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27-3-2023 < Counter Currents 36 2895 words

Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street: definitive proof that there are some very fine people on both sides of the JQ.

2,446 words

After Watching Jonah Hill Movie, Kanye West Says He Likes the Jews Again; The Jews Aren’t Impressed

The mystifying success of talentless shlubs such as Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen, each of whom has accrued an estimated net worth of $45 million in the entertainment industry by being dauntingly and almost threateningly unentertaining, is only explicable if one wholeheartedly embraces the premise that the Jews run Hollywood. If the Jews didn’t run Hollywood, neither one of these charmless spuds would manage to land even a supporting role in a local dinner-theater production of The Music Man in a small town somewhere on Nebraska’s remote western plains.

Mind you, one not need be an anti-Semite to hate the talentless kosher butterball named Jonah Hill. I’d hate him even if I didn’t know he was Jewish, and I’d swear on a stack of Talmuds to prove it.

You may recall the name “Kanye West.” Since emerging as a hip-hop star in the early 2000s, the mercurial Negro made over a billion dollars being a dumb rapper and sneaker mogul, then blew most of it in October 2022 with a very public spate of gleeful and possibly chemically-induced Jew-naming. He entertained a presidential candidacy for a hot minute, then seemed to vanish from public view shortly after messages emerged from erstwhile Ye24 campaign manager and “ex-homosexual” Milo Yiannopoulos alleging that Kanye West was also a homosexual.

In February, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reported the titillating news that West’s public statements about Jews had led to “dozens of Kanye-linked antisemitic attacks.” An article about the ADL report in The Times of Israel relayed the following terrifying statistic [emphasis added]: “There have been over 10,000 Twitter mentions referring to the ‘Ye is right’ slogan, reaching at least six million users.”

On Saturday, in what is said to be his first social-media post since his high-profile unpersoning, West went on Instagram to share the following with the world:

Watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump street made me like Jewish people again

No one should take anger against one or two individuals and transform that into hatred towards millions of innocent people

No Christian can be labeled antisemite [sic] knowing Jesus is Jew

Thank you Jonah Hill I love you

West was referring to Hill’s starring role in the 2012 movie 21 Jump Street, which itself was a repackaged version of a 1987-1991 TV series starring Johnny Depp, which only goes to show what I’ve been saying since the mid-1970s, which is that Hollywood ran out of ideas at some point between the first and second Jaws movies.

Some question the authenticity of West’s post. Did he actually watch 21 Jump Street? Did he really think Jonah Hill was funny? Did he really have an epiphany about his “anger” and “hatred”? Most importantly, does he sincerely believe that millions of Jews are innocent?

ADL Chief Jew Jonathan Greenblatt did not accept West’s come-to-Moses moment:

This is ridiculous and not remotely serious. If Kanye West wants to make amends for his vile #antisemitism, and to heal the pain he inflicted, it’s a long road and he hasn’t even started the journey.

The fact that Greenblatt makes “antisemitism” into a hashtag is funnier to me than anything Jonah Hill has ever done.

Professional online Jewish gadfly Brian Krassenstein wasn’t havin’ any of West’s apparent repentance, either:

As a Jew, it will take a lot more than Kanye West saying he “likes Jewish people again” after “watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street,” to make me think he’s not a Nazi. Why? Because saying that a movie performance by one Jewish man was awesome doesn’t erase you telling the world that you are a Nazi. Clearly Kanye is mentally disturbed and a complete mess, but some things you say will follow you for life. Saying “I’m a Nazi,” is certainly one of them! Now put your MAGA hat back on and fade away into oblivion

Why did Krassenstein need to start his post with the phrase “as a Jew”? The name “Krassenstein” wasn’t enough of a tipoff? Does he shapeshift in and out of Jew form? Does he make other comments “as a Martian”?

I gotta tell you — these Jews don’t seem like a very forgiving bunch. What did God choose them for, anyway — to be annoying?

Black Nurses and Assisted-Living Fight Clubs

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

After fighting the Civil War — which was clearly a mistake — perhaps the biggest blunder Americans ever made was to allow blacks to have paying jobs.

Imagine the nightmare of being a liver-spotted 91-year-old on dialysis in an assisted-living facility while nurses named Shaqueequa and Defecatia are smacking you in the face with their grimy paws smeared in Kentucky Fried Chicken grease.

Don’t think such a nightmare can’t happen to you. After all, it’s happened before. Multiple times.

The latest allegations to emerge about black nurses behaving badly come from St. Petersburg, Flordia, where 23-year-old failed particle physicist Rosa Edwards and 19-year-old aspiring chess grandmaster Aneisha Xitvaia Hall are each charged with two counts of battery on a person 65 years or older regarding an event which they allegedly claimed had merely been an altercation between two geriatrics in which they were not involved. According to a Sheriff’s report:

Deputies say the incident was initially reported by staff as a resident-on-resident battery, however, the director became suspicious of the claims. . . . Throughout the course of the investigation, it was discovered that two employees, 23-year-old Rosa Edwards and 19-year-old Aneisha Hall, initiated an altercation with an elderly male resident. The resident was pushing an elderly female resident down the hall in her wheelchair. Deputies say Edwards began to whip the male resident with a lanyard while laughing when a physical altercation ensued. Edwards and Hall proceeded to grab the male resident and take him to the ground as he continued to hold on to the wheelchair, causing it to fall sideways with the female resident in it. Both Edwards and Hall then ran away from the area of the incident and out of view of the camera, leaving both elderly residents laying on the ground.

Edwards had previously been charged in 2021 with a count of battery on a person 65 years or older when she allegedly struck a man in the head. According to a police report, “Post-Miranda, the defendant admitted to hitting the victim in the head using her right hand.” It’s unclear whether or not Edwards was convicted of a crime for that situation, but it’s clear that she was allowed to continue working in nursing homes.

An alarmingly graphic video from 2021 shows one black nursing-home worker in Savannah, Georgia chuckling as she films another black nurse punching and grabbing the hair of an elderly white woman in a wheelchair before dragging her to the ground and continuing the assault.

In Sun City, Arizona in 2020, a black “caretaker” named Gloria Biamushinga — weren’t there Biamushingas on the Mayflower? — was accused of assaulting a 96-year-old woman at a nursing home.

In North Carolina in 2019, three female black nurses whose complicated names included such charmingly non-traditional monikers as “Latish,” “Tonacia,” and “Taneshia Deshawn” were accused of “running a dementia fight club [and] pitting patients against each other.”

In 2018, after the 84-year-old father of former Trump National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster, Jr. fell and struck his head at a living facility in Philadelphia and died a few hours later from a brain bleed, a black nurse named Christann Gainey falsified records that she’d performed required neurological checks on the patient as he died. Despite the fact that video surveillance reveals that her neglect possibly played a role in the man’s death, Gainey got away with pleading guilty to a misdemeanor.

59-year-old black nurse Marine Jeanty was arrested in 2015 on felony assault charges in Queens, New York for allegedly hitting an 80-year-old bedridden woman in a nursing home and giving her a black eye.

In a 2014 case near Boston that police called “one of the worst cases of elder abuse” they ever saw, 48-year-old black nurse Sandra Luciene-Calixte was charged with keeping a 75-year-old woman “in a frigid basement room” with bed sores “so advanced they exposed bone, according to a police report.”

If my kidneys start to go, just shoot me.

Robin DiAngelo Pulls a Reverse Scott Adams, Tells “People of Color” to “Get Away From White People”

Few people have made more of a career out of white self-loathing than Robin DiAngelo, authoress of the 2018 tome White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.

For someone who claims that other white people are fragile, DiAngelo looks as if her face is going to shatter into a billion tiny ceramic shards at any moment.

Her newest book, published in August 2022, has the extraordinarily catchy title of The Facilitator’s Guide for White Affinity Groups: Strategies for Leading White People in an Anti-Racist Practice. Although you couldn’t pay me a million dollars to read it, DiAngelo apparently suggests within its pages that white people should cluster together within their own segregated racial circles, and she was saying this way before Scott Adams was.

During a March 1 webinar called “Racial Justice: The Next Frontier,” DiAngelo opined: “. . . And then I’m a big believer of affinity space and affinity work and I think people of color need to get away from white people and have some community with each other.”

So she’s saying that white people should stay away from black people, and black people should stay away from white people? If this is the inevitable result of anti-racist activism, I see nothing wrong with it, and consider myself to be Robin DiAngelo’s ally.

As I’ve been saying for years, for racism to exist you need more than one race living together in close quarters. No races, no racism.

Boston Radio Jock Suspended for Referring to Asian Woman as a “Nip”

Except for the one-tenth of one percent of “unassigned” DNA that 23andme includes merely to fuck with my mind, I have good reason to believe that I am of entirely European descent. If you were to refer to me as a “Euro” rather than a “European,” I would not be offended. Then again, I’m white, and even though we’re so “fragile,” we seem to be the only people left on the planet who don’t get offended at everything.

Last Wednesday morning on a Boston radio sports show, a crew of stereotypically goofy boss jocks were discussing a proposal by the City Council to ban “nips” — those tiny bottles of booze you often see on airplanes — because they are too small for recycling and because alcoholic derelicts leave them strewn all over the streets. While discussing their “top five nips,” some of the announcers discussed brands such as Fireball, Skrewball, and Dr. McGillicuddy’s. Producer and “on-air personality” Chris Curtis chimed in with “I’d probably go [with] Mina Kimes,” referring to a mixed-breed ESPN announcer who is partially of Korean descent.

From what I can tell, it was a simple joke based on the idea that Kimes was Japanese rather than Korean. If anything, Curtis was trying to say that he found her attractive.

Quicker than you could say “Charlie Chan,” ESPN fired off a statement to USA TODAY Sports, calling Curtis’ little joke “uncalled for and extremely offensive . . . there is no place for these type of hateful comments.”

On Thursday, as he began a weeklong suspension, Curtis offered the following overwrought, groveling apology, convincing absolutely no one that he actually meant to reference Jewish actress Mila Kunis rather than Korean-American broadcaster Mina Kimes:

In a pathetic failed attempt at a one-liner, I attempted to bring up Mila Kunis, which was not really that funny, sophomoric and sexist. But for reasons I really don’t understand, I said Mina Kimes. That was never the intention for me to say her name. It had nothing to do with the subject matter, and it dragged her into a controversy through no fault of her own regarding a slur and her race and that was not at all what my intention was, but it doesn’t matter because of the absolute chaos my words created for someone who’s just doing her job covering the NFL at ESPN. So I want to apologize to Mina Kimes, I want to apologize for the stupid, lame attempt at a joke. It was something that there’s just really no other way to put it . . . it was dumb and it was silly.

Shut up, Chris Curtis.

Just as how the word “Euro” is merely a truncation of “European,” the word “Nip” represents nothing more sinister than a shortening of Nippon, the Japanese word for “Japan.” Back when the United States was a more sane and cohesive nation, it was used in the adorable 1944 Looney Tunes short Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips, 1945 headlines such as “NIPS SURRENDER” and “ATOMIZED NIPS CALL IT QUITS,” and even as the title of a 1965 episode of TV sitcom McHale’s Navy called “A Nip in Time.”

I liked the Nips better when they were surrendering.

As Arabic Street Signs Appear in Germany, Wales Starts Tearing Down Statues of “Old White Men”

In the once-great nation of Germany, where immigrant violence on New Year’s Eve is becoming a national tradition, an Iranian-born refugee named Karim Khani has garnered literary plaudits by taunting indigenous Germans, whom he refers to as the “bio-Deutsch,” about their imminent demographic extinction.

As springtime blooms in Deutschland, the city of Düsseldorf has unveiled its “first Arabic-language street sign.” According to reports, “Islamic associations and the Green Party are praising the new development.” It’s unclear how the “bio-Deutsch” feel about the new street sign, because as far as I’m aware, they’ve been forbidden from speaking publicly since 1945.

In Wales, which never seems to get a lot of attention — and possibly for good reason — a 2021 government audit “identified 209 statues, street names and other monuments which commemorate people who were ‘directly involved’ in the slave trade as heroes.” As a result, statues of “old white men” such as Admiral Lord Nelson and the Duke of Wellington may be razed or hidden from view so as not to offend the “diverse modern public.”

When the initial audit was released, Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “While the tragic killing of George Floyd happened almost 4,000 miles away, it sparked global action that shone a light on racial inequality in society today.”

Shut up, Mark Drakeford.

The template for this sort of cultural erasure was set way back in the Book of Exodus: “But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves.”

Oh, what a great time to be a white person.

Jim Goad

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