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Biden, Trudeau, and China

3-4-2023 < Counter Currents 45 1383 words

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau & Chinese President Xi Jinping

1,193 words

The tottering husk of American President Joe Biden travelled to meet Canada’s moronic authoritarian sock puppet Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, on Thursday, March 23. It has been traditional for American presidents to make their first international trip to Canada, as we remain the best of friends, and the journey isn’t all that far; it’s one of those flights where Air Force One takes off and by the time the stewardesses have thrown some presidential peanuts at you, it’s time to land in Ottawa.

Amid scandals of real Chinese interference in Canadian elections, a worsening economy, concerns over illegal border crossings, and the Left’s ongoing environmental apocalypticism, the two Sinophiles had some important Adderall-assisted discussions in Ottawa’s frigid climes.

Nineteenth-century anglophile essayist Goldwin Smith had this to say about Canada’s federal capital: “Ottawa is a sub-artic lumber-village converted by royal mandate into a political cockpit.” Even though log-driving on the Ottawa river has taken a backseat to bun fights in the House of Commons and illicit Chinese cash arriving in hockey bags, the adage holds true.

Both President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau are birds of a feather when it comes to self-aggrandizing displays of decadent power in decline. Several writers have reacted to the sheer size of Biden’s motorcade while in Ottawa. One commentator characterized it this way:

The enormous bloat was bearing down upon us. Like children counting rolling stock at a railway crossing, our little impeded group began to count. I gave up after a few dozen, but a hardier soul persisted until she was up over a hundred. . . . Eventually, like a great ice jam in the spring, it passed . . .

Trudeau, of course, welcomed the vast security theater on wheels to motor through the capital as he does the very same thing when he’s being ferried about on his royal palanquin. Even though Biden and Trudeau exude incompetent weakness and frailty, there are undoubtedly immensely malevolent and powerful forces that project power through them to subvert the West.

During his two-day whirlwind visit, Biden mistakenly and hilariously called Canada “China” during his speech to the House of Commons. This happened just days after parliamentarians voted for an inquiry into Chinese meddling in Canadian elections. It is telling when you can get things wrong and get them right at the same time. Canada is very much under China’s sway these days, as are the Trudeaus and the Bidens.

Both the Trudeaus and the Bidens love Chinese money: A New York Post article states, for instance, that “[t]he Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.”

Furthermore, an article in The Hill speaks to the media blackout of a potentially blockbuster story about the Biden family, Chinese payouts, and bank records obtained by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. According to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Kentucky), in a press release and accompanying memorandum issued on March 16, 2023, subpoenaed financial records have revealed that

[o]ver the course of several years, members of the Biden family and their companies received over $1.3 million in payments from accounts related to their associate, Rob Walker . . . Most of this money came as a result of a wire from a Chinese energy company and went not only to Hunter and James Biden, but also to Hallie Biden and an unknown “Biden.” It is unclear what services were provided to obtain this exorbitant amount of money.

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Similarly, it was revealed earlier this month that the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation received a $200,000 gift from a Chinese billionaire linked to the Chinese government, which was part of “a Beijing-directed influence operation to curry favour with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.”

Beijing’s influence operation to interfere in Canada goes much deeper than a mere gift to a foundation named after Justin Trudeau’s father, however. The campaign has been so comprehensive that Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) officials have decided to leak details to the mainstream press despite possible reprisals. CSIS has warned the Trudeau regime multiple times about ongoing Chinese Communist Party (CCP) activity in the Great White North for some time now, but nothing was done about it on any number of interrelated fronts.

That is indeed the case. A piece in The Spectator, a publication from the United Kingdom, does an excellent job of summarizing what has been happening in Canada vis-à-vis Chinese infiltration and subversion. Its author, Sam Dunning, draws upon Sam Cooper’s investigative reporting to give us a comprehensive picture of what’s been happening. Officials from the CSIS have made the alarming claim that Justin Trudeau’s government has been compromised by the CCP.

Dunning provides a comprehensive account of events and then summarizes them succinctly:

Trudeau did not trust Canadians to know that the CCP may have forked out $1million in an effort to gain his affection; that Canadian security officials believe a serving MP is a tool of Beijing; or that Canadian voters of Chinese descent feel intimidated by the CCP in their own country; or that visiting Chinese students were allegedly told by the Chinese embassy to go out and campaign for his party or be sent home for punishment.

Dunning further states that “it is increasingly apparent that [Trudeau’s] government has worked to conceal the fact that the Liberals have received covert CCP support during the last two elections.” He then quotes Sam Cooper to hammer home the point and conclude his article:

Whistleblowers in Canadian intelligence have risked prosecution . . . because they believe Canada’s democracy faces severe and increasing threats, but the public has been kept in the dark and Ottawa isn’t acting. It’s fair to say Canada has never seen revelations of foreign interference like this before, or in this way.

Additionally, in December 2022 it was reported that a memorandum generated by the Canadian government’s Department of Public Safety alleged that many high-profile Canadians may in fact be in the pay of foreign powers, including China. Although the memo did not name names at the time, it is in line with what is happening now.

The implication of all this influence-peddling in the cases of both Biden, Trudeau, and any number of elected and unelected officials is to question whose interests our leaders are serving. If they are on the take — and mounting evidence seems to suggest that they are — it is reasonable to assume that it is not ours. They are not serving the interests of the people they purport to govern. They are automatically in direct conflict of interest when dealing with China. How are decisions supposed to be perceived when the United States, for instance, comes into direct conflict with China? And similarly, how is a sitting Prime Minister going to deal with allegations of interference when he is accepting money from a foreign power?

It just goes to show that whether it is China, the World Economic Forum, other foreign governments, corporations, or Non-Governmental Organizations, when other players are involved, the ordinary citizen loses. It is time to replace our hostile elites before they completely sell out our homelands and destroy the West.

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