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The Elite Are Those Who Refuse to Lie

3-3-2023 < Counter Currents 102 1908 words

Vaclav Havel

1,541 words

What put me on the road to White Nationalism was a sense of disgust and outrage at being compelled to lie, or at least go along with untruths. I was compelled to lie about the realities of race, of religion, and of ideology, so I walked away from it all. My experience in college was one of enduring rank hypocrisy and being tempted to join in, seduced by promises of academic success. My revulsion drove me away — into dissident thought and White Nationalism. It meant abandoning “respectability,” but it also meant not having to lie.

Far more than being lied to, I despise being compelled to lie or to engage in hypocrisy and prioritize saving face over truth. When people lie to me, I find them laughable and pathetic, but when they try to recruit me into their lie, I get angry and offended at the very notion that I’d take part in their deception.

For a long time, I conceptualized my quest as being a search for freedom, the desire to be free to speak the truth, which is probably why I spent a while calling myself a libertarian and why I still have a soft spot for so-called “racist liberalism.” Indeed, now that I’ve won for myself the freedom to be racist, I have dedicated my life to spreading this freedom to all white people. As I type these words, millions of white people the world over are forced to deny what their lying eyes see and repeat the official catechism of the woke faith. They are forced to blind themselves to the realities of race differences in intelligence, criminality, economic performance, hygiene, and general affability. They’re forced to affirm their commitment to diversity, equality, and the other gods of the woke faith. They are forced to affirm, both in word and in deed, their commitment to the erasure of the white race and its subsumption into a brown mass made up of all the nations on the planet — Madison Grant’s cloaca gentium.

The ultimate goal of this compulsion is to humiliate white people into inaction. In the words of Theodore Dalrymple:

In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.

It is especially important to the system that Right-wingers, conservatives, and others who may have objections to the system remain on the egalitarian plantation. They will spare no expense, and are even willing to concede much non-essential ground just to keep conservatives and Right-winger affirming the load-bearing lies that All Men Are Created Equal — especially all the races — and that white people are nothing special and have no right to a separate polity. In fact, they have no collective rights whatsoever.

The Right’s participation in the lie must therefore be ended, and this can best be achieved by problematizing, critiquing, and systematically deconstructing all Right-wing narratives which are not white identitarian or White Nationalist. While this may be derisively called purity-spiraling, it is impermissible for those who refuse to lie to give moral sanction to those who are, especially on the core issues of white identity and interracial compatibility. By assenting to the lie, we become part of the problem. By not condemning the liars, we exacerbate the problem. Vaclav Havel’s The Power of the Powerless contains the famous parable of the greengrocer who put up the slogan “Workers of the world, unite!” in his shop window — not because he believed in it, but as a gesture of submission and self-deprecation before the Communists. Havel then offers us a counterfactual in which the grocer has taken down the slogan:

The greengrocer has not committed a simple, individual offense, isolated in its own uniqueness, but something incomparably more serious. By breaking the rules of the game, he has disrupted the game as such. He has exposed it as a mere game. He has shattered the world of appearances, the fundamental pillar of the system. He has upset the power structure by tearing apart what holds it together. He has demonstrated that living a lie is living a lie. He has broken through the exalted facade of the system and exposed the real, base foundations of power. He has said that the emperor is naked. And because the emperor is in fact naked, something extremely dangerous has happened: by his action, the greengrocer has addressed the world. He has enabled everyone to peer behind the curtain. He has shown everyone that it is possible to live within the truth. Living within the lie can constitute the system only if it is universal. The principle must embrace and permeate everything. There are no terms whatsoever on which it can co-exist with living within the truth, and therefore everyone who steps out of line denies it in principle and threatens it in its entirety.

This paragraph is informative, but it is no substitute for reading the entire essay, which you should do immediately. Go do it now! I’ll wait.

You can buy James J. O’Meara’s Passing the Buck: Coleman Francis & Other Cinematic Metaphysicians here.

Back in the old country, I was once asked to give a speech on how we’d get out of a certain political predicament. The details don’t really matter; suffice it to say that just like white genocide, it depended on the majority of people assenting to a blatant and humiliating lie. Having read Havel’s essay, I devised a metaphor: Each man and each institution in society is a repeater, and signals reach them from all over the place: some truthful, others false, and many merely noise. Most men have nothing to say, and a select few have a message to send, but every man has the freedom to either repeat a message which he receives or to not repeat it. His choice to repeat the message or not is his own. It may be influenced by other factors: He may be coerced, threatened, or compelled, or he may be fortified against such pressures by morality, conviction, or an agenda, but ultimately, man must choose to either pass the message on or not — i.e., stay silent.

What can the ordinary man on the street do to help us overcome our political predicament based on a blatant and humiliating lie? Quite simply, he must steadfastly refuse to repeat the lie. As we know from Havel, even a single crack in the façade — even a single man refusing to repeat the lie — is damaging to the system that is based on it. Moreover, every man who refuses to repeat the lie increases the probability that other men who observe him refusing to repeat the lie will themselves decide to do so. Since I was gave the speech to a crowd with many IT professionals, someone in the audience helpfully pointed out that I was describing a cascading failure. Being familiar with the concept, I mused that maybe I should have used that for a metaphor instead of radio repeaters.

In the cascading failure metaphor, each node of the system which refuses to transmit the foundational lie increases the burden on those nodes which persist in it, thus increasing the probability that they, too, will stop transmitting and stop living the lie. Over time, the system made possible by the lie breaks down — not only because nobody believes it, but also because nobody is repeating it anymore.

I’ve recently become fond of saying, “The elite are those who refuse to lie.” Until today, I did not fully understand what I actually meant by it. In this essay I have endeavored to begin from my own distaste for being compelled to lie to this phrase that has been haunting me. It is a story like any other, spun to bridge a gap between emotion A and concept B. Life is messy, which is why we tell each other stories and spin narratives. This is why the answer to questions such as “Why do you write”” is often a semi-fictional fabrication. Men often know in their hearts what is right and what ought to be done long before they can give an argument for it. Given enough time, they’ll work something out — perhaps logical, perhaps magical.

For my part, I know that I will never perpetuate the system’s lies, nor will I remain silent when others do it. They rule us by the lie, so we will destroy them with the truth. The elite are those who steadfastly cleave to the truth and refuse to lie at any cost to themselves. They are the first dissenters, and the first who dare assent to the truth. Most importantly, they are those who, in the face of overwhelming odds, threats, censorship, persecution, deplatforming, arrest, and the loss of livelihood — and occasionally their very lives — refuse to lie.

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