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Ye vs. Rothschild Zionism, Black Hebrew Replacement Theory, & a Black Ethnostate with Chinese Characteristics., by Richard Solomon

8-11-2022 < UNZ 62 2428 words

Ye (Kayne) could be crazy. Some might consider destroying your billion-dollar business empire overnight to speak your truth an act of insanity. This is beyond sticking your head out the window and shouting, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” like in that scene from “Network.” It’s more akin to an up-and-coming associate at a corporate law firm showing up to the office meeting naked in camouflage face paint. It’s career-killing.

Within the ziocracy’s stable of entertainers, Ye is a leper with omicron. If he showed up at a music industry function, it’d be like when the possessed girl in “The Exorcist” walked into her mother’s party and pissed on the carpet- that long minute of uncomfortable horrified silence. The millionaire performers know whose teet they suckle from.

I don’t follow Ye’s music. I know him through celebrity culture- the time he snatched Taylor Swift’s music award, and his marriage to Kim Kardashian. To give the Kardashian girls their due, they struck pinhead gold. Like H.L. Mencken said, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.”

I don’t think Ye is the Black deliverer. The Rothschild Zionist anvil will drop hard on his head. He can always claim a schizoid break. If he lays prostrate at the feet of the ADL and cries, “I’m sorry Massa!” they might let him continue to eat, albeit with a severe reduction in calories. If he stands firm, he could wind up busking in the subway- or dead.

Ye shouldn’t expect any mainstream Black organizations to speak on his behalf. They are controlled by Rothschild Zionists. It would be like the House AA who fed Massa slave escape plans hiding Nat Turner. Or a cricket jumping to Mars.

The NAACP was founded by Rothschild Zionists. The “woke” crowd occasionally pays homage to Black liberationist Marcus Garvey. What they fail to mention is that Garvey was given the maximum prison sentence by a Rothschild Zionist judge who sat on the NAACP board of directors. Harsh prison conditions contributed to Garvey’s premature death.

The SPLC, which ostensibly fights for Black civil rights, is a Zionist Lobby smear factory. BLM was initially funded by George Soros, The DNC, and Hollywood. After Biden was elected, BLM was folded up and put in the clothes bin. Don’t cry too much for BLM’s oppressed African American founders. They were handed golden parachutes that floated them into Beverly Hills mansions, Hampton retreats, and Upper West Side penthouses.

The tiki bar takeaway is that the African slave trade was bankrolled primarily by international Jewish financiers. The Nation of Islam Research Center has produced brilliant work on this subject that makes the dreck from ivy league Black studies departments look like a stoner’s term paper written the night before the due date. Dr. Tony Martin, professor of Black studies at Wellesley College, was so impressed with NOI’s work, he included it in his class syllabus. As a reward, he was fired, banned for life, and driven to an early death.

Real Black leaders get assassinated, locked up, or hit hard, e.g., Malcolm X, Huey Newton, Fred Hampton, George Jackson. Granted, these guys weren’t Urkel from “Family Matters.” Many graduated from the gladiator schools of the Prison Industrial Complex. Some pimped and dealt drugs before taking on “The System.” So what? Sometimes It takes a hard man to play a hard game.

Whatever happens, Ye’s act of free speech could create a small ripple in a big pond, perhaps joining other ripples to form a Black tsunami that washes over Rothschild Zionism like the ocean hitting a Thai beach resort on Boxing Day. That “butterfly wings causing a hurricane” thing.

What’s interesting is, Ye claims that Black people are the “authentic Hebrews” or “real Jews.” For the Princeton theology professors out there, I’m not getting into the “who were the original biblical Hebrews” debate. I’m looking at it through the lens of Dr. Carl Jung’s archetype theory and Professor Joseph Campbell’s work, and in that context, I believe Black Hebrews are totally legitimate.

As per the bible, Hebrew slaves wandered the scorpion infested desert for forty years before they entered the promised land. For four centuries, Black slaves wandered through a desert of plantation whips, Jim Crow, medical experimentation (Tuskegee Study), CIA inner-city drug dumps, and the prison industrial complex. Perhaps one day they too will enter their promised land- a Black ethnostate.

As an interesting aside, some White people identify as White Hebrew Israelites. The Puritans thought they were heirs of the biblical Hebrews, and that America was their promised land. They erroneously viewed Native Americans as Amalekites who needed to be wiped out. In 1800’s England, a large British Israelism movement sprang up. During the latter part of the twentieth century, controversial US evangelist Herbert W. Armstrong amassed a fortune proclaiming Anglo Saxons descended from the tribe of Joseph.

Today, one would likely find a White Hebrew preparing for the apocalypse on an off-grid organic farm or inside a prison organization. How do I view White Hebrews? I believe they’re totally legit. However, at this juncture, I don’t think they have the numbers to make a significant social impact.

Within the Black community, it is a common belief that Black people are the “real Jews.” Many sects of Black Hebrews exist. In Israel, there is a Black Hebrew kibbutz made up of US emigres. From what I understand, they often get hassled by the Israeli authorities. The Rastafarians believe they are Black Judah- hence the Lion of Judah as their official symbol.

Most people are familiar with the Black Hebrew Israelites via the media. I can see how big Black guys dressed in “The Ten Commandments” meets “The Green Berets” outfits might be intimidating to some. I’ve encountered their street corner display booths on a few occasions. Like most media hype, their scary reputation is grossly exaggerated. When they let down the forcefield, it turns out that they’re a lovely bunch of fellows who just want to study the Bible and exercise their First Amendment right of free speech. Just don’t piss them off.

The Nation of Islam is known for its connection to Islamic theology, but few outsiders realize that NOI members consider themselves Black Hebrews. Dressed immaculately in bow ties and suits, their right angles cut sharper than Paul Lynde’s wit, and their shoes shine like black suns. They can be courteous to a fault. But don’t mistake their “officer and a gentleman” manners for weakness. If crossed, they can be deadlier than a live wire in a bathtub.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan predicted the Middle East neocon wars and the destruction of Libya years before those events occurred. Like Public Enemy said, “The follower Farrakhan, don’t tell me that you understand, until you hear the man.” For those down on rap, Public Enemy was warning about the NWO back in the late ’80s and ’90s.

I think the Rothschild Zionists have been in control of the Judah car for too long. It would be great if the Black Jews took the wheel from the Rothschild Zionists. Maybe the Black Jews could drop off the Rothschild Zionists at the next rest stop. As a Jewish Hebrew Israelite (or Jew), I’m happy to sit in the back seat and let the Black Hebrews take over the driving. The Judah car is a spacious ride. I think the Black Hebrews could find room for righteous Jews, innocent little Jews, and beautiful creative Jews. Making Black people the “official Jews” could end a lot of unnecessary suffering.

Speaking of things biblical, it often feels to me like we’re closing in on the “end times.” If the Whore of Babylon is approaching her expiration date, what happens when the US Anglo-Zionist Empire collapses? In his informative book, “Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America,” Vietnam vet and professional mercenary soldier Thomas W. Chittum predicted that the US would break apart into separate ethnic based states, like the former Yugoslavia. Chittum stated that a Black ethnostate would arise in the southeastern United States.

What would a Black ethnostate look like? I think it could be beautiful- with China’s help. Due to a centuries-long assault on Black education (Black slaves were forbidden to learn how to read, and today’s inner city Black schools are designed for failure), there is a shortage of STEM professionals in the Black community. Fortunately, China has lots of experience in Africa building rail networks, energy grids, hospitals, and other vital projects. Another plus is that China doesn’t carry racial baggage, so I think a Black ethnostate community would be receptive to China’s assistance.

The Black community contains many brilliant entrepreneurs. The People’s Bank of China could provide seed money for Black business ventures. However, like China with its socialism with Chinese characteristics, I think a Black ethnostate would groove better on socialism with Black characteristics. This could include universal basic income, universal healthcare, free college, and comfortable public retirement plans.

Some might say that China would use Black ethnostate citizens as modern-day sharecroppers. I disagree. With advancements in Chinese robotics and software programs, much of the drudge work could be performed by machines. Black people would have an abundance of leisure time, giving them ample opportunity to pursue personal interests.

For those who worry about Chinese technical experts on American soil posing a security threat to the other states- relax. In its 5000-year history, China has never invaded a foreign country. Participation in China’s win-win cooperation and Belt and Road Initiative is voluntary. Unlike the US Empire, which bombs nations into oblivion if they refuse to go along with the win (banks and corporations) – lose (the people) agenda. Also, most wars are resource wars. A stable and prosperous Black ethnostate nurtured by China would reduce the chances of conflict with fellow states.

Why would China go above and beyond for a Black ethnostate? Simple. For centuries, the Anglo-Zionist ruling class failed miserably in their dealings with Black people. A successful Black ethnostate with Chinese characteristics would send a loud message to the world. From the lowest gutter dog to the most bejeweled peacock, all would know that China deserves the role of primary global influencer.

According to Chittum’s book, there would also be a Mexican/Latino ethnostate, (that’s fair, considering the US illegally annexed a third of Mexico during the Mexican American War). and a White ethnostate. I would suggest that there should also be a Native American ethnostate. (to honor the White man’s broken treaties). I would hope for a multicultural state(s) as well. (Hey man, I need to live somewhere.)

If a new union of ethno/multicultural states came about, I would hope they’d follow China’s model of win-win cooperation. To be sure, a White ethnostate would play an important role in such a confederation. What would the Tao of Whiteness look like in a White ethnostate? I can’t say. The White man’s program is the White man’s program.

I do believe that the creation of a White ethnostate is imperative, given the intensity of the Rothschild Zionist White working-class genocide program. I also think White people need a “safe space” to revitalize Euro-American culture. I believe a White ethnostate could produce amazing things.

On a logistical note, the primary White ethnostate has been traditionally viewed as existing in the Pacific Northwest. The main headquarters for Amazon (Bezos), Microsoft (Gates), Boeing (MIC), and Starbucks are located in the Pacific Northwest. I doubt those guys are going to stand on the sidelines and cheer like Fire Island groupies when the WNs stroll into town swinging their d!cks around.

The only alternative to a Mad Max scorched earth scenario that I see is if a bunch of strong men seize control of the country, and divide it up in a smoky backroom. If you believe the bloated “freedom fries” patriots are going to stage a successful revolution, I have a bridge in a certain NYC borough I’d like to show you. The American public couldn’t stage a third-grader production of Snow White, let alone a revolution.

If a White ethnostate materializes in my lifetime, I hope that their department of immigration issues me a tourist visa so I can visit the White Hebrew Israelite tribal center. I’d love to drink a few beers and smoke the peace pipe with the guys during their high holiday celebrations. Who knows? It’s said that Cosmic Consciousness sometimes passes elephants through keyholes.

Whether you love or hate China—one thing is undeniable. China is the last remaining nation-state powerful enough to withstand the Rothschild Zionist-International banker turbine. The total collapse of human civilization could be the next best option. Living in a WEF dystopia as a chipped factory farm animal loaded with toxic nanotechnology is not living.

Before closing, I’d like to say that the open exchange of ideas is an integral component of communal intelligence. The hard work and courage of technology entrepreneur, free speech activist, publisher, writer, and journalist Ron Unz helps keep alive that which the most solid dudes shed their blood for. The gift of free speech cannot be repaid in Earthly coin. That the ADL-Big Tech-Deep State triad would take it away is unconscionable. The American people allowing it to happen is beyond belief.

I think a Black ethnostate with Chinese characteristics would be pretty groovy. Much better than the Rothschild Zionist Black agenda. The coming days of iron and fire could settle much. I suppose it’s all relative. Whether walking through a field of lilies or a burning building, to the follower of the Tao, the prime directive remains constant: Run your program. Follow your code. Like Robert De Niro said in “The Deer Hunter”- “This is this.”
