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The Rise of Archeofuturist Warfare and the Achilles Option

7-4-2023 < Counter Currents 42 2184 words

Michel-Martin Drolling, The Wrath of Achilles (1810)

1,812 words

Once upon a time, when we still had the illusion of having a country, I naïvely recommended that our guys enlist in the military. My advice to young white men is now the complete opposite, for two reasons. The first has to do with self-respect and self-preservation. I call it the Achilles Option. The second is to hasten the advent of an archeofuturist era of warfare, which is necessary if white nations are to defy the Eurasian powers.

When Agamemnon snubbed Achilles by taking his woman, Briseis, captive, Achilles and his elite Männerbund, the Myrmidons, refused to fight throughout most of the Trojan War, with disastrous consequences for the Greeks. If we respect ourselves and our nation, we should be just as stubborn as Achilles in refusing to fight for a regime that has not only snubbed us, but is actively replacing our race in our own homelands.

There is also a very real possibility that if you enlist today, you won’t only be dishonored but killed if there is an open conflict with one of the Eurasian powers — and not gloriously, but simply due to the regime’s gross incompetence.

Most white men already seem to understand this, as shown by recruitment statistics. The US Army missed its recruitment goal for 2022 by 25%, or 15,000 soldiers, due to a quietly growing “white strike.”

But those are rookie numbers! I still hear of a few good white men enlisting, usually out of desperation or a family tradition. Let’s examine why.

First, the hysteria about “extremism in the ranks” has reached such proportions that it is not enough for a soldier to be free of wrongthink. For instance, the FBI attempted to turn a Marine recruit into an informant simply because he was friends with someone who was allegedly part of the Patriot Front. When Private Paul Kaltenbach practiced the Marine values of honor, courage, and commitment by refusing both the feds’ coercive tactics and a bribe of $250,000, he was discharged. Given that more than 60 million Trump voters are now “extremists,” how can any recruit be sure that he won’t be targeted the same way?

Readiness is also plummeting, which is dangerous. While the F-35 is not a particularly good aircraft and is the subject of much ire, their current state is indicative of a broader declining trend. Only 53% of them are currently “mission capable,” despite the fact that the goal was 65%, and less than 30% of them are “full mission capable,” compared to 39% in 2020. Most competent flight line chiefs are rural whites despised by the regime, so this isn’t surprising.

Nor is it particularly reassuring that the results of unclassified wargames predict that the United States would lose two aircraft carriers and several other ships in a conflict with China over Taiwan. But at least everyone’s online sensitivity training was accomplished!

There is of course much more, but the preceding should be sufficient to show that the military is like an addict who has no hope of getting better until he hits rock bottom and then goes to rehab. This will probably entail a humiliating defeat at the hands of China, Russia, and/or Iran. You don’t want to be anywhere near the battlefield this when it happens, especially on behalf of a regime that hates you and caused the slide into incompetence which precipitated the crisis in the first place.

Until there is a complete, 180-degree turnaround at the top, one should not be fooled by any flimsy pretenses that claim that the military is no longer woke. The Army revived the “Be All You Can Be” slogan and was roasted in YouTube comments for it being laughably unrealistic. The campaign was ended — not for this reason, but because its black narrator was arrested for what appears to be domestic violence in yet another example of the military’s dysfunction.

The only sensible and honorable option at this point is to stay aloof from this dumpster fire in the same way as Achilles and the Myrmidons.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine is demonstrating, war is changing and becoming an eclectic blending of the archaic and futuristic. Drones and satellites fly above the trenches, and the vaunted but the previous era of warfare’s ruinously expensive Wunderwaffen of tanks and planes are now being outclassed by time-tested infantry and artillery tactics.

Mastery of this new style of archeofuturist warfare will be essential for victory, and the Eurasian powers obviously have a head start in both hardware, such as hypersonic missiles, and doctrine. Catching up will require more than just integrating drones into infantry units, or bulking up divisions and preparing them for sustained operations against a serious foe.

Archeofuturist warfare will require profound changes in the concept of the warfighter which will be at odds with the values of modern liberal democracy, as epitomized in the meme of the “zogbot” — a combination of the acronym for “Zionist Occupation Government” and the word “robot.”

The switch to archaism will require increasing levels of technical expertise as well as a hierarchy of various tiers of troops. As of now, the military loves to pretend that everyone in the ranks is equal, from the cook to the command echelons, which is a clear reflection of democracy’s leveling values. An exception, of course, is special forces, which is born out of necessity, but this clear contradiction is coming to a head with soldiers in special forces units developing burnout as a result of their constant deployments. They are followed by the Marines, who are more trained for offensive combat and are deployed to take territory with minimal hardware support. Then there is the Army, which has a more defensive role and is heavily reliant on hardware. Those in combat arms and specialized intelligence fields are not the same as cooks and so on, and it is condescending to pretend otherwise.

You can buy Georges Sorel’s Reflections on Violence from Imperium Press here.

A nation that wants to be successful instead of adhering to outdated notions of equality will embrace this hierarchy as ancient Rome’s legions once did. Their troops were organized based on the type of equipment they could afford and their level of experience. It may also require further specialization among soldiers, as Mathias Corvinus of Hungary did with his Black Regiment.

The saying about gear is that “one size fits none,” and this is equally applicable to troop classification. The zogbot will have to be replaced by a hierarchy of troops.

The social ramifications of this should be obvious. For all of the establishment’s hand-wringing about “disparate impact” — policies that have negative outcomes for certain protected classes of individuals —  it is perfectly fine with disparate impact when it goes against whites, such as we saw in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where 3,645 out of the 4,418 soldiers killed in action were white. But modern liberal democracy would recoil from the idea of a hierarchical military based on quality, as it would invariably prioritize white men for the critical roles, leaving the browner masses in support roles. White men are simply better at most things, so meritocracy inherently favors us.

If a white strike against enlistment breaks the regime’s military, out of desperation they will have to fill the gap somehow. Some are worried that they will flood the ranks with non-white troops who will have no qualms about turning on whites if ordered to do so. This has already been happening to a small degree, but thankfully these concerns are mostly unfounded given that such troops are usually worse than useless.

It is more likely that the establishment will have to rely on private mercenary companies, as did the decadent republics of Renaissance Italy. This is great for white men, because we have the skills needed for such enterprises. There is more expertise in arms outside the military than in it, especially given that they have been hemorrhaging talent — and most of that expertise is white.

The rise of mercenary companies was foreshadowed in America by the Blackwater Company, which has rebranded, and is further underway with PMC Wagner, which has gone toe-to-toe with Ukraine’s armed forces. The Azov Battalion in some ways resembles a mercenary company, whose radical nationalist politics the Ukrainian government had to tolerate out of expediency. Love them or hate them, these forces are interesting case studies of what the future may hold.

Admittedly, mercenaries have many downsides, as Machiavelli understood: they can be disloyal, plunder in peacetime, desert in wartime, and so on. But because our enemies are in power, these negatives are actually positives. If the regime had to rely on mercenary companies, white men with healthy beliefs could plunder the regime by demanding lavish salaries instead of accepting peanuts for enlisted pay. It would also open new avenues for adventure. But most importantly, it might eventually allow us to dominate the state. Rome in late antiquity relied on German troops and generals, and eventually the Germans came to rule what was left of the Empire.

Despite this, the use of mercenaries would still ironically cause a net increase in America’s warfighting potential. The emasculation of the armed forces by liberal democracy far surpasses any problems a reliance on mercenaries could cause.

A white strike against enlistment could also cause the federal government to rely more on the state-level forces. I do not recommend that any of our guys enlist in the National Guard or reserves anytime soon. But if the regime ends up having to rely on the states for manpower, that will naturally empower state governors, regardless of what any piece of paper says. And since red states have the best troops, they will be the most empowered, thus contributing to a de facto national divorce.

Such a trend could eventually slide into a form of neo-feudalism in which the President has to appease the states and their governors so that they will continue to supply troops for his endeavors. Such a scenario would be reminiscent of the Holy Roman Empire, which safeguarded the liberty of the German people and low-level nobles via a complicated system of checks and balances based on loyalty and military might.

Almost all of our problems are at least in part caused or exacerbated by federal overreach. Anything that empowers the states and undermines the federal regime is therefore a blessing for whites. As it is said by the Imperium of Man in the baroque science fiction franchise Warhammer 40K: “Divided we stand, united we fall.”

Archeofuturist warfare will ideally culminate in a Starships Troopers style of nationalism in which the current regime is supplanted by a military republic, as envisioned by Robert A. Heinlein in that novel. Until then, let us stand aside and monitor the situation as Achilles did. By managing our thirst for adventure in the present, we can help ensure that our sons will be able to win honor for themselves and their nation as free men — instead of becoming zogbots in the service of an evil regime.

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