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Merrick Garland’s DOJ Vows To Send Derek Chauvin to Death

9-5-2021 < No Fake News 134 1451 words

Merrick Garland's DOJ wants to send Derek Chauvin to death

Joe Biden’s Attorney General has vowed to hit Derek Chauvin with federal charges, which could result in the former police officer being executed.

According to reports, Derek Chauvin and the three other former Minneapolis police officers involved in George Floyd’s death have been indicted on federal hate crimes charges:

Chauvin, 45, Thomas Lane, 38, J Alexander Kueng, 27, and Tou Thao, 35, were charged Friday with willfully violating Floyd’s civil rights when he died under Chauvin’s knee last May.

The convicted killer and the three other cops have been slapped with federal charges for failing to provide medical care to Floyd during his fatal arrest outside a convenience store.

Chauvin is further charged with violating Floyd’s right to be free from unreasonable force by a police officer, while Thao and Kueng are charged with failing to intervene to stop Chauvin using unreasonable force.

If convicted on these charges, all four disgraced officers could face the federal death penalty or life in prison. reports: This is further confirmation of the Star Tribune’s report last week that Merrick Gardland’s DOJ planned to arrest Derek Chauvin in court and charge him again if he was found not guilty in a blatant act of double jeopardy.

Chauvin’s case was a rigged show trial which any sane justice system would immediately overturn on appeal.

Beyond the refusal to grant a change of venue and blatant acts of jury intimidation, we now know that one of the jurors, 31-year-old BLM activist Brandon Mitchell, lied and claimed he never attended a protest about “police use of force or police brutality” in order to get on the jury.

Nonetheless, Garland is now gearing up to put him to death!

Garland makes Eric Holder look like a moderate!

Just last week, Garland indicted the three Georgia men involved in the shooting of fake “jogger” Ahmaud Arbery.

Last month, Garland launched a federal investigation into Army drill instructor Jonathan Pentland for shoving a mentally ill wanted violent felon who neighbors said attempted to snatch a baby.

He’s also seeking $85 million to prosecute right-wing Americans (what Pelosi calls “domestic enemies”) as domestic terrorists.

He’s throwing the book at everyday Americans while simultaneously letting off antifa rioters en masse and refusing to prosecute the still-unnamed officer who executed unarmed 14-year Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt!

Garland’s hatred of America is truly without limits!
