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Biden DOJ to Activate New Domestic Terror Law to Target White Supremacists

30-4-2021 < No Fake News 41 1327 words

Biden DOJ will use domestic terror law to target white supremacists

Joe Biden’s DOJ is “actively considering” whether to seek a new law which would allow them to treat people they label “white supremacists” as domestic terrorists.

“One of the things we’re looking at is would we need new authorities,” said deputy assistant attorney general for the department’s national security division, Brad Wiegmann, during a Thursday House hearing. reports: Weigmann added that while the department has been successful using existing laws to fight domestic terrorism – including bringing charges for offenses involving weapons or explosives violations, hate crimes and arson, there have been more than 430 arrests made in connection with the Jan. 6 assault on the US Capitol “carried out by extremist supporters of then-President Donald Trump” (as Bloomberg puts it).

The FBI has warned that domestic violent extremists pose a heightened threat for carrying out attacks in the U.S. in the near future, with white supremacists being the most lethal threat.

Currently, no U.S. law lets the government designate domestic extremists as terrorists or bring specific charges for domestic terrorism. That contrasts with laws to combat international terrorism, which allow the government to designate groups and bring charges for providing those groups with material support. –Bloomberg

“The question we’re really wrestling with is, are there gaps,” Weigman told a House Appropriations subcommittee. “Is there some type of conduct that we can envision that we can’t cover or would it be an otherwise benefit in having something else other than what we’re having now?”

Democratic Rep. Matt Cartwright of Pennsylvania – chairman of the subcommittee, said that: “Right-wing extremist attacks and plots have greatly outnumbered those from all other groups combined and caused more deaths as well,” adding “This is a cancer on our country.”

Which is weird, because at least 4 members of the Proud Boys were FBI informants who gave the agency information prior to the Jan. 6 ‘insurrection.’

That said, several groups have voiced their opposition to a specific domestic terrorism law – from civil liberties advocates to conservatives – who say that a new law is unnecessary, and could be used to violate the Constitutional rights of US citizens.

In March, the Biden DOJ directed US attorney’s offices across the nation to notify DC headquarters about any investigations or cases related to domestic extremism, according to Weigmann, who added that the effort is intended to provide the DOJ with the ability to identify and internally track investigations and prosecutions involving the threat.

Perhaps the DOJ can find a way to stop all those ‘white supremacists’ from murdering hundreds of young black men in Chicago, which stands at 198 year-to-date, or the dozens upon dozens of attacks on Asians by these domestic terrorists.
