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Shooting Up a Grade School Doesn’t Make You a Man

30-3-2023 < Counter Currents 39 1551 words

Audrey Hale

1,184 words

On Monday morning, 28-year-old Audrey Hale shot through the locks on the doors to The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. Over the course of the next 14 minutes, she killed three nine-year-old students and three adults, all of whom were in their early 60s. Police who arrived at the scene shot her dead before she could kill anyone else.

As far as school shootings go, this one was extremely inconvenient for the Official Narrative.

School shooters aren’t supposed to be female. And they’re definitely not supposed to be trannies. And in the popular mind, trannies are supposed to be men who think they’re women, not women who think they’re men. And Christians are supposed to attack trannies, not the other way around.

The only details that fit the Official Narrative was that Hale was white, she used guns, was described as suffering from a “mental disorder,” her Christian parents “couldn’t accept” that she pretended she was a man, and one of the adults that she killed was a black man. Otherwise, the incident was an absolute bloody mess for the Official Narrative.

Hale had been a former student at the pricy private Presbyterian institution that caters to students from preschool through grades six. At the time of the shooting, the struggling artist still lived with her parents in their $700,000 home.

According to Nashville Police Chief John Drake — who, like seemingly all police chiefs across the country nowadays, is black — Hale’s “resentment” toward having been forced to attend the school may have played a role in the shooting:

We have a manifesto, and we have certain writings that we’re reading over that connect to this date, the actual incident. . . . [Hale] identifies as trans, but we’re still in the initial investigation into all of that and if it actually played a role in this incident. . . . We’ve talked to the father and the mother. We searched the home and found two more weapons there and some more maps, pertaining to thinking about some other incidents. . . . We strongly believe there were going to be some other targets, including family members, and one of the malls here in Nashville and it just did not happen.

Police have refused to release the manifesto, citing an “open investigation.” According to the New York Post, a member of Nashville’s City Council promised that the manifesto will be “released to the public after the FBI and its highly skilled team of criminal profilers analyze its contents.”

The fact that details about the incident, especially the manifesto, are skimpy so far has not deterred cement-headed ideologues from all corners from rocketing to speculative conclusions fueled by nothing beyond their confirmation biases.

From what I’ve been able to piece together so far from the available information, it appears that Audrey Hale was “trans” only in the sense that she started using male pronouns and referring to herself as “Aiden” — which happens to be, by far, the most stereotypical name of choice for a female-to-male tranny. But it only seems that she started calling herself “Aiden” quite recently, perhaps less than a year ago. And from social-media posts that were available before they were all scrubbed from existence, she apparently kept calling herself “Audrey” as well.

I haven’t seen one scrap of evidence that Hale was receiving testosterone injections or had undergone any kind of surgical mutilation. So basically she was in the embryonic stages of trannydom. If the transitioning process can be likened to a bicycle ride, she was still pedaling along using Tranny Wheels.

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But these days, all one needs to do to qualify as “trans” is to make a simple declaration — “I’m a man!” — and, abracadabra, you’re a man, baby.

Strangely, though, most news reports are still committing the mortal sin of “deadnaming” Hale by using her female birth name. Even worse – if you’re prone to thinking such things are wrong — they’re still calling her a woman and using female pronouns to describe her.

It’s almost as if they really don’t want to report on a story about a tranny killing a bunch of Christians.

The fact that the massacre happened in Tennessee, a state that has recently been buffeted with molten-hot waves of trans-scorn for outlawing “cabaret” shows for children, is also, as the kids like to say, problematic.

So is the fact that we live in a world that denies “white genocide,” but whose academic, media, and governmental mouthpieces are propping up an insane and statistically unsupportable notion that merely by saying that men are men and women are women, one is complicit in an imaginary scourge of “trans genocide.”

Going back at least a dozen years, I’ve been of the opinion that the whole Trans Delusion was nothing more than a deliberate demoralization program designed to psychologically break people by forcing them to, as Theodore Dalrymple famously said about political correctness, “remain silent while they are being told the most obvious lies.” In 2011, I referred to this as “The Emperor’s New Body.”

But as someone who’s been fascinated my entire life with the human tendency to conform to social pressure no matter how ridiculous the “obvious lie” was, I’m still amazed at how many people obediently fell in line, stopped using words such as “transvestite” and “crossdresser,” and began insisting that any form of legitimate skepticism was merely “hate” and an irrational “phobia.”

Back then I’d also been aware that the Usual Agitators were attempting to get gender-reassignment surgery approved by health-insurance companies so that serial taxpayers such as myself would have to foot the bill to prop up the sexual delusions of others.

But, holy hell, in the intervening dozen years, I never could have anticipated the degree to which the Trans Delusion would become Gospel truth that you must not deny under threat of social and financial excommunication. Nor did I suspect that the entire idea of “mental health” would be rejiggered so that the medical and psychiatric industries would quit defining gender dysphoria as a hallucination that needed to be fixed; these days, the hallucination substitutes for truth, while what needs to be “fixed” are the genitals that someone was given at birth.

And until yesterday, I was gleefully unaware of the fact that the estimated cost of providing reassignment surgery for the nation’s estimated 1.4 million trannies would be about $200 billion — which is “larger than the entire film industry.” And that’s not counting the subsequent lifelong hormone supplementation.

So it very well may be that the ongoing psychosis and tedium surrounding delusional and unstable people screaming bloody murder in denial of the genitals they were given at birth is part of a state-mandated demoralization campaign.

What I hadn’t considered was the degree to which Big Pharma and Big Scalpel were in on the scam. When trying to make sense of things that seem innately nonsensical, it’s always best to ask, “Cui bono?

All that can be said definitively at the moment regarding the Nashville massacre is that Audrey Hale was a woman who killed six people. The fact that she used male pronouns and wore camo pants during her rampage still doesn’t make her a man.

Jim Goad

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