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Scott Howard’s The Plot Against Humanity

24-3-2023 < Counter Currents 94 1279 words

1,102 words

Scott Howard
The Plot Against Humanity
Quakertown, Pa.: Antelope Hill Publishing, 2022

Scott Howard’s third book for Antelope Hill is an examination of the push by hostile globalist elites to bring about a transhumanist-informed, bio-digital age. This will be a new era of nightmare in which humanity will be wired into a vast, interconnected, AI-managed system that will see us sorted, surveilled, monitored, and controlled — and that’s if we’re lucky. This pan-global network will be ruled over by a miniscule, Judaized hyper-elite that will reach apotheosis when it finally merges with the machine.

Howard has shed light on the forces that wish to end the current age of neoliberalism and bring about a world that will see a new breed of human forced into an interconnected Internet of all Things (IoaT). To paraphrase Spencer J. Quinn, Howard’s aim in this, his latest book, is once again to reveal, reveal, reveal, and to guide the reader towards likely conclusions.

The Plot Against Humanity is especially timely as we witness a seemingly disparate series of catastrophic events unfold in real time that aim to demolish Western Civilization. He has once again marshalled primary sources generated by entities such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and key individuals such as Klaus Schwab, along with secondary sources, to substantiate his thesis. The book is divided into an introduction, six chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliography.

Howard does not shy away from naming names and revealing their group affiliations. This controlled demolition of the Western world is congruent with Jewish group interests writ large, on a global scale. The belief that they can control the forces they have unleashed is a testament to their supreme arrogance.

Howard concedes that this book is not a full examination of the decline of the west or an analysis of Jewish interests, and quite rightly defers to Kevin MacDonald’s expertise on the latter.[1]

The Plot Against Humanity is divided into thematic chapters. Chapter One looks at “the ideology/religion that is transhumanism and what its acolytes believe . . .”[2] Essentially, transhumanism is the belief that humans can be augmented via technology. The transhumanist organization Humanity+ defines it as “the drive to eliminate aging and expand human capabilities,” with technology used to “move beyond what some would think of as ‘human.’”[3] Natasha Vita-More, the Chief Executive Officer of Humanity+ , provides one of the chapter’s epigraphs:

Posthumans will be almost entirely augmented—human minds in artificial eternally upgradable bodies. . . . Human nature is at a crossroads. In the coming decades we will experience a radical upgrading . . . . Genetic engineering, biotechnology, nanorobotics (microscopic robots inside the body) will bit by bit replace the fully biological body.[4]

Howard observes that transhumanism is an ideology akin to a religious movement that aims to eliminate aging, expand human capabilities through technology, and “move beyond what some would think of as ‘human’.”[5] There is an implication, however, that the adherents of transhumanism and its various offshoots will impose their ideology on all people, whether we like it or not. Transhumanists view normal people with contempt: If we cannot or will not be augmented, humanity should be disposed of. Those who do consent or are compelled to be fused with technology in their brains and bodies will be forced to worship artificial intelligence as our new gods.

Antelope Hill Publishing

If transhumanism is their apocalyptic, millenarian religion, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is their church — or better yet, synagogue. The book’s second chapter is an examination of the WEF and its founder and head, Klaus Schwab, who is infamous for his push to implement the Internet of Things (IoT), the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the Great Reset. To his credit, Howard begins this chapter with a survey of the intellectual basis for both the European Union and the WEF. A key figure in the cosmopolitan, mixed-race vision adhered to by many of the world’s elites can be traced back to the writings of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi and the financiers who backed his efforts. Howard haw this to say about Kalergi’s backers:

Baruch, the Warburgs, and the Rothschilds are of course all Jewish, and once again we see the role of high finance as an inherently destructive force and obstacle to not just the self-preservation of distinct ethnic groups, but that of humanity itself, as we enter the post-COVID world.[6]

It would have been helpful if this section, although crucially important and thoughtful, had been more substantially footnoted.[7] Some of the best examinations of Coudenhove-Kalergi’s ideas can be found in the writings of Clare Ellis, who pursued a Doctor of Philosophy at the University of New Brunswick under Ricardo Duchesne. Nonetheless, Howard does indeed articulate some of Kalergi’s key ideas, such as the notion that the European man of the future will be a mixed-race creature presided over by a Jewish elite.[8] It is also interesting to note that Ernst Jünger provided one alternative pan-European vision that does not involve Kalergi’s miscegenation and nihilistic dismantling.

An exposition of the ideas that underpin humanity’s augmentation through technology as articulated by transhumanism, along with a revelatory chapter about Klaus Schwab and the WEF’s enormous influence, transition well to Howard’s second chapter about the COVID pandemic. What better way to deliver new technologies to alter despised humanity than so-called vaccines? Or at the very least this may have been intended to condition our immune systems to better receive the transhumanist augmetics of the future. Furthermore, our hostile elites have leveraged COVID to unleash not only life-altering vaccines, but movement restrictions, curfews, the forerunners to full-blown digital identification, and increased surveillance and tracking. What a windfall for the globalist program! Howard goes into detail about all of these aspects and more.

I do not want to give away too much of The Plot Against Humanity because, as with Howard’s previous works for Antelope Hill, I think it’s important to study it for yourself. In subsequent chapters, he delves into how this globetrotting cadre of hyper-elites are leveraging climate apocalypticism, the food supply, positive and negative eugenics, and the financial system to destroy the world and remake it anew.

In order to resist the forces arrayed against us, it is cardinal to understand them and it is also crucial to see who the key individuals are and what they believe. Scott Howard has once again delved deeply into the subject of global rule, exposing connections and laying bare the vast, malign constellation of individuals and organizations that wants us dead — or at the very least subjugated to the point where we lose any last vestige of what it means to be human.

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[1] The Plot Against Humanity, 6, 32.

[2] Ibid., 7.

[3] Ibid., 11.

[4] Ibid., 11.

[5] Ibid., 12.

[6] Ibid., 32.

[7] Ibid., 31-32.

[8] Ibid.
