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The Worst Week Yet: March 5-11, 2023

13-3-2023 < Counter Currents 113 3220 words

SPLC lawyer Thomas Webb Jurgens, whose job description apparently include throwing Molotov cocktails at police.

2,769 words

SPLC Lawyer and Billionaire’s Son Among 23 Arrested for Attack on Atlanta’s “Cop City”

As someone who’s lived in Georgia since early 2007, one thing I can tell you is that it has a lot of trees. You might be shocked to learn that it has twice as many trees as it does black people. Georgia suffers no lack of trees or black people. If you’re looking for a state that’s chock-full of blacks and trees, come on down to Georgia.

If you love trees, I have about 70 trees on my property, and you’re welcome to come and take them for free. I used to have a lot more trees on my property, but I’ve paid bookoo bucks to have at least a dozen of them cut down after two trees fell on my house during storms and another one fell and crushed my fence.

To date, I don’t have any black people on my property — not that I’m complaining.

The State of Georgia has been building a $90-million “Atlanta Public Safety Training Center” to prepare police for the predictable next round of riots. To do so, it has been razing a few thousand of the state’s six-million-odd trees on about a hundred acres of public land just south of Downtown Atlanta. Tree-huggers and cop-haters have dubbed the new project “Cop City.”

In mid-January, Georgia State Troopers shot and killed a squatter in the forested area near the “Cop City” project. If you want to call him a “protester” rather than a squatter, that’s your prerogative. His real name was Manuel Esteban Paez Teran, but he was affectionally known among co-squatters as “Tortugita,” or “Little Turtle.” Police claimed that they acted in self-defense, but when no bodycam footage of the shooting emerged, black-clad “protestors” started throwing rocks and torched a police car in downtown Atlanta.

Last Sunday, a group of about 150 masked and black-clad protestors/rioters directly attacked the “Cop City” project. Surveillance footage shows them peacefully hurling explosives at cops.

According to the Atlanta Police Department:

On March 5, 2023, a group of violent agitators used the cover of a peaceful protest of the proposed Atlanta Public Safety Training Center to conduct a coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers. They changed into black clothing and entered the construction area and began to throw large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police officers. . . . The agitators destroyed multiple pieces of construction equipment by fire and vandalism. Multiple law enforcement agencies deployed to the area and detained several people committing illegal activity.

Police arrested 23 of the rioters on charges of “domestic terrorism.” Interestingly — but not surprisingly if you’re familiar with these types — only two of them actually live in Georgia. One of the Georgians, Thomas Webb Jurgens, is a lawyer with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s office in Decatur, Georgia. As of this writing, Jurgens is the only one of the 23 arrestees to have been bailed out of jail.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) issued a statement last Monday saying that it was no big deal that one of their lawyers was involved in the fracas:

An employee at the SPLC was arrested while acting — and identifying — as a legal observer on behalf of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG). The employee is an experienced legal observer, and their arrest is not evidence of any crime, but of heavy-handed law enforcement intervention against protesters. . . . This is part of a months-long escalation of policing tactics against protesters and observers who oppose the destruction of the Weelaunee Forest to build a police training facility. The SPLC has and will continue to urge de-escalation of violence and police use of force against Black [sic], Brown [sic] and Indigenous [sic] communities — working in partnership with these communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people.

But according to Georgia lawyer Sam Dickson writing in VDARE, the SPLC is full of beans:

Lawyers are not allowed to become part of a client’s criminal enterprise. . . . A lawyer cannot advise the client on how to effectuate a forgery. He can’t ride along in the visit to the businessman in which the mob will demand protection insurance. . . . Hovering around while terrorists are torching a police car and engaging in other such criminal conduct cannot be justified by a claim that one is acting as in-house counsel.

Another arrestee in the attack on Cop City is 29-year-old James Marsicano, who, despite all appearances, identifies as a woman. His father, Michael Marsicano, runs a foundation worth $4 billion. Marsicano was down in Georgia enjoying “week-long demonstrations” against Cop City which “were set to include a Jewish Shabbat service on Friday night, herbal workshops and a ‘know your rights’ workshop.”

My father was a plumber, not a billionaire. And I’ve never been able to afford the rare luxury of attending a weeklong demonstration against cops and deforestation. But that’s because as a result of my white male privilege, I’ve been too busy working so that I can hope to afford getting the rest of those 80-foot monster trees in my backyard cut down before they smash my little ranch house.

Street Fentanyl Increasingly Cut with “Zombie” Horse Tranquilizer that Leads to Deep, Smelly Flesh Wounds

In 2012, the number of opioid prescriptions peaked in America. By 2020, due to negative hype and manufacturers’ fear of mass class-action lawsuits, opioid prescriptions had halved.

To fill in the gap, addicts turned to heroin. Then, with the help of Mexican cartels cooking fentanyl in rogue labs using precursors supplied by China, heroin was supplanted by fentanyl, which is roughly 50 times stronger than heroin. By 2021, fentanyl had stepped in and filled the gap left by the decline in prescription opioids to the point where the overall opioid death rate had quadrupled since 2012. Way to go, fentanyl!

Around three years ago, researchers in Philadelphia — whose rotted-out Kensington neighborhood may be the world’s most ghastly and depressing open-air opioid market — began noticing that dealers had upped (or downed) their game by lacing fentanyl with a horse tranquilizer named xylazine, AKA “tranq.”

According to WebMD:

Besides tranq or “zombie dope,” it’s referred to by other street names in the U.S. like “tranq dope” or “sleep cut.” In Puerto Rico, where xylazine has been known to be a part of the opioid supply since the early 2000s, it’s called “anestecia de caballo” or horse anesthesia. . . . Severe skin ulcers are usually a result of injecting tranq. But regardless of where you puncture your skin with tranq, the gashes could show up on a different part of your body.

In a recent examination of lab-tested fentanyl from the Kensington neighborhood, xylazine was present in nine of ten samples. According to Dr. Joseph D’Orazio, an “addiction medicine specialist” at Philadelphia’s Temple University hospital: “What we’re seeing is the bags of fentanyl sometimes don’t have fentanyl . . . it’s just xylazine.”

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

What’s worse, unwitting users who thought they were buying heroin or fentanyl are reporting deep and smelly flesh wounds — not only from injecting the drug, but merely from smoking or snorting it. And sometimes the wounds appear in different parts of the body than the injection site.

“These wounds were a lot deeper, a lot more severe, there were big necrotic areas,” D’Orazio told CNN. “They were deep down into tendons. Sometimes you can see the bones, and we were starting to see more patients that were requiring amputations.”

You can see the bones? The only other time I’ve heard of such a thing was about ten years ago with the horrid drug Krokodil, which came screaming out of Siberia and mostly settled in Ukraine. But I’d never imagined I’d be able to see walking skeletons in broad daylight on the blighted streets of my former hometown.

A Kensington addict named Maggie told CNN: “You shoot up and you miss, you get a sore. You don’t take care of your sore, you’ll wind up in a hospital with a hole.”

According to Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Dr. Rahul Gupta, tranq is concentrated in Philadelphia but has been spotted in all 50 states. It’s been found in California. And Florida. There are unverified allegations that our small brown friends in the Mexican cartels are spiking fentanyl with tranq.

Way to go, Mexican cartels!

White Los Angeles Motorists Stand Accused of Forcing Non-White Residents to Suck on Their Exhaust Pipes

This past New Year’s Day, a trio of alleged researchers at the University of Southern California unleashed a study called “Local Inequities in the Relative Production of and Exposure to Vehicular Air Pollution in Los Angeles.” It read, in part (I couldn’t bring myself to read the rest):

We find that, all else equal, tracts whose residents drive less are exposed to more air pollution, as are tracts with a less-White [sic] population. Commuters from majority-White [sic] tracts disproportionately drive through non-White [sic] tracts, compared to the inverse. Decades of racially-motivated freeway infrastructure planning and residential segregation shape today’s disparities in who produces vehicular air pollution and who is exposed to it. . . .

“All else equal”? When has anything been equal?

It’s the typical “environmental racism” folderol alleging that whites are so innately evil, they actually plan to give non-whites cancer by deliberately building freeways where the dusky, huddled, always peaceful and innocent masses are forced to choke on the exhaust fumes of all those implicitly white-supremacist vehicles.

Using the silly study as a springboard, LA Times staff writer Sammy Roth published an essay last week titled “How white and affluent drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.’s people of color”:

Today, many residents of the county’s whiter, more affluent neighborhoods — who were often able to keep highways out of their own backyards — commute to work through lower-income Black [sic] and Latino neighborhoods bisected by the 10, 110 and 105 freeways and more. . . . As a white guy who’s lived on L.A.’s Westside for most of my life, I’ve benefited from the region’s sordid history as well. Much as I try to do my part — taking the train a couple times a month, walking to local coffee shops and restaurants instead of driving across the city — there’s no question I contribute to the inequitable air pollution that Boeing’s study describes.

I implore you to gaze at that photo of Roth that I linked to above. Here, I’ll link to it again. Do you see a “white guy”? Is this a case of the “fellow white people” meme in action?

Colin Kaepernick to Release Comic Book Blaming His White Adoptive Parents for His Never-Ending Racial Trauma

The ongoing minstrel show that is Colin Kaepernick continues to poke his Malayan tapir-shaped nose into the lucrative business of the racial-grievance industry.

Just as stubbornly as the reality of rampant black crime in America persists, myths persist that Kaepernick was “ousted” or “banned” from the National Football League (NFL) for “taking a knee” against the persistent myth of rampant anti-black police brutality in America. In truth, Kaepernick was benched before he took the knee and had racked up a record of only one win against ten losses in his final season.

Sensing a new career where he could make more money than he did in the NFL, Kaepernick turned to Afros and black-power fists.

His biological mother was a 19-year-old white woman who gave him up for adoption, which might cause some understandable resentment. His biological father’s identity is unknown, although Wikipedia describes him as being of “Ghanian, Nigerian, and Ivorian ancestry,” which is quite a bold statement seeing as how no one even knows who the fuck the deadbeat was. To my knowledge, Kaepernick has never expressed a whit of contempt toward the seed donor who got the hell out of Dodge before li’l Colin was born.

To me, Kaepernick’s absurdly hooked honker suggests at least partially Middle Eastern ancestry, but I’m a racist, so pay me no mind.

The former San Francsico 49ers quarterback and now professional race hustler was raised by white parents named Rick and Teresa Kaepernick who are probably kicking each other in the crotch now over the ungrateful bastard’s years-long public tantrum.

Kaepernick has announced that he is releasing a new “graphic novel” called Change the Game in which he bravely confronts his “problematic” childhood at the merciless hands of two white parents. (For those who are unaware, “graphic novel” is a punchably pretentious way of saying “comic book.”) As far as I can discern, the only thing “problematic” he details in his new comic book is an incident where his mother tried to dissuade him from getting his hair styled in cornrows in honor of his basketball idol, Allen Iverson. Kaepernick claims that his adoptive mammy said, “Oh, your hair’s not professional. Oh, you look like a little thug.”

The horror!

During high school, National Basketball Association (NBA) star Allen Iverson was convicted of “maiming by mob” after knocking a white woman unconscious by smacking her in the head with a chair at a bowling alley. Despite receiving a sentence of 15 years, Iverson maintained his innocence using decidedly un-thuglike language:

For me to be in a bowling alley where everybody in the whole place know who I am and be crackin’ people upside the head with chairs and think nothin’ gonna happen? That’s crazy! And what kind of a man would I be to hit a girl in the head with a damn chair? I rather have ’em say I hit a man with a chair, not no damn woman.

After only four months behind bars, Iverson was granted clemency by Douglas Wilder, Virginia’s first black governor. During a career as an NBA superstar, Iverson was arrested for an additional 14 felony and misdemeanor charges.

Thugs? Ye shall know them by their cornrows.

Proposed Maryland Bill Would Allow Peeps of Color Under 25 to Get Away with Murder

As the story of Allen Iverson and Douglas Wilder amply demonstrates, you have to beware of any state’s first black governor.

When Wes Moore became Maryland’s first black governor less than two months ago, things started to get dumber almost immediately. I can’t imagine why.

Moore handpicked a dago named Vincent Schiraldi to run Maryland’s Juvenile Justice service. Schiraldi, who is 64 years old but whose brain clearly hasn’t fully developed, has suggested that no one in Maryland under age 21 should suffer the pangs of incarceration, seeing as how their brains were not fully developed yet. To my knowledge, Schiraldi has not used the same argument to deny anyone from voting, joining the armed forces, consenting to sex, getting married, or electing to have their genitals surgically mutilated due to gender dysphoria.

Maryland currently defines “felony murder” as something that happens when someone gets killed during the commission of another felony such as, oh, rape — a crime at which blacks excel.

Sensing a golden opportunity to help her dark-skinned co-ethnics stay out of the pokey and commit more crimes, a black Maryland Democrat named Charlotte Crutchfield upped the age of Total Brain Formation to 25 and introduced House Bill 1180, AKA the Youth Accountability and Safety Act. The bill reads in part:

The bill would prohibit an individual under the age of 25 from being convicted of first-degree murder committed in the perpetration of or an attempt to perpetrate various felonies including carjacking, arson, burglary, rape, and various sex offenses. . . . The Department of State Police reports 269 arrests for any degree of murder in 2020. Of the total, 111 arrests were for individuals under age 25 — 88 were Black or African American, 21 were white, 1 was American Indian and Alaska Native, and 1 was of unknown race. . . . Black or African American individuals were 79% of arrests for murder in 2020 despite comprising just 31% of the under age 25 population in the State. In contrast, white individuals were 19% of those arrested for murder, significantly lower than their 42% proportion of the under age 25 State population.

Those people never were good at math, were they?

If young blacks are being arrested for murder far more often than young whites are, this is a clear example of the horrid discrinambulationary treatment that Negro youths face whenever they pause on an urban street corner to blow their nose or to kill someone in the act of robbing them. And let’s not even talk about all the young blacks who pause to blow their noses before killing someone while in the act of robbing and raping them on Maryland’s street corners.

At age 59, Charlotte Crutchfield’s brain obviously has yet to fully develop, so maybe the bill should be amended to let all of Maryland’s blacks get away with felony murder until they reach the Black Age of Reason, which is somewhere around 100 to 110.

Jim Goad

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