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Success Comes to Those Who Can Pull Off Cons and React Properly to Scammers and Swindlers.

18-1-2023 < SGT Report 40 1066 words

by Eric Prentis, Lew Rockwell:

The reason we are writing this paper is we feel threatened by the high volume and seriousness of all the scams we see occurring around us, which prompts us to investigate swindles in general. We are merely trying to defend ourselves from all these major duplicitous attacks.

Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” (1859), is the foundation of evolutionary biology, in which Darwin introduces the term “survival of the fittest,” explaining that species that best adjust to their environment are the most successful in surviving and reproducing.


The term “survival of the fittest” does not mean that the strongest or the smartest can best survive. Tyrannosaurus Rex is massive—12 feet tall and 40 feet in length—was a fierce predator at the top of the food chain, with the strongest bite force of any land animal that has ever lived. Yet T. Rex, along with all other dinosaurs perished because of an asteroid impact, which allowed small weak mammals to flourish. Woolly Mammoths were large, strong, and extremely intelligent, like elephants today; nevertheless, they went extinct because warmer climates caused their food—vegetation in the Arctic tundra—to disappear. In biology, the ability to “best react to change” determines which species will reproduce and survive.

Charles Darwin’s theory works very well in the realm of evolutionary biology and success comes to those people who can best react to change but does not tell the whole story about the “ability of human beings to succeed during their own lifetimes.”

In the larger world in which humans live, you are going to meet all kinds of persons who follow many different religions or are atheists. Christians are raised to always tell the truth, which is a good way to advance society, but makes Christians easy marks for almost everyone else in the world who excel at lying and care nothing about the truth. Or as Jethro Tull says in the band’s song, “Wind UpWhen I was young, and they packed me off to school and taught me how not to play the game.”

Some persons will give you the shirt off their back and some will kill you for a quarter, or worse still, some persons will kill you because of your philosophy. These individuals are at the opposite ends of the human spectrum. Persons you meet in everyday life will most likely fall somewhere in the middle. People’s number one goal in life is to protect their position and make advancement, if they can. Most persons are inherently lazy and will lie, cheat, and steal to live. Persons feel slighted that they are not born a prince or a princess and justify their actions accordingly.

In life, just about everyone is trying to scam you in some way. Success goes to those who can:

  1. Recognize the scam from 10 feet away and therefore not get taken advantage of. In this category we put the long-lost Nigerian Uncle leaving you money in his will Advance-Fee Scam.

  2. Once you are in the scam, the ability to get yourself out of the scam is a must. For a man, we put the beautiful woman accosting you and wanting you to accompany her to her “family party” scam.

  3. You have been scammed, now what. Admitting to yourself that you have been scammed is often very difficult because you do not want to accept the fact that you have been played. Cognitive dissonance takes over, and you will overlook all evidence and facts that do not support your decision. You want to believe and want everyone else to also believe. In this category we especially put scams by government officials and authority figures because we know how effective they can be.

An example of successfully pulling off a con, Cesar Ritz (1850-1918), the legendary Swiss hotelier whose name is the epitome of high-class, along with his French chef August Escoffier, conceptualized and brought into being 5-star hotels, such as the Savoy and Claridge’s in London, and the Hotel Ritz in Paris.

When Ritz was a young, poor waiter just starting out, he was very persuasive and convinced a rich patron, regularly eating at his restaurant and sitting at the table Cesar served, that the heathy water was harmful and it would be much better if the patron drank only expensive French Bordeaux wine, on which Ritz—unbeknownst to the patron—would receive a handsome commission. Being a short-term con artist is a usual way for people to get ahead. It has the advantage of being easy to perform, the mark does not know they are being taken advantage of, the getaway is easy and it is very profitable.

You may feel you are too smart to be scammed and want to believe in authority figures, i.e., government officials and medical doctors. It cannot be possible that these supposedly reputable people would intentionally start out to scam you. WRONG! American governments have been lying to its citizens for decades, e.g., JFK assassination, Gulf of Tonkin, WMD in Iraq, and 9/11, to name just a few.

Dr. Fauci, M.D., Chief Medical Advisor to Presidents Trump and Biden, and medical leaders of the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Pfizer and Moderna have been lying about the “safety and effectiveness” of the experimental COVID-19 “vaccine”; the necessity for economic lockdowns; the efficacy of wearing masks and social distancing; and that Ivermectin is not effective in helping cure COVID-19 [20]. Hospital administrators now run hospitals, not doctors, and are easily bribed.

Once you are convinced to take the “mandated experimental COVID-19 mRNA spike protein, gene-editing technology poison death jab” [21]—cognitive dissonance takes over, there are no revelations and facts that will make you believe you made a bad decision. You are now committed, want all others to join you to validate your decision and cannot admit the truth to yourself that you have been played. “There can be no happiness without good health” [18]. – Voltaire.

Diabolical WEF Globalists, promoting the New World Order and AI Transhumanism want us all to be either dirt poor or dead—are pushing this “evil lethal vaccine” [21]—which is why having control of the media is so important, as they get to their victims first and then censure all truth [22]. Brain washing is real and effective—which is the basis for advertising. “The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor” [18]. – Voltaire.

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