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Mexico bans chemtrails and geoengineering after American startup firm tried to block out sun with chemicals in Baja California Sur

26-1-2023 < Natural News 138 705 words

Image: Mexico bans chemtrails and geoengineering after American startup firm tried to block out sun with chemicals in Baja California Sur

(Natural News)
Last month, we reported that an American startup company called “Make Sunsets” had begun deploying chemtrail-releasing weather balloons in the Baja California Sur area of Mexico, supposedly to fight “climate change.” Well, the Mexican government caught wind of what this company was doing and responded by banning all geoengineering activity across the entire country.

The Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) announced that it is now illegal in Mexico to release aerosol particles into the skies to try to block the sun’s heat, which is what Make Sunset founder Luke Iseman was trying to do. Keep that garbage in the United States, is the gist of Mexico’s response to Iseman’s activities.

As of now, all solar engineering projects both big and small are prohibited everywhere south of the border as part of a coordinated effort between Mexico’s environment ministry and its National Council of Science and Technology to “protect communities and environments” from getting mucked up by all that pollution.

What Iseman appears to have done was just hop on down to Baja California Sur from the U.S. and start blasting the skies with his experiments. He never asked for permission to do this, and it turns out the Mexican government is not okay with entitled Americans who believe global warming myths polluting Mexico’s environment with poison.

Iseman now claims he “never actually released any sulfur balloons at all”

In a December interview with MIT Technology Review, Iseman admitted to conducting at least two test balloon launches from a secret location back in April 2022. Since Mexico’s ban on such activities, however, Iseman is now denying that he ever released “any sulfur balloons at all.”


“Make Sunsets will share all information about its activities in Mexico to date (if any) with … responsible agencies,” Iseman now claims. “Make sunsets will cease its operations in Mexico (if there were any).”

If Iseman really did release sulfur into the skies on a whim, then he polluted Mexico’s environment in violation of the country’s laws. He may have also damaged the environment as chemtrails directly interfere with normal climate function and the general protection it provides for the earth’s delicate ecosystems.

“Blocking out sunlight via sulfur particles could trigger rapid and significant global shifts in precipitation that could leave some parts of the planet flooded and others arid, according to past research,” reported Newspunch.

“If not managed properly, solar geoengineering could lead to even more erratic and rapid changes in temperature than we’re currently experiencing under climate change. And the use of sulfur, specifically, would likely damage Earth’s crucial ozone layer.”

“Then, there’s the geopolitical implications of a country or rogue actor deciding to go ahead and change the stratosphere’s composition without international buy-in.”

From a moral and ethical perspective, Mexico sure is looking good these days, especially compared to the United States. Its leaders are trying to eradicate genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from the country, and now they are taking aim at geoengineering, which is a major problem in America.

America is one of the only countries, in fact, that refused to sign on to a United Nations moratorium on chemtrails that was agreed upon by nearly 200 other countries, including Mexico, back in 2010.

“There are enough studies that show that there would be negative and unequal impacts associated with the release of these aerosols,” the environment ministry of the UN wrote at the time.

Iseman is reportedly upset at the Mexican government for putting an end to his illegal work down in Southern Baja. He complained that “one of my dreams is that we could, in some distant future, grow Make Sunsets legally and responsibly.”

The latest news about geoengineering and chemtrails can be found at

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