means that we can count both of those “victories” as a huge net loss.

We definitely lost the Vietnam War, fought to a standstill in Korea, and if you think it was a victory to defeat the Germans rather than the Soviets in the Second World War, the ghost of General George Patton would probably disagree with you. I still have no idea why we were involved in the First World War. Was the Spanish-American War really a victory seeing as how we’ll probably all be speaking Spanish in 50 years, anyway? Same goes for the Mexican-American War. And the Civil War was definitely not a triumph for anyone who’s likely to read this website. So I’ll have to conclude that the Revolutionary War was the last time Americans emerged victorious.

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

Besides, the fact that US troops aren’t ritually mowing down invaders from our southern border makes me question why we even have a military. Same goes for the fact that we have yet to conquer Canada.

Making the whole shebang exponentially more depressing is the fact that our troops — or at least what’s left of them — are less fit and intelligent than at any other time in our history. The US Air Force recently announced that it will allow male recruits to have up to 26% body fat, while female recruits, seeing as they get a pass merely for being naturally disabled by dint of being female, are allowed to waddle around with bodies consisting of 36% pure lard. Since “Women with more than 30 percent body fat and men with more than 25 percent body fat are considered obese,” this means that the Air Force is now accepting recruits who have entered the Dark Realm of obesity. It seems likely that at any given moment, the morbidly obese will be given a pass due to being “disabled.”

Last summer, right around the same time it announced that less than a quarter of Americans aged 17 to 24 were “fully qualified to serve” due to a confluence of mitigating factors such as physical unfitness, mental sluggishness, and criminal histories, the US Army also declared that it would be loosening its body-fat and academic standards. Also last year, the Army announced that it would allow female recruits a full 23 minutes to run two miles. To qualify for enlistment, the chicks were also only required to pump out 10 pushups instead of the previously draconian threshold of 19.

Late last year, blaming a culture of “wokeness” for the fact that very few Americans, especially white ones, seem eager to join the military, a former Marine Corps lieutenant colonel named Dale Papworth wrote:

With a woke military, whose most senior officer is concerned about “white rage,” searching for a tattle tale [sic] process to discover and discharge white “extremists,” blaming it on toxic masculinity, discharging real warriors for not getting vaccinated, having a two-day stand-down to discuss white extremism, the promotion and expansion of women in combat, lowering physical fitness standards to accommodate naturally weaker women, recruiting with social justice and diversity ads, stating we need more female and minority pilots, promotions based on the color of one’s skin or genitalia, lowering recruiting standards, blaming the military for 247 years of institutional racism, is not the military I was in for 26 years.

Dale Papworth for vice president!

Poll: 63% of Detroiters Support Reparations

I’m unsure why municipalities such as San Francisco and Detroit — places which never held black slaves in large numbers, and never legally in San Francisco — are spearheading what will inevitably become a nationwide pogrom to bleed white taxpayers who never owned slaves to fork over their lunch money to appease black bullies who never were slaves. Why aren’t such referenda gaining steam in cities such as Richmond and Birmingham?

It’s a matter of common wisdom that Henry Ford, despite all the wonderful things he said about Jews, had a policy of bringing up black workers from the South to Detroit as scabs in an effort to bust fledgling white unions. But not only were blacks successful in destroying the Detroit labor movement, they also wound up destroying Detroit.

Detroit is now more than three-quarters black, but despite the fact that any place on the planet that is more than three-quarters black is likely to be a festering sewer, the city’s Magic Negroes are able to whimsically evade any blame for what they’ve done to what used to be known as “The Paris of the West.”

A March survey conducted by the University of Michigan’s Detroit Metro Area Communities Study and the Center for Racial Justice — holy hell, that’s a mouthful — found that “about 63% of Detroit residents support some form of reparations.” The only thing surprising about this study is that Detroit is 78% black, so why do the rest of the brothas and sistas refuse to get with the program?

If you really understood the meaning of the word “reparations,” you’d realize that I’m the only person in world history who has proposed a reparations plan that makes sense.

Sympathy for Adult Men in Diapers

Having won the wars over gay marriage and trans acceptance — at least for now — it appears that the only thing that will keep Leftist “sex writers” employed is to peck out screeds attempting to sacralize and celebrate anal dilators and men who wear diapers.

Seattle’s The Stranger is a free weekly that as far as I can recall, back when I was foolish enough to live in the Pacific Northwest, used to run relatively anodyne columns by boring homos such as Dan Savage and the occasional feature about acid rain and workers’ rights.

But nowadays, The Stranger is only getting stranger. It recently ran a piece titled “Young at Heart: Adult Baby/Diaper Lovers Face Harmful Stigma in Their Quest for Comfort.”

Anyone of sound mind and good taste would be driven by a natural gag reflex to forbid adults who parade around in diapers while sucking on pacifiers from entering a functional ethnostate, or even a rundown amusement park. Yet The Stranger depicts us, rather than the hairy, diapered freaks, as the ones with the problem:

What would it feel like to be a baby for a day? Your meals and clothes would be prepared for you, and your busy work schedule would be replaced with hours of mindless fun. All the responsibilities of adulthood would fade into the distance, giving way to a simpler life, if only for a short time. . . .

But no fantasy lasts forever: these identities come with many stigmas. Accusations of immaturity, irresponsibility around children, or even pedophilia run rampant in online spaces and news articles. AB/DL [Adult Babies/Diaper Lovers] people have been assaulted, fired from their jobs, or legally separated from their children for what community members and experts call harmless interests. . . .

Rhoda Lipscomb, a Colorado therapist whose specialty in AB/DL has earned her the title of “the Diaper Doctor,” said there’s a common misconception that AB/DL people want to abandon their adult lives. She clarified this is not the case; some practitioners . . . may have “younger sides to their personalities,” but they treat age play and diapers like hobbies with a nostalgic appeal similar to that of Lego or Disney World.

With all due respect — i.e., none — the Diaper Doctor is only digging herself a deeper hole here. I have long maintained that any adult who still clings onto childish things such as Lego collections, Disney fetishes, Transformers toys, or plus-sized diapers needs to be rounded up and shipped off to Baby Island.

And that’s it for this week, folks. I will quickly exit stage right before you start throwing tomatoes at me.

Jim Goad

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