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Editor’s Notes Weekend Livestreams, White Nationalism Month, the Paywall, Manifesto Promotion, & More

1-4-2023 < Counter Currents 44 1327 words

1,213 words

Whenever I have a number of short announcements, I am gong to publish a collection of Editor’s Notes.

This Saturday’s Livestream

On Saturday, April 1, I will welcome Thomas Steuben and Gaddius Maximus to Counter-Currents Radio to discuss such current things as the Trump indictment, the Ricky Vaughan case, the ongoing explosion of America First and Ye24, and, of course, YOUR QUESTIONS. The stream will start at noon Pacific, 3pm Eastern Standard Time, 8pm UK time, and 9pm Central European Time on:



Send questions & donations to Entropy:

The White Nationalist Manifesto Little Library Project

Recently a loyal reader asked if we would support the idea of putting free copies of The White Nationalist Manifesto in “Little Libraries,” which are public boxes in which people “freecycle” books. I loved the idea and offered to provide the books for the cost of printing and shipping. If you are interested in doing this, please contact our Program Director, Cyan Quinn, at [email protected]. I’d love to receive pictures of the Manifesto in Little Library boxes.

But why confine it to Little Libraries? If you wish to distribute free copies of the Manifesto to your friends and family, I will also provide them at cost.

I do not, however, recommend that you donate copies of the Manifesto to actual libraries. Libraries are the biggest destroyers of books on the planet, so it will at best go onto the library sale table, and it will more likely go in a recycling bin.

It might be worthwhile to donate copies of the Manifesto to Goodwill or other charity shops. Or even to toss it in with a batch of books for a used bookseller. The worst they can do is say no.

For new booksellers, however, our standard discount is still 40%.

Are You One of Our Top 100 Commenters?

As a little Christmas present to our readers, I had our brilliant webmaster create a new feature for the site, a list of our Top 100 Commenters. This list debuted on December 16, 2021 and was immediately quite popular. I also hoped it would create a bit of healthy competition among our commenters, which it did. There has been a lot of change in that list in the last year and three+ months. Check in and see where you are on the ranking. I trust you will always make quality comments. Let’s get those numbers up!

Two Ideas for Promoting CC

Our writer Ondrej Mann suggested that I have a “White Nationalism Month” and use it to encourage people to share more links to Counter-Currents. I like that idea, and I wish to combine it with a another idea suggested by James Dunphy:

I have a request which is my request and my request alone. If you are married with children or never intend to be such and are on your preferred career track, then you have done your duty with respect to these things and can spare some time with political activism. I request that you share my articles on other websites using anonymous online accounts. Please do not notify me of doing so. Instead, do it silently on your own, and do it in a respectful, law abiding manner. The best way to do this is using a VPN, and, to start the account, a proton mail account, and, if necessary, a fake phone number, which can be usually found for free or or very little money. During the first three days that an article I have written appears on Counter-Currents, I request that you share it with four camps. The first is with Ron Unz and people who follow because his audience is large and intersects with the mainstream. The second is Nick Fuentes, who gets tons of views on Telegram. The third is Mike Peinovich’s because he attracts a big Zoomers following, and the fourth is Thuletide, who posts some good material. After three days, then share it among followers of Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, and Matt Walsh because they attract a lot of Zoomers in addition to followers of the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute because they attract a lot of intelligent people. Of course, you can send it to whomever else you want, and you can use the same method with other articles on Counter-Currents that you like. Finally, make sure you keep a file that lists the web addresses of all your accounts social media followers so that when moderators ban your account, you will have the option to start it up again, perhaps by reminding your followers of a phrase you privately sent them prior to being banned should you need to create another account. You will not get rich doing this, and in fact nobody will get rich doing it, but you may help change the minds of many.

I would like you to follow this program for the month of April, and of course don’t confine the articles you share to just Dunphy’s. Let’s make this April, a.k.a., White Nationalism Month, a pilot project to test whether this sort of activism measurably increases traffic over March’s. Please sound off in the comments below if you wish to take part in it, and thank you for your help.

The CC Paywall

How do you make money by giving away free information on the internet? You appeal to the idealism of your readers. Last year, more than 2,000 of our readers donated to Counter-Currents, which made it possible for us to reach more than two million unique visitors. Now don’t be mad at the “free riders.” Instead, congratulate yourself on your impact. Each one of you who donates helps us to reach a thousand who don’t. Thank you.

One of the best ways to help Counter-Current is to join our community of Paywall insiders by donating $120 or more a year. Please join today by filling out the form below. 

Counter-Currents extends special privileges to Paywall insiders.

  • First, your comments appear immediately instead of waiting in a moderation queue.

  • Second, you have immediate access to all Counter-Currents posts. Non-donors will find that one post a day, five posts a week will be behind a “paywall” and will be available to the general public after 30 days. (Naturally, we do not grant permission to other websites to repost paywall content before 30 days have passed.)

  • Third, you have the option of editing your comments.

  • Fourth, you can “commission” a yearly article from Counter-Currents. Just send a question that you’d like to have discussed to [email protected]. (Obviously, the topics must be suitable to Counter-Currents and its broader project, as well as the interests and expertise of our writers.)

What will go behind the paywall? The short answer is: stuff you really want to see, including:

  • Selected works by our most popular authors like Jim Goad, Spencer Quinn, Collin Cleary, Beau Albrecht,  Morris V. de Camp, James O’Meara, Kathryn S., Richard Houck, Margot Metroland, and more.

  • The reposts of our weekly livestreams

We generally won’t put things behind the paywall that deal with current events. Instead, we will focus on evergreen material that won’t seem irrelevant after 30 days.

Thank you all for your support. With your help, they will never silence us! And if they can’t silence us, we are going to win.

Greg Johnson
