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The Worst Week Yet: March 26-April 1, 2023

3-4-2023 < Counter Currents 45 2739 words

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Trump Becomes First Ex-President to Be Charged with a Crime; USA Today Immediately Brands Him a Jew-Hater

In the eyes of many, former President Donald Trump was the most slavishly, slobberingly pro-Jewish president in history. But almost immediately after a grand jury indicted him on business fraud charges brought by black Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg relating to $130,000 in hush-money payments Trump allegedly made to big-breasted blonde porno star Stormy Daniels only days before the 2016 election that catapulted him into the Oval Office, USA Today saw fit to wrangle the story into an imaginary tale of Trump’s allegedly roaring Jew-hatred.

Headlined “Donald Trump using antisemitic [sic] rhetoric to get political donations after indictment,” the article is a textbook case of media obfuscation, manipulation, and shameless bullshit. The first four paragraphs are a startling example of how some people — who SHALL NOT BE NAMED — will make everything, no matter how unrelated to Jews, all about Jews:

Less than two hours after his indictment became public, former President Donald Trump’s fundraising machine sent out an email to supporters on his behalf loaded with extremist rhetoric and antisemitic [sic] tropes.

“The Deep State will use anything at their disposal to shut down the one political movement that puts YOU first,” Trump wrote in the email, a reference to a conspiracy theory about a network of people working inside the federal government to exercise power over ordinary people.

Trump also attacked Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg, whose office was responsible for bringing the case to the grand jury, as being funded by George Soros, a major donor to Democratic causes and a popular target of anti-Semitism on the far-right, including in his birth country of Hungary.

“They’re loaded with antisemitic [sic] language, some of which has been used in the past to validate violence against Jews,” said Kurt Braddock, a public communication professor at American University. “There’s no other way to describe it — he’s using anti-Jewish stereotypes and historical hatred to raise money.”

Holy flaming shit-covered matzo balls, where does one even begin to unpack the lies here? How was USA Today able to go from zero to six million miles per hour that quickly?

Of course there are other ways to describe what Trump posted. First off, Trump’s post didn’t mention Jews once. Second, although George Soros is Jewish, he did boast to Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes in a 1998 interview that he hid with a Christian family during the Second World War and helped relieve his co-Jews of their property as they were sent off to concentration camps. Soros expressed not even a glimmer of remorse for his actions which, in the scheme of things, sounds much more “anti-Semitic” than Trump’s post in the wake of his historic criminal indictment.

Trump is scheduled to be arraigned in Manhattan at 2:15 PM EST on Tuesday. Whether or not there is a real potential for street violence or authorities in the Big Apple are merely being dramatic, the city plans to close some streets around the courthouse hosting the indictment. Trump also faces possible additional charges relating to cash payments he purportedly made to 1998 Playboy Playmate of the Year Karen McDougal — which, to my eyes, only makes him sound cooler.

The hush-money charges against Trump are allegedly tied to election interference rather than simply trying to tell some spread-eagled strumpet to keep her mouth shut, which is why they may have some legal legs upon which to stand. But many law experts say these charges are, by far, the weakest criminal charges that Trump potentially faces. They say that potential future charges related to allegedly attempting to overthrow the 2020 election and salting away classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago abode may present more trouble for the famously brash and blustery former Chief Executive.

Douglass “Ricky Vaughn” Mackey Convicted of Doing a Little Bit More Than Simply “Posting a Meme”

On the same day that Trump was indicted, former “social media influencer” Douglass Mackey was convicted in federal court — which also happened to be in New York City, and involving allegations brought by a black US attorney with the unmistakably black name of Breon Peace— for the crime of election interference related to an image he posted on his Twitter account days before the 2016 presidential election.

Mackey, who used the screen name “Ricky Vaughn” — a reference to a fictional baseball pitcher played by HIV-addled actor Charlie Sheen in the 1989 film Major League — faces up to ten years in prison in what many are calling a clear violation of his First Amendment rights for merely “posting a meme” that was obviously satirical.

Well, it’s a little bit more complicated than that, as all things tend to be in these days of ideological partisanship that is so blind, both Ray Charles and Helen Keller would be impressed.

The “meme” in question contains an image of a black woman holding a Hillary Clinton campaign poster. According to a Department of Justice press release from Friday:

As proven at trial, between September 2016 and November 2016, Mackey conspired with other influential Twitter users and with members of private online groups to use social media platforms, including Twitter, to disseminate fraudulent messages that encouraged supporters of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to ‘vote’ via text message or social media which, in reality, was legally invalid. For example, on November 1, 2016, in or around the same time that Mackey was sending tweets suggesting the importance of limiting ‘black turnout,’ the defendant tweeted an image depicting an African American woman standing in front of an “African Americans for Hillary” sign. The ad stated: “Avoid the Line. Vote from Home,” “Text “Hillary” to 59925,’”and “Vote for Hillary and be a part of history.” The fine print at the bottom of the deceptive image stated: “Must be 18 or older to vote. One vote per person. Must be a legal citizen of the United States. Voting by text not available in Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska or Hawaii. Paid for by Hillary For President 2016.” The tweet included the typed hashtag “#ImWithHer,” a slogan frequently used by Hillary Clinton. On or about and before Election Day 2016, at least 4,900 unique telephone numbers texted “Hillary” or some derivative to the 59925 text number, which had been used in multiple deceptive campaign images tweeted by Mackey and his co-conspirators.

According to multiple sources, anyone who texted “Hillary” to the 59925 number received a return message stating:

The ad you saw was not approved by iVisionMobile OR Hillary For America in any way. To opt-in to the real HFA list, text HFA to 47246. Reply STOP to cancel.

The return message that people who texted that number received didn’t say anything such as “SIKE! Just fooled you!” All it said that was the ad was not officially approved by the Clinton campaign. It did not say anything remotely in the realm of “You didn’t just really vote, muh nigga — you’re going to have to get your fat ass down to a polling center on Election Day.” Now, seeing as how many voters — but probably especially black ones — have trouble with reading comprehension and are notoriously lazy and shiftless, it’s understandable how some of these nearly 5,000 would-be voters-by-text could have been hornswoggled into thinking they’d actually voted. The charges that the feds brought implicitly suggested that voters aren’t the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree.

Many have pointed out that Kristina Wong, an Asian alleged comedienne, did exactly the same thing that Mackey did, but evaded criminal charges when she tweeted the following on the day before the 2016 presidential election:

Hey Trump Supporters! Skip poll lines at #Election2016 and TEXT in your vote! Text votes are legit. Or vote tomorrow on Super Wednesday!

But the one substantial difference between Wong and Mackey’s tweets is that Wong didn’t provide an actual functional number to text, so no one was able to follow up and fall under the delusion that they’d actually voted.

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

The other substantial difference between Wong’s and Mackey’s tweets is that Mackey doesn’t have slanted eyes and a vagina.

It’s also a fact that Mackey wasn’t even charged until a few days after Joe Biden was inaugurated, which strongly stinks of Democratic malice, bias, and weaponization of federal power — which I was told back in grade school was supposed to be unbiased, non-malicious, and entirely odor-free.

Mackey was a substantial player in the “Optics War” that erupted in the wake of the Charlottesville disaster and which I will always believe was an ultimately destructive and divisive way of fracturing whatever shaky coalition the Alt Right had built up to that point. It will always be my contention that the main villains in Charlottesville were the police, antifa, and the media. I maintain that the focus and animus should have targeted them rather than ideological allies who may have only differed in terms of style, strategy, hygiene, and economic class.

In a post on Telegram, “Unite the Right” organizer Jason Kessler accused Mackey of “treasonous backstabbing” against the failed rally’s would-be participants. A commenter under an Unz Review article on Mackey’s conviction accused Mackey of being “a subversive rat who worked for Jewish zionist [sic] Richard Schwartz to undermine the American right wing for Likud.”


Tradfags in Denial: Ali “Scammy Davis, Jr.” Alexander & Milo Yiannopoulos Have a Super-Gay Slapfight Over #YE24’s Corpse

Speaking of infighting and the stubborn (and apparently incurable) tendency of attention whores to backstab one another in their eternal quest to hog the spotlight, it appears that Kanye West’s much-lauded attempts to run for president in 2024 are deader than a fetus in an abortion-clinic dumpster.

Two of the main e-celebs who attached themselves barnacle-like to West’s would-be campaign — which appeared to have no clear policy agenda besides having the famously unstable rapper naming the Jew wherever and whenever he could — locked horns last week over which one of them was the “real” Christian and which one of them was a sneaky-snake and active predatory homosexual.

It’s a matter of record that Milo Yiannopoulos spoke with the FBI regarding the Charlottesville disaster. It’s also an undeniable fact that Ali Alexander — born Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar and self-proclaimed “Father of Dragons” and hater of “hillbillies” — spoke to a federal grand jury regarding his involvement with the “Stop the Steal” movement and the resultant January 6 disaster.

Last November, along with Kanye West and some diminutive Mexican virgin who says that “having sex with women is gay,” Yiannopoulos visited Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago residence for dinner. Yiannopoulos later claimed that he arranged the dinner “just to make Trump’s life miserable.”

Yiannopoulos and Alexander have apparently been at loggerheads since 2021, when Milo “accused the Stop the Steal architect of setting up people at the Capitol riot.

Regardless, they both jumped on the #YE24 bandwagon. When and how they did so, and whether lubrication was involved, is a matter of speculation. Both of them apparently protested the other’s involvement, which eventually saw Yiannopoulos being squeezed out of the campaign. It seems very likely that Milo’s departure was in some way related to the leaking of numerous public posts he’d made last summer alleging that Kanye West is gay, or at least bisexual.

In February, West married a phenotypically white woman named Bianca Censori whom some claim is an ethnic Italian but whom others claim, without any evidence I’ve seen so far, is an ethnic Jew. Last week, I reported on how West, after viewing Jewish chubster Jonah Hill in the 2012 movie 21 Jump Street, says that he likes Jews again, proving my long-held contention that West is a political thinker of the highest order.

It’s unclear to me exactly what lit the fuse that set off the very public slapfight between Yiannopoulos and Alexander, but it was very heavy on the “I’m not an active fag — you are” and “You’re not a real Christian — I am” messaging.

I’ve never seen any evidence of Alexander, whom I’ve always found to be an intensely greasy and repulsive personage, being capable of squeezing out even one droplet of humor. If last week’s battle royale is to be judged by which of them had the best zingers, Yiannopoulos won by a landslide.

I also found two cases in which the sources cited by Alexander claimed that he was lying. One was Michael Voris, the “ex-gay” leader of radical TradCath organization The Church Militant, who publicly refuted Alexander’s contention that the organization had cut ties with Milo. Another refutation came from a white man in his 20s who denied to me that Milo had sexually groomed him, although he confirmed Alexander’s allegation that Yiannopoulos had physically threatened him.

Yiannopoulos gleefully unleashed upon the world an array of alleged screen caps containing purported discussions between Alexander and young white males that at least appear to establish a pattern of Alexander sexually flirting with them — which, if you’re familiar with The Holy Bible, is something that No True Christian is supposed to do. Such screen caps include one where Alexander asks an unidentified male to show him his penis and telling another young white man that “I find your jawline cute and powerful. And your lips cute and curious” and that “You should be strip teasing for dad.”

When confronted with the allegation that he, too, has been prone to very publicly flouting a proclivity toward faggin’ off, Yiannopoulos countered that the “crucial difference” between him and Alexander is that he has “acknowledged my sinful and disordered urges,” whereas Alexander remains hidden in a closet large enough to cram a million young white dicks.

For the record, Alexander has claimed that all of Milo’s screen caps have been fabricated and has publicly warned Yiannopoulos that “America First bites back, fat Jewish foreign peddler.”

At press time, the main thing that remains unclear is exactly what bodily organ Alexander, AKA “Scammy Davis, Jr.,” intends to bite.

Jim Goad

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