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We Need Your Help

22-3-2023 < Counter Currents 29 1118 words

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto here

466 words

There’s a saying from the last century to the effect that you know your airplane is over its target when your enemies start shooting at you.

In the fall of 2018, I published The White Nationalist Manifesto. When the Manifesto hit,  orders started rolling in. Soon, in the “political philosophy” and “race and ethnic studies categories, it was second only to Francis Fukuyama’s book Identity, which was attacking the very ideas that the Manifesto was defending. I was extremely excited. I thought that we could be at the beginning of an actual “conversation” about multiculturalism and race — a real conversation, not the one-sided lecture that establishment defenders envisioned. 

In that spirit, I went to work writing an extensive review of the Fukuyama book, which was published here, here, and here. But our enemies also went to work in a very different spirit. In February, 2019, I was in Tallinn, Estonia with Jared Taylor when we got the word. Our books The White Nationalist Manifesto and White Identity (reviewed here) had just been banned from Amazon.

They were just the first of dozens of titles to be banned, including almost all of Counter-Currents’ catalog at the time. In some cases, Amazon did not just stop selling the books. It removed their listing pages entirely, customer reviews and all. It was if they had never existed, in the totalitarian spirit of Orwell’s “Memory Hole.” is more than 70% of the global book market. Amazon’s “competitor” Barnes and Noble quickly followed suit, pushing that number up to 80%.

What was the agenda? That becomes clear when one looks at the books Amazon has not banned. Amazon continued to sell black and Jewish nationalist manifestos. It even continued to sell the manifestos of Islamist, black, and communist terrorist groups. The world’s second-richest capitalist will also sell you the works of Marx and Lenin, with next-day delivery in many cases. isn’t against any of those ideas and movements. is simply anti-white. 

But banishing my work from 80% of the global book market was still not enough. Our enemies wanted to drive us out of business entirely. Thus, as 2019 dragged on, we lost more than four credit card payment processors (I lost count). And when we found a processor that would not back down, the enemy attacked our payment processor until they went out of business. (That was in March of 2020.)

In November of 2019, I was scheduled to speak at the Scandza Forum in Oslo, when fake news cooked up by Communists and fed to their sympathizers in the Norwegian government led to policemen showing up to prevent me from speaking and toss me out of the country. This, apparently, was a first in Norwegian history. Public outrage caused the government to reverse itself, and, in the end, I was told that I was welcome to stay and appeal my detention at public expense. (I tell the whole story here and here.)

Today, Elon Musk’s Twitter re-opened channels of communication for nationalist and populist voices, but Counter-Currents is still banned.

Why us? What are they afraid of?

We’re effective. In open debate, we would utterly crush their multiculturalist fantasies. We proudly assert that “It’s Okay to be White.” It’s not just okay, but it’s morally right to “Take Our Own Side.”

Moreover, because we target an audience with an IQ over 120, we specialize in reaching people who have the greatest potential to change society in the long run.

Despite all the censorship, Counter-Currents continues to grow. We went from having 6,145 unique visitors in June 2010 to 240,512 in November 2019, to an average of 750,000 visitors per month in 2022. We have intelligent and resourceful readers. Readers who care.

Now, we need your help.

After being cut off from 80% of the global book market, and after being blacklisted from the global credit card processing industry, Counter-Currents became increasingly dependent on our online readers.

But how to you make money by giving away free information on the internet? You appeal to the idealism of your readers. Last year, more than 2,000 of our readers donated to Counter-Currents, which made it possible for us to reach more than two million unique visitors. Now don’t be mad at the “free riders.” Instead, congratulate yourself on your impact. Each one of you who donates helps us to reach a thousand who don’t. Thank you.

One of the best ways to help Counter-Current is to join our community of Paywall insiders by donating $120 or more a year. Please join today by filling out the form below. 

If you join before the first of April, you will receive a free ebook copy of The White Nationalist Manifesto, the book that attracted so much flak. 

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  • First, your comments will appear immediately instead of waiting in a moderation queue.

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  • Selected works by our most popular authors like Jim Goad, Spencer Quinn, Collin Cleary, Beau Albrecht,  Morris V. de Camp, James O’Meara, Kathryn S., Richard Houck, Margot Metroland, and more.

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Thank you all for your support. With your help, they will never silence us! And if they can’t silence us, we are going to win.
