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Revolution with Full Benefits

27-3-2023 < Counter Currents 38 1421 words

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Jason Kessler recently offered a critique of the White Nationalist movement on his Telegram channel: “If White Nationalism is totally devoid of single White women and cannot provide basic social networking functions for single men, it is unsustainable.”[1] Indeed, White Nationalism is “worthless” because it “isn’t providing basic social functions for its adherents,”[2] particularly providing men with mates.

I do not wish to discuss Jason Kessler or the broader phenomenon of “incels” (involuntary celibates). Suffice it to say that Jason Kessler is a dedicated white advocate and has my complete sympathy.

Instead, I want to deal with the question of the benefits people can expect from the White Nationalist movement. Is it reasonable to expect the movement to provide you with personal fulfillment, romantic or otherwise?

White Nationalism is a political movement. Like all political movements, we promise significant benefits. Indeed, we promise enormous, world-shaking changes. We promise to reverse the demographic, cultural, and political decline of the white race, through creating or restoring sovereign homelands for all white peoples.

Reversing our demographic decline does entail rolling back the so-called sexual revolution, which, similar to the Bolshevik revolution, promised freedom and plenty but ended up delivering a dystopia in which increasing numbers of young people lead lonely, sexless lives. So yes, White Nationalism promises an end to the incel problem.

But all of that comes after we win.

In the meantime, we face enormous opposition. Our people have been brainwashed into self-loathing and self-destruction. And when people do wake up, the entire establishment will spare no expense and sink to any infamy to crush dissent and hold on to power. Then there are the retarding effects of antiquated ideologies, aberrant personalities, anti-intellectualism, and self-defeating behaviors in our own ranks.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.

Despite all of these hindrances, our movement growing. But compared to our rivals — and compared to what our movement needs to be if we are to beat them — White Nationalism is still a small, poorly-organized, and poorly-equipped vanguard. But great things can come from small beginnings.

Butif you want to join this vanguard today, you should not be asking what the movement can do for you but what you can do for the movement. This is the ethos which will build a movement that, someday, will be able to deliver benefits, not just to its members but to our race as a whole.

I am not saying that there are no emotional rewards in this fight, that it is all self-sacrifice, and that you will never find happiness along the way. But your happiness can’t be our movement’s primary concern — indeed, it shouldn’t even be your primary concern — for two principal reasons.

First, happiness falls into the category of “outcomes” — i.e., things produced by action. Every political movement is about outcomes. In our case, we want to save our race. Compared to that collective good, individual happiness is just not that important. This movement is not about meeting our personal needs. This is politics, not therapy. At this stage of the struggle, we need people who are more focused on giving to the movement rather than taking from it. That’s simply the only way we will build a movement that can someday deliver benefits — including greater individual happiness — to our race as a whole.

Second, there are some things we can control and some things that we can’t control. Discerning the difference is the beginning of wisdom. Happiness depends on circumstances we can’t control, and when you are a dissident, you have enemies working constantly to deny you those circumstances.

We can, however, control the principles we stand for and the goals we strive to achieve. If we choose good principles and goals, and strive to the best of our ability to achieve them, some of their goodness rubs off on us. We become worthy of praise and worthy of happiness. And even if circumstances don’t work out to actually make us happy, we can take solace in the fact that we are at least worthy of happiness.

Because we have more control over our worthiness to be happy than happiness itself, our primary concern should be our worth rather than our happiness. Furthermore, happiness tends to show up anyway when you occupy yourself with more worthwhile pursuits. Happiness is like sleep: It comes naturally if you just let it happen, but it eludes you if you focus on it or grasp for it.

You can, moreover, simply choose to focus on your worth rather than your happiness. You can choose to right now. If you choose to fashion yourself into such a person, you will become a better activist, because you will not be tempted to quit due to personal problems and setbacks. Thus, you will be more likely to contribute to good collective outcomes in the long run.

There are plenty of opportunities for activism, which brings us back to Kessler’s point about “basic social functions.” We don’t just need political activists. In fact, since political activism is increasingly repressed, nationalists have every reason to focus on other forms of community organizing.

White Nationalists in every community can create their own self-help and mutual aid groups. We need hiking and camping clubs, fitness and martial arts groups, book clubs, Toastmasters-style groups to develop communications skills,[1] homeschooling networks, men’s and women’s groups, and family-friendly gatherings.  We especially need organizations to help nationalists with drug and alcohol problems.

Such groups can serve as small-scale models of the kind of society we want to create for all white people. If we can’t create good groups on the small scale, why would anyone trust us with whole societies?

Sure, you’ll face opposition and hurdles. But other groups have overcome them, so you can, too — especially with their help. If you start such groups, though, you have to be realistic: You will put more into them than you will get out of them, especially at the beginning.

It is silly to sign up at the beginning of a revolutionary struggle and expect a full package of benefits to go along with it. There will be many lean years ahead before we win. Our movement is more likely to benefit our race if we stop worrying about benefiting ourselves.

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[3] Greg Johnson, “The Toastmasters Model,” Counter-Currents, January 13, 2017.
